Sunday 4 December 2022

Covid mRNA Vaxx Bio-Weapon Exposed

In today's 'Let's Crucify the Great Reset Mass Genocide Plot Gang' nasty news scandalous exposé we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: ‘Big Pharma’s Covid mRNA Vaxx is a Bio-Weapon’ – a two-year overdue revelation of the ‘New World Order’s Global Depopulation Agenda’ from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Anyone up for raising a glass to Tommy Malthus? – originator of the Malthusian theory, circa 1798 – a chap who expounded a hypothesis on population growth being potentially exponential, whereas natural resources – and specifically food supplies – were, by contrast, linear.

Ergo, the gospel according to the eugenics-minded Malthus estimates the rapidity of unrestricted population expansion would exceed the means to feed and maintain the global population, thus initially reducing living standards across the entire bourse of civilised existence, before triggering a mass population die-off.

This hypothesis inspired Charles Darwin and Alfie Russel Wallace to contemplate the mechanics of natural selection - based on Malthus's observation that populations tend to increase geometrically, whereas food reserves grow arithmetically, resulting in competition for dwindling resources, and differential reproductive success – which they considered to be the driver of evolution.

Malthus’ works obviously also inspired the likes of our modern day euthanasia / depopulation crazies - the ever-petulant ex-Microslop bigwig, Bent Billy Gates; the WEF’s bonkers Satan Klaus Schlob; ex-Nazi ‘Genocide Georgie’ Soros; and the Devil-worshipping Rockefeller mafia; among a host of insane others - collectively galvanised, and consumed, by a hereditary-engrained delusion viz Manifest Destiny that they, and only they – this anointed, divine select, shall rule the Earth and all upon it’s mantle.

Perhaps here with Malthus’ personal mental meanderings lies the origin of the Culture of Death eugenics dynamic being the New World Order’s modus vivendi - to give Nature a helping hand and speed things along - with the profit-motivated assistance of Big Pharma – and this so-called wicked Wuhan 400 corona virus ‘plandemic’ excuse to inject the entire global population with a highly toxic mRNA vaxx - loaded to the gills with all manner of spike protein shite, and a host of other assorted nano-nasties like graphene oxide - for obviously the ubiquitous 5G Wi-Fi frequencies, and noxious food additive induced cancers, were simply not adequately performing as the mass depopulation mechanism originally intended.

Accordingly, and here shamelessness and deep moral decay achieve a record level of decadence, for in unison with their fellow shadow scum cronies, the Bilderberg Club’s Department of Dirty Tricks, and the mass media machine, were tasked with pushing industrial strength propaganda lies viz ‘settled science’ to sell their fake Wuhan virus scamdemic – and thus the virtue-signalling / social shaming ‘take the vaxx’ narrative – promoting their depopulation dynamic to an ever-gullible common herd.

Okay, with eight billion useless eaters inhabiting the Earth – as the parasitic ‘killer elite’ mutant class refer to our number – the inevitability of a Malthusian collapse viz over-population simply cannot be relied on to herald the end of humanity – an extinction level event type scenario – due an eventual lack of resources.

While it is claimed that birth control simply won’t achieve the desired population reduction to survival levels, the Genocide Club required a draconian ‘lemming solution’ for humans – but alas, while the common herd sheeple are pretty gullible and all-round stupid, they’re not quite naively stupid enough to do the lemming trick and jump off the cliff edge - without a push.

Hmmm, this social Darwinism and eugenics narrative has been blatantly broadcast and displayed ‘in yer face’ fashion for quite some time – back to, (and before), Alfred Milner’s ‘Kindergarten’ class days - and Cecil Rhodes’ superior being racist-class wet dreams - evolving into the Chatham House Round Table and the Society of the Elect; then openly informing the human race, via their later Club of Rome, and annual Dildoberger conferences of their evil intentions regarding over population – by publicly posting it – carved into their Insanityville trademark Georgia Guidestones.

Oh my, and now we are seeing the homicidal results of the mRNA vaccines. Mass miscarriages, stillbirths deformed foetuses – all from vaxxed mothers – and shades of Hitlerian Nazi concentration camp medical experiments a la Dr Joseph Mengele come to mind – on a par with the WW2-era Japanese Army’s Unit 731, performing fiendish bio-medical experiments on defeated civilian populations and captured foreign combatants.

Yep, the evil that men do, for this now becomes a spiritual battle – a Biblical end of days scenario – for good must stand against evil.

