In today’s ‘Staffordshire: Season of Goodwill Cancelled ' counter-culture exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from our homeless cross-dressing media correspondent, Mollie McSkanger, manning the live news cellphone hotline from under her rhododendron bush squat in Stoke-on-Trent's manicured Burslem Park for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The gospel according to Town Hall whistleblowers – hell bent on stirring up a festive season shitstorm for their bosses - the collective membership of the county borough council of Stoke-on-Trent is most definitely opposed to being renamed 'Stoke-in-Tent' due the thousands of homeless people living under canvas around Staffordshire's housing deficient capital hub - and are set to issue a pre-Xmas '11th Hour Commandment' declaring homelessness a social crime that will carry the penalty of a £1,000 quid fine.
Hmmm, fine the hapless unfortunates £1,000 nicker a-piece for sleeping rough? Yeah, that makes perfect fucking sense – considering they ain't got two red cents to rub together to start with – hence why they're homeless.
Stoke-on Trent's empathy-deficient council jobsworths have been branded as 'cruel and callous' following their 'zero exceptions' Festive Season unilateral declaration of war on the city's homeless if they're caught sleeping in tents around the city centre. (er – 'the city's homeless' - that's members of the Staffordshire population these useless council wankers - purportedly tasked with managing the borough's affairs - can't provide housing for).
Staffordshire Plod Squad's intellectually-challenged Inspector Sean Klunt informed one gutter press hack from the Neo-Nazi Review that his 'Boys in Blue' fully support the council's idiotic proposals to slap these homeless - (and penniless) - rough sleeper scallies with on-the-spot fines – and if they don't cough up immediately, if not sooner, then drag them into court where they'll cop a £1,000 quid fine – an even more ridiculous amount they can't possibly pay.
Alas, don't we all mourn the death of common sense and logic – for if they can't pay the imposed fiscal penalty then drag them back into court again and get thrown in prison. Que? WTF? Well, at least there they'll have a roof over their heads, plus a warm bed, three meals a day – plus toilet and bathing facilities available.
Inspector Klunt clarified that the public space protection order (PSPO) will make it an offence for a person to assemble, erect, occupy or use a tent unless part of a council-sanctioned activity – per se, a cub scout or girl guide jamboree.
"My lads 'ave bin on one of those Common Purpose self-empowerment trainin' programmes – specifically the Simon Harwood TSG Sadist course – wot teaches them how ter convince homeless rough sleepers that it's time ter 'move along' – a couple of kicks in the ribs an' a belt round the back of the legs wiv a telescopic steel Asp gets 'em motivated. Same wiv these aggressive beggar types – they're the next target on our list of social undesirables."
Conversely, Ruth Smegma, the incumbent Labour MP for Stoke-in-Tents, opined to media hacks that "Due the Tory Nasty Party government's austerity measures and local authority funding being slashed, we do have a growing problem with homelessness around Stoke, but criminalising the most vulnerable sectors of our society for their misfortune in the lead-up to Christmas is no way to fix it. A pity they don't remember that Mary and Joseph were homeless and baby Jesus was born while they were squatting in a stable."
"This pubic space protection order is a disgrace – and failure to meet these fantasy £100 on the spot penalty notices - resulting in prosecution and incurring £1,000 default fines – thus saddling folk with debt they can’t pay - equates as ludicrous and bizarre."
"The slack-twat council need to get off their collective arses and do the job they've been entrusted with – finding the homeless 'homes' and not letting these Common Purpose brainwashed local Plod Squad thugs loose to terrorise the unfortunates who have nowhere to live."
(For the edification of the uninformed: Common Purpose is a sleazy fascist outfit run by control freak Julia Middleton – that conducts Tavistock Institute designed self-empowerment leadership development (programming) courses – to identify zero-empathy psycho zombies and manoeuvre them into positions of socio-political power – a system based on the tried n tested doctrines of Hitler's Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels - to indoctrinate IQ-deficient establishment dogsbodies with the required 'comply or else' ruthless chutzpah to manage the Bolshie common herd sheeple's collective mindset via media mesmerising 'truth n lies' propaganda - and deter them from going into critical thinking mode.)
Further, Middleton's Common Purpose NLP brainwashing cult is not to be confused with the genuine article 'Common Porpoise' – a real deal charity devoted to the welfare of distressed pelagic mammals.
The controversial and most seriously flawed 'pubic space protection order' is the toxic brainchild of the 'couldn't give a flying fuck about the poor n homeless' City Centre Partnership and backed by a majority of the town's 'for profit' business owners - who have twisted the arms of the local council – a not fit for purpose body comprised of Freemasonic fogeys and post-menopausal misogynistic trolls – the latter looking – in toto - to be in need of a dose of industrial strength Botox – and cosmetic dentistry.
Bev Titwank, a 16 year old mother of three and local spokesperson for the 'Live in a Bin' housing charity, interviewed on Radio Potteries 'Vagrant Hour' programme, explained "Yer got the council sayin' that no fucker or their dog's gonna get fined fer sleepin' rough cos what they're proposin' is only 'a consultation' right now - under the national pubic space protection order legislation - powers wot local authority fascist bastards up an' down the country are already usin' ter criminalise beggars an' homeless people."
"But just watch yer arse, cos come the 15th December it's gonna be law – an' the petition - wot's bin signed by over 3,000 people callin' fer the council ter abandon the plan – is gonna get shit-canned, double-effin'-quick."
"I suppose that me an' the kids are dead lucky cos the priest at St Sodom's Church fer Latter Day Catamites has let us squat in the shed at the back of the priory garden."
Do you live in a tent or a cardboard box around the Stoke-on-Trent area? Do you fall into Inspector Klunt's 'aggressive beggar' category? Do you demand a hand-out with menaces – or simply forget to say 'please' and 'thank you'?
Send your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a 'Cave Rave' weekend away for two in one of the Peak District National Park's numerous limestone caverns.
A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and squat location so Inspector Klunt's uniformed thugs know where to find you.
Thought for the day: Perhaps the Stoke-in-Tents council might do more for their homeless population if they concentrated on social issues and housing problems rather than sat at their desks 'jobsworthing' – and downloading streams of vile paedo-porn onto their laptops for perverted onanist gratification – as per the case of Stoke City Council employee, Anthony Rawlingson, who was sentenced to 12 months in prison this past week following his arrest and prosecution – after being found to have 562 indecent images of children being sexually abused on his computer - of which 162 images and two videos were classed as the very nasty 'Category A' variety.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, political ponces, perjurious Oxford college principals, bent money-laundering Glassie lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Muslim migrant refugee 'Junior Jihadi' sprogs – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etcetera, et al – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Pegasus / Echelon / X-Keyscore / Evident / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced by our act of disrespect for political correctness.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Monday, 27 November 2017
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Kensington's Posh Tosh Council Strikes Again
In today’s 'Insult to Injury' exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from our homeless media correspondent, Marty McScrote, manning the live news smartphone hotline from his all-weather winter quarters bivvy under a rhododendron bush on Kensington's Lancaster Green – right next to the burned-out shell of his previous Grenfell Tower squat - for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The Tory Nasty Party controlled Kensington Council bureaucraps have gone one step beyond the pale with their May 2018 local election campaigning – expediting a 'What Do Voters Think?' survey to get a finger on the proverbial pulse of the people - not so much that they give a flying fuck about anything the public think or say (which will make zero difference to political policy) but to give the taxpaying common herd sheeple a counterfeit sense the council 'care' about their opinions.
The questionnaire circulated by the moneybags Kensington branch of the Conservative Party was sent out to households in the Spendthrift ward - a wealthy neighbourhood of Kensington, asking for people's 1 to 10 point-scoring views on the fatal Grenfell Tower inferno - alongside such mundane issues as parking, dog poop scooping and dead cat recycling.
However, those affected by the Grenfell fire have criticised the gormless council survey as crass and offensive - asking residents for an assessment of how important the tragedy was to them – and rate the disaster alongside other local issues on a scale of '0 - not important at all' to '10 – a bit important'.
Labour MP David Lambchop, who is rumoured to have lost his main drug dealing contact in the fire, whinged to one gutter press hack from the Inferno Gazette that the Kensington Council election campaign crew must have their collective heads up their arses.
Dropped through letterboxes of the Nouveau Riche Ward in Kensington last Sunday, the survey leaflet was an attempt to build political support ahead of next year’s local elections for the controversial council.
Residents were asked to circle the number which represents how important to you and your family each of the following local issues were - starting with the Grenfell Tower fire and the knock on effects of the Rattletrack Crossrail 2 project construction cutting a house price devastating swathe through their back gardens.
Local Labour MP and shadow minister for racist comments, Ms Emma Bent Toad, took time off from kicking the shit out of a homeless Syrian refugee camped in a vacant shop doorway to pass her opinion to media hacks that "Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is the fact this stinks of Nasty Party gentrification and a deliberate arson attack."
"Really, it's all bollocks – a Hotpoint fridge-freezer gets on fire in Mr Mohammed al Patsy's kitchen, and the next thing it's set alight to the outside of the entire tower block? Something isn't right cos if that was the cause of the blaze, then why aren't Hotpoint issuing fire hazard warnings and recalling the 60,000-plus model FF175BP fridge-freezers smouldering away in people's homes across Broken Britain?
