Thursday, 27 June 2013

Them n Us Austerity: QE2 Gets £900K Raise

In this morning’s ‘Enhanced Bullshit’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

So Tory Chancellor ‘Jeff’ Osborne burned the midnight oil and suffered dietary privations, dining on a £10 quid ‘posh nosh’ burger and chips Happy Meal from Byron's Barfery local chew n spew fast food joint – eating sans his customary silver spoon – but Third World style with fingers – so as to focus his energies on the all-new Slam-Dunk austerity spending review proposal – which will see every fucker and their dog (MPs & civil servants exempt) take a weekly income nosedive.

Of course, Jeff’s a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist and one of the Rothshite bankster crime syndicate’s compliant bitches – always ready to assume the position and please his Masters – thanks to good ole public school NLP programming – which might well stand him in good stead with his Old Etonian Chumocracy pals and the secret handshake brotherhood cabal – but as far as Broken Britain’s common herd are concerned – he’s henceforth ‘unfriended’ – alike Nadine ‘Bonkers’ Dorries, the Tory MP for Numpty Dumpty.

But apart from being as popular as a course of chemo’ or a leper at a Bar Mitzva, Bullingdon Club boy Jeff’s (as Barky Obama calls him) insistence that Broken Britain’s train wreck economy is out of intensive care is a load of utter bollocks, as it’s already been given the last rites, shoved in a body bag and headed for the cemetery.
This factor alone casts him as more of an embarrassment to this blighted Tory Party than Marky Mark Harpic, the MP for the Black Forest and Minister for Break Dancing – who earlier this week made an utter cunt of himself in a Soho nightclub and was forced to seek solace at the nearest NHS Trust for his injuries.

Alas poor Jeff’s not been thinking too straight since his bilateral capsulotomy procedure last year, which was intended to boost his 80-odd IQ score into the triple figure Mensa range but went tits up and left him with the problem-solving skills of an autistic hedgehog – which do not bode well for a Chancellor of the Exchequer – especially so after the Biblical scale fiscal fuck ups left by Gordon 'Incapability’ Broon and his Scots successor, the equally-incompetent albino, Alastair Darling – and considering his Treasury second-in-command coalition partner, the ginger-mingin Danny ‘McRatty’ Alexander, is also a Jock in a frock.

Critics from the Twat Watch social concerns charity have expressed alarm that Jeff’s recent display of chronic cognitive dissonance regarding the flatline state of Broken Britain’s economy has led to the conjuring of a ‘synthetic reality’ – a self-delusional fantasy system first conceived by Lewis Carroll in his ‘Alice up a Rabbit Hole’ book.

Hence we see manifest Jeff’s latest gob-smacking conundrum - for while slashing pensioners winter fuel allowances if they have loft insulation or own more than one cardigan, a scarf and a pair of mittens – and making jobseekers take English language lessons then wait a week before they can claim welfare benefits – regardless of the Crown Estate – aka Queen Lizzie Inc – having increased profits to £252.6 million quid in the 2012 / 2013 financial period through their offshore Insolvency Investments group and Ripoffs Venture Capital Bank SA - Jeff’s found a few bob spare from the £11:5 zillion nicker spending review savings to up the monarchy’s ante by £900,000 - to £33.3 million nicker per annum – all thanks to the reluctant courtesy of the hapless British taxpayer.

Thus we ponder, is this yet another piece of Tavistock Institute / Common Purpose social engineering to test the common herd’s reaction and how far they can push the envelope before the Riot Act gets read and the water cannons hit the streets?

As to Philip ‘Dandruff’ Hammond whingeing over defence spending and laying off 4,500 squaddies - which while freeing up a plethora of battle-hardened thugs and psychos to stand in as teachers at the UK’s Asbo Central Academies - will consequently gut the armed forces fighting strength – the solution is easy-peasy.
Do the same as Africa with squabbling nations self-divided into fractious tribal and sectarian demographics – all warring over who controls the source of conflict diamonds – or the rare earth ‘Niggerite’ that the electronics and cellphone industries can’t survive without .

Go round the schools and press gang gaggles of gob-shite sprogs into child army regiments – which would most definitely contribute to solving Broken Britain’s truancy problems, ease the burden on the secret family court system – along with the corruption-ridden social services and their money-spinning paedo-fostering scams.

Thought for the day. Amazing how PM Posh Dave Scameron’s Big Society multicultural inclusiveness adroitly avoids the rich and poor divide factor.

Regardless, fuck the Freemasons and Big Brother – and his sister - and the New World Order.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Great Satan Passes False Flag Act

Once again, the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

In what could prove to be the biggest media scandal since last week’s big media scandal – (Edward Snowden / covert Prism eavesdropping scam) - a United States of the Great Satan Pentagon insider, Shylock Snitchberg, has been stricken with a bout of moral conscience, taken flight to Outer Mongolia, turned rogue, and spilled the beans on White House cuckoo Barky Hussein Obama abusing his Presidential prerogative to bypass both the Senate and Congress and sign into law by a sneak Executive Order the ‘False Flag Act’, which is intended to provide US intelligence and military agencies with the legal wherewithal to join with the Israeli Mossad in staging false flag jihadist attacks on a global scale as required to justify their ongoing War on Terror against the nations of Pan-Islam – specifically those targeted for regime change such as Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

More worrying still is the inclusion of one subtle codicil in the act which provides vindication to kill any fucker and their dog considered to be a whistle-blowing threat to the US multi-national corporation profits – a ‘small print’ proviso added on the insistence of AIPAC lobbyists acting on behalf of the Big Oil, Armaments, Bankster, Pharma and Agri GMO military / industry cartels – (and those who never had chance to adopt a Genny Flowers super-Kevlar anti-suicide defence shield include, ironically, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Charles D. Riechers, Col. Theodore S. Westhusing, Cliff Baxter, Dr David Kelly, Margie Schoedinger, Gary Webb, John O’Neil, James Hatfield, Aaron Schwartz – and most recently Michael Hastings).

