Tuesday 4 June 2024

Skewed News Views Roundup

In the theme of all great Fairy Tales, ‘Once Upon a Time’ the government-affiliated Ministry of Transport conducted then, and so, to this present day, approved road-worthiness vehicle tests – until some elected local borough officials decide to ignore the established MOT standard and arbitrarily penalise vehicles over a certain vintage – a ‘failure’ based on age - and ‘not’ exhaust emissions.

This fascist policy need to be challenged in a top court of law by a canny barrister, based on the above facts.

Ergo, so WTF goes on with Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ, and now Nonceland’s copy-cat LEZ penalties – when we have a decades-long and established annual MOT examination system in operation across Broken Britain - for all road vehicles once their ‘newness’ polish wears off – that checks for all mechanical road worthiness- including excess engine exhaust emissions – and thus, regardless of actual age / date of manufacture - if passed, can – or rather ‘could’ - drive anywhere, sans restriction, censure or penalty?

Yep, just smell the air – and the money-grubbing stench of bureaucratic control freak corruption.


Israeli protesters – mainly the illegal settler contingent - block delivery, then raid the trucks and stamp on aid packages destined for Gaza’s hapless civilian population – women and children.

This is the Palestinian’s Holocaust – their Yawm an-Nakba.

Now that simply has to fall under the human rights abuse and war crimes heading – and would if not for the good ole US of A being Zionist-dominated and holding the reins on the not fit for purpose UN bureaucracy.

Nice people, these inbred Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of convenience.


Oh my, WTF next? In the wake of a single complaint for some humourless dog wanker with fragile sensibilities, the political correctness fascist squads are on the warpath, yet again – as if they ever pause for a breath of common sense – and their target this week is the kid’s book – Fungus the Bogeyman – as within the pages of this book is the word ‘golliwog’ – once upon a more sensible time in British history – a quite socially-acceptable kiddie’s cuddly toy – with zero links to white supremacy or racial abuse – or the exploitation of African identity and black culture.

Equally in the firing line and targeted to be de-platformed is David McKee’s illustrated kiddie’s text – Three Monsters – for, Heavens forbid, one monster uttering the words ‘Clear off, we don’t want any funny foreign types here’ – a definite socio-politically incorrect statement - when our Border Force patrols are scouring the ‘English’ Channel for distressed ‘funny foreign types’ in overloaded rubber inflatable boats and bringing them ashore on our south coast, so they might sponge and scrounge off Broken Britain’s social security welfare system – get a free cell phone, and dental treatment – while the rest of the British born n bred tax-paying working class that fund the NHS cannot access free NHS dental treatment and have to fork out mega-bucks to go private – or, sort their own aching teeth out with a pair of pliers and zero anaesthetic.


Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant announced a complete siege of the 25-mile long Gaza Strip littoral: ‘There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals’.

Yeah, hark this inbred Ashkenazi mongrel. Human animals, indeed.

And this from the low life likes of Gallant – and his pal Nuttyahoo – top dog barkers for the Synagogue of Satan

Oh, and BTW - it isn’t Israel’s sloppy op’s Mossad pit bull attack dog threatening ICC judges viz the investigation into Israeli war crimes in Gaza, but the actual Israeli government of Bobo Nuttyahoo – who holds the leash on Mossad and says ‘Fetch’ and ‘Kill’.


Smell the clickbait desperation to win the forthcoming election – but as with New Labour in the past, and such villainous warmongering twats as Tony Bliar and the not fit for purpose Gordon Broon, Stammerer is following in like fashion – will say any fucking thing to win approval – and a few votes.

Ergo, forget this call that voters should ask themselves if they really know what Stammerer stands for – cos Truth be known, Stammerer doesn’t know himself – and flip-flops to suit the common mood.

This is the wanker who wanted – and pushed for – a second Brexit referendum – the real deal EUSSR stooge – Keir knows better than the common herd.

Oh my, now Labour’s perennially-vacuous Stammerer has done yet another of his flip-flop tricks viz illegal immigration – immigration all round in fact – and has stated for the pubic record – sorry  ‘public’ – that Food Bank Britain needs to clamp down and tighten our borders – especially so the south coast where all these Channel-hopping wankers keep making landfall with greedy, grasping paws outstretched.

“Give me money, cell phone and house – and directions to the nearest militarist mosque”.


Worst Minister Swinney – along with Justice Secretary, Mangela Constance - need to collectively get a foot ‘apiece’ up the arse of Creative Scotland - to come clean and explain why an arts project involving the theme of nonce ponce sex (aka ‘kiddie fiddling’ pederasty) was given £100,000 + of official funding.

Hmmm, strains of the Aberdeen Hollie Greig sexual abuse of special needs children scandal – by the local ‘worthies’ (sic).


Personal message to US President, Smoky Joe Biden:

Please do not deport Prince Harry Hewitt, Duke of Montecito, back to Food Bank Britain, for fiddling his original US visa application form - as we hapless Brit's have more than our share of useless and parasitic, noble bloodline hangers-on already - and do not need this particular, ginger-mingin, and  IQ-deficient, 'Spare Cuckoo xxx (expletives deleted)' returning here to our once-sacred Isle of Albion.

