Thursday 5 October 2023

Vatican Backs Climate Change Protests

Yep, today's newspaper banner headlines say it all. Pope Francis 1 and his Vatican ‘Eco-Warriors’ have joined up with the climate change crazies – and thrown the weight of the Roman Catholic Church behind the Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Traffic crusaders.

So, oil n gas n coal corporations ‘beware’ – for this guy, who now occupies the throne of Saint Peter, is on first name / daily chatbox terms with none other than God Almighty – (creator of Heaven and Earth) and thus, if one correctly interprets the Holy Bible’s Old Testament pages, a jealous God who smiteth His enemies – and anyone else who has the brazen hubris to piss Him off.

Thus definitely an ‘omnipotent force’ to be reckoned with.

To wit, Pope Francis is an all-round Vatican first, in his support of environmental activism. More so, the first ever Argentinian to be elected Pontiff, and the first Jesuit to be Pope. In fact the first Pope to be a non-European since the incumbency of the 8th Century Byzantine / Syrian Pontiff, Gregory the Third.

There again, he is hardly the first Pope to involve himself viz meddling in the secular affairs of state of nations hosting Catholicism as a state religion – and more to the point, nation states where Catholicism has no following – and on matters temporal and mundane – such as approval of Hitler’s 1933’s Nazi Party rise to power in Germany by Pope Pius XI (formerly Ambrogio Ratti) – until his later, 1937, volte face condemnation of National Socialism in the encyclical, Mit Brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety) – scripted in German, as opposed to the customary Latin.

Ergo, now, as of late, we have this unqualified and arrogant approval and pursuit of the Agenda 30 de-industrialisation / new green deal / zero carbon fantasy by the Papacy – in the name of global Catholicism. 

What a sight that will make - Pope Francis, dressed in a Just Stop Oil cassock, along with a selection of like-minded, eco-conscious, corpulent Cardinals kitted out in their bright red gender-neutral vestments - squatting on their arses around Rome's Piazza Venezia, and blocking traffic - much to the dismay and confusion of motorists and the Polizia Municipale.

In his press released ‘Praise God’ climate change document, Pope Francis warned that God's ‘Six Day’ creation is fast reaching a point of no return and condemned the irresponsible Western model lifestyles, rooted in personal excess, which are, in his personal, unqualified opinion, the cause of negative effects on global climate change – with the world's poor and most vulnerable paying the highest price in terms of aberrant weather effects – droughts, floods, wildfires.

Hmmm, thanks for that little lecture Francis, as we reflect on this latest round of Vatican / Roman Catholic hypocrisy – a legacy wherein Jesus saves, but the Pope invests – and the Vatican promotes population explosions – and the inherent / attached ‘too many mouths to feed’ poverty circumstances viz their anti-contraception / anti-abortion policies.

First order of business, before the coal fired boilers get ripped out of the Vatican cellars and replaced with heat pumps, get the Roman Catholic Church of criminal excesses sorted – and stick the lifestyles of your sin-ridden priesthood under the microscope.

Yeah, right on Frankie – the entire kiddie fiddling priesthood – and this legacy of anal sphincter-stretched choirboys. The singular reason these paedo’ perverts enter the priesthood – the Bumboy Sodomite Clerics Club – is to gain unrestricted ‘fear of God’ sexual access to little boys.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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