Monday 19 September 2022

WEF’s Fascist-Commie Blueprint Sucks

Welcome to the dystopian Orwell-esque Big Brother / New Abnormal world of 2022, and this imperative push for the creation of a dedicated, totalitarian, global-reach internet / social media Stasi, a heavy handed and officious Thug Squad bestowed with all manner of AI super algorithms to spy on, red flag, and track – then de-platform as non-person / pariah outcasts - any fucker n their dog who expresses ‘Wrong Think’ anti-authoritarian sentiments – or holds a critical opinion of the corruption-ridden, incompetent national governing 'Ninth Circle' Satanist cult establishments we are collectively reigned over by.

Davos-based Satan Klaus Schlob - the obnoxious and haughty Kraut boss of the WEF – via the corporate and political offices of his embedded young global shapers n leaders - and the seconded Big Tech giants - is now personally pushing an outlandish Alphabet Mafia demand for AI-monitored pre-emptive Internet / online communications censorship legislation – a scanning system reinforced with all manner of nasty hi-tech algorithms – thus to control any and all international-generated cyberspace narratives in entirety, so Woke-folk snowflake sensibilities won’t be offended – by the Truth - and all counter / anti-regime ‘free speech’ opinions - (specifically those that focus on, to criticise, or censure, or castigate Satan Klaus and his ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ Great Reset / fully digital New Abnormal plot) – shall henceforth be non-person blacklisted.

Hmmm, regardless of the fact no fucker or their dog has the right ‘not’ to be offended – (due a difference of opinion / legitimate criticism) - doesn’t exist in our pluralistic society - now we have it shoved in our faces – thanks to the likes of Broken Britain’s 1986 Public Order Act / Section 5.

No more double-talk or beating around the proverbial bush – for the so-called control freak global elite – these genetic inbred mutants, possessed with unqualified arrogance and egocentric delusions, assume to hold total dominion over members of the human race – all 8 billion of us - they contemptuously consider lesser mortals – and are actually rubbing the common herd’s noses in the conceited  fact – that they are omnipotent, and with brazen audacity, giving due notice of their presumptuous supremacy.

So too with this ‘build back better’ myth – (better for the elitist club – not the common herd) – to migrate the redundant useless eating masses to crammed coastal high rise flavelas / slums, and free up the central hinterlands for the new adrenochrome-addicted aristocracy’s paedophile safari hunts.

One total psychotic kunt pushing this extermination agenda for Satan Klaus is his serpentine little helper, none other than the Promised Land-based (formerly Palestine) Sabbatean death cult imp of mischief, a noxious 'dybbuk' named Yuval ‘Skeletor’ Harari – aka Resident Evil - whispering nasty eugenics plots into the Schlob’s cauliflower ears – and displaying a customary shit-eating smug grin as he recites, with venal Zionist creed malice, his personal genocidal final solution for ridding the planet of the useless eating goyim cattle.

Let us take a step back, then cast a scrutinising eye over the WEF’s congregation of creepy ‘young global shapers n leaders. They’re a corrupt and NLP / brainwashed Fifth Column of traitors in waiting – druggies, perverts, pederasts, sociopaths, borderline  whacko’s – collectively ready to implement Satan Klaus’ ‘Digital Draco’ Great Reset / New World Order 'centralised power' scam for his reptilian Archon masters, currently lurking around their inter-dimensional portal, in the depths of ‘Triple Six’ CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

Now, consider the WEF term ‘centralised power’ – if you will – for such terminology translates as centralised ‘global scale’ fascist authoritarian rule - actually a souped-up version of radical totalitarian communism. No questions asked – or answered. An even greater draconian version of the current Peoples Utopia of China model, demanding cradle to the grave obeisance from the peasantry.

And who better suited to expedite this scam at street level than the nauseous Woke wanker brigade, the morons posing as ‘leftie progressives’, while hypocritically acting as the self-appointed moral arbiters of all aspects of our culture, and censors of the national narrative of the day; and thus a de-platforming Inquisition, casting pariah status smears via the corrupted media machinery on any who dare invoke their wrath– and thus represent a further existential threat to innovative thought, and free speech.

Just bear in mind, you / we – the common herd useless eaters – are not part n parcel of the dodgy Davos ‘stakeholder crapitalism’ (read ‘Marxist grade socialism’) club – or the WEF’s elitist global shapers community - we’re the hapless fuckers who will own nothing – and be ‘happy’.

Some chance of that happening, Herr Schlob.

So, WTF next for the WEF’s delusional and psychotic autocrats - and their Wokester gender bender brigade, led by a legion of Tranny Storm Troopers - as they impose their Great Reset’s ‘New Abnormal’ iron fascist fist, descending alike a dark shadow across Europe, then beyond? Morality Police, on a par with the barbaric KSA’s hypocrisy-ridden Mutaween? Floggings, tongues cut out, public lapidations, beheadings?

The gospel according to that revered Middle Kingdom sage and grand military strategist, Sun Tzu, stated for posterity that any bureaucracy will eventually achieve its greatest pinnacle of incompetence, and self-destruct – as too is the written destiny of all despotic, totalitarian state apparatus – whose root core malignance and venality shall eventually trigger and hasten an all-consuming, socio-political putrefaction, and their timely demise.

And that, folks, is our prediction for the future of King Klaus and his New World Order dominion. 

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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