Friday 16 September 2022

Covid Vaxx Kill Off Planned: Xmas 2022

Yep, the banner headline spells it out concisely, and so precisely: a mass Covid-1984 toxic mRNA gene therapy vaxx kill-off planned for this year’s Christmas season.

The Jolly Genocide Club’s Davos-based Eugenics Steering Committee - whose top secret membershits include none other than the WEF’s Satan Klaus ‘Great Reset’ Schlob, ex-Microslop top dog onanist, Bent Billy Gates, and former Nazi stooge, Georgie Soros – (amongst a host of other mega-bucks moneyed, low-life, psychotic scum - alike vampire squid BlackSock CEO, Larry Rat Fink) - are running a wager on how many of the global useless eaters (that’s me and you, folks) they can snuff this 2022 / 2023 Winter season with Big Pharma’s upgraded graphene oxide nano-shite-loaded Covid vaccines.

Current odds this week are holding at 3 to 1 that the Pfizer / BioNTech / Moderna / AstraZeneca, etcetera, et al - injectable toxic soups can euthanise 20 million-plus with vax-inflicted coronary / blood related ailments – and sterilise over a billion more - with their latest Covid-1984 virus variant vaccine – now loaded with extra nano-bot artery blockers and graphene oxide per shot, to really fuck up the common herd peasantry's immune and blood circulation systems.

Ergo, to this end the Sabbatean Deep State / Big Pharma / Rockefeller Foundation / Club of Rome special interests-owned mass media machinery has kicked into overdrive as Lady Autumn makes her chilly presence known; pumping out the Tavistock Institute-scripted Covid-1984 booster shots propaganda faster than shit through a scavenging seagull digesting a seafront promenade 'snatched n grabbed' chilli dog - countering all contrary anti-vaxx hard medical science facts with custom tailored psy-op' smears of disinformation - and labelling the critical health risk implications Truth as anti-establishment conspiracy theory.

But there again, every government of the day have their dedicated Nudge Unit – aka Behavioural Insight teams – the social engineers - to push whatever contentious bullshit on the highly suggestible / nodding dog / gullible common herd, and convince the right side brain thinking naïveté moronic group thinkers that it’s the life-saving Gospel.

Neuro-linguistic programming / propaganda placement merchants ‘extraordinaire’ is what they are – (cognisant that black propaganda sells better if presented in a popular tv show than across an actual news desk) - labouring away 24/7 in government basement cubbyholes situated along corridors dark – to prep a bottle blonde skanger actress on BBC 1’s Bell Enders soap show ready for flogging the latest round ‘Covid-1984 mRNA vaxx are safe’ spiel – or some fake science shite about climate change, or justifying aggressive military intervention in the Mid-East on the grounds of a fantasy 'Weapons of Mass Distraction' Islamic terrorist plot - solely to steal more of the hapless camel jockey clan’s natural resources – or hyping the fossil fuels BAD vs eyesore wind farm renewables and electric cars GOOD debate - to endorse, validate and prosper a parties-of-self-interest corporate agenda – and all further disseminated via subliminal insert messaging or dodgy doctored scripts as part of soap opera program storyline conversation topics, for the somnambulist goggle box viewing public demographic – the zombied-out couch spuds -  to feast on.

If Glenda Slagg, big-titted barmaid at the Headbangers Arms pub, on the long-running nightly Knobhead Street show, claims that Satan Klaus’ latest Great Reset crap will be just great for all we peons (own fuck all and be happy) was confirmed by some posh Old Etonian bloke her sister shags – wot works undercover for MI6 inside the WEF – then it’s bound to be true – and defies analysis by critical thinking conspiracy theory bods.

Accordingly, consider the catastrophic Covid-1984 scamdemic restrictions and the group think clueless masses, queuing up, wearing useless face masks and with sleeves rolled high, to be injected with the toxic, graphene-loaded mRNA eugenics vaxx, as absolute proof that billions of people can effectively be trained, canine puppy fashion, to sit, beg, shake a paw, roll over, get the genocide jab – then play dead.

But when it comes to endemic gullibility, the common herd have been negatively programmed by a corrupt, inter-dimensional, adrenochrome-addicted hierarchy since time immemorial – as instanced by the venal example of the Vatican, and it’s insubordinate heretical offshoots, perpetuating the God / Heaven / Kneel / Pray confidence trick on a gullible Christian world for two millenniums – that’s two thousand fucking years, folks – and the group think believers are still shelling out their silver into the offertory plates - and sending their kids for choirboy practice, to serve as buggery bait for a sodomite-infested priesthood.

There again, if some paedo priest urges you to pray for rain, and it rains, then God and Heaven ‘must’ exist.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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