Friday 28 June 2024

Labour to Welcome Illegal Migrants

Labour’s deputy leader, Mangela Rayner - (aka the ginger-mingin Stockport skanger) - has publicly announced that: ......  ‘if the number of illegal migrants washing up in small boats on our south coast shores and claiming to be war zone refugees, seeking political asylum, continues at current levels in the next Parliament, they’ll be welcomed with open arms by Sir Keir & Co’ – (as they were under Tony Bliar's 'New Labour' (sic) government) - and jump to the front of the 'have-not's' queue for welfare payment handouts - and social housing – with up to 1,300 of the fuckers lodged in every single one of Broken Britain’s council boroughs – and eligible for places in the 1.5 million new social housing homes to be built by the stuttering Stammerer’s Labour administration

Of course the peak season arrivals will continue – and increase at a geometric rate - (especially so now that the Tory Nasty Party are pre-doomed to lose the coming July 4 general election – and Fishy Sunak’s absurd and reckless – (more of a delusional joke) - Rwanda deportation scheme is to be dutifully shit-canned) - and the Labour Party’s bigwig propagandists have broadcast to the world – and the criminal migrant mover gangs - they are the illegal immigrant-friendly ‘Amnesty Party’.

Regardless of all this Refugee Council brouhaha and gimmicks, of treating illegals fairly, and processing their fabricated asylum claims while they revel in the secure and insular comfort zones of Britain’s 5 star hotels, these foreign fuckers should never have been allowed to set foot on our British shore – (coming from ‘safe haven France’) - if the government of the day – and Border Force - were fit for purpose, and Parliament was performing to the mandate requirements of its elected role – of catering first, and foremost, to the welfare of the British state and its electorate – and not to hands-out, ne’er-do-well foreign intruders, fixated on scrounging off the British welfare state.

Ergo, let us also dismiss loopy New Labour’s ‘post-Brexit immigration trends’ argument, as the majority of these illegals are not Christians, nor willing to conform to our established British cultural traditions (drinking beer and scoffing pork pies) – nor are they European in origin, but Third World infidel scallies – and additionally our post-Brexit Britain has zero obligation to concede to any EUSSR Brussels ‘fair share’ mandate.

Hmmm, so much for the mechanisms of the Illegal Immigration Bill – and regardless, if Labour win this forth-coming election, then their current, stated, illegal immigration policy will prove unworkable, and shall come back to haunt them – in perpetuity.

Stop press: Hark the despicable Rayner's loopy latest to lower the quality of life for these unfortunate ten top council boroughs the Labour Party has ‘targeted’ - as ‘foreign invasion’ points - for their planned displaced immigrant ‘destination-accommodation’ grand slam – all of whose electorate age population voters, upon hearing this negative news, across the hapless ‘ground zero’ centres of Birmingham, Liverpool, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Coventry, Manchester, Cardiff, Leeds, Southwark, and Bradford, will doubtless be giving the entire Labour Party machine, and their gobshite Karen of a deputy leader - Rayner - and Sir Keir Stammerer – (an ultimate dog wanker, straight out of central casting) - the middle finger salute - then voting for the indestructible Nigel Farage’s Reform Party.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Kookie Kemi Disses Dr Who

Hark the outgoing Tory Hopeless Party’s ‘Inequalities Minister’, (Que? WTF is one of those?) Kemi Badmood attacking David Tennant for speaking the logical truth viz ‘identity politics’ – and such being a truth which does not suit her skewed opinion of how things are – and here ego surpasses intellect, as she resorts to use a typical darkie ‘racist victim’ nasty response theme for effect.

"A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can't see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end."

Que? WTF? Is Badass the only black woman in the House of Conmans?

Dunno? Perhaps of an opinion she is the ‘only’ black woman ‘that matters’ – being a Minister. Nowt like the odd delusional ego trip to brighten up your day.

Now the equally suntanned Fishy Sunak has got in on the act, and wades into Badenoch’s bickering squabble with actor David Tennant – morphing it into a socio-political war zone - as if Tennant had petitioned for the woman to be guillotined - and not simply just 'shut the fuck up, talking shite'.

44 year old Kemi Adegoke Badenoch - going through a spasm of menopausal paranoia and silly woman stress, perhaps (?) – has pulled a typical last resort race hate ticket in her accusations that ‘whitey scum’ David Tennant is ‘attacking the only black woman in government’ (Worstminster / Parliament / House of Conmans).

Obviously Kemi runs true to form, as with the rest of her incompetent approach viz Ministerial Duties and the entire trans-gender bender debate she blindly meddles with – appearing wholly unaware of the scores of other coloured and black female MPs present in Parliament – the ‘seat of government’ – and while they might not be as black as Ms Badenough’s spotty ass, they are far from white – perhaps coloured to varying mixed race degrees – dark parent here, white parent there - might be a more fitting description.

But no, Kemi Bad Mood is not having this – she is the only ‘blacker than black’ women (female) in the House of Conmans government – and David ‘Dr Who’ Tennant needs to get back in his Tardis – and just ‘fuck off’ - and annoy the Daleks, instead of Kemi.

In fact, if black comes to black – then Diane Abbott (she with two B’s ‘and’ two T’s) – is, by skin to skin comparison, blacker than a coal heaver’s vest, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (blackness – can’t be seen in the dark) has Kemi beat hands-down.

Okay, let’s start with ‘Her Uniqueness’ Kemi Bad Knockers – then move on to Dawn Butler, Spewella Braverman, Claire Coutinho, Diane Abbott, Priti Patel, Nus Ghani, Oona King, Rushanara Ali, Shabana Mahmood, Chi Onwurah, Yasmin Quereshi, Seema Malhotra, Thangam Debbonaire, Rupa Huq, Kate Osamor, Naz Shah, Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh; Tulip Siddiq, Rosena Allin-Khan, Marsha de Cordova, Fiona Oluyinka Onasanya, Eleanor Smith, Janet Sarju Daby, Apsana Begum, Baroness Kishwer Falkner, and Florence Eshalomi – (who actually classes herself as Black British) - and the list goes on .... and on.