Grateful thanks, in anticipation, for your sympathetic compliance, Joe.


Yep, Sweden’s climate alarmist cum miserable doom goblin, and notorious short-arsed public nuisance #1 anti-CO warrior, Greta Turdberg, since has tossed her climate protest apparel to the vagaries of the four winds – (since some smart arse whispered in her ear that plants n trees breathe in CO and exhale O2  – and actually need CO to live) - and switched her ‘socio-political pest’ Extinction Rebellion ‘death cult’ moralising protest attentions to slagging off the rogue Zionist state of Israel and their insidious treatment of the Palestinian Muslim population of what was Palestine – until the Zionists stole it by force of arms in 1948.

Gung ho Greta’s now singularly focused against one and all, even remotely complicit in Israel's human rights abuses, land thefts, war crimes and assorted acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide visited on the hapless heads of the Muslim Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip – and the IDF-occupied West Bank - specifically the vicious, rogue state of Israel’s IDF thugs current genocidal ‘clean sweep’ campaign – targeting the Palestinian civilian population of the coastal Gaza Strip – and any Hamas terrorist type who might inadvertently pop their heads up above the parapet – with their latest stocks of nasty armaments supplied to Nuttyahoo's Likit Party government free of charge, by the good ole Zionist-run US of A.


More Tory electioneering bs – (14 years too late) – a pledge to clarify the highly contested biological sex versus gender bender theory confusion – and protect biological sex status. 

No shit Sherlock, the only ones confused are the blokes kitted out in a frock n high heels to get access to a ladies toilet so they can perv up some masturbation fantasy if they find a few public hairs while on a bog seat sniffing excursion.

Male sports – female sports – neither sex plays in the other’s game – so why the fuck do we have trans-gender-bender blokes dressing up as girlies and being permitted to participate in women’s sports. 

We already have two venues – male and female – why not a third to accommodate these glory-hunting ‘Look at Me’ wannabe cheats – and have a trans-gender venue – for girlies who think they might be boys – and boys who delude themselves they are girls in a male body (or, as mentioned above, just male pervs who wanna cheap thrill n sniff the ladies’ toilet seats).

Three sexes, one most uncommon. Male. Female. Hermaphrodite – and that’s it – so be happy with WTF you have between your legs – cock or snatch – or if you have both, then ‘go fuck yourself’.


Ha - what hypocrisy - Brit' tourism killing the Canary Islands indeed.

The Spanish colonial invaders, sans a thought for the true indigenous natives, from 1402 onwards, usurped and displaced the true Amazigh tribal inhabitants of the Canary Is. via a route of ethnic cleansing – sanctioned by the accompanying Roman Catholic priests – who decreed that the animist 'savages' could not be converted to the ‘one true faith’ (sic).


The end result of a SleazyJet package holiday in shitty Sleaze-gypt – see the Pyramids and catch a deadly dose of ballistic diarrhoea.

Rule #1 - Don't drink the water. Rule #2 - Don't eat the food - (take a week's worth of sandwiches). Rule #3 - to be safe - go to Butlins at Skegness.


More climate change crisis propaganda to push the net zero carbon cap and morph CO₂ into an even greater threat to life on Earth when true science recognises that sans CO₂ all plant life dies – then use their proposed Fourth Industrial Revolution (which will be no such thing) high tech’ – to re-engineer human DNA and create a (super?) human-plus species that is ‘godlike – genetically modified to become remote, controllable organisms – via the route of fake scamdemic cure-all vaccines - and for that single point of gross arrogance alone they shall be cursed, and doomed.

Okay, first job on the ‘let’s correct this shit before it gets too far out of hand’ is to start knocking off the promoters of this agenda, whose sole purpose in life is to profit from their transhumanist / eugenics / depopulation agenda – then second round of targets are the likes of the WEF’s latter-day Nazi head honcho, Satan Klaus Schlob – current numero uno mouthpiece for the insane control freak New World Order’s Great Reset cabal – and not to overlook the equally squirrely Bent Bill Gates (of Hell) – and who the fuck really wants to have a DNA-enhanced Super Satan Klaus or a Super-Bill Gates lording it over a micro-chipped human slave race?


WTF goes on with this terminal case of ignoring reality, this heads in the sand ostrichism?

Why are we blindly submitting to this divisive and so diminishing state of nation-wide multiculturalism?

Gone is our millenniums-old Anglo-Saxon identity and culture, to a multicultural pandemic – a social affliction best confined inside the walls of the United Nations building.

Our Anglo-Saxon cultural identity – our sacred shibboleth - has been, alas, hijacked and polluted by dark forces fostering this global scale new world order and great reset agenda; and is now subsumed into a toxic mess – a socio-political morass – of deliberate multi-cultural contamination.

To close, last but by no means least, consider this latest inhospitable move from tourist-hating Spain – where ass about face policing is gonna see tourists cop a 170 Euro fine for purchasing goods from unlicenced street vendors – as opposed to the shit fer brains Spic Plod Squad arresting the illegal street vendors.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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