Saturday 20 November 2021

Islamophobia Outranks Anti-Semitism

Like some petulant child screaming to be noticed and force the public's attention on Islamophobia Awareness Month, the Labour Party hierarchy is now demanding that BoJo tackles the issue of Islamic neurosis in society - and too, within his own Tory Nasty Party ranks – as Labour claims that hostility towards Muslims now surpasses what the Zionist camp designate 'anti-Semitic hate crimes'.

In the wake of ousting the once-ruling Corbynista Marxist regime - on exaggerated grounds of the Labour party being virally infected with anti-Semitic sentiment – and subsequently buoyed by this somewhat questionable 'success' – the usurping political victor, Kier Stammerer, has now turned his dodgy deliberations to back-biting BoJo's Tory Nasty Party policies - with accusations they aren't arsed viz getting serious over tackling Islamophobia - for Labour's own conjured statistics reveal that almost (but not quite) 50% of all racial and religious hate crimes that occurred across Broken Britain last year were visited on Muslims - more so than the usual targets of the disabled, homeless types, darkies, gays, trannys, pikeys or Jews.

Unfortunately Stammerer's Labour stat's fail to indicate if these so-called 'hate crimes' were visited on the hapless heads of innocent, 'minding their own business' Muslim types by gobshite moronic yobs – or on the Muslim community's madrasar sectors - preaching a 'Kill the Infidels' sermon – or Muslim individuals charging down London thoroughfares while brandishing Pound Shop carving knifes, and slashing n stabbing Christian pedestrians at will.

All a bit vague, on this issue, is Mr Stammerer.

However, the useless twat has now delegated 'attack dog' authority to Labour's party chairperson, Anneliese 'Safe Seat' Dodds, who was informed by Labour's chief whip, Alan Campbed: 'Your turn for a venomous whinge at Boris n Co, Doddsy'.

Subsequently, thus armed with such authorisation, the doddering Dodds met with gutter press hacks outside Labour's party HQ while sporting her customary robin's nest coiffure - (freshly shampooed n dried on the blower's Gale Force 8 setting) – informing the assembled she had duly written to her Tory counterpart, Oliver Downhill, demanding he not only tackle Islamophobia in society, but also within his own Tory party ranks.

Oh my, Stammerer n the Labour machine must be hard up for socio-political ammo if they've got to resort to having this insignificant EUSSR Remainiac, the dogsbody Dodds, heckle Bungling Boris and his Tory cronies on their mediocre racism cum sectarian hate issues record.

The imbecilic Dodds then attempted, with sans success, to ludicrously claim the Tory machine refused to use the term Islamophobia, instead referring to such as 'anti-Muslim sentiment' – apparently due the fact the word 'Is-lam-o-pho-bia' proved a 'bit of a tongue-twister' to those Tory members possessed of an upper class Eton accent.

A Conservative Party review of this issue, commissioned earlier this year and chaired by Professor Swaran Singh-Song, found that, in his unqualified opinion: “anti-Muslim sentiment remains a problem” - within the Tory party - albeit the inquiry did not discover evidence of a group which systematically discriminated against any other particular group – as the Tories were equally nasty to everyone – including each other.

Conversely, in their epistle to Minister Downhill, Doddering n Labour's MP for the 'Up North' grotty Gorton constituency, Afzal Khan, chair of the party's Muslim Notwork, expressed an invalidated opinion that Muslims remained consistently, and especially, vulnerable to religiously-motivated hate crimes – a trend that they personally believe shows no signs of abating under the Conservative Government.

Hmmm, no signs of abating under any government - (unless perhaps with an ISIS Caliphate in Downing St and running the show) – when we have the so-recent incident of Mohammad al Bonkers – a Muslim convert to Christianity by the way – just attempted to blow up Liverpool's Women's Hospital with a fucking 'taxi-bomb' – and never paid the effin' fare before going into self-destruct mode either.

Hence, we must now further evaluate n consider the fact that even Muslim converts to the path of Jesus are as 'dodgy' as the Jolly Jihadi brand.

We harbour no malicious reason to imply that all Muslims are crazy bad asses, out on a self-immolation mission to target their local Pestco Greedy Grocer supermarket on a busy Saturday afternoon, shouting Insh'Allah then detonating suicide vests, blowing up and killing all Christian heathen shoppers therein – but an insane committed element do - and that fact alone constitutes no advert for generalised social acceptance n popularity for the rest.

Well, WTF can anyone expect when we have Islamic crazies running around the world – Mid-East n Africa specifically, n playing the terrorist game, hell bent on establishing a global Caliphate (see ISIS / Syria) n make Christian types their infidel slaves – then go on rabid rampages around London, flashing knives and indiscriminately stabbing every fucker n their dog.

Okay, let's take a closer look at this Islamophobia issue viz the established fact that militant Islam hates our democratic freedoms – or is it that they simply don't like Western types in general? Regardless, we hope to fuck they ain't gonna get too upset when we turn around and declare 'We don't like you either' - and that righteous sentiment will doubtless be branded 'Islamophobic' too.

For an example of this purported 'Islamic loathing' cause n effect - actually a West vs East dilemma that reflects the age old 'clash of cultures' that dates back to the Crusades - just take a butchers at Afghanistan since the Yanks / NATO n Co pulled out n the hard line Muslim Taliban took over – again – and imposed their unpalatable brand of Islam on the socio-political scheme of things – a return to their preferred male dominated chauvinist society and the subjugation of their womenfolk – any n all womenfolk.

To wit, here we have the crux of the problem – for the way they 'do it' ain't the way we 'do it'. Thus human nature – on both sides – spurs enmity – which, over time, morphs into racial / religious intolerance, and hostility.

So Dodds concludes that Islamophobic hate crimes in Food Bank Britain now top the hate list and outrank anti-Semitism – and quite possibly – once 'Doddering' Dodds has manipulated the stats to suit required Labour's strategic 'attack' policy – LGBT+QWERTY hate crimes will push the anti-Semitism category down to third place.

And that factor will doubtless spark a fresh round of pathetic whingeing from the rogue Zionist state of Israel and their 'perpetual victim' rabid attack dog stooges at the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council - and too their ever-whining crony organisation, the Holohoax Educational Trust.

Yes, the Zionist camp waving a racist / sectarian hate flag indeed. What octane-boosted hypocrisy.

Talk about 'in yer face' blatant discrimination – racial / ethnic / sectarian or otherwise – they have the utter brazen arrogance to refer to themselves as 'God's Chosen People' – which equates in the fact this 'more at scent than substance' Omnipotent Divine Deity – and by extension – themselves - consider their Judaic religious collective superior to, and above, in order of cosmic importance, to all other humans on this planet – specifically Muslim Palestinians.

Of course, there are still elements deep inside the Tory political machine that are possessed of common sense and apply logic to problem solving – and this group are – unlike Labour's Dodds - of a collective opinion that the Islamophobia moan-a-thon hate card issue is being played to shut down criticism of militant Islam – and on a par with the term 'anti-Semitism' – hijacked by the Zionist camp as their very own hate smear - then manipulated to mean something alien to its true origin – so enabling them to justify and sanitise the perpetual land thefts, human rights abuses and war crimes visited on the hapless heads of the Palestinian populations of the IDF military-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip littoral enclave – the latter besieged inside Israel's 30-odd foot high Great Apartheid Wall.

By the by, who the fuck is funding this Islamophobia Awareness Month? ISIS?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka an unpalatable Truth.

This hit-piece article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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