Faster than shit through a goose, the State Department’s chief Zionist shill, John Kerry (the only Vietnam vet’ to be awarded the Purple Heart for a snagged toenail) has issued a ‘Read This, Tremble & Obey’ demand to the Mongolian government via the US Embassy in Ulan Bator, to abide by the provisions of the 1926 Yak Trade Agreement and extradite the fugitive Snitchberg back to the good ole US of A for a Bradley Manning type show trial.

“If these Mongol guys don’t agree to arrest Snitchberg and turn him over to the custody of our embassy’s security officers then such non-compliance will be viewed as obstructive and acting against the best interests of the US and could well complicate bilateral relations and raise questions about their commitment to the rule of law – and have a negative impact on the global yak trade.”

Kerry informed gutter press hacks that “The False Flag Act was expedited with the interests of our American Fortune 500 corporations at heart. Really, if we wait for a bunch of Al Qaeda jihadists hiding in Tora Bora caves to get their proverbial crap together and pull off the likes of the 9/11 attack, then we’re gonna be waiting until Hell freezes over.”
“That’s why we have to depend on rogue elements of the CIA and Mossad and the UK’s MI6 and Germany’s GO2 / DVD to expedite these terrorist attacks and keep the Project for a New American Century agenda on schedule.”

Conversely, giving his side of the story to journalists at an undisclosed top secret location in the Mongolian capital (Embassy of Ecuador, 24-5, Khoroolol; Sukherbataar), Shylock Snitchberg revealed “I reached terminal puke-point just looking at how US foreign policy was being directed by a bunch of Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience running the rogue state of Israel – and with their PM Bobo Nuttyahoo ringing up with a stream of insane demands that the Pentagon supply the IDF with more micro-nuke bunker busters and other weapons of mass distraction simply so they can bomb the shit out of Syria and Iran and maintain their Mid-East military hegemony - at the expense of neighbouring Arab nations.”

“It’s this continuing litany of lies from the White House, through the Senate and Congress and all the way down to State level. After two terms of having that psycho-sociopath moron Bush obeying the ZioNazi Neo-Con’s demands, we’ve now got this African-Indonesian Muslim impostor squatting in the Oval Office who can’t even produce a decent forgery of his US birth certificate and does whatever his kikester masters demand.”

Do you believe whistle-blowers should be classed as capital punishment crime offenders or presented with a Boy Scout merit award? Do you have any official diplomatic secrets or scandals you’d like an unsuspecting world to know about? Does a career as a treasonous fugitive grasser appeal to your sense of adventure? Would you like to join the Julian Assange Wicked Leaks Club and be stuck in a foreign embassy on hostile soil for the rest of your days?

Send your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a cell with a view at Uncle Sam’s Guantanamo Bay Holiday Resort.

Thought for the day. Fuck Big Brother – and his sister – and the ZioNazi’s New World Order.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Paterson Pushes GMOs on Faulty Science

In this morning’s ‘Enhanced Bullshit’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

Pursuing a promo line obviously approved by Posh Dave Scameron and the Downing Street mandarins, the Con-Dem coalition’s Defra Minister, the intellectually-challenged Owen ‘Cobblers’ Paterson (Tory MP for Slopshire) today enthralled gutter press media hacks with his carnival barker ‘snake oil’ enthusiasm for Big Agri’s Frankenfood crops – pontificating to every fucker and their dog – and anyone else who paused in mid-step to listen to his unqualified propaganda - that using Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds to improve harvest yields will require less space – hence propitiously freeing up more greenfield land for Tory Party donors and banksters to build top end executive ‘stockbroker belt’ housing developments on.

So, what game is the bovine-brained Farmer Owen playing, might we inquire? Perhaps another ego massaging exercise, regardless of the faulty science involved and the rest of the world – and the EUSSR in Brussels in particular – telling the Big Six Horsemen of the Apocalypse agrichemical Bio-Wreckers: Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Dow Agrosciences, Bayer – who unscrupulously continue to produce the #1 bee colony decimating neo-nicotinoid pesticide Bumble-Snuffer - and Pioneer – (aka the much-vilified DuPont) – the very same people who gave the Vietnamese Agent Orange – to stuff their toxic DNA-modified insta-tumour mutant meal crops.

Or is Owen out to secure some nice, cosy and well-remunerated directorship sinecure with one of the Big Agri’ majors – all ready to slot into the boardroom seat when his £142,000 plus expenses per annum cabinet post goes tits up after the Nasty Party get hoofed out of office come the 2015 General Election?

Whatever, his unqualified arrogance reaches fresh obnoxious heights as he turns into one of Big Agri’s GMO shills and sermonises to the British public to support and buy Frankenfoods - and eat lots of Syngenta’s Golden Rice 2 or we’re all going to starve and go blind.

Paterson – really – would any fucker (or their dog) – buy a used car from this twat, let alone believe all his hyper-promotion waffle of genetically-modified crops? One wonders what they’re using to tug Cobbler Owen’s leash and commit treason against the interests of the public he was elected to office to represent the ‘best interests’ of - blackmail or the tried and tested thirty pieces of silver?

The reason Posh Dave Scameron gave him the rural / farming portfolio, not only as the rest of the cabinet didn’t want to be turning up at Parliament in a pair of wellies and stinking of cowshit – but the fact Owen fitted in with all the other vegetables - having the IQ of a small potted plant.

While one has to feel sorry for his Slopshire constituents – especially the stupid cunts who voted Tory and elected the moron to his House of Conmans seat - Farmer Owen has never made a secret of his support for GM technology – even though it displays him as an untrustworthy, devious wanker and all-round prick, catering to the interests of Big Agri and their GMO Frankencrops.