Ergo, time to take a break – for the tea's just brewed – and enough ‘darkies’ listed to make the point – that kookie Kemi’s more full of egocentric 'Me! Me! Me!' shit than a Christmas goose.

Quick afterthought post: perhaps Kemi Badmood has some deep rooted, childhood-era psychological trauma issues linked to watching Dr Who on television - in which Tennant portrayed the tenth  incarnation of the time-travelling Doctor.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Batshit Bonkers News Roundup

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Socio-Political Sleaze – a timely reminder that we are ruled over by elected morons and psychotic control freaks  from the media pages of Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, the Just Stop Traffic head-bangers are really on the ball – painting Stonehenge (Unesco World Heritage site) a bright shade of orange – and by default these shit-fer-brains environmental activist clowns are henceforth to be referred to as Just Repaint Monoliths.

The Druids would be really impressed by this display of socio-political protest – especially so with being unaware of the existence of crude oil - or internal combustion engines – or global warming  – or a purported climate change crisis - apart from the fact they were living in the chilly aftermath emergence of the last Ice Age.

Okay, as a footnote to the madness (no laughing, please) a pair of these very same dog wankers cut through the security fence at Stanstead Airport at 05:00 hours this morning, and doused singer and cultural icon Taylor Swift’s private Dassault Falcon 900LX jet (amongst others) with the very same ‘Stonehenge shade’ of orange paint – just to teach ‘these billionaire types a lesson’.

A British grandfather who fell into a coma whilst on vacation is being held hostage by a Turkish hospital until he coughs up his £41,000 quid medical bill – otherwise they will start harvesting and selling off his ‘useable’ body parts and organs to recoup treatment costs.

Retired pub landlord, Jack Sprat, 68, was diagnosed with a terminal case of the screaming shits whilst on vacation, following an evening pig-out-fest of ‘sea-food delights’ at the Topkapi Sarayi restaurant.

Taken as a patient to the intensive care unit at terrible Turkey’s Istanbul-based Abu Hostage Medical Extortion Centre, the hapless Sprat – who had earlier been refused health insurance for the holiday due his pre-existing medical conditions – must now pay half the eye-watering bill before the medical centre will release him.

Moral of the story? Don’t go on holiday to Turkey – and if you do – definitely stay well clear of the ‘sea food delights’ hooked or netted from the chemical and shit- polluted Bosphorus and Sea of Marmara.

Just sniff the air, the scent of deception is there, barely perceptible, but riding the breeze, this coming Autumn’s public scare-mongering establishment exercise – Event 201 – part 2.

Oh wow, what a fucking surprise – yet another Covid-1984 style avian flu scamdemic that will infect every fucker and their dog, old enough to cough n sneeze.

But no worries as the boffins here at Genocide Pharma are working 24/7 on the latest vaccine – so roll up yer sleeves and get ready for shot number one.

Yet just to be on the safe side, best get your temporal affairs in order, and write out a will.

Alarm bells should be ringing right at this point – for the very foundation upon which science rests is to question itself – and for damn good reason. A century ago, heroin was being marketed as a cough syrup – and in the 1950s, thalidomide was tragically used to treat nausea in pregnant women. 

Ergo, science, by definition, has been wrong before, was definitely wrong viz Covid-1984 masks, social distancing, lockdowns, the fake CPR tests, and the ‘Cripple or Kill’ toxic vaxx shots - and will doubtless be wrong in future – all on the winning, mega-profit side of Big Pharma, of course..


The Greens propose transition to a zero-carbon society ahead of 2050 - and not to forget it wouldn’t be a Green Party manifesto without a wish list fantasy agenda to protect our national environment – growing greener food via a route of greener farming - bringing nature back to life - and not eating those ‘oh-so tasty’ yummy farm animals.

Topping their green energy and transport list is the cancellation of all oil and gas subsidies – and existing fossil fuel drilling, and mining licences - such as Rosebank - then call a halt to any new fossil fuel extraction projects in, on, and around Food Bank Britain.

(Oh my, you stupid twats, do the research – oil n gas are NOT fossil fuels – oil is abiotic (Abiogenic petroleum origin) and created constantly in the deep, sub-mantle bowels of our planet Earth.

Next on their tantrum hit list is to also phase out nuclear energy, which they claim, in their ignorance - is unsafe and much more expensive than renewables.

Once again, do the research – nuke has a far better reliability and efficiency than wind turbine and solar panel electricity generation viz our current tech’ – inasmuch as it does not require the sun to shine , nor the wind to blow.

Then we have their latest dystopian frequent-flyer levy – with a planned halt to the expansion of new airport capacity – and a ban on domestic flights – for any and all journeys that would take less than three hours on board one of Broken Britain’s RattleTrack railway system diesel or electric trains.


In the theme of all great Fairy Tales, ‘once upon a time’ the government-affiliated Ministry of Transport conducted then, and so, to this present day, approved road-worthiness vehicle tests – until some elected local borough officials decide to ignore the established MOT standard and arbitrarily penalise vehicles over a certain vintage – based on age - and ‘not’ safety factors, or excessive exhaust emissions.

This fascist policy need to be challenged in a top court of law by a canny barrister, based on the above facts.

Ergo, so WTF goes on with Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ, and now Nonceland’s copy-cat LEZ penalties – when we have a decades-long and established annual MOT examination system in operation across Broken Britain - for every road vehicle, once their ‘newness’ polish wears thin – that checks for all mechanical road worthiness- including excess engine exhaust emissions – and thus, regardless of actual age / date of manufacture - if passed, can – or rather ‘could’ - drive anywhere, sans restriction, censure or penalty?

