Thursday 6 June 2024

CO2 Causes Climate Change – My Ass

Hark the taboos of negative climate change scepticism – a clear and present danger challenging the bureaucrat’s wet dream come true: alarmist weather predictions feeding an impending climate apocalypse.

Of course the climate changes – for the better, then for the worse – warmer, colder, dryer, wetter – ever cyclic in nature, but rarely the same seasonal pattern, year after year; decade after decade, century upon century – and millennium upon millennium.

A meteorological-physics-rooted explanation of the Earth’s observed historic warming and cooling cycles and the warming trend purportedly observed over the last 50 year period, has to look to the variability induced by the many other natural mechanisms – specifically, as mentioned earlier, solar cycles, along with orbital / lunar cycles, cloud – and ozone variability, ocean cycles, volcanoes, urban heat islands, etc, et al.

On a perverse note, this fallacious global warming statistic, and negative effect climate changes, have morphed into a set of control freak levers – to get a grip on the purported existential threats to the welfare of their national populations via a route of socio-political-economic oversight and micro-management level supervision - and the corrupt individuals driving this flawed climate change scaremongering narrative will never let go of the now-established – albeit wholly fallacious - (and ultra-profitable) - ‘CO2 is the climate change control knob’ deception.

These environmental activists – the present day’s Woke joke cult – the Just Stop Traffic public nuisances - those sworn enemies of free market industrial capitalism – hell bent on micro-managing the lives of a global population – to force every fucker n their dog into impractical electric vehicles – and not just what we do, but how we think. Talk about dystopian – that says it all.

Okay, before we dig deeper into the blatant absurdities of the negative climate change paradigm – and have the Just Stop Traffic gang chucking bricks through our windows - for the deniers and the proponents – the climate ‘changes’ - constantly – seasonally – cyclically – and even day to day - of that there is no doubt or disagreement.

The conflict between the two camps comes in the purported cause and effect – and to what degree.

Recorded scientific data and observational fact leave us in no doubt that the fickle highs and lows ‘moods’ of our centrally-positioned Sun – (the Maunder Minimum ‘Little Ice Age’ -1645 to 1715 – a 70 year period of reduced numbers – all the way down to ‘zero numbers’ - of Sun spots) - along with what we shall here term as ‘space weather’ (the ‘cosmic’ effects of exploding super-nova, for one) – are the main movers of cyclic climate change and temperatures in our solar community – and man’s piss ant industrial – and vehicle engine contributions to environmental pollution - are hardly worthy of notice – especially so in this modern age after the smoke n smog era of the Industrial Revolution.

Ergo, long term weather record study confirms that reduced sun spot activity can be directly linked to reduced jet stream behaviour and conflicting annual weather patterns across North America and Europe – and colder than average temperatures.

Climate change hysteria – this entire scare-mongering flawed – in fact fake – science declaration viz CO2 (the gas of Life for all plants n trees) being a greenhouse gas, and the driving force of negative climate changes – and such ridiculous exaggerations as the seas are gonna boil, and the icecaps melt – and the polar bears n penguins all succumb to heat exhaustion - ‘if’ we don’t make global scale modifications to industry, to social outlooks, to travel – and cut out all fossil fuel burning, along with abiotic oil by-products in engines – including aircraft - and using natural gas – or wood - for cooking / heating – then humanity is headed for a fast track extinction level event.

For the record, the Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent / current period of our planet’s history, when these corrupt parties of self-interest falsely claim that human activity began to have a significant, negative impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

Really, the entire climate change deception has morphed into a big money-spinning industry – and it’s gonna be a Witch Hunt worthy crime to be a common sense and logic naysayer who looks at the data.

But, and this is a biggish ‘but’ – there is no denying what Frank Sinatra proclaimed on looking out the window – ‘the weather outside is frightful’.

Truth be known, and acknowledged,  a period of our global past – the Jurassic era / the dinosaurs and giant flora of 200 million years ago - then temperatures were some 12 to 16 degrees Centigrade warmer – and today we are still emerging from the last Cenozoic ice age – a ‘Glacial Minima’ – aka the Holocene period - and if you don’t believe it – just take a butcher’s at the north and south polar regions - covered with miles-thick ice.

So much for greenhouse effects and global warming there. The weather over the past century – temperature highs of the 1930’s compared with  today, 2024 – is getting markedly cooler – regardless of what sensationalist politicos such as US Senator Al Bore sketched on a drawing pad at a public forum - to sell the global warming panic model he was paid mega-bucks to promote.

Ergo, and a big sorry for Greta too. Apologies galore - for aggravating your Asperger's syndrome condition - and the obsessive-compulsive disorder – then adding insult to injury, and ruining your dreams and childhood – by allowing money-grubbing parties of self-interest to dominate the mass news media – and academia - with bullshit lies that anthropogenic / human activity - and that old bugbear, CO2, are the direct – and sole - causes of climate change.

Okay, with that said n done, can someone please now stick the hysterical Swedish dwarf goblin back in her box – and lock the fucking door.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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