Sunday, 1 September 2024

Labour’s Voter Appeal in Freefall

Aggghhh! WTF? Labour, or the Tory crew, or the Lib-Dum Losers – or the indestructible Nigel Barage’s Reform gang – or even the Pancake Tuesday Adventists, or the Middle Earth Orc Party - whatever piss pot political cabal that rears its ugly head in Parliament have their own, unique brand of making a total fubar of things – and all at the expense of the hapless, common herd, tax-paying electorate.

Come back Oliver Cromwell - we're in dire need of a Lord Protector.

Too true, and with this fact narrated, we, the contrarian public masses, do, with a unanimous show of hands, agree – and, alas, today the noxious Labour Party holds socio-economic power and control; while the likes of this shallow and obnoxious clown - “Call me Sir” - Keir Stammerer, purports to expound his personal, divine, EUSSR-Remainiac globalist-aligned political narrative – a threadbare, cure-all rhetoric that is more at scent than substance.

So let us pray celestial intervention strikes down these agents of socio-political chaos before they make a total fuck up - of everything that can be fucked up.

Ergo, for what they now commit to, in their unqualified arrogance, viz claiming to have inherited a £22 billion nicker ‘black hole’ in Broken Britain’s treasury accounts from the Tory bunglers - hence the ‘no other option’ necessity to slash our country’s hapless – and vulnerable - old age pensioner’s benefits.

Along with this socio-economic ‘stab-in-the-back’ for Granny and Grandad’s already-frugal state pension budget – Stammerer plans to raise domestic taxes on the home front - yet all while supplying the likes of the failed state of Ukraine with aid abroad – plus embracing boat loads of wetback, illegal migrants washing up on our south coast shores on scrounge-a-thon missions – claiming to be political asylum seekers – at our expense.

And that, folks, is just the start – a gross perversion of the pre-determined social care and consideration for our own British ethnic population, which Labour’s elected office of governance had been entrusted at the ballot box.

To wit, Labour – in power now, for how many weeks? Not long, n that’s a fact, and while it took the Tory wankers x-number of leadershit swaps – and years in office to fuck up so royally, already things are more fucked up than a soup sandwich, after Labour’s mere two months in office.

What might impress, and get our attention, would be if these ‘People’s Party’ (sic – some joke, eh) goons had put as much planning effort into stopping the illegal / undocumented / visa-less Channel crossings by hordes of alien migrant, greedy-paws-out scroungers, as they did into their pre-election covert plotting to – post-election win - slash our own British born n bred retired, old age pensioner’s winter fuel allowances - and the 25% single occupancy council tax discount.

For every single OAP that dies of cold exposure / hypothermia during the approaching winter months, due this inhuman act by Stammerer and Co, we pray is one extra curse on their mortal existence – and the righteous spectres of Ramsay MacDonald – first ever Labour PM - and the real deal ‘Keir’ – Mr Hardie himself – haunt the current ruling hierarchy of the Labour Party he founded so long ago - for their anti-old age pensioner torture and ‘euthanasia by freezing’ winter fuel payment slashing mandate.

While we are on this very subject of ‘getting priorities right’ - Labour have today been informed – and are considering - they can do a lot more for the Ukraine’s kleptocracy government – regardless of the fact Food Bank Britain has already committed £12.7 billion nicker to Kiev’s corruption coffers - via £7.6 billion quid in military support, and a further £5 billion quid in non-military aid.

Next on the taxpayer funds ‘squander list’ is a sore thumb £12 billion quid contribution conjured up – from British taxpayer funds – for the international climate aid kitty - so there is the £22 billion Black Hole filled already - with a coupla billion £££ left over - as a Winter bonus for the hapless pensioners.

Hmmm, point is, the climate doesn’t need any ‘aid’ – it can look after itself quite well, thank you – as the far greater problem for Broken Britain’s senior population is the coming winter – climate as usual – and the government’s Excess Winter Deaths (EWD) ready to record one hell of an increase by the Spring of 2025.

So, sorry, and apologies profuse, to Food Bank Britain’s ‘older generation’ of pensioners - that’s your winter fuel allowance payments gone to buy Shitstreak Shadow Storm missiles for Zelensky’s dog wanker army - to fire at Moscow’s Bad Vlad Putrid, in the Kremlin, and spoil his afternoon tea and scones repast.

To wit, September makes its presence known today, so while airing the winter woollies and bed socks, and testing the hot water bottle for leaks – plus stocking up on those OAP-delight therapeutic Victory V lozenges from the corner shop tobacconist - (ingredients: ether, liquorice and chloroform) - let’s hope the global warming myth does kick in and becomes a reality for us, from November through until March and Spring 2025.

And now, for further condemnation of the Labour wankers controlling the shots in Worstminster’s House of Conmans.

Regardless of the manifestation of a Woke joke politicised plod squad, and compliant Woke judiciary, we might - not quite yet - be in living in the pages of Orwell’s 1984, but it appears to all intents and purposes, we have stepped ‘one foot leading’ into ‘Two Tier’ Keir’s 2024 Labour government interpretation of totalitarian state dystopia with this ‘far right conspiracy’ – and the ‘criminalising’ brand mark slapped on any fucker and their dog that dares flaunt the audacity to light up a cigarette outside their local boozer – or in the former designated ‘smoking area' of the beer garden – or points a critical finger, and voices divisive rhetoric at the Labour administration – that Stammerer chooses, in his infinite, Solomonic wisdom, to disapprove of - such as 'criminally-inclined speech or acts that might be interpreted as Islamophobia.

Ergo, so we must inquire of Sir Keir's Labour plan to criminalise 'far right' views - and all formats of free speech - when did patriotism fall victim to be branded as 'far right'?

Our traditionalist Judeo-Christian based British culture and values face direct threat and ‘population by numbers’ dilution - with the ethnic Anglo-Saxon population disenfranchised – to accommodate hordes of infidel and pagan scroungers - due this unbridled influx of illegal migrants, posing as asylum status refugees – from their professed ‘war zone’ Third World origins – er – via Monsieur Macron’s ‘safe haven’ la belle Francais.

Fer fuck’s sake, really, if they managed to make their illegal passage to France, then stay there – the food’s better than Britain’s traditional deep fried, or over-boiled, excuse for scoff.

Albeit this is all part n parcel of the New World Order / Great Reset plot to remake the world in their own fucked-up image – (Ugh) - and with subservient stooges of Stammerer’s ilk charged with our once-sacred and sceptred isle’s affairs of state – then we, the common herd population, can expect to get shafted – royally.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Since Labour got into Downing St several weeks ago they blown a total of £12 : 6 billion quid to the Ukraine - for military aid. A further £12 billion nicker for the international 'climate aid' kitty - so that's the £22 bilion Black Hole filled - and Gawd knows how much more squandered on more at scent than substance scams. Good thing is - pensioner still hold the potential 'Revenge Vote' at the ballot box - come a local or general election . That is, if any of our OAP's make it through this coming Winter and don't freeze to death due Stammerer slashing their winter fuel allowance payments.