Paterson conspicuously avoids all mention and reference to Monsanto & Co’s controversial ‘Terminator’ seeds and cross-pollination contamination of ‘natural’ crops – nor the nasty Glyphosate pesticides, or the Insta-Tumour / Mutant Meals carcinogenic genetically-modified crap that gets not only into insect, fish and animal DNA but also the human side of things – and makes a total fuck of the entire food chain.

Speaking to Ron Scrote from the Euthanasia Gazette in favour of GM crops, Paterson said they were being adopted by the rest of the known Universe – and the UK and Europe risked being left behind - which is a fucking lie – only the stooge US of A have been blackmailed / bribed into approving GMOs and Barky Obama issuing a blanket legal indemnity to this Big Six should their crops inflict the predicted neurological / immune system damage to humans and cause a swathe of cancers on the scale of a mass extinction level event.

Doomsayers from Green groups such as Save the Earth and Kunt Watch besides, Paterson, in typical aloof Tory tosspot fashion, throws ethical and ecological concerns to the vagaries of the four winds and claims “Genetically-modified Frankenfoods are as safe, proven and beneficial as nuclear power – and if you don’t believe me, ask the residents of Fuckupshima in Japan.”

Safe? Safe, my arse – Farmer Owen’s information has been spoon fed and is all based on faulty science. Just like the University of East Anglia’s global warming data – conjured and manipulated to fit the profile the IPCC and carbon credits cap n trade exchange banksters desired – and it’s the same with Big Agri’s Frankenfood crops.

Oh, doubtless the likes of our Greedy Grocer supermarket chains – Pestco, Pukesburys, Mammon & Snobfords and Shiteland – will stick any old crap on their shelves that this poxy government okays for human consumption.

But our crops and agricultural systems have ‘evolved’ over the past 10,000 years-plus and there is no ‘quick fix’ genetic modification to any fucking thing.
Lesson One: Boasts and bullshit science besides, we do not understand the first fucking thing about genetic linking and are set to create all manner of Dr Moreau style chimeras – such as bio-fuel psycho Triffids with a higher IQ than Patersons – which won’t be hard.

Thought for the day. Only two commercial GM products have so far been licensed, and neither of them was for human consumption. One was a type of soy-based enema solution called Bowel-Douche developed by German agri-chemical firm BASF and used to treat cases of chronic constipation in pigs.

But rumour has it that old Etonian cum failed 11-plus maths duffer / Tory Chancellor ‘Geoff’ Osborn is all ready to deal out a few choice taxpayer-funded ‘subsidies’ for Cobbler Owen’s Big Agri’ pals – c/o the Rothshite bankster crime syndicate’s Insolvency Venture Capital group. Just a matter of implementing a spot of sleight of hand legislation to okay widespread GM crop plantings across the length and breadth of our once-sceptred isle before the House of Conmans summer recess.

Regardless, fuck the Big Six Bio-Wrecking environmental pillagers who control three-quarters of the global agrochemical market – and for whom profit comes first and don’t give a flying fuck about the long-term future of the environment – or the human race.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Bilderberg to Obama: ‘Arm Syrian Rebels!’

In this morning’s ‘Enhanced Bullshit’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

With so much duck fat to chew over on their collective platters at last weekend’s Watford conclave, obviously how to finally topple that key Mid-East Syrian domino was high on the crammed blood and guts agenda for the 140 VIP self-serving Bilderberg scumsters if we take a swift butcher’s hook at the news.
First thing on Monday morning Barky Obama copped one earful off the London-based Rothshite crime syndicate bosses ensconced in their Square Mile eyrie – and another from his ZioNazi overlords in Jerusalem – with the message reading “Watford consensus is ‘Aye’. Get off your black ass and arm the Syrian Takfiri rebel mercs immediately if not sooner. We want them kitted out with the type of weapons that maim and kill every fucker old enough to scream and bleed.”

Oh yes, it’s not even a week since the ‘Masters of the Universe’ assembled for their annual gabfest and already they’re demanding the hapless Barky gives the UN Security Council the finger and conjures up some false flag evidence to justify supplying the foreign mercenary rebel scum posing as the Free Syrian Army with high tech weapons to even the odds against Basher al Assad’s military – along with thousands of US / NATO troops being sneaked into Jordan, along with fighter aircraft to establish a ‘no-fly’ zone - for anything without the Stars n Stripes or Magen David on the fuselage.

Hence Barky’s White House / Pentagon / CIA crews of ZioNazi ass-kissers have resurrected the somewhat threadbare and disproved ‘chemical weapons’ fiction propaganda – and instead of the foreign merc’s using the Israeli-supplied sarin gas against the Syrian civilian population – the story’s been corruptly recrafted and manipulated to read that Assad’s troops turned their Russian-sourced nasties on the FSA’s poor old al Qaeda jihadists.

This is regardless of the sworn testimony from victims that it was the rebels, not the Syrian government who used Israeli-supplied sarin nerve gas against civilians – with Fellattia del Ponte, a credible and qualified member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria informing one gutter press hack from the Warmongers Gazette there was incontrovertible proof that rebels seeking to oust the Syrian strongman and his Shi’ite regime had used the neuro-chemical agent.

So Basher al Assad’s regime is set to go the way of Gaddafi’s Libya and Saddam’s Iraq – dismemberment of yet another sovereign nation and the consequent redrawing of the map. A totally Balkanised fubar with a devastated infrastructure and every fucker and their dog at each other’s throats in a sectarian conflict that only continued 24/7 Western military presence can suppress and keep in check (the same as Afghanistan and Iraq, we don’t think).

But that’s the Bilderberg plan. Syria, then Lebanon and neutralise Hezbollah. Then, to their skewed (read ‘flawed’) way of thinking, the road’s clear for the great pre-emptive attack on the sovereign Islamic Republic of Iran.
Nice one Barky, your Afro-Indonesian daddies would be proud of these congenital skills of deceit and all-round false flag skulduggery. Barky, the Zionist stooge. Sit! Beg! Roll over! Good dog! Now play dead!

