Friday 5 November 2021

November 5: A Perfect Date for Political Change

Hey the fuck, yo-ho-ho, and its Bonfire Night once again – so let us 'Remember, Remember the 5th of November' – and with the onanist membershits of the venal Globalist Scumbags Club being assembled in Glassie this week for the COP26 climate change 'hypocrisy' pantomime - to engage in an auto-erotic session of self-promotion and ego-massaging – and vacuous bullshit speeches - while they fly in n out on their private jets - presenting a perfect opportunity for a revisit of the iconic Gunpowder Plot – this time with some explosive compound (TAPT or RDX) possessed of a wee bit more 'ka-fucking-boom' kick than the 1605 alkali metal nitrate, sulphur n charcoal mix that unfortunately never got to detonate and see our once-sceptred isle rid of the Scots monarch, James 1, and his corruption-ridden, sodomite-infested court.

But WTF is the point, as a set of equally corrupt, evil bastards will be waiting in the wings to assume the reins of power.

Aye, yet don't we just wish 'what if' – and rid us of these graft n corruption-ridden treasonous politicos and this unelected oligarch aristocracy of elitist deep state manipulators n their rogue bureaucrat stooges – sinister careerists who are working against the good of the state under orders from their Vanguard and BlackRock corporatocracy masters who, on both individual and a collective basis couldn't give a flying fuck about the environment or the wider public good. 

Alas, where is Guy Fawkes when you need him most.

First off in the mass global population cull Great Reset agenda we had – and still have - the Mission Creep Covid-1984 virus – and the WEF's supremely arrogant Klaus Schlob lording it over the launch of the mRNA spike protein 'vaccine' Coudenhove-Kalergi genocide project – a crime only to be near-equalled in 'evil intent' – and perhaps – but don't count on it – surpassed, by the current 'scamacious' Mission Creep Climate Change 'Zero Carbon' / 'Green Deal' project – to force feed mass relocations and absolute penury on the 'surviving' global population.

It's fuck all to do with climate change and all about economic model change – to shitcan the broken crapitalist system and revert to a Marxist / Soviet style radical socialism – the one that worked so well in Stalin's 'Smiley face' Russia / USSR and Mao's Chinese People's Utopia.

No fucker or their dog with a personal 'invested' interest in the climate scam wants to see, hear or read the real science Truth – and the sceptic naysayers are tarred n feathered with a mass media smear brush.

There is no 'climate crisis' – apart from in the minds of  a gullible common herd – for as far as Planet Earth and the Sun are concerned it's just another day in their inter-active existence, and business as usual - and the coming Sixth Great Extinction Level Event - which shall see the Earth finally rid of humankind - no more than a throat-clearing cough in terms of Cosmic affairs.

Then we have the egocentric Greta 'I Am Important' Wankberg, attempting to assume some worshipful Goddess status role and gobbing off her pre-scripted enviro-verbiage all over Glassie, n chomping at the bit to meet HRH Prince Chazzer and be, by association, bestowed with Royal patronage – but even a dumb fuck cunt like Dobby isn't so stupid as to get hooked, by default, into appearing to endorse the adolescent Swedish mini-Karen's gobshite outbursts.

For the official record, during her time loitering 'outside' the summit this week, in the hope of getting her inconsequential, bony ass noticed - grotty Greta, due NOT being invited to be a guest speaker, in a fit of typical Commie cunt 'nose-pushed-out' pique, turned stroppy and resorted to base Anglo-Saxon expletives to vent her ire - and accused politicians of not taking 'her' - or the conjured climate crisis - seriously.

Hmmm, while the mind-controlled Swedish rodent's opinion on attendant politico attitude is factually correct - (they don't give a flying fuck) - more to the point is the fact that these same politicos don't take this hysterical, anti-Crapitalist script-reading parrot and her NLP-memorised radical socialism message very seriously either. Neither did the scores of fossil fuel industry bigwigs and their corporate / political lobbyists attending Glassie's Cop26 pretentious charade - and whose number exceeded the global leader's representation head count by 75%.

Conversely, while Greta was marked persona non grata for any up close n confidential contract with Prince Big Ears, the Scottish Nonce Party's mental midget leader, Nickerless Sturgeon, fronted herself for an actual video photo shoot – in some moronic bid to boost her own leper-category popularity.

So, wake the fuck up Greta, viz this futile eco-surge to achieve 'net zero' carbon, for if ever such were to be achieved – (which it purposely won't) - shall be the day the fucking lights go out n the world ceases to function – and you can slope off and live, happily ever after, in some Lummelundagrottan cave.

To wit, bonny Nonceland's Glassie-based climate change circus besides, when it comes down to long overdue political change (outside of the bent election process) via revolutionary means – Guy Fawkes would have a heyday with the House of Conmans assembly this week, as the Tory Nasty Party's Corporate Lobbyist-in-Chief, Owen Paterson – (in denial) – when confronted by the sheer embarrassment of being caught red-handed at his £1000,000 per annum back-hander influence peddling 'second job' - finally resigned (fell on his own iPen) – an act which elicited a braying of howls n screams of 'Sleaze!' from Kier Stammerer's Hypocrisy Party opposition benches.