Yep, just smell the air – and the money-grubbing stench of out-of-control bureaucratic corruption.

Israeli protesters – mainly the illegal settler contingent - block delivery, then raid the trucks and stamp on aid packages – (best sandalled-foot forward) - destined for Gaza’s hapless civilian population – women and children. (see the piccies link).

This is the Palestinian’s Holocaust – their Yawm an-Nakba.

Now that simply has to fall under the human rights abuse and war crimes heading – and would, if not for the good ole US of A being Zionist-dominated and holding the reins on the not fit for purpose UN bureaucracy.

Nice people these Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of convenience.

Really, what a fucking sight to behold by the common herd voting plebs - a piss-wet-through Slime Minister on the goggle box, stood outside number 10, giving a press chat in the pouring rain – performing like the ‘drip’ he is.

WTF, the most important postal address in the country and it hasn’t even got a porch over the front door – and Fishy Sunak ain’t got the brains to wear his mac’ – or use a brolly.

Just Google up the piccies.

Anti-Western race hate / discrimination by these infidel heathen immigrants who despise and denigrate their white Christian hosts, and our culture - yet wash up on our once-sceptred isle’s south coast beaches – scrounging dirty paws outstretched – ready to pollute and diss our millenniums-established society – one that existed while their pagan tribes hiked from one desert waterhole to the next – sodomising goats and camels as they went – when not otherwise engaged sodomising, or hacking, each other to bits with flint knives.

Amazing the level of hypocrisy involved with these Muslim immigrants, who denigrate we British Christian religious adherents as infidels, yet stoop to gross immorality and criminal acts of paedophilia – in a host country.

Have we not got enough home grown perverts and sex offenders on our soil without permitting the illegal migrant brand onto our shores also?

Holyrood’s Worst Minister Swinney needs to get a foot up the arse of Creative Scotland - to come clean and explain why an arts project involving the theme of nonce ponce sex (aka ‘kiddie fiddling’ pederasty) was given £100,000 + of official (tax-payers’ money) funding.

Hmmm, here we detect the strains of the Aberdeen Hollie Greig sexual abuse scandal – involving special needs children – by the local nonce-ponce untouchable ‘worthies’ (sic) – all protected from on high – by none other than the split-arsed Lord Advocate of the day.

Yep, Sweden’s climate alarmist cum miserable doom goblin, and notorious short-arsed public nuisance #1 bad weather warrior, Greta Turdberg, has tossed her climate protest apparel to the vagaries of the four winds, and switched her ‘socio-political pest’ Extinction Rebellion ‘death cult’ moralising attentions to slagging off the rogue Zionist state of Israel, and their insidious treatment of the Palestinian Muslim population of what was Palestine – until the Zionists stole it by force of arms in 1948.

Gung Ho Greta’s now singularly focused against one and all, even remotely complicit in Israel's human rights abuses, land thefts, war crimes and assorted acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide visited on the hapless heads of the Muslim Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip – and the IDF-occupied West Bank territory.

Specifically this is the rogue state of Israel’s IDF thugs current genocidal ‘clean sweep’ campaign – targeting the Palestinian civilian population of the coastal Gaza Strip – and any Hamas terrorist type who might inadvertently pop their heads up above the parapet – with their latest stocks of nasty armaments - supplied free of charge by the good ole Zionist-run US of A..

Viz the impact of recognising what was the Palestinian state, we seem to recall the entire caboodle – what is today rebranded as Israel, until 1948 was known on all world maps – as Palestine – and what Jews were there co-existed with the Muslim Palestinian population in relative harmony  - all until the Ashkenazi Jews of Convenience arrived on the doorstep demanding ‘their’ Holy Land back.   

A UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, claims the conscience-stifled – and class act Zionist stooge - Tory Nasty Party’s Foreign Sec’ – none other than Lord ‘Posh Dave’ Scameron – but will definitely gut the mega-profits of British arms dealers – who don’t give a flying fuck who – or what - their weapons kill – women n kids - or Muslims, or Pancake Tuesday Adventists, or even passing tourist types.

Carry on, regardless, and when the human rights and war crimes shit eventually hits the fan – and it will - let’s have the arrogant likes of Scameron in front of the judges at Nuremberg 2 – along with Bobo Nuttyahoo and the rest of the Zionist Israeli genocidal psychopaths.


Doing the A1 Royal Scowl look, while displaying her psychedelic pineapple plant hairdo - Princess Gloria von Thurn und Uber Taxis – sets out to give her viewing public a bit of a good old laugh. Thanks Gloria.

Yep, amazing shit, this hair modelling putty, when blended with an aesthetic mix of Grow-Bag compost and Dyno garden fertiliser.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Vote Tory, Labour, or Reform UK?

Yep, July 4th approacheth fast, and it’s gonna be general election time for a government political cabal in good ole Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) – with the two ‘traditional’ main parties, Tory and Labour, adopting all manner of back-stabbing, ‘scratch-your-eyes-out’ dirty tricks, mass media slanders, and gutter press libels – while vying for control.

Alas, as our once-sceptred isle is now populated (more at infested) – with a voting-age electorate of gogglebox-fixated wankers who believe any old shit they hear, the chances are that Fishy Sunak – considered an upper class snob, will be the downfall of the entire Tory vote – and the so-called working man’s choice - (which he is not) Sir Keir Stammerer – Labour’s main man – will be the candidate to vote for.

The scare factor viz the imminent July 4th general election for His Lordshit, the Tory gang’s current incumbent Foreign Sickretary - Posh Dave Scameron – a smug and complacent snob - is not so much Labour’s Stammerer, but the very mention of the Indestructible Nigel Farage as a Parliamentary candidate, and the name of the political party itself - 'Reform UK'.