Why, cos MI5 and the Met knew there was an ISIS Jolly Jihad terrorist cell camped in a 5th floor flat and had set up a TATP high explosive and nano-thermite incendiary bomb-making plant - and their 'product' was being stored in the freezer but the TATP went 'critical'- and ka-boom!"
The Kensington and Chelsea Tory Party campaign activists responsible for composing and distributing the controversial and offensive election opinion survey leaflet have come under a sustained social networking attack for the crass and insensitive questions that asked residents to rate the importance of the Grenfell Tower tragedy upon their social, moral conscience – on a scale of nought to ten.
Seen today wearing a face like a window cleaner's wash leather and looking to be well behind in her Botox treatments, Kensington and Chelsea Council's intellectually-challenged leader, Lizzy Campbell, declined to comment on the election campaigning survey leaflet's inappropriate content - apart from a murmured 'nowt to do with me'.
Campbell, a councillor marked with a shitty track record, who held a senior role in the build-up and aftermath to the Grenfell tragedy, is as popular with Kensington residents as chemotherapy and if the tea leaf reader predictions prove correct, might just be set to follow in the 'footsteps of leadership failure' tracks of her disgraced egg-head predecessor, Nick 'Bat Ears' Padlock-Brown
Really, can these moronic dog wankers ever do anything right? (not that New / Old Labour – under the Bliarite crew or Corbyn's Trotskyite gang – or Vince Cable's Librarian- Dummercrats are any better).
However, a sample of the completed and returned 'survey questionnaires' provide fair insight as to what the more upscale residents of the elitist Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea are thinking.
Mrs Beatrix Snobb, of Kensington's exclusive Twatford Gardens, rated the fire a #10 – relating that "My children thought it better than Guy Fawkes Night – and on a par with a trip to the funfair's House of Horrors – what with all those darkie and gyppo immigrant types jumping out of windows and running around covered in flames and screaming their heads off. Jolly good show, Kensington Council – you have our vote next year."
Conversely her Parvenue Terraces hedge fund manager neighbour, Fellatia Slagg, commented "My kids were disappointed overall. Okay, the blaze was spectacular, but typical of anything Kensington Council put their hand to, the accompanying fireworks display was a dud - and no hot dog stand or marshmallows."
'Fuckwit Close resident Mrs Candida Ratpunzle, editor of Vulgarian magazine, treated the Kensington Council questionnaire with an equally negative response: 'Really, lighting the fire after midnight when my kiddies were in bed and fast asleep. This latest work of gentrification arson would have been better organised if the silly council jobsworths had scheduled the blaze for a weekend - preferably on a Saturday night - when the children didn't need to get up for school the next morning.'
Thought for the day. Okay folks, a quickie survey – on a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate the Tory Nasty Party? Hmmm, so it's anonymous then – a top score of sweet fuck all.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
The Tory Nasty Party controlled Kensington Council bureaucraps have gone one step beyond the pale with their May 2018 local election campaigning – expediting a 'What Do Voters Think?' survey to get a finger on the proverbial pulse of the people - not so much that they give a flying fuck about anything the public think or say (which will make zero difference to political policy) but to give the taxpaying common herd sheeple a counterfeit sense the council 'care' about their opinions.
The questionnaire circulated by the moneybags Kensington branch of the Conservative Party was sent out to households in the Spendthrift ward - a wealthy neighbourhood of Kensington, asking for people's 1 to 10 point-scoring views on the fatal Grenfell Tower inferno - alongside such mundane issues as parking, dog poop scooping and dead cat recycling.
However, those affected by the Grenfell fire have criticised the gormless council survey as crass and offensive - asking residents for an assessment of how important the tragedy was to them – and rate the disaster alongside other local issues on a scale of '0 - not important at all' to '10 – a bit important'.
Labour MP David Lambchop, who is rumoured to have lost his main drug dealing contact in the fire, whinged to one gutter press hack from the Inferno Gazette that the Kensington Council election campaign crew must have their collective heads up their arses.
Dropped through letterboxes of the Nouveau Riche Ward in Kensington last Sunday, the survey leaflet was an attempt to build political support ahead of next year’s local elections for the controversial council.
Residents were asked to circle the number which represents how important to you and your family each of the following local issues were - starting with the Grenfell Tower fire and the knock on effects of the Rattletrack Crossrail 2 project construction cutting a house price devastating swathe through their back gardens.
Local Labour MP and shadow minister for racist comments, Ms Emma Bent Toad, took time off from kicking the shit out of a homeless Syrian refugee camped in a vacant shop doorway to pass her opinion to media hacks that "Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is the fact this stinks of Nasty Party gentrification and a deliberate arson attack."
"Really, it's all bollocks – a Hotpoint fridge-freezer gets on fire in Mr Mohammed al Patsy's kitchen, and the next thing it's set alight to the outside of the entire tower block? Something isn't right cos if that was the cause of the blaze, then why aren't Hotpoint issuing fire hazard warnings and recalling the 60,000-plus model FF175BP fridge-freezers smouldering away in people's homes across Broken Britain?
Why, cos MI5 and the Met knew there was an ISIS Jolly Jihad terrorist cell camped in a 5th floor flat and had set up a TATP high explosive and nano-thermite incendiary bomb-making plant - and their 'product' was being stored in the freezer but the TATP went 'critical'- and ka-boom!"
The Kensington and Chelsea Tory Party campaign activists responsible for composing and distributing the controversial and offensive election opinion survey leaflet have come under a sustained social networking attack for the crass and insensitive questions that asked residents to rate the importance of the Grenfell Tower tragedy upon their social, moral conscience – on a scale of nought to ten.
Seen today wearing a face like a window cleaner's wash leather and looking to be well behind in her Botox treatments, Kensington and Chelsea Council's intellectually-challenged leader, Lizzy Campbell, declined to comment on the election campaigning survey leaflet's inappropriate content - apart from a murmured 'nowt to do with me'.
Campbell, a councillor marked with a shitty track record, who held a senior role in the build-up and aftermath to the Grenfell tragedy, is as popular with Kensington residents as chemotherapy and if the tea leaf reader predictions prove correct, might just be set to follow in the 'footsteps of leadership failure' tracks of her disgraced egg-head predecessor, Nick 'Bat Ears' Padlock-Brown
Really, can these moronic dog wankers ever do anything right? (not that New / Old Labour – under the Bliarite crew or Corbyn's Trotskyite gang – or Vince Cable's Librarian- Dummercrats are any better).
However, a sample of the completed and returned 'survey questionnaires' provide fair insight as to what the more upscale residents of the elitist Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea are thinking.
Mrs Beatrix Snobb, of Kensington's exclusive Twatford Gardens, rated the fire a #10 – relating that "My children thought it better than Guy Fawkes Night – and on a par with a trip to the funfair's House of Horrors – what with all those darkie and gyppo immigrant types jumping out of windows and running around covered in flames and screaming their heads off. Jolly good show, Kensington Council – you have our vote next year."
Conversely her Parvenue Terraces hedge fund manager neighbour, Fellatia Slagg, commented "My kids were disappointed overall. Okay, the blaze was spectacular, but typical of anything Kensington Council put their hand to, the accompanying fireworks display was a dud - and no hot dog stand or marshmallows."
'Fuckwit Close resident Mrs Candida Ratpunzle, editor of Vulgarian magazine, treated the Kensington Council questionnaire with an equally negative response: 'Really, lighting the fire after midnight when my kiddies were in bed and fast asleep. This latest work of gentrification arson would have been better organised if the silly council jobsworths had scheduled the blaze for a weekend - preferably on a Saturday night - when the children didn't need to get up for school the next morning.'
Thought for the day. Okay folks, a quickie survey – on a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate the Tory Nasty Party? Hmmm, so it's anonymous then – a top score of sweet fuck all.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Friday, 10 November 2017
Shitty Priti Patel: Zionist Spy Axed
In today's ‘Tory Treason Party’ exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering political treachery news from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Oh, but a mere few days ago, Shitty Pritty Patel's future as international development secretary – or even a member of the Tory Party- was understood to be increasingly uncertain amid a row over her acts of self-interest conduct during visits to the rogue, apartheid state of Israel.
While Patel apologised for meeting with Israel's clinically insane PM Bobo Nuttyahoo last August - without informing the Foreign Office in advance – or post event – shit-stirring elements of the Labour Party smelled scandal and blood then started baying for an inquiry into whether Shitty Priti repeatedly breached the statutes of the ministerial code – much as Labour's untouchable war criminal Teflon Tony Bliar did when he declared war on Iraq based on a web of concocted 'dodgy dossier' lies.
The Biased Broadcasting Corp's political editor, 'Livid Laura' Kuntsberg recently voiced an unqualified personal opinion that Patel and her ministerial career were 'up shitcreek without a paddle' as fresh scandalous gossip regarding unofficial meetings was posted by insider snitches on the internet and Twitter networks.
The Gutter Press Association reported that No 10 had demanded Patel "come clean" over other covert meetings she had with Israeli politicians – a fact she's still trying to remain shtum over.
Patel had been under growing pressure since it emerged she held meetings with a series of senior Israeli government and anti-BDS campaign business figures while on a private lobbying vacation in Israel last August – with the only diplomats present being Israeli – albeit Shitty Priti has attempted to toss a mitigating spanner in the censorship works by claiming she was accompanied by dual nationality pro-Zionist Nasty Party peer, Lord Polecat - president of the Conservative Shills for Israel Club.
Patel was forced to correct the record last week over lying through her dental implants regarding the number of secret meetings she had attended with Israeli politicos - and questioned as to why the fuck the Foreign Office had not been forewarned about them.