For this is the time that the depopulation enthusiasts, the Rabbi Kissinger, Bent Billy Gates (of Hell) - along with his equally psycho ex-Nazi pal, Herr Satan Claus Schlob, the neurotic Boss Baby CEO of the World Economic Fuckwits Club, and not forgetting fellow euthanasia enthusiast, ‘Genocide Georgie’ Soros - and the entire fuckwit Rockefeller mafia – plus a host of like-minded psychotic eugenics proponents – raise their inbred mutant-featured heads, to massage boated egos, and script all manner of spiffing genocidal solutions – actually ‘carved in stone’ – (Georgia Guidestones) - that will cull the common herd numbers – while, obviously, not affecting their moneyed, privilege-abusing asses.

And what fucking examples of human perfection they are not – a Fraggle Rock collection of psychotic onanists with egos bigger that a wallowing porker’s appetite – which sums up the rest of these inbred globalist mutants pushing the genocide agenda – for everyone else – but not them. Pure evil – personified – with zero respect for any format of life - excepting their own venal hides.

To wit, Event 201 kick started the fake Covid-1984 virus scamdemic brouhaha – and then the stage was set to promote the mRNA vaxx requirement – mandated to the extent of social shaming the anti-vaxxers – and such being a requirement for continued employment. Yep, that’s how desperate the elitist scum are - to kill off some seven and a half billion of we common herd useless eaters – leaving a manageable half billion slave class workers to maintain their Satanist-paedo theme park world.

Wow n Gee! Didn’t they push this Covid-1984 cure all mRNA nano-tech spike protein toxic blood glue vaxx – which develops – actually ‘grows’ - inside the human bloodstream into long, rubbery / elastic white fibres that clog the arteries and veins better than a Fatberg in a London sewer.

Ergo, the mRNA vaccines are the cause of all manner of medical complications – both physical and psychiatric – and in many cases complete disability – and death.

The crap that is forming in the arteries are aggregates of amyloid proteins, forming from amino acid protein chains, into fibres ranging from 7 to 13 mm in diameter and lengths that can exceed half a meter - blocking the arteries and veins. These substances are part of the mRNA vaccine, seeded into the body via the vaxx, then developing and flourishing inside the blood and lymphatic systems – and blocking the circulation structures, resulting directly in strokes and heart attacks.

Then don’t we just love the announcement viz the unexpected – surprise – deaths of these athletic, healthy, and young – individuals. ‘Not Covid related’.

Yeah, right. How about Covid vaxx-related? No answer is the reply.

One might ask, why is it just the common herd are dying off and not top dog Big Pharma bods or government shills? Why, easy – for any that have been doing the photo-op’ news bit to demonstrate that ‘I rolled my sleeve up first’ then all they’re getting is some sterile placebo and most definitely not the mRNA gene-manipulating crap the rest of humanity is being corruptly polluted and thinned out with.

Really, for many the death knoll doesn’t toll days, or weeks, after being poisoned with the vaxx, it comes within hours – as evidenced by the many on record – (which viz media collusion with Big Pharma and governments – will be a fraction of the total) – and the freshly-vaxxed going into seizures, suffering all manner of negative physical - and mental – side effects – including that very negative side effect known as ‘death’.

Okay, apart from the obvious gobshite eugenics-promoters – who else should be dragged before Nuremberg 2? Well, a host of government ‘oversight’ scum – and a corrupt mass media network (read ‘notwork) for their delinquent dereliction of duty , but first n foremost the Big Pharma vaxx engineers who cooked this injectable vaxx shite up – and knowingly designed a bio-weapon that once injected into the body – infects the blood and lymph systems – then actually grows into this vein and artery blocking sci-fi shitemare fibrous substance that even has coroners, pathologists, morticians and embalmers scratching their heads – and spewing up their breakfast in revulsion, at the polluted state of the blood of these deceased human cadavers.

There again, a ways down the road we’ll see the outcome and who wins – will good triumph over evil – or vice-versa. Will the likes of Bent Bill Gates of Hell – or Satan Klaus Schlob - don the Crown of the Anti-Christ and rule the world?

From a nihilistic viewpoint I am reminded of a Victoriana reign era Empire’s Day missionary who brought the word of a Christian God and moral principles to the far reaches of Great Britain’s colonial world, committed to saving mankind from itself. Yet, after a lifetime of this work, on his deathbed, had grown so utterly disillusioned by the vagaries of human nature; commented, that in hindsight, the majority of mankind wasn’t worth saving.

Watch the video – url link below – but be advised – don’t view on a full stomach – especially so if you’ve rolled up your sleeve and had the vaxx - otherwise keep a bucket handy to throw up in.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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