Ergo, for if applied to the Tory Party’s corruption-ridden old boys network, such an act - of Reform - would put the mockers on all the under-the-table / sweetheart deals with their Masonic brotherhood, Satanist, paedo-scum buddies infesting the entire legal system, and the City's equally venal Corporatocracy onanists.

What’s worrying the shite out of Scameron & Co is the fact Farage and Reform are making hay - great industry, in fact – while Fishy Sunak is considered a joke - and it doesn’t take a genius IQ to see how Farage’s assertion that poor old Fishy  ‘doesn’t understand our British culture’ has been seized upon by the majority of voters who can, and occasionally do, still think for themselves – as the cold, stark truth.

Albeit, do we need to be prompted, really, that Posh Dave – as a past Tory Slime Minister in Downing Street, and to this day, with his insta-Lordshit aloofness title - reminds Reform-leaning voters of everything they dislike about the Tories – as he is a consummate snob, and represents the privileged, patrician wing of the Tory toffs brigade – the peasant-shooting landowners, the green welly, ‘get orf my land’ elitist scum who believe they still own and run Broken Britain.

As Tory leader and prime minister, Scameron looked after his own Lord Snooty toff types, publicly displayed a paternalistic contempt for the common herd (that’s us, folks); referred to Farage’s ‘think for yourself’ Ukip voters as ‘fruitcakes’; went into the 2010 general election promising tax cuts – (on rich twat's inheritance tax only) – then rammed up taxes for every other fucker n their dog.

Now the slimy twat – a pro-EUSSR stooge – who denied us a Brexit vote until forced – via political arm-twisting – to concede - has returned to government as a Lord rather than an elected MP – which definitely serves to underlined his unqualified aloofness.

Ergo, while that ever-wise and thatch-headed adulterous Tory guru, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, is of a mind that: “if you vote for Nutty Nigel and Reform – and don’t vote for our very own Fishy Sunak - you’re gonna get Labour’s Keir Stammerer – and his ginger-mingin’ slut of a deputy, Mangela Rayner - by default.”

So that’s your choice, folks. Tory, Labour, Librarian-Dummercraps, Greens or Reform UK – or go to the other end of the political spectrum extreme – vote for the Pancake Tuesday Adventists – or the ever-expanding Merry Muslim Boat People Party?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 10 June 2024

UK Election Silly Season Hots Up

The Labour Party’s ‘Big Red’ election battle bus rolled into the vital Conservative-held constituencies battleground of Essex at weekend at a rate of indecent haste – (yeah, sorry Essex)  - with Sir Keir - (no less- for it was he) – pontificating to all and sundry, via the medium of a bullhorn, his ‘Stammerer’s Six Good Ideas to Rebuild Broken Britain’– with numero uno topping the ‘wishy-washy’ list being a pledge of 20,000 more prison places – perhaps to incarcerate all those hard right twats who fail to vote Labour, or dare spray nasty anti-Labour graffiti on polling station walls – or caught chanting ‘Stammerer's a Wanker’ - and referring to his ginger-mingin deputy leader, Mangela Rayner, as the 'Stockport slut'.

Conversely, the Tory gang, led by wet rag personality, Fishy Sunak, out and about, touring the brain dead ‘committed’ Conservative vote ‘conshituencies’ on Bonkers Boris’ clapped-out banger of a  Big Blue Bus - in a desperate bid to out-stupid Labour’s silly promises, have committed to writing a cheque worth £730 million quid – (of tax-payers funds) - to bankroll mental health services across Food Bank Britain.

Yeah right, multi-mega-bucks, to fund the psychiatric treatment of those legions of voters driven to the edge of suicidal despair by the self-serving antics of Labour and Tory party campaigning candidates, and their more at scent than substance July 4 ‘Vote for Me’ pledges.

There again – Fishy Sunak or Keir Stammerer – right or left – (let’s just forget about Paddleboard Ed’s Librarian Dummercraps) - both are duly cursed by their Woke joke cult appeasement, and having the personality of a Blackpool caravan site. For when it comes down to these preposterous pre-election ‘Vote for Us’ policy pledges, both sides are more full of shit than a constipated Christmas goose, and suffering an egocentric quantum entanglement of their own inflated worth in the greater scheme of matters political.

And now, by popular demand, while not overlooking the fact that Stammerer is still Brussels’ bitch, and an anti-Brexit / EUSSR suck-holing stooge, through and through, we have for the man-in-the-street voter perusal, (roll of drums) Sir Keir’s election-winning ‘Six Steps for Change’ manifesto.

1 Deliver economic stability – (by not borrowing any more £££ readies - and further increasing - Britain’s ginormous Bank of International Strangulation debt).

2 Cut National Ill-Health Service waiting lists – (by employing a staff of fairly-paid – and actually qualified - doctors and nurses).

3 Crack down on anti-social behaviour – (by having the Plod Squad kneecap rowdy yobs – then ship the wankers off to Rwanda).

4 Recruit 6,500 new teachers – (from a diverse selection of Third World shitholes – including Rwanda).

5 Launch a new border security command – (one that actually turns around – or better still sinks – the illegal migrant-overloaded rubber boats at the mid-Channel point).

6 Set up a publicly-owned Great British Energy corporation – (to wit, virtually a carbon copy that existed prior to the stupid Tory gang selling off the National Grid / Electricity Board - to be bought up by their greedy mates back in 1990).

Perhaps a ‘Number 7’ should be added to this list viz Sir Keir’s non-stop gibbering on about law and order, and a lack of prison places – then slagging off Fishy Sunak and the Tories for not building a swathe of penal colonies across the inhospitable Pennines - to incarcerate our once-sceptred isle of Albion’s ever-expanding criminal element population.