So tough shit for Syria - the next item on the kikester’s neo-colonial acquisition wish list. Supply all factions of the Syrian rebel scum with US shoulder-fired anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles – routed through Turkey (great name – as the country’s run by a bunch of them – albeit the corruption-mired PM Tieclip Erdogan has a few domestic protest worries of his own right now) and the power-hungry wannabe despotic monarchical states of Qatar and Saudi Arabia – and Israel.
Then seize its natural resources and strategic geo-political location as a US military base – and install yet another muppet show pantomime of a Zionist compliant government – and leave the whole shebang a Balkanised mess tearing itself apart with sectarian strife thanks to Islam’s great theological schism, which has existed between the ‘Sunni and Cher’ Muslim denominations since the 7th Century AD - akin to idolatry-intolerant Protestants and Roman Catholic Papists.

But does any fucker or their dog in the Western camp actually comprehend what they’re doing here with this faction-ridden Free Syrian Army – a mess of pottage consisting of all manner of foreign mercs, rag-arsed rebels and a set of lunatic fringe idealists who want Assad and the Alawites out so they can found a 21st century Sunni Caliphate in Damascus.
This is going to manifest as one hell of a sectarian shitfight set to spiral out of control into a regional conflict of Biblical proportions.

So the al Qaeda-aligned al Nusrah Front led by that die-hard one-eyed Salafist, Mohammed al Ka-Boom, and the National Psychos Coalition headed by General Achmed bin Nastygit (a former cormorant strangler) - along with Ras al Shitbag and the Shaheed Semtex Vest Brigade will all be armed with high tech nasties.

Sound bit of forward planning, we think not – as tomorrow these weapons are turned on Assad’s military – and next week on a spot of internal ethnic cleansing and evening up old scores. Then at a not too distant, ripe future moment, the barrels will be pointing at Western targets - specifically the Great Satan and its bastard progeny – the outlaw Zionist state of Israel – and a complicit Europe. Obviously a worry to be dealt with at some ‘critical mass’ point down the road.

Hmmm, best beware what they do actually supply these head bangers with – for as the FSA’s Sheikh Fizzy al Kaseltzer informed press hacks on hearing the glad tidings from his Bilderberg inside sources. “We need the Great Satan to supply us with nukes – just the same as they do for the rogue ZioNazi state of Israel. That is what we need to overthrown Basher Assad - plenty of weapons of mass distraction. Then we can have our democracy crusade and join with our Shi’ite brothers in Iran to oust all the Gulf state’s corrupt monarchies: Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE and Oman.”

Okay, so that’s the Bilderberg crazies gameplan – Syria falls and submits to the Zionist jackboot - and becomes the latest reluctant member of the Rothshite crime syndicate’s Crapitalist / Debtocracy central bank club – with Israel coming out of the mess of pottage with her Mid-East military hegemony intact.
Oh yes, and all to appease the manic demands of God’s Chosen People so they can expand their fairy tale Promised Land borders to extend from the Nile to Euphrates – and beyond.
Hmmm, Chosen People. What a set piece of classical arrogance. Doubtless students of modern history will recall Hitler’s concept of his Aryan ‘Chosen People’ super race – exterminating all those considered lesser races in the Third Reich’s Holohoax.

Conversely Russia and China are set to block every effort by the Western ZioNazi powers to gain yet another geo-political military foothold in the Middle East – and all to further the Greater Israel (read ‘Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion’) agenda.

So, what else was on the Bilderberger’s Watford discussion menu? Agenda 21; future Crapitalism bank bailouts by taxpayers; how to implement the Rothshite / Rockefeller Georgia Guidestones mass murder formula and get rid of five billion useless eaters without the stupid fucks realising the 2013 annual winter flu jab was actually bio-weapon laced; the enforced Liverpool Pathway euthanasia programme for the elderly, disabled and special needs members of the common herd – and expand the Common Purpose NLP social conditioning programme to schoolchildren from the age of three – and not forgetting to lower the age of sexual consent to accommodate the perverted tastes of the elitist paedophiles who don’t fancy being collared by the Met’s ‘Operation Snails Pace’ plods when they’re octogenarians, for rogering some elementary schoolkid up the arse in a Richmond public toilet twenty years before.

We know from this week’s media blitz that the Nasty Party PM, Austerity Dave Scameron was presented with the thankless task of convincing Bolshie elements of the common herd that the Monsanto / Synerga brands of genetically-modified crops and foodstuffs and their Roundup Ready pesticides are the best thing since sliced bread – along with Billy Boy Gates ‘Snuff-a-Darkie’ Third World vaccination campaign – and fluoride’s good for your teeth (even if it does make your gums fall out).

Were you at Watford last weekend? Which side of the razor wire barriers? Did you shake hands with any Bilderbergers? Did you count your fingers after?
Did you see any Draco reptilians scoffing hamsters? How about a pick n mix bunch of sprogs on loan from the local Watford children’s care home getting buggered by the paedo likes of Lord Peter Scandalson and the kiddie fiddling inner circle? Did you hear any rumours of the RSPCA investigating claims of ‘felching’ and small furry animal abuse?

Send your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a calfskin-bound copy of the Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion, signed by all Bilderberg 2013 attendees – including the Grey alien contingent.

A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location so MI5 / CIA agents know where to find you come the round-up of dissident types – and stuff them into big black North Face holdalls ready for trucking out to the internment camp’s Red Zone.

