Monday 10 June 2024

UK Election Silly Season Hots Up

The Labour Party’s ‘Big Red’ election battle bus rolled into the vital Conservative-held constituencies battleground of Essex at weekend at a rate of indecent haste – (yeah, sorry Essex)  - with Sir Keir - (no less- for it was he) – pontificating to all and sundry, via the medium of a bullhorn, his ‘Stammerer’s Six Good Ideas to Rebuild Broken Britain’– with numero uno topping the ‘wishy-washy’ list being a pledge of 20,000 more prison places – perhaps to incarcerate all those hard right twats who fail to vote Labour, or dare spray nasty anti-Labour graffiti on polling station walls – or caught chanting ‘Stammerer's a Wanker’ - and referring to his ginger-mingin deputy leader, Mangela Rayner, as the 'Stockport slut'.

Conversely, the Tory gang, led by wet rag personality, Fishy Sunak, out and about, touring the brain dead ‘committed’ Conservative vote ‘conshituencies’ on Bonkers Boris’ clapped-out banger of a  Big Blue Bus - in a desperate bid to out-stupid Labour’s silly promises, have committed to writing a cheque worth £730 million quid – (of tax-payers funds) - to bankroll mental health services across Food Bank Britain.

Yeah right, multi-mega-bucks, to fund the psychiatric treatment of those legions of voters driven to the edge of suicidal despair by the self-serving antics of Labour and Tory party campaigning candidates, and their more at scent than substance July 4 ‘Vote for Me’ pledges.

There again – Fishy Sunak or Keir Stammerer – right or left – (let’s just forget about Paddleboard Ed’s Librarian Dummercraps) - both are duly cursed by their Woke joke cult appeasement, and having the personality of a Blackpool caravan site. For when it comes down to these preposterous pre-election ‘Vote for Us’ policy pledges, both sides are more full of shit than a constipated Christmas goose, and suffering an egocentric quantum entanglement of their own inflated worth in the greater scheme of matters political.

And now, by popular demand, while not overlooking the fact that Stammerer is still Brussels’ bitch, and an anti-Brexit / EUSSR suck-holing stooge, through and through, we have for the man-in-the-street voter perusal, (roll of drums) Sir Keir’s election-winning ‘Six Steps for Change’ manifesto.

1 Deliver economic stability – (by not borrowing any more £££ readies - and further increasing - Britain’s ginormous Bank of International Strangulation debt).

2 Cut National Ill-Health Service waiting lists – (by employing a staff of fairly-paid – and actually qualified - doctors and nurses).

3 Crack down on anti-social behaviour – (by having the Plod Squad kneecap rowdy yobs – then ship the wankers off to Rwanda).

4 Recruit 6,500 new teachers – (from a diverse selection of Third World shitholes – including Rwanda).

5 Launch a new border security command – (one that actually turns around – or better still sinks – the illegal migrant-overloaded rubber boats at the mid-Channel point).

6 Set up a publicly-owned Great British Energy corporation – (to wit, virtually a carbon copy that existed prior to the stupid Tory gang selling off the National Grid / Electricity Board - to be bought up by their greedy mates back in 1990).

Perhaps a ‘Number 7’ should be added to this list viz Sir Keir’s non-stop gibbering on about law and order, and a lack of prison places – then slagging off Fishy Sunak and the Tories for not building a swathe of penal colonies across the inhospitable Pennines - to incarcerate our once-sceptred isle of Albion’s ever-expanding criminal element population.

Hmmm, we view Labour’s ‘more prisons’ policy as a conundrum – for are such simply to incarcerate the very naughty members of our society – or is there an intent to use these lock-ups to discipline and rehabilitate offenders into constructive and contributing members of society – as opposed to simply turning out better organised criminals?

Shaking one’s head in wonderment – and total disbelief, perhaps too this latest and greatest Number 8 afterthought plan to Keir’s 'Wonderland' ever-expanding ‘things to do’ list , ref’ the ‘just announced’ this June 10, Monday morning, fairytale pledge to create 100,000 additional childcare places, and 3,000-plus new nurseries as part of Labour’s delusional childcare plan.

Labour have further stuck their necks out by promising to create NHS 100,000 extra dental appointments for children – in a social environment where finding an actual NHS dentist - and NHS dental care for adults, is on a par with the mythical search for hen’s teeth. (No pun intended).

Not to be left out of the silly ideas competition, the Conservatives have ideas for their own ‘wet dream’ dental recovery plan – to offer dentists cash incentives – aka ‘bribes’ - to take on extra NHS patients – Labour has announced plans to introduce ‘supervised brushing’ of teeth for children – by their local borough council’s yet-to-be-formed 'toothbrush department'. 

Yet there again, when we consider Stammerer’s political performances – past and present – he’s a not-to-be-trusted serial prevaricator – who flip-flops on every political policy and pledge he makes – which is bad news for Labour, as no political figure, or party, fixated to dogmatic opinion, can survive in the current market bourse where a critical, free thinking public demographic hold voter sway – especially this week now he throws his support for ever-expanding wind turbines and mega-hectares of solar panels- all at the expense of our natural green fields – and farmlands.

Ergo, a closing word viz ‘Don’t Vote’ for Labour’s Stammerer - for this is the same civil service wanker, who, in the role of Director of Pubic Prosecutions, failed to pursue, prosecute, and imprison fellow ‘Brother Freemason’ - the BBC’s celebrity dirty DJ and notorious sex pest pederast, Jimmy Savile.

Hmmm, more damning still, pro-Israeli apologist Stammerer – now stands gob-smacked silent viz the ICC arrest warrants for Nuttyahoo and Gallant – viz their crimes against humanity – specifically for using ‘starvation as a method of war’.

And that, mes amis, is Broken Britain’s Labour leader and would-be Crime Minister, come July 4  – while previously, sans conscience, expounding the twisted logic that the Sabbatian Zionist land thieves have the right to cut off water and electricity supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, up North, Scotland’s Alba Party leader, Alex ‘Porky Pict’ Salmond, is of a mind that his party are gonna make great political gains against the Scottish Nonce Protectors – as he personally has not been dipping his sticky fingers into the party’s coffers – like the SNP’s ‘of late’ Sturgeon kleptocrat clan.

Time is to look past Food Bank Britain’s fucked-up political circus for five, and at the good ole US of A – for regardless of who stands as candidates there, come November – the incumbent Democraps - or Republicans – Tel Aviv will still be running the Shite House policy viz the greater Middle East theatre – and much else where pro-Zionists pull on the puppet strings.

Hmmm, questions, questions – galore – but the main one on my mind, come Broken Britain’s 2024 General Election – on July 4, is for Nigel Farage and Reform – will there be a change of front room curtains at Downing Street, when he moves into Number 10?

Hope so, the chintzy shite from Oxfam that Theresa May hung across the windows needs a timely change.

Stop Press: The latest 'believe it or not' news release from the loopy Labour camp claims Stammerer is today fixated on a pledge to repair (fill in?) one million 'extra' potholes in Broken Britain's broken highways and byways.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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