Monday 23 October 2023

Holy Land Hosts 'Atrocity Week'

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Pro-Israeli Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Zionist Sleaze – a timely scandalous exposé of 'International Political Hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke and acerbic satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, fun n games in the ‘Holy Land’ (sic) once again – (an area of revenant violent conflict since the Biblical days of Cain and Abel) – and in these current times twix the rogue Zionist state of Israel – (aka Balfour’s Folly) – and a Palestine divided – the IDF military-occupied West Bank territories - and the besieged Gaza Strip coastal enclave – the former reduced to back yard acreages - due continued waves of Israeli settler land thefts – with the latter a concentration camp surrounded by the IDF’s 30-odd foot high Great Apartheid Wall.

Adding to the animosities of both sides we have the US / Western-based Kosher Brochure mass media machine, as always, in the Zionist thrall, and playing to the tune of the ‘Likit’ political party PM, Bobo Nuttyahoo - the wannabe 'Zion King' - and his Edomite Mafia - broadcasting a skewed propaganda stream that amounts to nothing more than an echo chamber for misinformation and concocted lies - to conceal or sanitise the IDF’s latest batch of Atrocity Week war crimes – kick started by Mossad-linked agents provocateur embedded in the rabid ranks of the Gaza Strip-based Hamas.

Some dodge, eh. What a false flag / self-harm stunt. The manky Mossad’s treacherous embedded stooges infesting Gaza and the rabid ranks of Hamas, cajoling them to attack ersatz Israel – then the IDF can do what it does best – target the Palestinian population in their cancel culture bomb sights – then go all out on a ‘seek n destroy’ ethnic cleansing mission - the good ole ‘justified genocide’ game - killing every fucker old enough to bleed – (with news photos galore of Israeli warplanes dropping nasty Willy-Pete incendiary munitions on the civilian population of Gaza) – bombed and shelled into the Stone Age, according to the explicit genocidal goals of an Israeli military strategy, known as the ‘Dahiya Doctrine’ – and put paid to the evil Zionist state’s ‘Palestinian problem’ for good – and then seize the Gaza Strip coastal enclave as part of the ever-extending rogue state of Israel – from the Jordan River to the Western Sea.

Machiavelli would be 'thumbs up' proud of Yahweh’s chosen people, for their deranged and homicidal ingenuity.

But the gospel according to the Zionist-controlled Western media, it’s Hamas that are the bad boys, kick starting this Jolly Jihad affair, simply due the fact they’re sick of Zionist Israeli abuses, Knesset-sanctioned land thefts by settlers – justified via this delusional Zionist creed viz a Promised Land and their Manifest Destiny bullshit – to expropriate the lands of others - and thus being marginalised and disenfranchised as per the Gaza Strip coastal enclave – a veritable concentration camp – with two and a half million hapless souls - Muslim Palestinian men, women, and children - segregated from their West Bank fellow Palestinian brothers and sisters – and made virtual prisoners, besieged behind the IDF’s Great Apartheid Wall.  

Yet cadres of sociopathic personalities exist on both sides of this violent equation – with both the IDF leadershits and Bobo Nuttyahoo’s nutty Knesset assemblage manifest as a collective case study in sociopathic personality disorders – a well-matched adversary for the Gaza Strip-based Hamas psychos.

True, Hamas, alike their al Fatah, PLO and PFLP predecessors, definitely qualify for a page in the Big Bad Book of Terrorist Scum – right alongside the 1940’s Israel entry.

There again, regardless of the wicked Western media machine playing semantic games with the term ‘terrorist’ – we might be reminded that one man’s terrorists are another’s ‘freedom fighters’ – and that is a certain fact with the likes of the marginalised and disenfranchised Palestinian militants of Fatah, the PLO, the PFLP, and Hamas, in the eyes of the World.

Ergo, and while we focus on the subject of terrorists, let's not forget the Zionist Irgun variety – (headed by Menachem ‘Skeletor’ Begin – later Crime Minister of the rogue state of Israel) – who, with the endorsed approval of their fellow Haganah and Stern Gang Zionist terror factions - bombed the King David Hotel in July 1946 - the HQ of the British Mandate occupation forces administering Palestine and Trans-Jordan. 90+ killed outright – with 40+ more injured – in all a cosmopolitan mix of Arab Muslims, Coptic Christians, Jews, and heathen Brits.

So too, on the subject of terrorist acts, let us not forget the Palestinian Muslim population’s Shoah, their Holocaust – the May, 1948 Yawm an-Nakba – the Day of the Catastrophe – the force of arms displacement of the entire Palestinian population of ‘Palestine’ - driven out of their rightful homeland by the European Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of Convenience – to establish their illegal Zionist state of Israel – on the flimsy religion-grounded premise it was their Promised Land – and they, in a statement of gross, unqualified arrogance, God’s ‘chosen people’ – an act that manifested in greed-mongering Zionist settlers stealing the Palestinian’s lands.