She later admitted it had been wrong to suggest (lie) to a Daily Shitraker hack that Foreign Secretary Bonkers Boris Nonsense knew of the trip in advance - when he only learnt of it post-event - while actually reading a copy of the Shitraker.
Hmmm, all the hindsight pundit comments now emerge. Of course the Foreign Office were aware of WTF Shitty Priti was up to in Jewtopia – if not then MI6 wouldn't be doing their jobs of spying on the treacherous and unpatriotic antics of such sneaky, immigrant status shitbags.
Earlier in the week it emerged that upon her return from the rogue Zionist state, following covert discussions with the country's clinically insane leader, Bobo Nuttyahoo, Patel requested the Foreign Office to consider supporting 'humanitarian operations' (sic) conducted by the Israeli army in Syria's illegally-occupied Golan Heights - a request that was turned down as 'what the fuck?' inappropriate by civil service mandarins.
During a blatant House of Conmans damage control speech, Foreign Office gopher Alistair Burt opened gob before engaging brain, stating that - in his unqualified and equally uninformed opinion - Downing Street regarded the 'agent of an enemy state' accusations levelled against Patel as closed after Shitty Priti claimed – again falsely - (for fuck's sake, can this slut not tell the difference between a lie and the truth?) – she'd had her wrist smacked by PM Terry Mayhem and reminded of her obligations under the ministerial code.
Conversely, addressing the Slime Monster directly, Labour's shadow cabinet office minister Jon Boy Ricketty called on Mayhem to either direct her independent adviser on ministerial standards to investigate Patel's treasonous acts, or state publicly the reasons why Patel retained her confidence and had not been sacked.
"Not only did she not tell the Foreign Office directly, so far as I'm aware the British Embassy in Israel was also wholly unaware that this shit was going down behind their backs. It's not just a question of courtesy but one with a definite focus on subterfuge and political espionage."
Labour's Kate 'Dingbat' Cassowary added to Ricketty's condemnations, stating for the Hansard record that Patel's excuses and mitigations equated as a pick n mix bag of black and white lies, with the ministerial code being treated like shithouse paper – and further opined that she should do the decent thing and resign – and not slope off to Darkest Africa on some other money-grubbing scam until things cooled down at home.
Alistair Burt responded that Broken Britain's foreign policy had not changed as a result of Patel's private lobbying trip - and was still as fucked up as ever – with pro-Zionist Israeli lobbyists having more control over British political decisions and foreign policy than Parliament's MPs.
Answering charges that Patel was a low life Israeli agent provocateur for attempting to divert the UK's foreign aid budget to the Israeli army, Burt defended Patel's legitimate right to raise the matter – as such was within the context of providing medical help for Syrian rebels who could not get medical assistance in their own country – apart from a government body bag.
Though the truth of that story lies with the Israeli Haaretz gutter press tabloid who reported that during August she visited an Israeli military field hospital in the Golan Heights treating a pick n mix assemblage of Syrian rebels and head-chopping ISIS Caliphate crazies wounded in Russian air attacks.
Yet as Britain did not officially recognise Israel's illegal 1967 annexation of the Golan Heights – same as the rest of the world and the United Nations - it would be hard to convince UK taxpayers of the charitable act status of their money being squandered on healing Jolly Jihad terrorists.
However International Trade Secretary Liam Pox, interviewed on the Beeb's Andrew 'Bat Ears' Marr's Treachery Hour programme, stated it was not in any way forbidden for UK politicos to speak to the prime minister of another country without telling the foreign secretary – as he and his 'good friend' Adam Qwerty had done in a series of covert meetings with the racist Israeli regime – prior to them both getting a good bitch slapping and his own arse fired for the very same treasonous antics Shitty Priti Patel has been pulling.
Beeb correspondent Laura Kuntsberg claims Israel-based UK diplomats first became aware of Patel's lobbying visit in August when the Knesset opposition leader, O’chel Batachat, first tweeted about their meeting:
"Great to get together with Shitty Patel, Broken Britain's International Development Suckretary, today. A true Gujarati Hindu friend of Israel – and what an ass too."
Patel also held undisclosed meetings with business and political figures, including Rabbi Ja’akoff Weaselberg, leader of Israel's leftist off-centre Orlah Bris Milah Party – and on 18th September she met Israeli foreign ministry official, Yuval Rottenstein in New York.
Apart from a couple of covert Mossad 'flies on the wall' no other diplomats were present at these meetings, where Patel claims she was accompanied by an pro-Zionist peer, Lord Stewie Polecat of Scouse End.
More damning still is the fact she later met Israeli public security minister (Shin Beth) Shylock Scatbaum at a Westminster restaurant last September – where she discussed Bobo Nuttyahoo's (Israel's ruling Likit Party leader) visit to the UK, which took place last week to celebrate the centennial of the disgraceful Balfour Agreement – an infamous immoral act in which Britain gave away the sovereign state of Palestine to a Zionist crime syndicate.
But matters continued to fester, thanks to the nefarious shit stirring skills of opposition MPs, and reached a septic head this week when Patel was recalled from Africa to get her bony brown ass unceremoniously fired by Terry Mayhem for concocting her own version of British foreign policy on the hoof and the covert lobbying on behalf of the apartheid state of Israel.
However, after arriving at Downing Street after dark, sporting her customary smarmy, shit-eating grin; Shitty Priti managed to duck out of a total embarrassing 'You're fired!' confrontation by proffering an earlier composed letter of resignation – scribed across the dessert page of a Kenyan Scareways first class dinner menu – then did an exit stage left through No 10's back door, smirking like a Cheshire cat.
So, she was allowed to resign as opposed to being sacked? Makes no odds, as zero dignity attached to this escapade. Shitty Priti's an untrustworthy scrote – and not only a perfidious power to herself and insubordinate to the Nth Degree, but an incompetent 'not to be trusted' skanger.
And this is the immigrant progeny slut who stated for the public record that British workers are lazy twats. Hmmm, well, at least they are not lying bastard Zionist agents out to hand British taxpayers' money over to the crime state of Israel's military psychos.
WTF her Essex Withering constituency thinks of the two-faced traitorous bitch – fuck knows – having an acting agent for a foreign power representing them in Parliament? But stupidity has a gravitational field and attracts all manner of morons.
If I was in charge of the Cabinet Office tea n biscuit money I'd be doing a recount before Patel left the No10 building. Like all traitorous scum, she should be burned at the stake.
For the record, the main gist of Patel's resignation letter to the PM stated: "I will continue to undermine you and the government, but stand up for the Tory Nasty Party values of freedom, opportunity and aspiration – to fill our pockets and secure post-Parliament golden parachute private sector sinecures – and lobby away for the likes of Baron Rothshite's personal Israeli fiefdom - and other private enterprises - to boost our offshore tax haven nest eggs."
Bollocks to this exchange of mutual ego-massaging false sentiment resignation / acceptance letters besides, for history will not remember Priti Patel kindly.
She's a political pariah become – and no friend of the British public – when one considers she hired her 'three jobs' hubby, the nine foot tall Alexi Seesaw, on a £25,000 quid per annum salary to look after her office – sharpen pencils, change printer ink cartridges, brew coffee, stock the toilet with bog rolls – and feed the cat.
So chances are bald pate Alexi (is he Russian?) is out of this cushy job as Shitty Priti loses half her mega-bucks £141,505 salary – a £96,375 p/a cabinet minister pay cheque – and is left to struggle by on a meagre basic MP wage of £74,000 nicker (plus exorbitant expenses).
Typical Asian wheeler dealer antics – perhaps copy-catting the unscrupulous Keith Vazeline - doing private self-interest deals behind the government's back – and with such brazen hubris of her own untouchability she ignores the obvious fact that not only were MI6 watching her snidey tricks but also the Labour and Lib-Dum opposition moles – and Brussels EUSSR Mafia spies – all of whom have a hard on for hoofing Terry the Maybot out of office and forcing another general election – with the ordained end product a reversal of the Brexit process to keep Britain's current prefix of 'Broken' in position and our once sceptred isle under the continued control freak jackboot of the EUSSR Federation.
A closing condemnation of Patel came from Crispy Clunt, the incumbent Tory MP for Backgate, who confided to press hacks that the 45-year-old Patel had been accelerated into the top job due the fact she's Asian - and Posh Dave Scameron fancied 'a bit of brown flesh' (quite probably as a change from fucking pigs) – regardless of her being a 'bit of a dumb twat' - and lacking ministerial experience.
However, Nacho Zahawi - Conservative MP for the Lemon Kurd constituency, opined to the BBC Two's Newshite he believed some of the criticism facing Patel was down to the fact she was a pro-Brexit campaigner during the EUSSR referendum.
The Iraq-born Zahawi, waving a flag for his pro-Zionist pal Patel, stuck his scrawny neck out even further by declaring she was not having clandestine meetings with officials of the apartheid state of Israel and that the Foreign Office were aware of the meetings while she was in Israel.
Hmmm, WTF's the penalty for lying through your teeth to protect a fellow political scumster?
While Flatbrokes, Broken Britain's ubiquitous High Street bookies, were touting top odds that Shylock Scumberg, MP for Zion-on-the-Wold, was the likely candidate to fill Patel's vacated cabinet slot and be next to squander taxpayer's money on medical treatment for Neo-Con / Zionist Islamic rebel terrorist proxies convalescing in the Golan Heights – instead we have the absolutely unknown Penny 'Who?' Mordaunt promoted to the cabinet as replacement International Development Secretary – but obviously a damn 'good egg' as she is a hard arsed Brexiteer.