Though such is typical of Paterson's outlook-on-life attitude – an exaggerated sense of entitlement and abuse of political privilege – then whinges like hell when he gets caught – Stammerer's political crony team are as bad, if not worse, when it comes down to the very same crimes as Paterson – with the Daily Shitraker tabloid's banner headline reading 'Labour Frying Pan Calls Tory Kettle Black Arse'.

Dating back to long before Stammerer's head honcho tenure - viz the Labour Party wallowing in a cesspit of sleaze - we had the likes of Red Mole Wilson and his Moscow handler, Marcia Forkbender Williams – and not to overlook the PIE paedo supporting Harriet Harmful – or war criminal Tony Bliar – a closet case scumster who could not – then and now - tell the truth if he didn't have a lie ready.

Then we have the noxious conundrum with Labour's Leicester constituency MPs – the oh-so recently tried, found guilty and sentenced (lightly) latent acid-chucking Claudia Webbe (Leicester East). Oh my – one might give the imagination free rein to her next election campaign – "Vote for me or get acid chucked in yer face."

Next up is the holier than thou kiddie fiddling Greville Janner and his Leicester orphanage catamite collection – and Labour's Influence Peddler incarnate, Keith Vaz – personal political representative for the Hinduja brothers - and too the seemingly innocuous Jonathan Ashworth, for we never quite know who is the MP for Leicester South – him, or his bossy boots bitch of a missus – the bottle blonde Emilie 'Spotty' Oldknow – who, at one point in her questionable political existence, was Director of Labour's Governance and Legal Unit.

Collectively, and on an individual basis, all the above are marred by corrupt conflicts of interest and financial entanglements or engaged in the endless pursuit of avarice and ambition, and are the type of trough grunters who wallow in sleaze and prompt one to count their fingers if they've been unfortunately coerced into shaking their hand.

Really, the mind fucking boggles. Stammerer - (the twat who refused to prosecute arch BBC child molester / rapist / necrophiliac Jimmy Savile - on the grounds of insufficient evidence) - having the brass-necked audacity to accuse the Tory trough-grunters of, quote: 'wallowing in sleaze' when we have the bent likes of the intellectually-challenged Miss 'Ambition on Legs' – personalised 'AirPods Angela' Rayner as their #2 party mouthpiece.

Talk about sleaze - Stammerer n his anti-Democracy EUSSR-arse-kissing Remainiac cronies were the Labour scum contingent who attempted – and failed – to reverse the democratically-balloted majority Brexit vote – for their own bent political ends.

A pity Stammerer doesn't reflect on the cause n effect reasons for 'New' Labour's well deserved political eclipse. Its genesis sparked due the dodgy dossier / illegal invasion war crimes misdemeanours, deceits and US stoogery of Tony Bliar – none of it in the interests of Broken Britain - compounded by the economic bungling of the incompetent Gordon Broon; the Zionist scum party faction's smearing of the Palestinian-sympathising Corbyn – purposely misinterpreted as anti-Semitism - and the current Punch n Judy / Tory back-stabbing pantomime 'sleaze' fiasco fronted by the not fit for purpose Stammerer and his raving, rabid deputy attack dog, the ginger mingin, gobshite Karen, Angela 'Scumbags' Rayner, MP for Ashton-under-Water.

The repulsive Rayner – now branded as a sleazy twat viz the 'personalised £249 quid Apple AirPods' buy – yep, 'personalised' no less. Like Paterson, above the law - and untouchable - all at the taxpaying public's expense.

Just another self-indulgent cunt with an exaggerated sense of entitlement and guilty of abuse of privilege and her own delusional importance in the greater scheme of Cosmic Events.

Quote from the Daily Shitraker news tabloid: Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner charged the taxpayer £249 for pair of personalised AirPods - among £2,100 Apple gadgets she claimed on expenses to help her work from home during the Covid-1984 plandemic.

She further claimed £1,619 for an iPad, £99 for an iPad case, £199 for a keyboard, £131 for digital I-pencil – a further dodgy £68 quid for an I-pencil 'digital' sharpener – and a £70 office chair to sit her fat arse

Between April and August 2020 Rayner claimed some £14,390.90 nicker on office expenses alone and chalked up £3,809.25 quid in stationary and printing costs. 

This is Labour's deputy leader, who boasts of 'standing up for working people', yet has claimed since last March £30,952.98 quid - including £1,600 on 23 first-class rail tickets between London and her North-West constituency.

When confronted with her sleazy purchases, the arrogant Rayner defended the claim saying she used the £249 personalised AirPod headphones for Zoom meetings – and her expense were, quote: 'nowhere near the billions of pounds wasted by the Tories on contracts to people with no experience whatsoever'.

Hmmm, and this in the face of Stammerer claiming the Tory Nasty Party are 'wallowing in sleaze'.

Check out the unbridled 'wallowing in sleaze' extravagance of AirPods Angela on the House of Conmans expense claims forum for yourselves:

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' - aka 'the Truth'

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Here's a suggestion for the piccie posing Greta. Go join up with the Insulate Britain protesters and take the rabid Rayner along with you and glue yourselves to the fast lane of the M25 - then hope some half-asleep Turkish truckie doesn't side-swipe you both with his multi-axle pantechnicon lorry.