Yet any and all criticism of the rogue Zionist state viz their land thefts and marginalisation of the civilian populations of the now-divided Palestinian state – the West Bank territories and the Gaza Strip – and current military revenge on the Gaza-based Hamas – reducing the entire Gaza Strip to rubble – we have a sleazy Western media slamming Western household celebrity face’s criticism of the Zionist state – for provoking the likes of Hamas military attacks on themselves due their everyday venal disenfranchisement, and marginalisation, of the Muslim populations.

Sorry folks, but we’re collectively sick of the international Zionist network’s hypocrisy – backed n funded more by shekels than morals or conscience – uttering this perennial ‘victims’ mantra, and Holocaust reminders, as they inflict worse human rights abuses and war crimes on the heads of the hapless populations of the now-divided lands of Palestine – the IDF-occupied West Bank territories, and the besieged Gaza Strip littoral enclave.

A Palestinian population dispossessed, who, since 1948, no longer have a unified nation state, suffering decades of Zionist military occupation, and existing under an apartheid situation wherein they are deprived of freedom, dignity and justice.

Now we have the Kosher Nostra’s self-professed Mid-East ‘expert’ - (dontcha just hate that bullshit appellation) - some porcine turkey called David Mencer, a former director of the Labour Party’s Friends of Israel brown-nosing club – branding any and all support for Palestine by British-based celebs with the good ole ‘anti-Semitism’ smear.

For the record, a Semite (root of Semitism / Semitic) is not automatically a person of the Jewish faith, but a speaker of one of the various Semitic languages - (Arabic, Amharic, Akkadian, Aramaic, Berber, Canaanite, Eblaite, Egyptian, Ge'ez, Harari, Hebrew, Maltese, Moabite, Phoenician, Syriac, and Sabaean, to name a sample listing – but not all in entirety, and of which Hebrew is a minor spoken language member) - but today, as so much else corrupted and manipulated by the venal Zionist entity, the terms Semite and Semitic have been hijacked and copyrighted as purely Jewish-related.

Ergo, criticism of Israel viz their human rights abuse treatment of the Palestinian population – the disenfranchisement and marginalisation - and revenant land thefts - is entirely legitimate, justified and based on the delinquent actions of the Ashkenazi Zionist Israeli government, and thus does not reflect individually nor collectively on Jews, Jewishness or Judaism itself.

However, the Zionist plan is to catch all such criticism in the anti-Semitism / hate speech dragnet so that the Israeli Government can continue unimpeded on its merry genocidal way. The definition of anti-Semitism was hijacked for one simple reason: censorship. 

Along with the exploitation of the concept of anti-Semitism, this is a sinister trend that has been accelerating lately.

Historically, anti-Semitism was misused to mean the hatred of Jews, simply due the fact they were Jewish – and were responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ – and had zero relation to the multi-cultural speakers of the many Semitic languages.

Nowadays, the international Zionist cabal and network have cunningly adopted the definition of anti-Semitism to block and smear any criticism of Israel – or hijacking of the Jewish identity..

Typically, in the Jewish whinge and moan tradition, the entire kosher camp is currently throwing a hissy fit, and spitting the proverbial dummy, viz the manipulating and blurring of Jewish identity as Helen Mirren, a goyim non-believer, was the chosen one to play the role of Golda Meyer in the current Golda biopic movie – and joins Bradley Cooper, another goyim being picked to play the role of Leonard Bernstein and wearing a prosthetic schnozzer – getting jointly slagged off for their theft of Jewish identity.

An objective look at the record of duplicity by the Zionist state entity will cast both eye and ear to the careless, in fact pompous and boastful, admittance of former Israeli politician and Knesset minister, Shulamit Aloni, who founded the Ratz party (how fitting), and, as leader of the Meretz party served in the post of Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993.

“Well, the anti-Semitism slur is a trick we always use when some European criticizes Israel, then we bring out the Holocaust. When in the US they criticize Israel, they are anti-Semitic – and that makes it easy to smear people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government and IDF – and that justifies everything we do to the Palestinians.” 

To wit, anyone with a couple of brain cells still achieving telemetry will see through this Zionist ruse of anti-Semitism – and those possessed of moral conscience shall rise above it. 

For the record: Zionism was made official in the late 1800s as a non-religious nationalist movement arguing that the goyim Christian Bible was proof that Jews had a lawful claim to the land of Palestine - an area inhabited by a Muslim population that had lived there, relatively peacefully, for centuries.

On the fanciful basis of this alleged Bible evidence, Europe-based Ashkenazi Jews began immigrating to Palestine with the intention of creating a state of Israel – a force of arms violent event that eventually became reality in 1948 - post World War Two and the formation of the United Nations.

Hmmm, the deistic spirit of Judaism is a vacuous entity now become – sans compass or direction – for obviously the Israelis have suffered a collective memory failure when it comes down to referring to the disenfranchised and marginalised Palestinians as genocidal terrorists, committing human rights abuses, and other assorted atrocities, when, back in the late 1940’s, that was the phrase used to describe the Zionist genocidal terrorist fanatics (Irgun, Haganah, and Abraham Stern Gang) attempting to drive out the British Mandate administration – and the Palestinian Muslim population of – er – what was then recognised as Palestine - and declare the Holy Land as ersatz Israel - all on the justification that the post-WW2 European diaspora of Khazar-Ashkenazi Zionist usurpers were God’s Chosen People, and Palestine their Promised Land.

