Friday 16 July 2021

Tories Construct Mega Covid Detention Camps

For the Attentions of Andrew 'Six Chins' Percy.

Porcine Tory Nasty Party MP Andrew Percy calls voter, Mrs Gladys Twatt, “Ignorant, Embarrassing, & Dangerous” for daring to question his decision to vote for the 'mandatory' vaccinations of Carers

So, Informed Consent and the Nuremberg Code viz the Covid-1984 mRNA shots tossed to the vagaries of the Four Winds by the likes of this arrogant porcine wanker.

Yes, another good reason NOT to vote for Tory Nasty Party cuntdidates and 'maybe' embrace Kier Stammerer n his 'Voter Friendly' New / Old Labour Party instead.

UK Building Massive Covid Detention Centres for Anti-Vaxx Radicals

Hmmm, doubtless if Porky Percy has any say in the matter, then Covid-1984 scamdemic mRNA vaccine sceptic Mrs Twatt will be one of the first inmates of the Chinese style Wellingborough-based Covid Anti-Vaxx Re-education Facility.

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