Thursday 20 June 2024

Batshit Bonkers News Roundup

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Socio-Political Sleaze – a timely reminder that we are ruled over by elected morons and psychotic control freaks  from the media pages of Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, the Just Stop Traffic head-bangers are really on the ball – painting Stonehenge (Unesco World Heritage site) a bright shade of orange – and by default these shit-fer-brains environmental activist clowns are henceforth to be referred to as Just Repaint Monoliths.

The Druids would be really impressed by this display of socio-political protest – especially so with being unaware of the existence of crude oil - or internal combustion engines – or global warming  – or a purported climate change crisis - apart from the fact they were living in the chilly aftermath emergence of the last Ice Age.

Okay, as a footnote to the madness (no laughing, please) a pair of these very same dog wankers cut through the security fence at Stanstead Airport at 05:00 hours this morning, and doused singer and cultural icon Taylor Swift’s private Dassault Falcon 900LX jet (amongst others) with the very same ‘Stonehenge shade’ of orange paint – just to teach ‘these billionaire types a lesson’.

A British grandfather who fell into a coma whilst on vacation is being held hostage by a Turkish hospital until he coughs up his £41,000 quid medical bill – otherwise they will start harvesting and selling off his ‘useable’ body parts and organs to recoup treatment costs.

Retired pub landlord, Jack Sprat, 68, was diagnosed with a terminal case of the screaming shits whilst on vacation, following an evening pig-out-fest of ‘sea-food delights’ at the Topkapi Sarayi restaurant.

Taken as a patient to the intensive care unit at terrible Turkey’s Istanbul-based Abu Hostage Medical Extortion Centre, the hapless Sprat – who had earlier been refused health insurance for the holiday due his pre-existing medical conditions – must now pay half the eye-watering bill before the medical centre will release him.

Moral of the story? Don’t go on holiday to Turkey – and if you do – definitely stay well clear of the ‘sea food delights’ hooked or netted from the chemical and shit- polluted Bosphorus and Sea of Marmara.

Just sniff the air, the scent of deception is there, barely perceptible, but riding the breeze, this coming Autumn’s public scare-mongering establishment exercise – Event 201 – part 2.

Oh wow, what a fucking surprise – yet another Covid-1984 style avian flu scamdemic that will infect every fucker and their dog, old enough to cough n sneeze.

But no worries as the boffins here at Genocide Pharma are working 24/7 on the latest vaccine – so roll up yer sleeves and get ready for shot number one.

Yet just to be on the safe side, best get your temporal affairs in order, and write out a will.

Alarm bells should be ringing right at this point – for the very foundation upon which science rests is to question itself – and for damn good reason. A century ago, heroin was being marketed as a cough syrup – and in the 1950s, thalidomide was tragically used to treat nausea in pregnant women. 

Ergo, science, by definition, has been wrong before, was definitely wrong viz Covid-1984 masks, social distancing, lockdowns, the fake CPR tests, and the ‘Cripple or Kill’ toxic vaxx shots - and will doubtless be wrong in future – all on the winning, mega-profit side of Big Pharma, of course..


The Greens propose transition to a zero-carbon society ahead of 2050 - and not to forget it wouldn’t be a Green Party manifesto without a wish list fantasy agenda to protect our national environment – growing greener food via a route of greener farming - bringing nature back to life - and not eating those ‘oh-so tasty’ yummy farm animals.

Topping their green energy and transport list is the cancellation of all oil and gas subsidies – and existing fossil fuel drilling, and mining licences - such as Rosebank - then call a halt to any new fossil fuel extraction projects in, on, and around Food Bank Britain.

(Oh my, you stupid twats, do the research – oil n gas are NOT fossil fuels – oil is abiotic (Abiogenic petroleum origin) and created constantly in the deep, sub-mantle bowels of our planet Earth.

Next on their tantrum hit list is to also phase out nuclear energy, which they claim, in their ignorance - is unsafe and much more expensive than renewables.

Once again, do the research – nuke has a far better reliability and efficiency than wind turbine and solar panel electricity generation viz our current tech’ – inasmuch as it does not require the sun to shine , nor the wind to blow.

Then we have their latest dystopian frequent-flyer levy – with a planned halt to the expansion of new airport capacity – and a ban on domestic flights – for any and all journeys that would take less than three hours on board one of Broken Britain’s RattleTrack railway system diesel or electric trains.


In the theme of all great Fairy Tales, ‘once upon a time’ the government-affiliated Ministry of Transport conducted then, and so, to this present day, approved road-worthiness vehicle tests – until some elected local borough officials decide to ignore the established MOT standard and arbitrarily penalise vehicles over a certain vintage – based on age - and ‘not’ safety factors, or excessive exhaust emissions.

This fascist policy need to be challenged in a top court of law by a canny barrister, based on the above facts.