Ms Morbid's website bio-data states she first became interested in politics after reading how much money could be made for insider lobbying in bribes and back-handers while visiting post-revolutionary Romania during her gap year, working as a ventriloquist's dummy.
Elected to the House of Conmans in 2010 she was charged with the Ministry for Gimps portfolio in the Department for Wanks and Pensions until her promotion - though the 44-year-old is probably best known outside Westminster for her appearance (alongside 'fellow' (sic) pre-op' transgender celebrity, Ms 'Muscles Mitch' Obama) on ITV's celebrity Splash! diving show to raise money for her boob job.
Mordaunt enthralled press hacks outside Parliament, reliving her moment of 'Tombstoning' blindfolded into the shallow end of a swimming pool on TV and freely admitted "it hurt like fuck" as she hit the bottom.
BBC political correspondent 'Tricky Vicki' Young said she thought the sexy Ms Mordaunt would be a popular appointment with the party's groper contingent – the ones who still prefer women as opposed to sex with dogs, sheep, corpses - and children.
While her Labour shadow opposite number, Kate Cassowary congratulated Mordaunt on her appointment, she added with a bitchy whisper – "Enjoy it while you can – I'll have your seat come the 2018 Spring general election."
But reality TV fun and games besides, as International Development Secretary, Ms Morbid will be in charge of giving away bundles of the UK's £13 billion quid foreign aid budget to Jolly Jihad Islamic State rebels convalescing from their Russian air raid inflicted injuries at Israeli medical centres in Syria's 'Stolen Heights'.
In other appointments on Thursday, Sarah Figg-Newton has been made a deputy assistant junior under-minister in the Department of Coal Sheds while Victoria Atkins was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Sanitary Disposal of Roadkill.
Oh dear, if this is the government of the day then it is not fit for purpose and an insult to the intelligence (sic) of the common herd tax-paying voters. We have seen better organised riots.
Can these incompetent bastards – Tory / Lib-Dum / Labour not keep their hands off women's genitalia (unless otherwise invited to maul), or embezzling sticky fingers out of the public purse, or refrain from molesting underage schoolchildren – or felching cuddy pet shop animals - or selling their worthless souls to foreign governments
Yet what is the point – they are all immoral abominations – regardless of their blue or red or piss-stained-yellow banners - cast from the same power-hungry, egocentric, self-serving, shekel-grasping scum mould – who have little thought nor empathy for the Third Estate once the winning ballot is accounted
Definition of the Tory Nast Party – a political assemblage (akin to Labour, the Lib-Dums – and 'the rest') who spoon feed society a diet of deception to camouflage their ill-deeds, incompetence and culture of vile corruption.
Let us not forget the curse of the dinosaurs – a breed of creatures who didn't read, nor were possessed of a critical, inquiring mind, nor studied history – and for those omissions they are collectively extinct.
Thought for the day. Ah well, so Shitty Priti got her bad ass sacked – but was allowed to resign with dignity. What guff. Though Israel's nutty Knesset will always have a place for her in their graft and corruption-ridden midst – assigned to the Mossad's Sayanim Squad - as a London-based political lobbyist – with a foot already square-set in Parliament as the Nasty Party's member for the Jewtopia constituency.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Oh, but a mere few days ago, Shitty Pritty Patel's future as international development secretary – or even a member of the Tory Party- was understood to be increasingly uncertain amid a row over her acts of self-interest conduct during visits to the rogue, apartheid state of Israel.
While Patel apologised for meeting with Israel's clinically insane PM Bobo Nuttyahoo last August - without informing the Foreign Office in advance – or post event – shit-stirring elements of the Labour Party smelled scandal and blood then started baying for an inquiry into whether Shitty Priti repeatedly breached the statutes of the ministerial code – much as Labour's untouchable war criminal Teflon Tony Bliar did when he declared war on Iraq based on a web of concocted 'dodgy dossier' lies.
The Biased Broadcasting Corp's political editor, 'Livid Laura' Kuntsberg recently voiced an unqualified personal opinion that Patel and her ministerial career were 'up shitcreek without a paddle' as fresh scandalous gossip regarding unofficial meetings was posted by insider snitches on the internet and Twitter networks.
The Gutter Press Association reported that No 10 had demanded Patel "come clean" over other covert meetings she had with Israeli politicians – a fact she's still trying to remain shtum over.
Patel had been under growing pressure since it emerged she held meetings with a series of senior Israeli government and anti-BDS campaign business figures while on a private lobbying vacation in Israel last August – with the only diplomats present being Israeli – albeit Shitty Priti has attempted to toss a mitigating spanner in the censorship works by claiming she was accompanied by dual nationality pro-Zionist Nasty Party peer, Lord Polecat - president of the Conservative Shills for Israel Club.
Patel was forced to correct the record last week over lying through her dental implants regarding the number of secret meetings she had attended with Israeli politicos - and questioned as to why the fuck the Foreign Office had not been forewarned about them.
She later admitted it had been wrong to suggest (lie) to a Daily Shitraker hack that Foreign Secretary Bonkers Boris Nonsense knew of the trip in advance - when he only learnt of it post-event - while actually reading a copy of the Shitraker.
Hmmm, all the hindsight pundit comments now emerge. Of course the Foreign Office were aware of WTF Shitty Priti was up to in Jewtopia – if not then MI6 wouldn't be doing their jobs of spying on the treacherous and unpatriotic antics of such sneaky, immigrant status shitbags.
Earlier in the week it emerged that upon her return from the rogue Zionist state, following covert discussions with the country's clinically insane leader, Bobo Nuttyahoo, Patel requested the Foreign Office to consider supporting 'humanitarian operations' (sic) conducted by the Israeli army in Syria's illegally-occupied Golan Heights - a request that was turned down as 'what the fuck?' inappropriate by civil service mandarins.
During a blatant House of Conmans damage control speech, Foreign Office gopher Alistair Burt opened gob before engaging brain, stating that - in his unqualified and equally uninformed opinion - Downing Street regarded the 'agent of an enemy state' accusations levelled against Patel as closed after Shitty Priti claimed – again falsely - (for fuck's sake, can this slut not tell the difference between a lie and the truth?) – she'd had her wrist smacked by PM Terry Mayhem and reminded of her obligations under the ministerial code.
Conversely, addressing the Slime Monster directly, Labour's shadow cabinet office minister Jon Boy Ricketty called on Mayhem to either direct her independent adviser on ministerial standards to investigate Patel's treasonous acts, or state publicly the reasons why Patel retained her confidence and had not been sacked.
"Not only did she not tell the Foreign Office directly, so far as I'm aware the British Embassy in Israel was also wholly unaware that this shit was going down behind their backs. It's not just a question of courtesy but one with a definite focus on subterfuge and political espionage."
Labour's Kate 'Dingbat' Cassowary added to Ricketty's condemnations, stating for the Hansard record that Patel's excuses and mitigations equated as a pick n mix bag of black and white lies, with the ministerial code being treated like shithouse paper – and further opined that she should do the decent thing and resign – and not slope off to Darkest Africa on some other money-grubbing scam until things cooled down at home.
Alistair Burt responded that Broken Britain's foreign policy had not changed as a result of Patel's private lobbying trip - and was still as fucked up as ever – with pro-Zionist Israeli lobbyists having more control over British political decisions and foreign policy than Parliament's MPs.
Answering charges that Patel was a low life Israeli agent provocateur for attempting to divert the UK's foreign aid budget to the Israeli army, Burt defended Patel's legitimate right to raise the matter – as such was within the context of providing medical help for Syrian rebels who could not get medical assistance in their own country – apart from a government body bag.
Though the truth of that story lies with the Israeli Haaretz gutter press tabloid who reported that during August she visited an Israeli military field hospital in the Golan Heights treating a pick n mix assemblage of Syrian rebels and head-chopping ISIS Caliphate crazies wounded in Russian air attacks.
Yet as Britain did not officially recognise Israel's illegal 1967 annexation of the Golan Heights – same as the rest of the world and the United Nations - it would be hard to convince UK taxpayers of the charitable act status of their money being squandered on healing Jolly Jihad terrorists.
However International Trade Secretary Liam Pox, interviewed on the Beeb's Andrew 'Bat Ears' Marr's Treachery Hour programme, stated it was not in any way forbidden for UK politicos to speak to the prime minister of another country without telling the foreign secretary – as he and his 'good friend' Adam Qwerty had done in a series of covert meetings with the racist Israeli regime – prior to them both getting a good bitch slapping and his own arse fired for the very same treasonous antics Shitty Priti Patel has been pulling.
Beeb correspondent Laura Kuntsberg claims Israel-based UK diplomats first became aware of Patel's lobbying visit in August when the Knesset opposition leader, O’chel Batachat, first tweeted about their meeting:
"Great to get together with Shitty Patel, Broken Britain's International Development Suckretary, today. A true Gujarati Hindu friend of Israel – and what an ass too."
Patel also held undisclosed meetings with business and political figures, including Rabbi Ja’akoff Weaselberg, leader of Israel's leftist off-centre Orlah Bris Milah Party – and on 18th September she met Israeli foreign ministry official, Yuval Rottenstein in New York.