Hmmm, we view Labour’s ‘more prisons’ policy as a conundrum – for are such simply to incarcerate the very naughty members of our society – or is there an intent to use these lock-ups to discipline and rehabilitate offenders into constructive and contributing members of society – as opposed to simply turning out better organised criminals?

Shaking one’s head in wonderment – and total disbelief, perhaps too this latest and greatest Number 8 afterthought plan to Keir’s 'Wonderland' ever-expanding ‘things to do’ list , ref’ the ‘just announced’ this June 10, Monday morning, fairytale pledge to create 100,000 additional childcare places, and 3,000-plus new nurseries as part of Labour’s delusional childcare plan.

Labour have further stuck their necks out by promising to create NHS 100,000 extra dental appointments for children – in a social environment where finding an actual NHS dentist - and NHS dental care for adults, is on a par with the mythical search for hen’s teeth. (No pun intended).

Not to be left out of the silly ideas competition, the Conservatives have ideas for their own ‘wet dream’ dental recovery plan – to offer dentists cash incentives – aka ‘bribes’ - to take on extra NHS patients – Labour has announced plans to introduce ‘supervised brushing’ of teeth for children – by their local borough council’s yet-to-be-formed 'toothbrush department'. 

Yet there again, when we consider Stammerer’s political performances – past and present – he’s a not-to-be-trusted serial prevaricator – who flip-flops on every political policy and pledge he makes – which is bad news for Labour, as no political figure, or party, fixated to dogmatic opinion, can survive in the current market bourse where a critical, free thinking public demographic hold voter sway – especially this week now he throws his support for ever-expanding wind turbines and mega-hectares of solar panels- all at the expense of our natural green fields – and farmlands.

Ergo, a closing word viz ‘Don’t Vote’ for Labour’s Stammerer - for this is the same civil service wanker, who, in the role of Director of Pubic Prosecutions, failed to pursue, prosecute, and imprison fellow ‘Brother Freemason’ - the BBC’s celebrity dirty DJ and notorious sex pest pederast, Jimmy Savile.

Hmmm, more damning still, pro-Israeli apologist Stammerer – now stands gob-smacked silent viz the ICC arrest warrants for Nuttyahoo and Gallant – viz their crimes against humanity – specifically for using ‘starvation as a method of war’.

And that, mes amis, is Broken Britain’s Labour leader and would-be Crime Minister, come July 4  – while previously, sans conscience, expounding the twisted logic that the Sabbatian Zionist land thieves have the right to cut off water and electricity supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, up North, Scotland’s Alba Party leader, Alex ‘Porky Pict’ Salmond, is of a mind that his party are gonna make great political gains against the Scottish Nonce Protectors – as he personally has not been dipping his sticky fingers into the party’s coffers – like the SNP’s ‘of late’ Sturgeon kleptocrat clan.

Time is to look past Food Bank Britain’s fucked-up political circus for five, and at the good ole US of A – for regardless of who stands as candidates there, come November – the incumbent Democraps - or Republicans – Tel Aviv will still be running the Shite House policy viz the greater Middle East theatre – and much else where pro-Zionists pull on the puppet strings.

Hmmm, questions, questions – galore – but the main one on my mind, come Broken Britain’s 2024 General Election – on July 4, is for Nigel Farage and Reform – will there be a change of front room curtains at Downing Street, when he moves into Number 10?

Hope so, the chintzy shite from Oxfam that Theresa May hung across the windows needs a timely change.

Stop Press: The latest 'believe it or not' news release from the loopy Labour camp claims Stammerer is today fixated on a pledge to repair (fill in?) one million 'extra' potholes in Broken Britain's broken highways and byways.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 6 June 2024

CO2 Causes Climate Change – My Ass

Hark the taboos of negative climate change scepticism – a clear and present danger challenging the bureaucrat’s wet dream come true: alarmist weather predictions feeding an impending climate apocalypse.

Of course the climate changes – for the better, then for the worse – warmer, colder, dryer, wetter – ever cyclic in nature, but rarely the same seasonal pattern, year after year; decade after decade, century upon century – and millennium upon millennium.

A meteorological-physics-rooted explanation of the Earth’s observed historic warming and cooling cycles and the warming trend purportedly observed over the last 50 year period, has to look to the variability induced by the many other natural mechanisms – specifically, as mentioned earlier, solar cycles, along with orbital / lunar cycles, cloud – and ozone variability, ocean cycles, volcanoes, urban heat islands, etc, et al.

On a perverse note, this fallacious global warming statistic, and negative effect climate changes, have morphed into a set of control freak levers – to get a grip on the purported existential threats to the welfare of their national populations via a route of socio-political-economic oversight and micro-management level supervision - and the corrupt individuals driving this flawed climate change scaremongering narrative will never let go of the now-established – albeit wholly fallacious - (and ultra-profitable) - ‘CO2 is the climate change control knob’ deception.

These environmental activists – the present day’s Woke joke cult – the Just Stop Traffic public nuisances - those sworn enemies of free market industrial capitalism – hell bent on micro-managing the lives of a global population – to force every fucker n their dog into impractical electric vehicles – and not just what we do, but how we think. Talk about dystopian – that says it all.

Okay, before we dig deeper into the blatant absurdities of the negative climate change paradigm – and have the Just Stop Traffic gang chucking bricks through our windows - for the deniers and the proponents – the climate ‘changes’ - constantly – seasonally – cyclically – and even day to day - of that there is no doubt or disagreement.

The conflict between the two camps comes in the purported cause and effect – and to what degree.

