Friday 16 July 2021

0:0001% Faceless Psychos Control the World

The Sabbatean death cult / Deep State shadow government - (same shit) - a mere 0.01% of the entire global population - control this world's affairs – for their own self-serving, and venal, benefit.

5% of the total population of nigh on eight billion souls are their devoted minions – a clique of sub-clinical narcissistic gophers n shills - (politicos / secret society panjandrums / security services / plod squad thugsters / mass media hacks / banksters / state religion hobnobs / kiddie-napping paedo procurers / Big Tech zillionaires / Big Pharma / Big Agri).

In contrast, 92% of the global population are goggle box / media propaganda / cellphone social networking mesmerised sheeple – programmed n conditioned to be obedient n compliant, hence gullible to the Nth degree – basically comatose viz reality - and asleep on their feet. 

Conversely, some 3% are intelligent and intuitive critical thinkers, who can smell a rat a thousand yards off, and know WTF is going down - and while giving the inter-dimensional 0:01% and their Satanic stooges the finger - are attempting, in earnest, (to date, sans success) to wake up the zombified 92%.

And here's the clincher: the 0.01% elitist reptiles have tasked the politico and media black propaganda ranks of their 5% lackeys to work flat out to slander, denigrate and vilify the 3% camp, and thus portray them as a collection of loony conspiracy theorists with serious mental health issues – in a global scale disinformation campaign - to prevent them ever arousing, and waking, the 92% to the fact they are getting shafted.

Hmmm, alas, the sad reality of the matter is that the 92% are quite happy being comatose and don't want 'waking up'.

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