Thought for the day. British politicians attending the Watford conflab and dog wankers like the cock-groping Ken Clarke claiming there is no conflict of interest with their elected public office duties.
Conflict of interest doesn’t come into the equation – it’s an act of outright treason.
So, fuck the Satanist Freemasons and Big Brother – and his sister - and the New World Order. And while we’re at it, fuck Zionism too – it’s no more than a parasitic virus.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Social Networks Monitored for Political Dissent

In this morning’s ‘Enhanced Bullshit’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

Socio-political activists – including conspiracy theorists (critical thinkers) – voicing opposition towards the Con-Dem Coalition’s resurrected Thatcherite deflationary policies, local authority budget scalping, welfare benefit cuts – and the fatally-flawed concept of Austerity Dave Scameron’s womb to tomb Big Society - are being fore-warned to watch their proverbial ‘P’s & Q’s’ as the monitoring of social media networks by government censors at GCHQ is set to become a fast tracked standard in the control of revolutionary dissent amongst the common herd - to pre-empt Bolshie anarchist types from kick-starting repeats of the 1789 French or 1917 Russian bloodbath insurrections and hoofing the useless tossers currently posing as ‘our government’ out of office.

The human rights and wrongs abuse charity Ox-Rat has published a report leaked by technician Ed Snowden, an ex-CIA conscience-driven whistle-blowing mole - until recently embedded deep inside the Great Satan’s NSA - that political activists must watch what they say not only on the phone and in e-mails, but on the Facebook and Twitter forums, as our cradle to grave dystopian Big Brother regime posing as a benign, fairy tale Nanny State / Godmother entity has, in copycat fashion to the good ole US of A, tasked the GCHQ spy centre to monitor such networks with Prism and Carnivore I-Spy data mining software programmes - and the Echelon SIGINT snitch n grass super snoopers ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / eavesdropping system - as the latest control freak advancement in pre-crime law enforcement.

Hence any fucker or their dog that our burgeoning Stasi State apparatus deems to be compromised by the aberrant psychological condition referred to as Oppositional Defiance Disorder – asking awkward questions, thinking for oneself and thus questioning or totally disbelieving what the government and mainstream corporate-fascist controlled media tell us - will have their personal details logged on the National Extremism Database and be branded as freaks and non-conformist rebels, dissidents, radicals, reactionaries, anarchists, nihilists and revolutionaries simply due their inherent uniqueness – the fact they refuse to go
‘Baaa’ and follow the rest of the common herd.

The Establishment frowns on individuality – the ‘fringe’ elements of society - who have the audacity to think laterally and outside the box – they’re a threat to the order of things and labelled as professional agitators or anarchists or domestic terrorists for questioning the motives of officialdom – and will be targeted for internment in some top security mental institution at Her Majesty’s Pleasure for a range of ambiguously-obscured ‘national security related’ political offenses.

Topping the MI5 / Plod Squad hit list will be members of the techno-savvy "Crypto-Party" – the UK contingent of a global movement of canny hackers out to arm online activists and protesters with the skills to maintain their anonymity and inflict cyber-mayhem and chaos on their governments.

To wit, under the draft articles of this planned Kafkaesque legislation, all socio-political activists - those who dare surf alternative news websites or download pirated materials – will be, in the finest Stalinist tradition, branded as a danger to the grapheme-thin hologram Crapitalist ‘Debtocracy’ system and society at large - and medically diagnosed with some aberrant ‘Ezra Pound’ type mental condition that requires sectioning to the loony bin and treatment with veritable cocktail of full strength psychotic drugs.

Chlamydia Mingerot, director of the Ox-Rat snitch and grassers group, informed one press hack from the Totalitarians Gazette that “First we have the Orwellian tip-toe approach of the introduction of stop and search orders under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice Order Act of 1994 that allow searches without reasonable suspicion. Then the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 aka RIPA was sneaked in – followed by the Police Reform & Social Responsibility Act of 2011 – and now we have the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.”

“This was a joke in itself which does no such thing – and we’re further blighted with this infernal National Extremism Database extension to the GCHQ’s Triple Six Great Beast super-computer system which creates a file every time some hapless sod makes a phone call and dares transgress these asinine political correctness protocols and says ‘Boo!’ to a goose.”

“To add insult to injury and really rub our noses in the brown smelly fectal matter yet again, these imbeciles in government have now commissioned this absurd Community Safety Accreditation Scheme to enable local council authorities to licence a veritable army of moronic neighbourhood snoops and compliance enforcers seconded from the Renta-Thug security agencies – and to cap the insanity officialdom want to cover their own crooked, abusive arses with this grossly despotic Closed Material Proceedings statute under the Justice and Security Bill – otherwise known as ‘secret courts’ - all in the name of ‘national security’.”

“The telly-addicted, brain-dead public masses simply cannot foresee the dangers of what Posh Dave Scameron and this joke of a coalition government is attempting to legislate here – which will eventually manifest as the same draconian nightmare that the Khmer Rouge and their Pol Pot Instant Noodles Genocide Party brought to bear in Cambodia – snuff anyone who disagrees with them.”

“The Powers That Be are terrified that their privileged status quo position will be up-ended by conspiracy theorists utilising an inherent sense of curiosity to think critically – outside the box, so to speak – and see through the contradictions, lies, and inconsistencies in the official narratives.”

“Really, this conspiracy theorist label is just a negative, mocking term applied to disparage any line of in-depth questioning - now bandied around by government spin doctors like ‘Anti-Semite’ ‘Nigger-Hater’, Faggot-Basher’’ and ‘Holohoax Denier’ – to denigrate critics and anyone else who sees through – and seeks an alternative answer to - the blatant catalogue of official misinformation and lies.”

“But the real danger isn’t targeting self-aware critical thinkers – the ones questioning the House of Conmans MPs abusing their expense claims – or that pompous twat Tim 'Denials' Yeo, the MP for Greedford, getting set up and caught in a £7,000 quid per day consultancy / lobbying sting – or the anti-EUSSR membership / pro-referendum activists and so-called Euro-sceptic anarchists - and those protesting the neo-colonial wars of aggression and false flag terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 aimed to demonise the Muslim factions of our so-called multi-cultural society.”

“Oh no, this is aimed at anyone who dares says ‘bollocks to political correctness’ and exposes the sinister satanic rituals and kiddie fiddling abuses of this Monarchist-backed Freemason criminal fraternity that comprises the 1%, has a stranglehold on the nation’s wealth and controls the muppet government. Just wait for it – the fascist soft shoe shuffle – when anything and everything will constitute a thought crime and get some hapless fucker targeted for arrest.”

