Friday 16 July 2021

Covid-1984: The 'One Size Fits All' Excuse for Every Fucking Thing

As government / SAGE-manipulated stats viz Covid-1984 virus 'cases' exceed 250,000 a week, a burgeoning number of employers are reporting levels of possible 'shut down' disruption bordering on a state of chaos n carnage, due to staff absences - as the NHS fubar Track n Trace system causes an actual 'Ping-demic'.

All manner of businesses and manufacturing companies are seeing one in ten of their 'double-jabbed' workforce staying home in lockdown / furlough mode after being told to self-isolate 'immediately, if not sooner' - thanks to getting 'pinged' - (half a million people this past week - which is their own fucking fault for downloading this snafu NHS app) - by the National Ill-Health Service's not-fit-for-purpose Covid-1984 Test n Trace 'crap-app' – on the grounds that they might have inadvertently been within a 100 yards vicinity of some infected twat who sneezed while not wearing their mandatory face muzzle.

Hmmm, one in ten personnel self-isolating, eh. Simple mental math says that's 10% - hence if manufacturing companies claim they'll be forced to shut down production lines while they still have 90% of the workforce on the job, then there exists far greater personnel management problems than Covid-related absences.

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