Recorded scientific data and observational fact leave us in no doubt that the fickle highs and lows ‘moods’ of our centrally-positioned Sun – (the Maunder Minimum ‘Little Ice Age’ -1645 to 1715 – a 70 year period of reduced numbers – all the way down to ‘zero numbers’ - of Sun spots) - along with what we shall here term as ‘space weather’ (the ‘cosmic’ effects of exploding super-nova, for one) – are the main movers of cyclic climate change and temperatures in our solar community – and man’s piss ant industrial – and vehicle engine contributions to environmental pollution - are hardly worthy of notice – especially so in this modern age after the smoke n smog era of the Industrial Revolution.

Ergo, long term weather record study confirms that reduced sun spot activity can be directly linked to reduced jet stream behaviour and conflicting annual weather patterns across North America and Europe – and colder than average temperatures.

Climate change hysteria – this entire scare-mongering flawed – in fact fake – science declaration viz CO2 (the gas of Life for all plants n trees) being a greenhouse gas, and the driving force of negative climate changes – and such ridiculous exaggerations as the seas are gonna boil, and the icecaps melt – and the polar bears n penguins all succumb to heat exhaustion - ‘if’ we don’t make global scale modifications to industry, to social outlooks, to travel – and cut out all fossil fuel burning, along with abiotic oil by-products in engines – including aircraft - and using natural gas – or wood - for cooking / heating – then humanity is headed for a fast track extinction level event.

For the record, the Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent / current period of our planet’s history, when these corrupt parties of self-interest falsely claim that human activity began to have a significant, negative impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

Really, the entire climate change deception has morphed into a big money-spinning industry – and it’s gonna be a Witch Hunt worthy crime to be a common sense and logic naysayer who looks at the data.

But, and this is a biggish ‘but’ – there is no denying what Frank Sinatra proclaimed on looking out the window – ‘the weather outside is frightful’.

Truth be known, and acknowledged,  a period of our global past – the Jurassic era / the dinosaurs and giant flora of 200 million years ago - then temperatures were some 12 to 16 degrees Centigrade warmer – and today we are still emerging from the last Cenozoic ice age – a ‘Glacial Minima’ – aka the Holocene period - and if you don’t believe it – just take a butcher’s at the north and south polar regions - covered with miles-thick ice.

So much for greenhouse effects and global warming there. The weather over the past century – temperature highs of the 1930’s compared with  today, 2024 – is getting markedly cooler – regardless of what sensationalist politicos such as US Senator Al Bore sketched on a drawing pad at a public forum - to sell the global warming panic model he was paid mega-bucks to promote.

Ergo, and a big sorry for Greta too. Apologies galore - for aggravating your Asperger's syndrome condition - and the obsessive-compulsive disorder – then adding insult to injury, and ruining your dreams and childhood – by allowing money-grubbing parties of self-interest to dominate the mass news media – and academia - with bullshit lies that anthropogenic / human activity - and that old bugbear, CO2, are the direct – and sole - causes of climate change.

Okay, with that said n done, can someone please now stick the hysterical Swedish dwarf goblin back in her box – and lock the fucking door.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Israeli Refurb’ of Gaza Hospital Complete

Israel reluctantly permits limited humanitarian aid to the hapless Palestinian civilian population of the besieged Gaza Strip – after mobs of Zionist scumberg settlers have ripped open, stamped on, and pissed all over, the donated aid packages.

And here’s one the Israel barbarian military totally fucked up earlier: Gaza’s al Shifa Hospital.

Apparently some unidentified Hamas terrorist type was suspected of being in the A & E department - having a splinter removed from his thumb – when the IDF decided to blanket bomb and shell the entire clinical facility – just to be on the safe side.

Post-bombing, all bed-ridden hospital patients were relocated to the Gaza War Cemetery on Salah al-Din Rd - to await burial.

Not exactly the type of favourable publicity that tends to attract sympathy to a political cause – when dumb fuck Zionist Israeli protesters block a humanitarian aid delivery convoy, then defile the aid packages destined for Gaza’s Muslim civilian Palestinian needy.

Ergo, talk about race hate – sectarian hatred – all the same – from God’s Chosen People, no less (or so they like to claim).

Now we observe the Palestinian’s Holocaust – their Yawm an-Nakba Mk 2 – a state of dystopian delinquency that simply has to fall under the human rights abuse and war crimes heading.

Nice people these Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of convenience.

What utter arrogance, the God’s chosen people, and promised land boast – all a great deception, of which these Khazar mongrels are so adept at – these ersatz Jews of convenience.

Chosen people, my ass – superior culture indeed, who consider all other races as lesser beings – there to serve them - and they behave as barbarians against the hapless Muslim population they usurped the land of Palestine from, and made their captives.

For if we consider, and accept, freedom and justice as fundamental principles of international law, then the rogue Zionist state of Israel is in breach of all manner of human rights abuses – up to, and including, acts of genocide visited on the hapless heads of a Muslim population whose lands they have usurped and stolen since 1948.

Ergo, Israel’s strategy of suppression, and military conflict against the Palestinian people - and as a Zionist-appeasing United Nations – under the jackboot influence of the good ole Zionist-dominated US of A - fails to act positively to relieve the Palestinian population’s plight and damn the Israeli war crimes, then such simply serves to further empower this empathy-deficient treatment of the hapless Palestinians.

Stop Press: 06/06/24. An Israeli air strike on a UN school packed with hundreds of displaced people in central Gaza has killed 40-plus non-combatant civilians - mainly women and children, and wounded scores more.  The Israeli warplane fired two missiles at classrooms on the top floor of the school in the Nuseirat refugee camp - falsely claiming it was a Hamas hideout.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Skewed News Views Roundup

In the theme of all great Fairy Tales, ‘Once Upon a Time’ the government-affiliated Ministry of Transport conducted then, and so, to this present day, approved road-worthiness vehicle tests – until some elected local borough officials decide to ignore the established MOT standard and arbitrarily penalise vehicles over a certain vintage – a ‘failure’ based on age - and ‘not’ exhaust emissions.