Apart from a couple of covert Mossad 'flies on the wall' no other diplomats were present at these meetings, where Patel claims she was accompanied by an pro-Zionist peer, Lord Stewie Polecat of Scouse End.
More damning still is the fact she later met Israeli public security minister (Shin Beth) Shylock Scatbaum at a Westminster restaurant last September – where she discussed Bobo Nuttyahoo's (Israel's ruling Likit Party leader) visit to the UK, which took place last week to celebrate the centennial of the disgraceful Balfour Agreement – an infamous immoral act in which Britain gave away the sovereign state of Palestine to a Zionist crime syndicate.
But matters continued to fester, thanks to the nefarious shit stirring skills of opposition MPs, and reached a septic head this week when Patel was recalled from Africa to get her bony brown ass unceremoniously fired by Terry Mayhem for concocting her own version of British foreign policy on the hoof and the covert lobbying on behalf of the apartheid state of Israel.
However, after arriving at Downing Street after dark, sporting her customary smarmy, shit-eating grin; Shitty Priti managed to duck out of a total embarrassing 'You're fired!' confrontation by proffering an earlier composed letter of resignation – scribed across the dessert page of a Kenyan Scareways first class dinner menu – then did an exit stage left through No 10's back door, smirking like a Cheshire cat.
So, she was allowed to resign as opposed to being sacked? Makes no odds, as zero dignity attached to this escapade. Shitty Priti's an untrustworthy scrote – and not only a perfidious power to herself and insubordinate to the Nth Degree, but an incompetent 'not to be trusted' skanger.
And this is the immigrant progeny slut who stated for the public record that British workers are lazy twats. Hmmm, well, at least they are not lying bastard Zionist agents out to hand British taxpayers' money over to the crime state of Israel's military psychos.
WTF her Essex Withering constituency thinks of the two-faced traitorous bitch – fuck knows – having an acting agent for a foreign power representing them in Parliament? But stupidity has a gravitational field and attracts all manner of morons.
If I was in charge of the Cabinet Office tea n biscuit money I'd be doing a recount before Patel left the No10 building. Like all traitorous scum, she should be burned at the stake.
For the record, the main gist of Patel's resignation letter to the PM stated: "I will continue to undermine you and the government, but stand up for the Tory Nasty Party values of freedom, opportunity and aspiration – to fill our pockets and secure post-Parliament golden parachute private sector sinecures – and lobby away for the likes of Baron Rothshite's personal Israeli fiefdom - and other private enterprises - to boost our offshore tax haven nest eggs."
Bollocks to this exchange of mutual ego-massaging false sentiment resignation / acceptance letters besides, for history will not remember Priti Patel kindly.
She's a political pariah become – and no friend of the British public – when one considers she hired her 'three jobs' hubby, the nine foot tall Alexi Seesaw, on a £25,000 quid per annum salary to look after her office – sharpen pencils, change printer ink cartridges, brew coffee, stock the toilet with bog rolls – and feed the cat.
So chances are bald pate Alexi (is he Russian?) is out of this cushy job as Shitty Priti loses half her mega-bucks £141,505 salary – a £96,375 p/a cabinet minister pay cheque – and is left to struggle by on a meagre basic MP wage of £74,000 nicker (plus exorbitant expenses).
Typical Asian wheeler dealer antics – perhaps copy-catting the unscrupulous Keith Vazeline - doing private self-interest deals behind the government's back – and with such brazen hubris of her own untouchability she ignores the obvious fact that not only were MI6 watching her snidey tricks but also the Labour and Lib-Dum opposition moles – and Brussels EUSSR Mafia spies – all of whom have a hard on for hoofing Terry the Maybot out of office and forcing another general election – with the ordained end product a reversal of the Brexit process to keep Britain's current prefix of 'Broken' in position and our once sceptred isle under the continued control freak jackboot of the EUSSR Federation.
A closing condemnation of Patel came from Crispy Clunt, the incumbent Tory MP for Backgate, who confided to press hacks that the 45-year-old Patel had been accelerated into the top job due the fact she's Asian - and Posh Dave Scameron fancied 'a bit of brown flesh' (quite probably as a change from fucking pigs) – regardless of her being a 'bit of a dumb twat' - and lacking ministerial experience.
However, Nacho Zahawi - Conservative MP for the Lemon Kurd constituency, opined to the BBC Two's Newshite he believed some of the criticism facing Patel was down to the fact she was a pro-Brexit campaigner during the EUSSR referendum.
The Iraq-born Zahawi, waving a flag for his pro-Zionist pal Patel, stuck his scrawny neck out even further by declaring she was not having clandestine meetings with officials of the apartheid state of Israel and that the Foreign Office were aware of the meetings while she was in Israel.
Hmmm, WTF's the penalty for lying through your teeth to protect a fellow political scumster?
While Flatbrokes, Broken Britain's ubiquitous High Street bookies, were touting top odds that Shylock Scumberg, MP for Zion-on-the-Wold, was the likely candidate to fill Patel's vacated cabinet slot and be next to squander taxpayer's money on medical treatment for Neo-Con / Zionist Islamic rebel terrorist proxies convalescing in the Golan Heights – instead we have the absolutely unknown Penny 'Who?' Mordaunt promoted to the cabinet as replacement International Development Secretary – but obviously a damn 'good egg' as she is a hard arsed Brexiteer.
Ms Morbid's website bio-data states she first became interested in politics after reading how much money could be made for insider lobbying in bribes and back-handers while visiting post-revolutionary Romania during her gap year, working as a ventriloquist's dummy.
Elected to the House of Conmans in 2010 she was charged with the Ministry for Gimps portfolio in the Department for Wanks and Pensions until her promotion - though the 44-year-old is probably best known outside Westminster for her appearance (alongside 'fellow' (sic) pre-op' transgender celebrity, Ms 'Muscles Mitch' Obama) on ITV's celebrity Splash! diving show to raise money for her boob job.
Mordaunt enthralled press hacks outside Parliament, reliving her moment of 'Tombstoning' blindfolded into the shallow end of a swimming pool on TV and freely admitted "it hurt like fuck" as she hit the bottom.
BBC political correspondent 'Tricky Vicki' Young said she thought the sexy Ms Mordaunt would be a popular appointment with the party's groper contingent – the ones who still prefer women as opposed to sex with dogs, sheep, corpses - and children.
While her Labour shadow opposite number, Kate Cassowary congratulated Mordaunt on her appointment, she added with a bitchy whisper – "Enjoy it while you can – I'll have your seat come the 2018 Spring general election."
But reality TV fun and games besides, as International Development Secretary, Ms Morbid will be in charge of giving away bundles of the UK's £13 billion quid foreign aid budget to Jolly Jihad Islamic State rebels convalescing from their Russian air raid inflicted injuries at Israeli medical centres in Syria's 'Stolen Heights'.
In other appointments on Thursday, Sarah Figg-Newton has been made a deputy assistant junior under-minister in the Department of Coal Sheds while Victoria Atkins was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Sanitary Disposal of Roadkill.
Oh dear, if this is the government of the day then it is not fit for purpose and an insult to the intelligence (sic) of the common herd tax-paying voters. We have seen better organised riots.
Can these incompetent bastards – Tory / Lib-Dum / Labour not keep their hands off women's genitalia (unless otherwise invited to maul), or embezzling sticky fingers out of the public purse, or refrain from molesting underage schoolchildren – or felching cuddy pet shop animals - or selling their worthless souls to foreign governments
Yet what is the point – they are all immoral abominations – regardless of their blue or red or piss-stained-yellow banners - cast from the same power-hungry, egocentric, self-serving, shekel-grasping scum mould – who have little thought nor empathy for the Third Estate once the winning ballot is accounted
Definition of the Tory Nast Party – a political assemblage (akin to Labour, the Lib-Dums – and 'the rest') who spoon feed society a diet of deception to camouflage their ill-deeds, incompetence and culture of vile corruption.
Let us not forget the curse of the dinosaurs – a breed of creatures who didn't read, nor were possessed of a critical, inquiring mind, nor studied history – and for those omissions they are collectively extinct.
Thought for the day. Ah well, so Shitty Priti got her bad ass sacked – but was allowed to resign with dignity. What guff. Though Israel's nutty Knesset will always have a place for her in their graft and corruption-ridden midst – assigned to the Mossad's Sayanim Squad - as a London-based political lobbyist – with a foot already square-set in Parliament as the Nasty Party's member for the Jewtopia constituency.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Great Satan: Who's First – NorKor or Iran?
In today’s ‘Apocalypse Christmas Special’ counter-culture exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in war-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial
Third World Saudi Arabia's power-hungry - and very impatient - monarch-in-waiting, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Spread, has accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of being party to an act of direct military aggression against his backward Wahhabist kingdom - by supplying S-300 Shitstreak missiles to Yemen's Houthi mujahideen – to shoot down Saudi fighter jets involved in the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets.
Just minutes before he was arrested on charges of graft and corruption by Crown Prince Salmon Salad's all-new Neekni Sahrawi anti-corruption committee police, Saudi's Defence Minister, Sheikh Fizzy Al Kaseltzer, informed one gutter press hack from the Warmongers Gazette "any further missile attacks will considered an act of war if Yemen's Saracen Scally rebels start fighting back against our superior Western-supplied armaments or Erik Black's Constellis Psycho Corp's foreign mercenary soldiers."
