Wednesday 1 March 2023

Carnivore Shaming: Next Woke Project

Well, while we are now, on the first day of March, still a full month short of the advent of April Fool’s Day, the Woke cult’s neurosis-smitten ‘life science gurus’ are calling for the introduction of ‘social-shaming’ labels to be stuck on all manner of meat products in a bid to deter shoppers from buying animal-based foods – aka meat and fish / seafoods.

A study from the Delft University for Woke Stupidity in the Netherlands has suggested that their deranged European and US-focused ‘Go Veggie’ evangelical campaign might be promoted best by including horrific images of animals being slaughtered in an abattoir - with opprobrious and stigmatic messages attached, such as ‘Peppa Pig was Murdered to Feed You!’.

This absurd potential labelling crusade, which poses an existential threat to traditional Western diet, has been likened to the ‘stop smoking’ notice printed on cigarette packets, which are now adorned with images of black lungs, rotting teeth, and some hapless, ‘pack-a-day’ smoker coughing up blood.

The Woke Joke mass psychology vegan authors of this proposed ‘halo-effect’ folly – to all intents and purposes a ‘guilt n shame’ focused study - claim that while meat-shaming messages may trigger a bout of passing shame in carnivorous shoppers, such can translate into experiencing negative emotions, and thus modified behaviour – such as ordering a veggie-based pizza for dinner, instead of chicken nuggets or McD’s ‘Chew n Spew’ burgers.

Yee-ha! Where the fuck will the Woke Joke virtue-signalling / moral arbiter insanity stop – and WTF comes next? Stick their hysterical messages on t-shirts to shame Third World cannibals into not eating their vegetarian neighbours – or tourists.

Or, from an abstract view, on a par with the anti-cigarette smoking deterrent propaganda ad labels, stating ‘Eating Smoked Bacon Can Cause Lung Cancer’.

Yep, once again we are presented with an example of Woke gimmickry gone bonkers – none of which is cogent when they stage their erratic Little Miss Cautious 'fragile sensibilities' play acting role – the sole socio-political arbiters of the ‘Gospel Truth’ - with their sexist n exclusionary chatter, and unqualified arrogant dribble viz micro-aggressions and climate change, zero carbon, new green deal, equity, diversity, inclusiveness, black is beautiful – and black lives matter (here, in the West, but not Africa), white shame, white shite privilege – and now, the latest bonkers social programming project – carnivore-shaming.

LMAO, you name it, and the Woke cult – a reality and rationale deficient brand – take it upon themselves to think for you – while they can’t even apply common sense and logic to their own line of reasoning – yet are ready to pass the final word of moral Judgement on what-the-fuck-ever happens to offend their delicate sensitivities and inflated egoism – and eagerly supported by establishment officialdom and corporate bureaucracy – collectively guilty of embracing all things Woke, to win socio-political brownie points.

Hmmm, so much for this year’s Xmas turkey – eradicated from the festive season menu – by a bunch of Woke turkeys.

Okay folks, now time for a ‘wake-the-fuck-up; dose of ‘food for thought’ realism. The low-cholesterol, zero carbon, green-friendly variety, that the anti-meat eating lobby’s moralists can wallow in.

Have any of these know-all Woke twats ever hears of, let alone read, the works and studies of a guy named Cleve Baxter?

A CIA interrogation specialist and polygraph technician, in the 1960’s Baxter developed a theory of ‘primary perception’ through coupling a wide variety of potted plants up to his polygraph machines, to experiment with their sensitivity reactions – which led to his conclusion that not only did his potted plants communicate via extra-sensory perception, but that plants / trees, with a common ‘in soil’ station of existence, communicated through their root systems.

Baxter further established that plants – and here we include all manner of market fruits and veggies, in their growing medium state, can communicate, and experience pain and pleasure – with such reactions registered, measured, and recorded for posterity on the attached polygraph printer sheets.

Ergo, the Woke cult membershits pushing the vegetarian and vegan lifestyles can now reflect on the moralist aspect of their censoring, preaching, and reprimanding our human society’s meat-eating community.

The next occasion these wankers are veggie shopping they might contemplate on the fate of the lettuce they place in a shopping trolley – whose growing life was terminated when it was ripped out of the ground, sans anaesthetic, or electric stun gun shock – silently screaming, as its roots were torn apart, and weathered outer leaves sliced away.

Hence beware the message from these swivel-eyed, progressive Woke cult wankers - and their hive mind applauders - whose neurosis-ridden, control freak ideology has embedded itself in so many public and private organisations – for yesteryear the same mindset morons were responsible for the burning of innocents: aka 'witches and heretics'.

So too, let us not overlook the abundance of IQ-deficient celebrity talking heads agreeing with, and promoting, the Woke Joke skewed doctrines – with a plethora of asinine ‘I’m offended’ grievances indulged by our police state uniformed Plod Squad morons – (who display a systemic Wole Joke support by painting squad cars in rainbow colours – at the taxpayers’ expense – and too fly the fascist rainbow flag) - and the government of this day’s totalitarian HR departments – dominated by embedded cells of Fifth Column Woke activists – collectively vassals of a corrupt and debased radical culture system, that is evil at the core – and to whom moral degeneracy is the order of their day.

Time is, to unshackle and reclaim our free speech-endowed culture from the choke hold of this band of insane hypocrites, to instil and promote our traditional Christian moral values - before their dodgy dogmatic Great Reset Woke creed becomes further written into our national law statutes.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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