Talk about jumping on a political bandwagon to drum up electioneering votes, now we have the political opportunist likes of Broken Britain’s Labour party leader, the pro-Zionist stooge ‘Sir’ Keir Stammerer, this week publicly announcing his personal unqualified opinion on the current Israeli / Palestinian ‘who bombed who’ brouhaha with a stream of pro-Zionist brown-nosing, and horrifying, preposterous comments, promoting ‘Labour’s Bombs & Bullets for Israel’ donations campaign.

As opposed to calling for a de-escalation to violence, and a ceasefire, Stammerer is all-out declaring that Israel have a justified right to impose a copycat Holodomor diet on Gaza - to withhold food, water, medicines, fuel, and electricity from the hapless – and innocent - 2.2 million Palestinian Muslim civilians trapped inside the Gaza Strip coastal enclave – with the Labour party effectively endorsing a war crime - as collective punishment is not only inhumane and unconscionable, but so too illegal under international law.

Nice one, Sir Keir. Almost on a par with his gross incompetence failure as Director of the Crown Prosecution Service to prosecute the BBC’s celeb’ paedo’ sex pest, serial rapist and necrophiliac dodgy DJ - Jimmy Savile.

In response to Keir’s ill-though endorsement of Israel’s human rights crimes, Britain’s Muslim councillors are quitting the racist Labour party in droves – as Stammerer’s remarks were reaffirmed by Labour’s chinless Shadow Minister for Duckfat Affairs, the porcine Emily Thornberry - an opinion obviously shared by the upper echelon of the party – that the Labour party, as a political entity, is no longer a safe place for Palestinians and Muslims.

Meanwhile, unqualified arrogance and gross hypocrisy are alive and well in London, with Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Tipsy 'Zippy' Hotpants, publicly expressing her personal disgust at the Met Plod Squad for allowing pro-Palestine rallies in London.

Zippy informed a gaggle of salivating, gutter press hacks that ‘we cannot allow this type of horror ‘on our streets’ - the West is under barbaric attack.’

Que? WTF? ‘Our streets’? These are ‘OUR’ streets – not the Zionist bully’s streets. Streets where freedom of speech and protest rule the democratic day – unlike Israel. For the West, per se, is not under some broad brush ‘attack’ – just Zionist Israel for their despicable treatment of the Palestinian populations of Palestine - into the virtual refugee prison camps of the occupied West Bank territories – and the besieged Gaza Strip enclave.

Well, the positive side of this so-called ‘out of the blue’ Hamas ‘terror’ attack has definitely served its intended purpose - to distract a not-too-smart Israeli population from the real socio-economic issues of the day - and effectively silence political dissent and internal disagreements viz political problems various – and specifically criticism of the nutty Knesset Crime Minister, Bobo Nuttyahoo, and his Likit party’s mismanagement of government and the economy.

Once again, for the record, not that any fucker or their dog will take notice of such historic truth – the Zionist camp’s arch-nemesis of today, Hamas, is the 'bogeyman' creation of Israel’s own making – by their 1970’s division of the Yasser Arafat-led PLO and the arch-militant al Fatah – with Israel funding and supporting Hamas as a ‘third force’ secular rival – operating out of the Islamic University of Gaza, from where the group recruited activists – and the suicide bombers of tomorrow.

But this current venally manipulated conflict with Hamas is all part n parcel of the Likit Party’s pro-Zio-fascist ‘resettlement’ (aka ‘final solution’) long term agenda – to solve their Hamas / Palestinian problem - carpet bomb the Gaza Strip via application of the WW2 destroy every fucking thing 'Dresden Doctrine'.

Ergo, to further dispossess the rightful Palestinian owner-residents of the besieged and marginalised Gaza Strip – pretty much in accord with Satan Klaus Schlob’s WEF Great Reset agenda - wherein the Palestinians ‘vill own nutink’ – and be happy (we don’t think) as they are forced out of Gaza and into Egypt - a purported, sustainable plan that aligns with the economic and geopolitical interests of Zionist Israel and the USA – with their corrupt, running dog stooge, Egyptian Pharaoh, Fatso el- Sissy Boy – copping all manner of foreign back-handers to facilitate the re-settlement of Gaza’s population in the bleak confines of the Sinai Peninsula’s desert wastelands - then have legal pretence control over Gaza’s coveted offshore natural gas reserves - already seized and stolen by the Zionist regime.

Anyone want to know WTF comes next – a couple of years down the amnesiac political memory road? The entire West Bank territories being uprooted and expelled by force of arms, as refugees into Jordan - or the same dodgy, Sinai desert destination as the Gaza dispossessed - to join the dehydrated and malnourished surviving members of their usurped Palestinian Muslim refugee brethren.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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