This fascist policy need to be challenged in a top court of law by a canny barrister, based on the above facts.

Ergo, so WTF goes on with Sad Dick Khan’s ULEZ, and now Nonceland’s copy-cat LEZ penalties – when we have a decades-long and established annual MOT examination system in operation across Broken Britain - for all road vehicles once their ‘newness’ polish wears off – that checks for all mechanical road worthiness- including excess engine exhaust emissions – and thus, regardless of actual age / date of manufacture - if passed, can – or rather ‘could’ - drive anywhere, sans restriction, censure or penalty?

Yep, just smell the air – and the money-grubbing stench of bureaucratic control freak corruption.

Israeli protesters – mainly the illegal settler contingent - block delivery, then raid the trucks and stamp on aid packages destined for Gaza’s hapless civilian population – women and children.

This is the Palestinian’s Holocaust – their Yawm an-Nakba.

Now that simply has to fall under the human rights abuse and war crimes heading – and would if not for the good ole US of A being Zionist-dominated and holding the reins on the not fit for purpose UN bureaucracy.

Nice people, these inbred Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of convenience.

Oh my, WTF next? In the wake of a single complaint for some humourless dog wanker with fragile sensibilities, the political correctness fascist squads are on the warpath, yet again – as if they ever pause for a breath of common sense – and their target this week is the kid’s book – Fungus the Bogeyman – as within the pages of this book is the word ‘golliwog’ – once upon a more sensible time in British history – a quite socially-acceptable kiddie’s cuddly toy – with zero links to white supremacy or racial abuse – or the exploitation of African identity and black culture.

Equally in the firing line and targeted to be de-platformed is David McKee’s illustrated kiddie’s text – Three Monsters – for, Heavens forbid, one monster uttering the words ‘Clear off, we don’t want any funny foreign types here’ – a definite socio-politically incorrect statement - when our Border Force patrols are scouring the ‘English’ Channel for distressed ‘funny foreign types’ in overloaded rubber inflatable boats and bringing them ashore on our south coast, so they might sponge and scrounge off Broken Britain’s social security welfare system – get a free cell phone, and dental treatment – while the rest of the British born n bred tax-paying working class that fund the NHS cannot access free NHS dental treatment and have to fork out mega-bucks to go private – or, sort their own aching teeth out with a pair of pliers and zero anaesthetic.

Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant announced a complete siege of the 25-mile long Gaza Strip littoral: ‘There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals’.

Yeah, hark this inbred Ashkenazi mongrel. Human animals, indeed.

And this from the low life likes of Gallant – and his pal Nuttyahoo – top dog barkers for the Synagogue of Satan

Oh, and BTW - it isn’t Israel’s sloppy op’s Mossad pit bull attack dog threatening ICC judges viz the investigation into Israeli war crimes in Gaza, but the actual Israeli government of Bobo Nuttyahoo – who holds the leash on Mossad and says ‘Fetch’ and ‘Kill’.

Smell the clickbait desperation to win the forthcoming election – but as with New Labour in the past, and such villainous warmongering twats as Tony Bliar and the not fit for purpose Gordon Broon, Stammerer is following in like fashion – will say any fucking thing to win approval – and a few votes.

Ergo, forget this call that voters should ask themselves if they really know what Stammerer stands for – cos Truth be known, Stammerer doesn’t know himself – and flip-flops to suit the common mood.

This is the wanker who wanted – and pushed for – a second Brexit referendum – the real deal EUSSR stooge – Keir knows better than the common herd.

Oh my, now Labour’s perennially-vacuous Stammerer has done yet another of his flip-flop tricks viz illegal immigration – immigration all round in fact – and has stated for the pubic record – sorry  ‘public’ – that Food Bank Britain needs to clamp down and tighten our borders – especially so the south coast where all these Channel-hopping wankers keep making landfall with greedy, grasping paws outstretched.

“Give me money, cell phone and house – and directions to the nearest militarist mosque”.


Worst Minister Swinney – along with Justice Secretary, Mangela Constance - need to collectively get a foot ‘apiece’ up the arse of Creative Scotland - to come clean and explain why an arts project involving the theme of nonce ponce sex (aka ‘kiddie fiddling’ pederasty) was given £100,000 + of official funding.

Hmmm, strains of the Aberdeen Hollie Greig sexual abuse of special needs children scandal – by the local ‘worthies’ (sic).

Personal message to US President, Smoky Joe Biden:

Please do not deport Prince Harry Hewitt, Duke of Montecito, back to Food Bank Britain, for fiddling his original US visa application form - as we hapless Brit's have more than our share of useless and parasitic, noble bloodline hangers-on already - and do not need this particular, ginger-mingin, and  IQ-deficient, 'Spare Cuckoo xxx (expletives deleted)' returning here to our once-sacred Isle of Albion.

Grateful thanks, in anticipation, for your sympathetic compliance, Joe.


Yep, Sweden’s climate alarmist cum miserable doom goblin, and notorious short-arsed public nuisance #1 anti-CO warrior, Greta Turdberg, since has tossed her climate protest apparel to the vagaries of the four winds – (since some smart arse whispered in her ear that plants n trees breathe in CO and exhale O2  – and actually need CO to live) - and switched her ‘socio-political pest’ Extinction Rebellion ‘death cult’ moralising protest attentions to slagging off the rogue Zionist state of Israel and their insidious treatment of the Palestinian Muslim population of what was Palestine – until the Zionists stole it by force of arms in 1948.