Last Saturday afternoon a Burger Hut 2H rocket was shot down close to the Saudi capital of Riyadh by an Israeli Black Cube-manned Patriot missile battery - while they totally missed another, which hit dead centre in the barracks of the 21st Armoured Segway Brigade, killing every fucker old enough to bleed.
In a typical display of its customary hypocrisy, the New York-based Human Rights Watch condemned the Houthi military's launch of an indiscriminate missile at the predominantly civilian King Khaled International Airport as an apparent war crime – wholly ignoring the trip hazard paradox that the Saudi Air Force are bombing Yemen's infrastructure back into a pre-Stone Age state and killing non-combatant civilians – specifically women and children – faster than the current war-related cholera epidemic and famine-related malnutrition factors combined.
The official Al-Khara Saudi press agency reported on Tuesday that during a Skype cam call with Prince Salmon Paste, the UK's bungling Foreign Secretary, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, had expressed his personal displeasure at the Houthi militias even possessing – let alone launching – ballistic missiles at Saudi-based targets, and affirmed Broken Britain's stand with the KSA in confronting the Yemeni rebels if they had the audacity to breach the Geneva Convention's Articles of War - and start 'fighting back' –guaranteeing to supply as many CBU-97 clusterfuck bombs and BAE Systems VLS Mk41 and APKWS (Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System) laser-guided missiles as Crown Prince Salmon Paté's dwindling oil funded treasury could afford.
While Crown Prince Salmon Mousse stressed his personal skewed belief that Iran's Shi'ite regime were involved with supplying missiles to the rebel Houthi militias - and considers this an act of direct military aggression by the Iranian regime against the KSA – to wit, an act of war – FS Boris Nonsense shied away from contacting Tehran's foreign minister, Mr Liwat ibn Himar, personally due his 'Cripes and Crikey, old chap' arrogant and demanding manner fubar during mano a mano phone call with him earlier in the week, which the Foreign Office claim has now been taken completely out of context and resulted in a British female journalist, Mrs Nazzy Zaghari-Ratbag, copping an extra five years hard labour added to her 'acts of subversion' prison sentence - due batshit Boris being rude and saying the 'wrong thing'.
Saudi Foreign Minister, Ghaban ibn Zamel, confided to the UK's Biased Broadcasting Corp correspondent, Harry 'Mad Dog' McNonce that Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, an Iranian proxy, was also involved - claiming "It was an Iranian missile launched by Hezbollah from territory occupied by the Houthi rebels in some part of Yemen we have not yet bombed to rubble. This is what destroyed Crown Prince Salmon Roe's personal 21st Armoured Segway Brigade bodyguard barracks."
Ibn Zamel added the missile was similar to one launched in July, which was shot down close to Mecca, and manufactured in Iran, disassembled and auctioned off on e-Bay, then smuggled into Yemen by either Fed-Ex next day delivery - or an Amazon door-to-door drone – where it was reassembled by hostage technicians from Radio Shack – originally contracted to maintain Hezbollah's Beirut-based super-fast broadband system.
Conversely, Iran has denied arming the Houthi rebel movement, which is fighting a Saudi-led coalition who want a return to power of Yemen's graft and corruption-ridden Western powers stooge government.
Tehran's Foreign Minister, Bala’a il A’air, spoke on Monday with one reporter from the Dingbats Review, and pontificated on the fact that Saudi Arabia – as a proxy stooge of ZioNazi Israel and the Great Satan – along with Bahrain, the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar - were engaged in waging wars of aggression and regional bullying against Iraq, Syria and Yemen – which posed a threat to the Gulf region and entire Middle East – and whose only end game beneficiary would be Tel Aviv and their insidious Greater Israel agenda.
In response to the 21st Armoured Segway Brigade barracks attack, Crown Prince Salmon Dip pronounced, on behalf of the Saudi-led coalition, a punitive military-enforced closure of all Yemeni land, air and sea ports - but from the kindness of his black heart, stated humanitarian aid could continue to enter under strict vetting procedures. While all food and medical aid donations would remain blocked, supplies of corrugated iron, electric lawn mowers, rat traps, sun block lotion and chimney pots would be allowed.
For the critical reader's eye – an excess of 8,600 innocent civilians – 60% of them women n kids – have been snuffed - and a further 49,960 headcount injured in air strikes and fighting on the ground since this evil Saudi-led coalition stuck its nose into Yemen's civil war in March 2015.
The conflict has left 20.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, created the world's largest food security emergency, and led to a cholera outbreak affecting 902,000 victims still shitting razor blades - and caused 2,191 fatalities.
Hmmm, while Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Terrine currently has his pointy head quite far up his proverbial egocentric arse, one must realise the wanker is batshit bonkers – like the rest of this long line of genetically-inferior, empathy-deficient, intellectually-challenged inbred raghead retards – from Ibn Saud to the present dynasty - all stellar examples of the Bell Curve Deficiency Syndrome.
Okay, so that's Iran – and by black propaganda association - Hezbollah (get with the programme, plus Lebanon by association) – back-stabbed and topping the Zionist Neo-Con hit list for the next in line Soros-funded colour revolution regime changes.
That is, if President Donald Chump doesn't get a change of heart while engaged in his current ego-massaging Grand Asian tour and decide to over-ride HR McMasters and Mad Dog Mattis' Neo-Con agenda schedule and go for the non-compliant Kim Jong-un and his nuke-armed NorKor power base first.
Speaking at a press conference alongside his South Korean counterpart Mr Moon Jae-out in Seoul – the second and perhaps most symbolic pit stop on his five-nation Grand Asian tour, President Chump fired off a pedantic tweet to North Korea's Kim Jong-un to 'come to the table' and discuss giving up his nuclear weapons – an offer Bad Haircut Kim tweeted back 'Okay – will give up mine when Great Satan gives up its nukes too'.
Obviously not too happy with the reply, the dipshit Chump resorted to his customary unnecessary and incendiary bully boy rhetoric, stating for the public record he hoped to Gawd he did not have to launch a US military strike against Pyongyang – (and see his 'first ashore' Marines get barbequed by a NorKor tactical nuke?)
Obviously the shit-for-brains Chump is ready to repeat one of the most repugnant mistakes in political history – with a pre-emptory nuclear strike on another sovereign nation – as per the empathy-deficient US psychos were the first to do - 'twice' - to Japan in 1945.
For all the armchair military strategists, how the fuck would a hot zone conflict with North Korea unfold? Easy – just like the last time (1950-1953) - a fucking great mess of bodies and fucked up infrastructure on both sides.
So, what the fuck are we to make of this Neo-Con Military-Industrial-Bankster cabal stooge – President Donald Chump?
The 'Donald' might well be the principal property owner of Britain's Trumpton metropolitan area – which also encompasses the townships of Camberwick Green and Chigley – and owns golf courses all over nonce-friendly bonny Scotland – and be the obnoxious owner of a wallet stuffed with what banksters refer to as 'lots and lots of money' - but being 'moneybags rich' has sweet fuck all to do with being smart – or 'Presidential material'.
It just takes a sneak-bully mindset – and a few zillion bucks of Daddy Fred Chump's money' – unlike son Donald, a self-made man (with the middle name of 'Christ').
Just look at the Rothshite n Rockefeller clans – pigshit-thick, moronic tosspots – whom some uncharitable person might refer to as a bunch of cunts – and the same as Chump – responsible for socio-political entropy and upheaval – an incidence of chaos we ponder if caused accidentally by bungling jobsworth beaurocrats – but know for a fact is the purposeful and engineered design of the egocentric psychotic elite who comprise the ruling element of the 0.01% Them n 99.9% Us equation.
Many in South Korea were hoping President Chump would engage brain before opening his big gob and refrain from his customary threats against North Korea, which many regard as unnecessary and simply set to annoy the NorKor leadership – and are counting the hours until Chump and his entourage piss off on the next stage of their tour - to China, Vietnam and lastly the Republic of the Philistines – where Chump might well be confronted with an equally fiery Mexican standoff dialogue by the 7,100 island nation's homicidal gun-slinging maniac of a President - Rodrigo 'Duterte Harry'.
Thought for the day. Zionist stooge Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Dip has engaged the KSA (and Gulf states coalition) in a conflict with Yemen they ain't gonna win.
As to the Chump – (promoting Western hegemony, domination and - wherever the writ of the West is resisted or contested – a spot of regime change) and his belligerent "I'm right n you're wrong' gun boat diplomacy aimed at Iran and the NorKor's – Beware!
Cos once either of those theatres of conflict drops any semblance of a diplomacy narrative facade for the military option and 'goes hot' then Russia and China will be involved and the Great Satan's hypocrisy-ridden Land of the Free control freak police state forced to back down as Iran, Hezbollah and Syria's Alawite regime return the rogue apartheid state of Israel to Palestinian rule – under the elected aegis of a Hamas government.
Okay, today's quiz: Describe the Chump-instigated North Korea comply-or-else crisis in 3 words – 'a fuck up'.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Third World Saudi Arabia's power-hungry - and very impatient - monarch-in-waiting, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Spread, has accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of being party to an act of direct military aggression against his backward Wahhabist kingdom - by supplying S-300 Shitstreak missiles to Yemen's Houthi mujahideen – to shoot down Saudi fighter jets involved in the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets.