Ergo, so WTF goes on with Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ, and now Nonceland’s copy-cat LEZ penalties – when we have a decades-long and established annual MOT examination system in operation across Broken Britain - for every road vehicle, once their ‘newness’ polish wears thin – that checks for all mechanical road worthiness- including excess engine exhaust emissions – and thus, regardless of actual age / date of manufacture - if passed, can – or rather ‘could’ - drive anywhere, sans restriction, censure or penalty?

Yep, just smell the air – and the money-grubbing stench of out-of-control bureaucratic corruption.

Israeli protesters – mainly the illegal settler contingent - block delivery, then raid the trucks and stamp on aid packages – (best sandalled-foot forward) - destined for Gaza’s hapless civilian population – women and children. (see the piccies link).

This is the Palestinian’s Holocaust – their Yawm an-Nakba.

Now that simply has to fall under the human rights abuse and war crimes heading – and would, if not for the good ole US of A being Zionist-dominated and holding the reins on the not fit for purpose UN bureaucracy.

Nice people these Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of convenience.

Really, what a fucking sight to behold by the common herd voting plebs - a piss-wet-through Slime Minister on the goggle box, stood outside number 10, giving a press chat in the pouring rain – performing like the ‘drip’ he is.

WTF, the most important postal address in the country and it hasn’t even got a porch over the front door – and Fishy Sunak ain’t got the brains to wear his mac’ – or use a brolly.

Just Google up the piccies.

Anti-Western race hate / discrimination by these infidel heathen immigrants who despise and denigrate their white Christian hosts, and our culture - yet wash up on our once-sceptred isle’s south coast beaches – scrounging dirty paws outstretched – ready to pollute and diss our millenniums-established society – one that existed while their pagan tribes hiked from one desert waterhole to the next – sodomising goats and camels as they went – when not otherwise engaged sodomising, or hacking, each other to bits with flint knives.

Amazing the level of hypocrisy involved with these Muslim immigrants, who denigrate we British Christian religious adherents as infidels, yet stoop to gross immorality and criminal acts of paedophilia – in a host country.

Have we not got enough home grown perverts and sex offenders on our soil without permitting the illegal migrant brand onto our shores also?

Holyrood’s Worst Minister Swinney needs to get a foot up the arse of Creative Scotland - to come clean and explain why an arts project involving the theme of nonce ponce sex (aka ‘kiddie fiddling’ pederasty) was given £100,000 + of official (tax-payers’ money) funding.

Hmmm, here we detect the strains of the Aberdeen Hollie Greig sexual abuse scandal – involving special needs children – by the local nonce-ponce untouchable ‘worthies’ (sic) – all protected from on high – by none other than the split-arsed Lord Advocate of the day.

Yep, Sweden’s climate alarmist cum miserable doom goblin, and notorious short-arsed public nuisance #1 bad weather warrior, Greta Turdberg, has tossed her climate protest apparel to the vagaries of the four winds, and switched her ‘socio-political pest’ Extinction Rebellion ‘death cult’ moralising attentions to slagging off the rogue Zionist state of Israel, and their insidious treatment of the Palestinian Muslim population of what was Palestine – until the Zionists stole it by force of arms in 1948.

Gung Ho Greta’s now singularly focused against one and all, even remotely complicit in Israel's human rights abuses, land thefts, war crimes and assorted acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide visited on the hapless heads of the Muslim Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip – and the IDF-occupied West Bank territory.

Specifically this is the rogue state of Israel’s IDF thugs current genocidal ‘clean sweep’ campaign – targeting the Palestinian civilian population of the coastal Gaza Strip – and any Hamas terrorist type who might inadvertently pop their heads up above the parapet – with their latest stocks of nasty armaments - supplied free of charge by the good ole Zionist-run US of A..

Viz the impact of recognising what was the Palestinian state, we seem to recall the entire caboodle – what is today rebranded as Israel, until 1948 was known on all world maps – as Palestine – and what Jews were there co-existed with the Muslim Palestinian population in relative harmony  - all until the Ashkenazi Jews of Convenience arrived on the doorstep demanding ‘their’ Holy Land back.   

A UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, claims the conscience-stifled – and class act Zionist stooge - Tory Nasty Party’s Foreign Sec’ – none other than Lord ‘Posh Dave’ Scameron – but will definitely gut the mega-profits of British arms dealers – who don’t give a flying fuck who – or what - their weapons kill – women n kids - or Muslims, or Pancake Tuesday Adventists, or even passing tourist types.

Carry on, regardless, and when the human rights and war crimes shit eventually hits the fan – and it will - let’s have the arrogant likes of Scameron in front of the judges at Nuremberg 2 – along with Bobo Nuttyahoo and the rest of the Zionist Israeli genocidal psychopaths.


Doing the A1 Royal Scowl look, while displaying her psychedelic pineapple plant hairdo - Princess Gloria von Thurn und Uber Taxis – sets out to give her viewing public a bit of a good old laugh. Thanks Gloria.

Yep, amazing shit, this hair modelling putty, when blended with an aesthetic mix of Grow-Bag compost and Dyno garden fertiliser.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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