Gung ho Greta’s now singularly focused against one and all, even remotely complicit in Israel's human rights abuses, land thefts, war crimes and assorted acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide visited on the hapless heads of the Muslim Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip – and the IDF-occupied West Bank - specifically the vicious, rogue state of Israel’s IDF thugs current genocidal ‘clean sweep’ campaign – targeting the Palestinian civilian population of the coastal Gaza Strip – and any Hamas terrorist type who might inadvertently pop their heads up above the parapet – with their latest stocks of nasty armaments supplied to Nuttyahoo's Likit Party government free of charge, by the good ole Zionist-run US of A.

More Tory electioneering bs – (14 years too late) – a pledge to clarify the highly contested biological sex versus gender bender theory confusion – and protect biological sex status. 

No shit Sherlock, the only ones confused are the blokes kitted out in a frock n high heels to get access to a ladies toilet so they can perv up some masturbation fantasy if they find a few public hairs while on a bog seat sniffing excursion.

Male sports – female sports – neither sex plays in the other’s game – so why the fuck do we have trans-gender-bender blokes dressing up as girlies and being permitted to participate in women’s sports. 

We already have two venues – male and female – why not a third to accommodate these glory-hunting ‘Look at Me’ wannabe cheats – and have a trans-gender venue – for girlies who think they might be boys – and boys who delude themselves they are girls in a male body (or, as mentioned above, just male pervs who wanna cheap thrill n sniff the ladies’ toilet seats).

Three sexes, one most uncommon. Male. Female. Hermaphrodite – and that’s it – so be happy with WTF you have between your legs – cock or snatch – or if you have both, then ‘go fuck yourself’.


Ha - what hypocrisy - Brit' tourism killing the Canary Islands indeed.

The Spanish colonial invaders, sans a thought for the true indigenous natives, from 1402 onwards, usurped and displaced the true Amazigh tribal inhabitants of the Canary Is. via a route of ethnic cleansing – sanctioned by the accompanying Roman Catholic priests – who decreed that the animist 'savages' could not be converted to the ‘one true faith’ (sic).

The end result of a SleazyJet package holiday in shitty Sleaze-gypt – see the Pyramids and catch a deadly dose of ballistic diarrhoea.

Rule #1 - Don't drink the water. Rule #2 - Don't eat the food - (take a week's worth of sandwiches). Rule #3 - to be safe - go to Butlins at Skegness.

More climate change crisis propaganda to push the net zero carbon cap and morph CO₂ into an even greater threat to life on Earth when true science recognises that sans CO₂ all plant life dies – then use their proposed Fourth Industrial Revolution (which will be no such thing) high tech’ – to re-engineer human DNA and create a (super?) human-plus species that is ‘godlike – genetically modified to become remote, controllable organisms – via the route of fake scamdemic cure-all vaccines - and for that single point of gross arrogance alone they shall be cursed, and doomed.

Okay, first job on the ‘let’s correct this shit before it gets too far out of hand’ is to start knocking off the promoters of this agenda, whose sole purpose in life is to profit from their transhumanist / eugenics / depopulation agenda – then second round of targets are the likes of the WEF’s latter-day Nazi head honcho, Satan Klaus Schlob – current numero uno mouthpiece for the insane control freak New World Order’s Great Reset cabal – and not to overlook the equally squirrely Bent Bill Gates (of Hell) – and who the fuck really wants to have a DNA-enhanced Super Satan Klaus or a Super-Bill Gates lording it over a micro-chipped human slave race?


WTF goes on with this terminal case of ignoring reality, this heads in the sand ostrichism?

Why are we blindly submitting to this divisive and so diminishing state of nation-wide multiculturalism?

Gone is our millenniums-old Anglo-Saxon identity and culture, to a multicultural pandemic – a social affliction best confined inside the walls of the United Nations building.

Our Anglo-Saxon cultural identity – our sacred shibboleth - has been, alas, hijacked and polluted by dark forces fostering this global scale new world order and great reset agenda; and is now subsumed into a toxic mess – a socio-political morass – of deliberate multi-cultural contamination.

To close, last but by no means least, consider this latest inhospitable move from tourist-hating Spain – where ass about face policing is gonna see tourists cop a 170 Euro fine for purchasing goods from unlicenced street vendors – as opposed to the shit fer brains Spic Plod Squad arresting the illegal street vendors.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Bureaucraps Reinvent MOT Test

In the theme of all great Fairy Tales, ‘once upon a time’ the government-affiliated Ministry of Transport conducted then, and so to this present day, approved road-worthiness vehicle tests – until some control freak elected local borough officials, with sweet fuck all better to pass their thumb-twiddling time - decided to ignore the established MOT standard and arbitrarily penalise vehicles over a certain vintage – based on age - and ‘not’ exhaust emissions.

This fascist policy needs to be challenged in a top court of law by a canny barrister, based on the above facts.

Ergo, so WTF goes on with Sad Dick Khan's London metropolitan area ULEZ scam - and now bonny Nonceland’s copy-cat LEZ penalties, targeting Glassie, Dundee, Scaberdeen, and Edinburgh – when we have a decades-long and established annual MOT examination system in operation across Broken Britain - for all road vehicles once their ‘newness’ polish wears off – that checks for all mechanical road worthiness- including excess engine exhaust emissions – and thus, if passed, can – or rather ‘could’ - drive anywhere, on any British highway, or within any British city boundaries - sans restriction, censure or penalty?

Yep, just smell the air – and the money-grubbing stench of bureaucratic corruption viz the interpretation of these arbitrary 2001 / 2005 / Euro 6 standards; whereas 'classic' pre-1973 smoke belchers are exempt.

To wit, if, based on the age of the vehicle it is automatically assumed that at this point, and past such, any vehicle will become a smoke belcher, then the annual MOT test for exhaust emissions is rendered null and void – and all vehicles hence consigned to the knacker’s yard and scrap heap – unless the hapless owner is of a mind to splurge a pretty penny – or two - on engine refurb’s - and a cat’ converter.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.