Thursday 16 February 2023

Wokester Cult Rank Women with Clucks

Yep, you read the headline right: the Woke cult’s ‘gender bender’ fascists are now ranking women in the same Linnaean taxonomy category as farmyard chickens – with both species defined as ‘egg-layers’.

Woke propagandists – a gaggle of self-appointed social engineering bunglers, incapable of shame, whose experience in this endeavour is more at scent than substance, and bears the lingering and pervasive stench of incompetence; are urging the free-thinking populations of Western nations, via a route of rhetorical propaganda, to refer to their womenfolk as 'the producers of eggs’ – on a par with a farmer’s free range hens.

These latter day social fascists, seizing – sans popular commission - the reins of ideological advocacy to naysay science - are intent on redefining the English language from what is today coherent and rational, into a Babel-esque Mother of all Confusion - claiming the gender descriptive words ‘male’ and ‘female’ should be phased out of the common English vocabulary, which might well have the likes of literary giants, of the calibre of Shakespeare, Byron and Oxford Dictionary lexicographer, Sir James Murray, turning in their graves – and / or funerary urns.

We kid you not. Woke cult researchers are busy bee occupied playing silly time-wasting games with the definitions of ecology - and evolutionary biology -  and have now mustered up the unqualified arrogance to declare that words such as ‘male’ and ‘female’ are too defining and offensive - and should be shit-canned, as in their pretentious and dilletante ‘Woke’ opinion they reinforce the notion that sex is binary – which, unfortunately for the Woke Joke gang, it actually is - and to state otherwise defies logic and common sense – which most of the latter day Woke philosophy is devoid of - and also a desired critical thinking ability that ain’t too common around the Woke cult’s campfires.

To avoid emphasising hetero-normative views, terms such as XY / XX individuals should be used instead – with men referred to as sperm-producers – and women as egg-producers – and that is the gospel according to the addled-brain Woke Joke wankers posing as social scientists, who further claim some terminology is not inclusive.

These same Woke ‘science guys’ (sic) have collated a group of problematic words which have been identified as harmful Pexels – which include man, woman, mother, father, primitive, advanced, alien, invasive, exotic, non-native and race.

Other flagged words include “citizen science” which could be harmful to the thousands of ‘non-citizen’ illegal economic immigrants landing in droves on a daily basis along the lengths of the southern coast beaches of our once-sceptred isle of Albion – sans visas - who may consider such terminology excludes them.

The Woke societal science gurus, in their bid to eviscerate the English language in totality, are further advising not to use the term ‘survival of the fittest’ due the fact such terminology might tend to discriminate against people with disabilities – along with a wide variety of ‘unfit’ types that fall under the couch potato taxonomy.

Discussing the term ‘fitness’ – whose biological application is to signify the success of a species in its habitat - Haley Skanger, a doctoral candidate at the Canada-based University for Gross Stupidity, opines that: “The definition is about reproductive output, which doesn't take into account individuals that don't produce offspring – such as ‘chopped n channelled’ trans-persons – regardless of starting their life journey with a womb and ovaries – or a cock and bollocks – and whose genitalia have been surgically remodelled via gender reassignment to resemble those of the opposite sex – and for better or worse, will never fully function to inseminate and impregnate, nor conceive and bear offspring.”

Food Bank Britain’s Woke-dominated University of Kunt has ordered students to cease and desist from using the term 'Christian name', claiming it is offensive to Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Latter Day Morons, and Pancake Tuesday Adventists – as it is an ‘exclusive term’ which relates only to Christianity - the moral and spiritual foundation of Western civilisation.

Ergo, alternately students should use the term 'first name' or 'given name' to avoid being offensive to non-Christians – on a par with 'surname' as this derives from 'sire-name' and is therefore deemed to be patriarchal – with Kunt University chiefs - wholly ignorant that even the considered notion of policing language is the hallmark of every totalitarian society - initially proposing the alternative use of ‘family name’ instead – until the Woke department pointed out this too might be deemed offensive – to orphans.

Further borderline insanity claims certain words emphasise hetero-normative views – such as the phrase ‘double-blind”’ - which is often used to describe trials where neither the participants nor scientists know if they are on a drug or placebo – and this now considered as potentially offensive to eye patch sporting pirate types - and those using a white stick to get around.

The Wokester advocates of these changes warn ‘inadvertent harm’ can arise due to inherent complexities and historical legacies of language – regardless of the use of harmful language not being intentionally used to cause offense. Hence the need to silence dissenting voices – specifically those of the critical thinkers – slurred, smeared and deplatformed via a regime of distraction-orientated, and evasive, semantic whifferdale manoeuvres by the Woke cult fascistas - to enable the seizing of, and thus controlling of, the direction of the news narratives of the day.

The entire concept comes as part of the EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Language Project, which was founded by a collaboration of Woke Joke scientists in the good ole US of A and Fidel Trudeau-run Canada.

Regardless of intent, the Woke cult’s project of re-engineering language will cause confusion to many, and the last thing that science and academic professionals need is a lack of clarity viz the meaning of the words they use, as this misguided EEB Language Project has collated a group of problematic words which, while being case-appropriate, are now branded as harmful as they tend to bear too much in common with that embarrassing and inconvenient semantic pariah – the Truth.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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