Tuesday 18 June 2024

Vote Tory, Labour, or Reform UK?

Yep, July 4th approacheth fast, and it’s gonna be general election time for a government political cabal in good ole Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) – with the two ‘traditional’ main parties, Tory and Labour, adopting all manner of back-stabbing, ‘scratch-your-eyes-out’ dirty tricks, mass media slanders, and gutter press libels – while vying for control.

Alas, as our once-sceptred isle is now populated (more at infested) – with a voting-age electorate of gogglebox-fixated wankers who believe any old shit they hear, the chances are that Fishy Sunak – considered an upper class snob, will be the downfall of the entire Tory vote – and the so-called working man’s choice - (which he is not) Sir Keir Stammerer – Labour’s main man – will be the candidate to vote for.

The scare factor viz the imminent July 4th general election for His Lordshit, the Tory gang’s current incumbent Foreign Sickretary - Posh Dave Scameron – a smug and complacent snob - is not so much Labour’s Stammerer, but the very mention of the Indestructible Nigel Farage as a Parliamentary candidate, and the name of the political party itself - 'Reform UK'.

Ergo, for if applied to the Tory Party’s corruption-ridden old boys network, such an act - of Reform - would put the mockers on all the under-the-table / sweetheart deals with their Masonic brotherhood, Satanist, paedo-scum buddies infesting the entire legal system, and the City's equally venal Corporatocracy onanists.

What’s worrying the shite out of Scameron & Co is the fact Farage and Reform are making hay - great industry, in fact – while Fishy Sunak is considered a joke - and it doesn’t take a genius IQ to see how Farage’s assertion that poor old Fishy  ‘doesn’t understand our British culture’ has been seized upon by the majority of voters who can, and occasionally do, still think for themselves – as the cold, stark truth.

Albeit, do we need to be prompted, really, that Posh Dave – as a past Tory Slime Minister in Downing Street, and to this day, with his insta-Lordshit aloofness title - reminds Reform-leaning voters of everything they dislike about the Tories – as he is a consummate snob, and represents the privileged, patrician wing of the Tory toffs brigade – the peasant-shooting landowners, the green welly, ‘get orf my land’ elitist scum who believe they still own and run Broken Britain.

As Tory leader and prime minister, Scameron looked after his own Lord Snooty toff types, publicly displayed a paternalistic contempt for the common herd (that’s us, folks); referred to Farage’s ‘think for yourself’ Ukip voters as ‘fruitcakes’; went into the 2010 general election promising tax cuts – (on rich twat's inheritance tax only) – then rammed up taxes for every other fucker n their dog.

Now the slimy twat – a pro-EUSSR stooge – who denied us a Brexit vote until forced – via political arm-twisting – to concede - has returned to government as a Lord rather than an elected MP – which definitely serves to underlined his unqualified aloofness.

Ergo, while that ever-wise and thatch-headed adulterous Tory guru, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, is of a mind that: “if you vote for Nutty Nigel and Reform – and don’t vote for our very own Fishy Sunak - you’re gonna get Labour’s Keir Stammerer – and his ginger-mingin’ slut of a deputy, Mangela Rayner - by default.”

So that’s your choice, folks. Tory, Labour, Librarian-Dummercraps, Greens or Reform UK – or go to the other end of the political spectrum extreme – vote for the Pancake Tuesday Adventists – or the ever-expanding Merry Muslim Boat People Party?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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