Just minutes before he was arrested on charges of graft and corruption by Crown Prince Salmon Salad's all-new Neekni Sahrawi anti-corruption committee police, Saudi's Defence Minister, Sheikh Fizzy Al Kaseltzer, informed one gutter press hack from the Warmongers Gazette "any further missile attacks will considered an act of war if Yemen's Saracen Scally rebels start fighting back against our superior Western-supplied armaments or Erik Black's Constellis Psycho Corp's foreign mercenary soldiers."
Last Saturday afternoon a Burger Hut 2H rocket was shot down close to the Saudi capital of Riyadh by an Israeli Black Cube-manned Patriot missile battery - while they totally missed another, which hit dead centre in the barracks of the 21st Armoured Segway Brigade, killing every fucker old enough to bleed.
In a typical display of its customary hypocrisy, the New York-based Human Rights Watch condemned the Houthi military's launch of an indiscriminate missile at the predominantly civilian King Khaled International Airport as an apparent war crime – wholly ignoring the trip hazard paradox that the Saudi Air Force are bombing Yemen's infrastructure back into a pre-Stone Age state and killing non-combatant civilians – specifically women and children – faster than the current war-related cholera epidemic and famine-related malnutrition factors combined.
The official Al-Khara Saudi press agency reported on Tuesday that during a Skype cam call with Prince Salmon Paste, the UK's bungling Foreign Secretary, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, had expressed his personal displeasure at the Houthi militias even possessing – let alone launching – ballistic missiles at Saudi-based targets, and affirmed Broken Britain's stand with the KSA in confronting the Yemeni rebels if they had the audacity to breach the Geneva Convention's Articles of War - and start 'fighting back' –guaranteeing to supply as many CBU-97 clusterfuck bombs and BAE Systems VLS Mk41 and APKWS (Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System) laser-guided missiles as Crown Prince Salmon Paté's dwindling oil funded treasury could afford.
While Crown Prince Salmon Mousse stressed his personal skewed belief that Iran's Shi'ite regime were involved with supplying missiles to the rebel Houthi militias - and considers this an act of direct military aggression by the Iranian regime against the KSA – to wit, an act of war – FS Boris Nonsense shied away from contacting Tehran's foreign minister, Mr Liwat ibn Himar, personally due his 'Cripes and Crikey, old chap' arrogant and demanding manner fubar during mano a mano phone call with him earlier in the week, which the Foreign Office claim has now been taken completely out of context and resulted in a British female journalist, Mrs Nazzy Zaghari-Ratbag, copping an extra five years hard labour added to her 'acts of subversion' prison sentence - due batshit Boris being rude and saying the 'wrong thing'.
Saudi Foreign Minister, Ghaban ibn Zamel, confided to the UK's Biased Broadcasting Corp correspondent, Harry 'Mad Dog' McNonce that Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, an Iranian proxy, was also involved - claiming "It was an Iranian missile launched by Hezbollah from territory occupied by the Houthi rebels in some part of Yemen we have not yet bombed to rubble. This is what destroyed Crown Prince Salmon Roe's personal 21st Armoured Segway Brigade bodyguard barracks."
Ibn Zamel added the missile was similar to one launched in July, which was shot down close to Mecca, and manufactured in Iran, disassembled and auctioned off on e-Bay, then smuggled into Yemen by either Fed-Ex next day delivery - or an Amazon door-to-door drone – where it was reassembled by hostage technicians from Radio Shack – originally contracted to maintain Hezbollah's Beirut-based super-fast broadband system.
Conversely, Iran has denied arming the Houthi rebel movement, which is fighting a Saudi-led coalition who want a return to power of Yemen's graft and corruption-ridden Western powers stooge government.
Tehran's Foreign Minister, Bala’a il A’air, spoke on Monday with one reporter from the Dingbats Review, and pontificated on the fact that Saudi Arabia – as a proxy stooge of ZioNazi Israel and the Great Satan – along with Bahrain, the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar - were engaged in waging wars of aggression and regional bullying against Iraq, Syria and Yemen – which posed a threat to the Gulf region and entire Middle East – and whose only end game beneficiary would be Tel Aviv and their insidious Greater Israel agenda.
In response to the 21st Armoured Segway Brigade barracks attack, Crown Prince Salmon Dip pronounced, on behalf of the Saudi-led coalition, a punitive military-enforced closure of all Yemeni land, air and sea ports - but from the kindness of his black heart, stated humanitarian aid could continue to enter under strict vetting procedures. While all food and medical aid donations would remain blocked, supplies of corrugated iron, electric lawn mowers, rat traps, sun block lotion and chimney pots would be allowed.
For the critical reader's eye – an excess of 8,600 innocent civilians – 60% of them women n kids – have been snuffed - and a further 49,960 headcount injured in air strikes and fighting on the ground since this evil Saudi-led coalition stuck its nose into Yemen's civil war in March 2015.
The conflict has left 20.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, created the world's largest food security emergency, and led to a cholera outbreak affecting 902,000 victims still shitting razor blades - and caused 2,191 fatalities.
Hmmm, while Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Terrine currently has his pointy head quite far up his proverbial egocentric arse, one must realise the wanker is batshit bonkers – like the rest of this long line of genetically-inferior, empathy-deficient, intellectually-challenged inbred raghead retards – from Ibn Saud to the present dynasty - all stellar examples of the Bell Curve Deficiency Syndrome.
Okay, so that's Iran – and by black propaganda association - Hezbollah (get with the programme, plus Lebanon by association) – back-stabbed and topping the Zionist Neo-Con hit list for the next in line Soros-funded colour revolution regime changes.
That is, if President Donald Chump doesn't get a change of heart while engaged in his current ego-massaging Grand Asian tour and decide to over-ride HR McMasters and Mad Dog Mattis' Neo-Con agenda schedule and go for the non-compliant Kim Jong-un and his nuke-armed NorKor power base first.
Speaking at a press conference alongside his South Korean counterpart Mr Moon Jae-out in Seoul – the second and perhaps most symbolic pit stop on his five-nation Grand Asian tour, President Chump fired off a pedantic tweet to North Korea's Kim Jong-un to 'come to the table' and discuss giving up his nuclear weapons – an offer Bad Haircut Kim tweeted back 'Okay – will give up mine when Great Satan gives up its nukes too'.
Obviously not too happy with the reply, the dipshit Chump resorted to his customary unnecessary and incendiary bully boy rhetoric, stating for the public record he hoped to Gawd he did not have to launch a US military strike against Pyongyang – (and see his 'first ashore' Marines get barbequed by a NorKor tactical nuke?)
Obviously the shit-for-brains Chump is ready to repeat one of the most repugnant mistakes in political history – with a pre-emptory nuclear strike on another sovereign nation – as per the empathy-deficient US psychos were the first to do - 'twice' - to Japan in 1945.
For all the armchair military strategists, how the fuck would a hot zone conflict with North Korea unfold? Easy – just like the last time (1950-1953) - a fucking great mess of bodies and fucked up infrastructure on both sides.
So, what the fuck are we to make of this Neo-Con Military-Industrial-Bankster cabal stooge – President Donald Chump?
The 'Donald' might well be the principal property owner of Britain's Trumpton metropolitan area – which also encompasses the townships of Camberwick Green and Chigley – and owns golf courses all over nonce-friendly bonny Scotland – and be the obnoxious owner of a wallet stuffed with what banksters refer to as 'lots and lots of money' - but being 'moneybags rich' has sweet fuck all to do with being smart – or 'Presidential material'.
It just takes a sneak-bully mindset – and a few zillion bucks of Daddy Fred Chump's money' – unlike son Donald, a self-made man (with the middle name of 'Christ').
Just look at the Rothshite n Rockefeller clans – pigshit-thick, moronic tosspots – whom some uncharitable person might refer to as a bunch of cunts – and the same as Chump – responsible for socio-political entropy and upheaval – an incidence of chaos we ponder if caused accidentally by bungling jobsworth beaurocrats – but know for a fact is the purposeful and engineered design of the egocentric psychotic elite who comprise the ruling element of the 0.01% Them n 99.9% Us equation.
Many in South Korea were hoping President Chump would engage brain before opening his big gob and refrain from his customary threats against North Korea, which many regard as unnecessary and simply set to annoy the NorKor leadership – and are counting the hours until Chump and his entourage piss off on the next stage of their tour - to China, Vietnam and lastly the Republic of the Philistines – where Chump might well be confronted with an equally fiery Mexican standoff dialogue by the 7,100 island nation's homicidal gun-slinging maniac of a President - Rodrigo 'Duterte Harry'.
Thought for the day. Zionist stooge Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon Dip has engaged the KSA (and Gulf states coalition) in a conflict with Yemen they ain't gonna win.
As to the Chump – (promoting Western hegemony, domination and - wherever the writ of the West is resisted or contested – a spot of regime change) and his belligerent "I'm right n you're wrong' gun boat diplomacy aimed at Iran and the NorKor's – Beware!
Cos once either of those theatres of conflict drops any semblance of a diplomacy narrative facade for the military option and 'goes hot' then Russia and China will be involved and the Great Satan's hypocrisy-ridden Land of the Free control freak police state forced to back down as Iran, Hezbollah and Syria's Alawite regime return the rogue apartheid state of Israel to Palestinian rule – under the elected aegis of a Hamas government.
