Tuesday 7 February 2023

BP Win ‘Greedy Bastards’ Award

Major oil company BP have unashamedly boasted that their corporate profits hit a record £23 billion quid in 2022 - while the ‘common herd’ public’s energy bills soared, reducing many inflation-stricken households to starvation-level penury.

There again, following this revelation, now we finally know what the 'BP' corporate logo is an acronym for: BIG PROFITS.

So go on, folks; fire a ‘fuck you’ e-mail off to the greedy twats  and specifically their money-grubbing Irish CEO, Bernard Looney – who netted a salary package of £4:5 million nicker last year.

Mind you, that’s fuck all to what BP’s Norseland Viking Chairman, Helge Lund, picked up - a whopping £60 million quid in wages n dividends.

bernard.looney@bp.com;     helge.lund@bp.com

murray.auchincloss@bp.com;      bpconsumer@bp.com;   

BPmeUK@bp.com;     heretohelp@bp.com;    careline@bp.com;

There again, perhaps the Greedy Bastards award should have gone to Shell – whose record end of year profits tallied up to £40 billion quid – the highest ever in 115 years.

Albeit BP n Shell ain’t on their own in announcing mega-profits, as similar bonanzas were declared by rival oil n gas giants Exxon, Mobil, and Chevron last week.

The price of Brent crude capped out at $128 bucks a barrel high, but has since dropped back to $80 – with natural gas prices also spiking at a record high due this Ukraine military conflict fiasco, but on a par with oil due the fact while both might have now reversed their all-time highs the same is not true at the pumps for drivers - nor domestic consumers struggling to heat their homes; and the average household now forking out a crippling £3,500 a year, double the cost of twelve months ago, just to keep warm and boil the kettle for a cuppa.

In preparation for this coming April’s new fiscal year budget, the Tory Crime Minister, Fishy Sunak, and the rodent-featured Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt – (a wanker whose delusional concept of the national economy allows him to think up as many as six impossible things before breakfast) - are busily engaged in covert contemplation, on a scam to shaft the hapless British public even further, by upping the fuel duty on petrol and diesel, and committing the working class to further depths of penury and despair.

But in all sense of reality, do the Tory Nasty Party’s elitist hierarchy give a flying fuck about the social welfare of the common herd – that’s us? In fact do any of the malingering twats that comprise the 650 multi-party sitting membershit of the House of Conmans care a toss about the 'electorate' - the folks who voted them into office? 

Easy answer. They do not.

If prices at the pumps had fallen at the same rate as wholesale levels, then petrol at the pumps would be 10p to 14p lower, and diesel 20p. From 2015, up until 2020, the average profit per litre for petrol and diesel was around 8 to 9p.

Conversely, from 2020 petrol profits have doubled to 19p per litre, and diesel has more than doubled, to 24p per litre.


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