Inadvertently confirming Ms Mingerot’s worst fears and predictions, the lead officer on digital media and engagement for the Association of Chief Plods, Deputy CC Gordon McScatt, confirmed that Broken Britain’s burgeoning pre-crime Gestapo division have been tasked with monitoring social media for potential issues – such as Bolshie activists questioning why the taxpayer is being forced to bail out the Rothshite crime syndicate’s banksters yet again following their latest casino addicted snafu on the dodgy financial derivatives market – or why disabled persons welfare benefits are being slashed so the money can go to arming a proxy army assemblage of Muslim crazies attempting to overthrow the Syrian government on behalf of the pro-Zionist Great Satan and the Rothshite crime syndicate’s rogue state of Israel.

“Take no notice of what that lying little scumbag of a Foreign Secretary Willy Vague has been saying on the telly – that these snooping claims of Mr Snowden’s are baseless.”
“Yer fringe section of society, these anarchist types wot’s got the brass-necked cheek ter disagree wiv wot PM Scameron an’ Parliament are settin’ as national political policy, start gobbing off on Twitter an’ Facebook an’ what-have-yer – so it’s a predictable consequence that they’re gonna get their names filed on the National Extremism Database – an’ will be the first ones for the internment camps an’ the ‘red zone’ gas chambers when the shit eventually hits the fan.”

Thought for the day. Fuck Big Brother – and his sister – and the New World Order.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references along with lashings of nano-particle cynicism and genetically-modified bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Broken Britain – a Paedo’s Paradise

Once again, the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

Yep, it’s another first for the government’s gross hypocrisy list, with the Nasty Party’s Slime Minister Posh Dave Scameron ‘demanding’ (no less) for ‘more action’ from Internet corporations to purge the entire world-wide web of Satanic worship-related images displaying ritual child sex abuse – which addled-brained pederasts and other like-minded dog wanker perv’s and bum boys – those roundly condemned for their venal sins in Leviticus - apparently find a stellar sexual turn-on.

Conversely, where ‘Janus’ Scameron is concerned, when it comes down to the difference between spouting some political brownie points ‘soundbite’ crap – as opposed to actually implementing a government crackdown on any fucking thing – specifically to censure and denounce Israel’s ZioNazi style abuse of the West Bank and Gaza Strip’s Palestinian populations and endorse the BDS campaign – or bitch slap MPs and titled upper house scumbags palming thirty pieces of silver and engaging in acts of political lobbying on behalf of private corporations – or tasking the UK’s Freemason-ridden Plod Squads to stop shagging the cat and actually arrest a few of the ‘still-breathing’ ranking politicos who have been fingered by their victims (and Operation Ore’s 7,000-plus suppressed shit list) – and not just cabinet ministers who’ve shrugged off their mortal coil – along with a medley of octogenarian entertainment celeb’s in their dotage – (sacrificial goats to the media feeding frenzy bonfire for ritual immolation) - then Posh Dave isn’t up to the job. Eton leadership medal and Common Purpose neuro-linguistic programming besides - he ain’t fit for purpose.

This is where elitist establishment members of the predatory paedo / fudging Masonic Brotherhood simply pull one of their secret sleight-of-hand shakes – and Mr Plod's kiddie fiddling inquiries go straight into the ‘coverups’ tray (normally located between the office trash can and shredder) – and the hapless victim or moralist do-gooder exposing this abuse is targeted for ‘special’ police attentions instead.

Here we shall draw a parallel with Ben Fellows’ revelations to Operation Spewtree that ex-Justice Sec’ Ken Clarke once had a grope at his cock while an underage teen – and has currently gone missing after he and his spouse received a litany of sinister death threats from dark forces.
So, we ponder, will Ben be the next to turn up suicided, leaning against a tree like Dr David Kelly, in the Grassy Knoll Woods - or the bathtub, stuffed inside one of MI5’s big black North Face holdalls – with the zipper padlocked from the inside?

Of course, no fucker or their dog’s going to hear this via the medium of the global criminally-complicit mass media system - on the BBC’s (Biased Broadcasting & Coverups) telly or radio programmes – and bollocks to the Zionist stooge / crime syndicate-owned national dailies also – those red top gutter press tabloids alike the Daily Shitraker.
Grab a copy of the Dandy or Beano – they have just as much accurate news coverage – and never fail to report that Posh Dave left the kids in the local pub’s beer garden - yet again.

Everywhere we venture within the landscape of our sick society’s boundaries we encounter this politically correct ‘zero tolerance’ theme – usually appertaining to acts of frustrated, knee jerk reaction violence by the pissed off public sticking one on members of our Common Purpose brainwashed bureaucrats – or booting some disabled, black, gay Jewish Polack – or swan-roasting economic pikey migrant who’s just copped the last vacancy at the Jobcentre and did a UK-born and bred Anglo-Saxon EDL member out of gainful employment.

But where, might we venture to inquire, is the zero tolerance factor applied to kiddie fiddling when members of the establishment’s First and Second Estates are involved and fingered? Then it comes down to cover-ups – as was demonstrated by New Labour’s war criminal PM Tony Bliar when he clamped down on the media coverage of Operation Ore’s damning revelations following the arrest of his House of Conmans aide Philip Lyons for possessing several zillion child sex abuse images on his Parliamentary pc.

Really, who the fuck elects these arrogant bastard scallies that would deem to craft laws for us to abide and live by, and to govern us - and then in total violation of the legal code enforced on the common herd, simply abuse the same rules and regulations at will and with impunity. Political untouchables indeed – but that’s the way the game’s been writ – so as not to upset the status quo of the privileged – as they labour under the flawed belief that the system could no longer run without them.

