Sunday 19 June 2022

Great Reset Digital World – Humans not Required

The time draws near to rid this world of the psychotic, fascista meddling cunts intent on manifesting as a skewed version of the Salvator Mundi incarnate, remaking (sic) the world in their own image.

The likes of Satan Klaus Schlob n Microslop’s Billy Gates of Hell, n ‘Open Society’ mass migration mischief meddler, Georgie ‘Eyebags’ Soros (György Schwartz in his earlier Nazi-era incarnation) – n their equally skewed eugenics-fixated population control (global genocide) policies – and the proposed whopping great depopulation reset for the common herd useless eating masses – formulated on social science game theory – one in which the non-elite chattel-class, the proletariat, plebs n peasants – aka ‘the poor’ - haven’t a fucking chance of winning – or, for that matter, ever breaking even.

Ergo, the root of that conundrum lies with the common herd’s inane, programmed dependency on the Nanny State apparatus to tell them what the fuck to do, rather than risking a dodgy, perhaps negative outcome of thinking from themselves. Such is the dynamic potential of neuro-linguistic programming.

But while the World Economic Fund’s ‘Forum of Young Global Leaders’ project has saddled the Earth’s political spectrum with a succession of programmed New World Order sycophantic minions to dutifully execute the Deep State’s bidding, they are not the product of Schlob’s bogus ‘ingenuity’ - nor is Klumsy Klaus the ‘fons et origo’ of the WEF he falsely professes to be.

Rather its ‘bright spark’ genesis originated with the misguided control freak dystopian delusions of Rhodes scholar, William Yandell Elliott,  along with CIA maestro (and JFK assassination architect) Alan Welsh Dulles, and contributions from progressive economist, JK Galbraith – all advised and steered by the late, great - and grossly overweight - Herman Khan, of Hudson Institute prominence - the ego-fuelled think tank founded by a narcissist know-it-all trio, whose futurist crystal ball scrying occasionally ‘got it right’.

Then Heinz Kissinger, operating out of horrid Harvard, along with other ‘hidden hand’ Kuromaku / Sabbatean death cult globalist types, assumed the role of Mentors to the ego-fuelled and patsy-malleable Satan Klaus, to further fund, promote, and expand – (and direct / control) - his fucked-up local leaders project into the desired mind control n influence-peddling Young Global Leaders Forum dynamic it has now become – with the likes of Fidel Castro’s bastard child, Justin Trudeau, pulling Canada’s strings from the top dog desk in Ottawa, and the piranha-fanged ex-Bliarite New Labour gopher (and devout Moron), Jacinda Ardern, ruling the political roost in Kiwiland.

To wit, overall the globalist plot thickens as a gullible and compliant common herd conform to the good dog requirements and obey - (sit, beg, roll over, now play dead) – easily bewildered, perplexed and mesmerised by the Elitist Deep State / Control Faction’s corrupt media machine, and social networking smoke n mirrors propaganda system - all compounded by the unbridled and insatiable greed of Blackrock and Vanguard – (a pair of interlocked corporations that any existential economist / philosopher type worth their salt would denounce as being staffed by a boardroom of avaricious, mercenary cunts) - and thus the public demographic is wholly distracted from WTF is actually going on – more so in plain sight - before their myopic eyes, rather than behind their backs – and to their perpetual, collective detriment.

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