The Executive, Legislature and Judiciary – along with the hordes of civil service jobsworths - they all should be shoved in North Face holdalls with a wild animal apiece and cast into raging torrents.

Obviously zero tolerance is not the order of the day in our womb to tomb nanny state society – as there exists perpetual tolerance when dealing with erring, criminal acts by elitist / ranking members of the establishment / politicos – with MPs and ministers dodging hefty – and fitting – sentences for embezzlement and fraud for fiddling their expenses - and bribery and corruption for lobbying on behalf of private interests in the House of Conmans – and the likes of Kenny Clarke and a host of others – Leon 'Shredder' Brittan, for starters - wholly immune from the Plod Squad’s Spewtree / Fernbridge / Pallial investigations into a litany of kiddie fiddling scandals.

Talk about predictable, Education Secretary ‘Pob’ Gove last week rubber stamped the flawed decision sanctioning a Yorkshire-based religious instruction teacher at St Sodom’s School for Latter Day Catamites to reassume his official classroom duties after being discovered with 188 kiddie porn images on his pc. Hmmm, a teacher – and of religion to boot – what kind of ‘moral and spiritual mentor’ is that might we ask?

Then in a week marred by squirly justice, we have the IQ-deficient Judge Graham Cottle (aka the Paedo’s Friend) dishing out a suspended sentence to Cornwall paint dauber Graham Ovenden (who proclaims himself to be twenty times smarter than the bovine common herd) for indecency offences and sexually abusing (three-holing) several young girls – a penalty the Plod Squad are reported to be ‘gob-smacked’ over.

Meanwhile, actors (sic) from the longest-running brain dead soap in the known Universe, Coronation Street, are doing their bit to keep the front pages of the gutter press tabloids alive with lurid tales of historic rapes – with William Cockroach the latest target on Operation Spewtree’s ‘Celebrity Paedo’ hit list to enter the novel ‘Alzheimer’s Syndrome’ defence.

Apparently Cockroach, who portrays Ken Barlow, an ex-teacher at the fictitious Weatherfield’s Asbo Central High School, was cornered by press hacks as he left the Coronation Street set on Friday, located adjacent to Salford’s Landfill Gardens sink or swim social housing estate - and was forced to admit that the entire Corrie neighbourhood was inhabited by raving pederasts.

“The Rovers Return was chock full of fudgers, dykes and paedos – that’s where I got started with kiddie sex back in the 60’s from drinking with our resident alcoholic plumber Len Faircop and that other layabout dog wanker, Sweltering Stan Wogden.”
“They were all involved with kinky sex – part of the arty-farty acting culture. Ena Sharples and Minnie Caldwell were both raving dykes – and Elsie Tanner was a bisexual bitch who used to shaft both her male and female sex playmates with a ten inch strapon dildo.”
“As for this crew of slappers who claim I shagged the arse off them – especially the latest one, Chantelle McSkanger, she was another shit-for-brains celeb’-dazzled 16-year old mother of three willing to play suck n swallow for my autograph. No complaints then as she was licking her lips – and there wouldn’t be today apart from this compensation culture witch hunt being promoted by ambulance-chasing lawyers.”

Hmmm, satire and black humour aside, here too the echoes reverberate silently off Scotland’s Granite City walls (soon to be renamed Nonce Central) to obscure the Grampian Plod Squad’s utter lack of due diligence in investigating a now-notorious paedophile ring based in Aberdeen who prey on special needs / disabled children for that extra erotic kink factor - and is allegedly comprised of establishment figures: the Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker – along with a litany of police officers, social care workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, and members of the corruption-ridden judiciary – sheriffs included.

To highlight this travesty, Police Scotland’s all-new boss, Chief Constable Stephen House, is delinquent in his duty by failing to reply to anti-child abuse campaigner Robert Green’s inquiries regarding the lack of investigation of the Hollie Greig sexual abuse / serial rape scandal – or even what would serve as the minimum level of police inquiry or constitute the basic protocols for a child rape investigation.

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Yet this same Plod Squad and Crown Office have the corrupt temerity to pursue, hound, harass, arrest and prosecute – and imprison - those valiant, crusading souls of moral conscience who would expose these vile crimes and demand justice for victims alike Hollie – such as Robert Green and our Skewed News Views founder, Rusty Snr.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Western Zionist Stooges & S-300 Duplicity

Once again, the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

Okay, who’s up for a double-dose of holier-than-thou blatant hypocrisy? How about the one currently being spouted by the Zionist stooges running the good ole US of A – specifically the African-Indonesian Muslim cuckoo occupying the Shite House – Barky Hussein Obama, and his gang of moronic muppet gophers?

O’Barmy has received orders from his string-pulling kikester military-industrial cabal masters to sign the UN’s international arms trade treaty (ATT) - previously rejected by the US Senate in compliance with the wishes of the NRA and US firearms manufacturer’s lobbyists.

The ATT has been crafted to restrict international arms sales – the categories of which include anything that goes ‘Bang!’ and kills people - jet fighters, tactical nukes, tanks, artillery, and all manner of small arms.
Basically, if you read between the lines, the treaty restricts weapons sales to any sinister regime that isn’t Rothshite-approved and on the Shylock kikester’s Rosh Hashanah greetings card list.

However, here’s where the hypocrisy goes viral – the Yanks and their UK / European buddies are giving away (shoot now – pay later) weapons of mass distraction to the Jolly Jihad foreign merc’s comprising the rabid insurgent ranks of the faction-ridden Free Syria Army (l-Jaysh as-Sūrī al-Ḥurr) to wound, maim and kill every fucker and their dog old enough to scream and bleed – much as they did with the Libyan rebel psychos tasked with giving Gaddafi a pile of grief and returning the country’s pristine infrastructure to its current Stone Age state of being.

Well, after that chew n spew appetiser, is anyone up for a dessert helping of high octane hypocrisy? Okay, take a deep breath and hold it. These same Western Zionist stooges are now howling blue murder that the sodding Ruskies are supplying all manner of arms – and particularly S-300 surface-to-air missiles - to the beleaguered regime of Syrian President Basher al-Assad to shoot down the next flight of Israeli fighter jets that dares breach his nation’s sovereign air space to drop a few bombs.

Well ‘toughsky shitsky’ as President Vlad Putrid would say - that’s all part and parcel of these nasty little proxy n patsie wars. Russia and China see the scales tipping right out of balance as the Mid-East and African economic and political status quo is trashed and a bid made to re-forge it in the West’s dominant favour – with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya gone, and Somalia, Mali and Niger on the cards – along with Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran.

Balkanisation and civil war, sectarian strife and ethnic cleansing – that’s the ‘projected’ Atrocity Week order of campaign – with the spoils divvied up between Turkey and Israel - and Lebanon next on the agenda in an attempt to neutralise Hezbollah – while a compliant Jordanian stooge monarch goes along with the plan, wholly ignorant of the fact they’re next for annexation before the big one kicks off to take out a ‘ready and waiting’ Islamic Republic of Iran.

Hence the hue and cry over Moscow okaying the supply of S-300 missiles, sparking grave concerns that Assad’s troops might just end up winning this nasty proxy war, delaying the scheduled military attack on Iran – and threaten to undermine Israel’s tenuous Mid-East military hegemony status.

So to get the Shylock’s Greater Israel plan back on schedule as the Russians and Chinks keep blocking UN Security Council bids to task NATO with launching a Libyan style ‘humanitarian intervention’ campaign – and all the chemical weapons propaganda points straight back to the mercenary rebel forces - Syria has to go via the route of these same Free Syrian Army thugs being kitted out with high-tech / heavy weaponry – and Western military trainers to teach them how to use it.

On the Hypocrisy home front we now have the UK’s failed Tory leader and closet case sodomite Willy Vague crying ‘wolf!’ and petitioning the EUSSR assembly in Brussels - at the behest of his Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience masters running the global bankster trade and the outlaw Zionist crime state of Israel (formerly Palestine) – to ditch the arms embargo against the Syrian / al Qaeda rebels and further issue a ‘declaration of alarm’ – that the supply of S-300 missiles will alter the balance of power in Syria and the Mid-East region and pose a direct threat to Israel – but ironically the US and UK funding and arming the mosh pit fractious gangs of foreign mercenary thugs - collectively known as the Free Syrian Army – via their Qatar and Saudi proxies - won’t.

Across the pond and back in the Great Satan, Barky’s tosspot gophers - Def Sec Chuckie Hagel, glove puppet Sec of State John Kerry and Republican Senator John ‘Braindead’ McCain (following a recent pow-wow with al Qaeda terrorists at their Ras al Landfill hideaway)- are drumming up support around the Capitol on behalf of their AIPAC funding pals to have Congress okay the supply of weapons of mass distraction to the rebels – which will blend well with the current supply of US / Israeli drone and E-3A Sentry AWACS real time eyeball intelligence, Echelon communications el-int – along with shed loads of hum-int from their treacherous moles embedded in the Syrian military hierarchy who’ve sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver – and the promise of a sea front bungalow in California.

Regardless of Rostech’s Oleg Mobsaroubles and Igor Shitabrick supplying Assad’s gang with S-300 missiles and the US / UK arming the rebels with heavy weaponry and shoulder-fired SAMs (and covert 'false flag' caches of sarin gas) the ironic karma lies in the fact that these weapons in the hands of a legion of Islamic radical militants will one day be turned against the Western suppliers – the ZioNazi stooge Great Satan, Broken Britain, the foul and foreign French – and most fittingly of all – Israel.

So, to sum up, fuck the lunatic fringe meshuggenahs like PM Bobo Nuttyahoo and the Edomite Mafia’s ZioNazis running the outlaw crime state of Israel on a policy of perpetual ‘brinksmanship’ – and their fatally-flawed Crapitalist New World Order based in Jerusalem.

Thought for the day. Thank fuck ex-New Labour PM Tony ‘Weasel Eyes’ Bliar and his bumboy / paedo henchman Lord Peter Scandalson (aka Vermin in Ermine) aren’t still in Downing Street, otherwise these sinister Zionist-devised neo-colonial conflicts in Africa and the Mid-East, using Islamic stooges to front a proxy war against the conflicting political ideologies of Russia and China – solely to forward the Shylock bankster’s Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion agenda and achieve the pipe dream of their Chosen People’s Greater Israel – with the national boundaries stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates – would have resulted in World war Three being well underway and a global jihad launched against the Great Satan and their Western cohorts – (that’s us).

As for the hapless UK peasant class, well we’ve no say in the matter unfortunately – it’s all in the hands of the Nasty Party dominated Parliament. In fact we don’t have an elected government put in office via a popular public vote but a Tory Party / Lib-Dum amalgam of losers who had to form a coalition to establish a false franchise to hoof the moronic Gordon Broon out and get the keys for Number 10.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a politically-incorrect hostile environment infested with Māḡēn Dāwīḏ ZioNazi psychopaths and may contain elements of sickening Israeli schadenfreude, along with anti-Semitic paranoia, Holohoax ‘victims’ propaganda, unqualified arrogance, racist apartheid innuendo, lashings of Yidster hudaibiya, kvelling, hasbara and chutzpah - and quantifiable amounts of utter lunacy – along with nano-particle traces exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and a chemtrail residue of bush telegraph innuendo - plus a total disregard for the statutes of international law, human rights and the niceties of a polite and civilised society.

This skit is dedicated to the immortal memory of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat – tortured to death by the homicidal maniacs serving as his Israeli gaolers in the G4S-run Magiddo Prison – those clinically-insane kikesters (the Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience) running the apartheid state of Israel – who the UK’s taxpayer-funded BBC (British Coverups Corp) are under strict orders never to criticise – for such is ‘Mesira’ – forbidden!

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.