Okay, today's quiz: Describe the Chump-instigated North Korea comply-or-else crisis in 3 words – 'a fuck up'.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Pecksniffian Prat Preaches Hypocrisy Sermon
In this Sunday's ‘We Are Not Amused’ malignant monarchy exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Speaking at a gala event in London, Prince Bald Willy Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – aka the Duck of Cambridge – aka Wing Commander William Windsor – (no shit, this guy's got more fucking aliases than a 36-year old Muslim 'child refugee' from Calais' Jungle Camp turning up at the Dover immigration desk with a forged birth certificate) - informed a pick n mix audience of elitist tosspots and dog wankers that Broken Britain's rapidly increasing population is putting enormous pressure on the survival of animal species – principally the grouse, pheasant and fox communities.
As royal patron of the Pondscum Trust, Willy Wanka addressed the Masonic Pederast Society dinner assembly at the City Square Mile's Catamite Hall last Thursday night with a call to develop an urgently required strategy to prevent further human habitation encroachment on these specific animal species environments.
"In my lifetime, we have seen global wildlife numbers decline by over half in Third World dumps such as Africa and Asia – where the useless eater populations are predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month who are decimating the elephant herds - and tigers – and hippos and rhinos - to feed their burgeoning numbers of hungry mouth families. Same as what happened to the Dodo – suffered an extinction level event - just because they were so fat they couldn't fly, and tasted nice and good to eat."
Bald Willy's calls echo those of his Greek Nazi sympathiser grand-dad, His Royal Rudeness, Prince Stavros, the Duck of Edinburgh, who in 2011 suggested a policy of enforced family limitation (chemical castration / ligation) to tackle overpopulation - which he billed as the biggest challenge to conservation of the planet's Royal Hunting Grounds – and publicly declared his personal wish to be reincarnated as a deadly virus and wipe out whoever his pompous mindset considered 'inferior races'.
To wit, we are thereby prompted to pose the question: is Bald Willy's brazen hubris diatribe just plain n simple shit-for-brains low intelligence based - or more of a blatant example of selective memory ignorance - reinforced by unqualified arrogance and a side order of hypocrisy - when we have him and his 'royal brood mare' missus, Gypsy Kate (Bun in the Oven) Middleclass, breeding kids as fast as any Third World family with no telly to watch n distract from another night of sans contraception 'family planting' sex?
Plus the duplicity of even daring to mention the world's dwindling wild animal stocks or how an overpopulated planet threatens animal species - when Grand-dad Stavros and his own ginger mingin royal cuckoo brother, Prince Harry de Hewitt, go off on homicidal Kill-a-Thon safaris in Third World Africa, butchering any fucking thing in sight.
These self-righteous Royals and their snob-nobility panjandrum pals – all possessed with an exaggerated sense of entitlement – are enough to make a pig spew.
And let's not be blind-sided by Willy's righteous bullshit by overlooking the proclivity of the Royal reptile clan – led or attended by Queen Granny - for slaughtering flocks of driven grouse and pheasant at their Balmoral and Sandringham estates – and hunting down Basil Brush's defenceless mates with packs of hounds, then tearing them to pieces for - 'ha-ha' - fun. Pastimes the titled and privilege-abusing aristocrapsy refer to as 'sport'.
Okay, did some dumb twat assigned to the Royal Moron Watch permit Willy to write this little speech himself – wherein he once again failed to engage brain before opening gob?
This pedantic fuckwit is so far dislocated from the cold, harsh reality of the world – with head so far up his own arse – like the rest of his royal parasite ilk – it's a fucking wonder he can breathe.
If it's down to an act of global scale mass population cull 'euthanasia' to protect the planet and wildlife species, then let's start with the useless-eating royal retards and their slack-jawed inbred mutant progeny – career scroungers, sponging zillions of quid per annum off the taxpayers' purse as their Sovereign Grant entitlement - while elderly pensioners and the disabled – who've collectively never been invited to a 'Glorious Sixth' Sandringham Royal Shoot - ponder on 'what's next' this winter – feed the electric meter to keep warm - or go hungry all week – or commit suicide?
Now for the hypocrisy paradox. During a March 2016 ITV interview to promote measures to halt the illegal slaughter of wild animals, Bald Willy came out in defence of trophy hunting - describing the practice as 'a justifiable means of conserving species that are under serious threat'.
Willy's skewed rationality advocating this unpalatable and deeply disturbing cruel and blood-thirsty pastime – which caters solely to wealthy sadists with the big bucks to pay for a licence to murder African big game animals - is one of wildlife management that promotes conservation of the species.
Thought for the day. Ignore Bald Willy's plagiarised and recycled fear-mongering / faux science euthanasia spiel that 'there's too many humans for the Earth to support'.
The Earth / Terra / Mother Nature / Gaia is a living, breathing organism of immense longevity who has seen all manner of species evolve and become extinct over the stretch of her billions of years life to date – and she'll do the same and pull the plug on humanity when the time's right – and there's be no Them n Us discrimination aspect to it - we'll all be gone – rabid royals and New World Order Neo-Con elitist scum included – no matter how remote or deep they locate their 'stocked for a century' apocalypse bunkers.
And now, the rabid Royal Family parasite gang's 'in yer face' photo-shoot hypocrisy links:
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Speaking at a gala event in London, Prince Bald Willy Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – aka the Duck of Cambridge – aka Wing Commander William Windsor – (no shit, this guy's got more fucking aliases than a 36-year old Muslim 'child refugee' from Calais' Jungle Camp turning up at the Dover immigration desk with a forged birth certificate) - informed a pick n mix audience of elitist tosspots and dog wankers that Broken Britain's rapidly increasing population is putting enormous pressure on the survival of animal species – principally the grouse, pheasant and fox communities.
As royal patron of the Pondscum Trust, Willy Wanka addressed the Masonic Pederast Society dinner assembly at the City Square Mile's Catamite Hall last Thursday night with a call to develop an urgently required strategy to prevent further human habitation encroachment on these specific animal species environments.
"In my lifetime, we have seen global wildlife numbers decline by over half in Third World dumps such as Africa and Asia – where the useless eater populations are predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month who are decimating the elephant herds - and tigers – and hippos and rhinos - to feed their burgeoning numbers of hungry mouth families. Same as what happened to the Dodo – suffered an extinction level event - just because they were so fat they couldn't fly, and tasted nice and good to eat."
Bald Willy's calls echo those of his Greek Nazi sympathiser grand-dad, His Royal Rudeness, Prince Stavros, the Duck of Edinburgh, who in 2011 suggested a policy of enforced family limitation (chemical castration / ligation) to tackle overpopulation - which he billed as the biggest challenge to conservation of the planet's Royal Hunting Grounds – and publicly declared his personal wish to be reincarnated as a deadly virus and wipe out whoever his pompous mindset considered 'inferior races'.
To wit, we are thereby prompted to pose the question: is Bald Willy's brazen hubris diatribe just plain n simple shit-for-brains low intelligence based - or more of a blatant example of selective memory ignorance - reinforced by unqualified arrogance and a side order of hypocrisy - when we have him and his 'royal brood mare' missus, Gypsy Kate (Bun in the Oven) Middleclass, breeding kids as fast as any Third World family with no telly to watch n distract from another night of sans contraception 'family planting' sex?
Plus the duplicity of even daring to mention the world's dwindling wild animal stocks or how an overpopulated planet threatens animal species - when Grand-dad Stavros and his own ginger mingin royal cuckoo brother, Prince Harry de Hewitt, go off on homicidal Kill-a-Thon safaris in Third World Africa, butchering any fucking thing in sight.
These self-righteous Royals and their snob-nobility panjandrum pals – all possessed with an exaggerated sense of entitlement – are enough to make a pig spew.
And let's not be blind-sided by Willy's righteous bullshit by overlooking the proclivity of the Royal reptile clan – led or attended by Queen Granny - for slaughtering flocks of driven grouse and pheasant at their Balmoral and Sandringham estates – and hunting down Basil Brush's defenceless mates with packs of hounds, then tearing them to pieces for - 'ha-ha' - fun. Pastimes the titled and privilege-abusing aristocrapsy refer to as 'sport'.
Okay, did some dumb twat assigned to the Royal Moron Watch permit Willy to write this little speech himself – wherein he once again failed to engage brain before opening gob?
This pedantic fuckwit is so far dislocated from the cold, harsh reality of the world – with head so far up his own arse – like the rest of his royal parasite ilk – it's a fucking wonder he can breathe.
If it's down to an act of global scale mass population cull 'euthanasia' to protect the planet and wildlife species, then let's start with the useless-eating royal retards and their slack-jawed inbred mutant progeny – career scroungers, sponging zillions of quid per annum off the taxpayers' purse as their Sovereign Grant entitlement - while elderly pensioners and the disabled – who've collectively never been invited to a 'Glorious Sixth' Sandringham Royal Shoot - ponder on 'what's next' this winter – feed the electric meter to keep warm - or go hungry all week – or commit suicide?
Now for the hypocrisy paradox. During a March 2016 ITV interview to promote measures to halt the illegal slaughter of wild animals, Bald Willy came out in defence of trophy hunting - describing the practice as 'a justifiable means of conserving species that are under serious threat'.
Willy's skewed rationality advocating this unpalatable and deeply disturbing cruel and blood-thirsty pastime – which caters solely to wealthy sadists with the big bucks to pay for a licence to murder African big game animals - is one of wildlife management that promotes conservation of the species.
Thought for the day. Ignore Bald Willy's plagiarised and recycled fear-mongering / faux science euthanasia spiel that 'there's too many humans for the Earth to support'.
The Earth / Terra / Mother Nature / Gaia is a living, breathing organism of immense longevity who has seen all manner of species evolve and become extinct over the stretch of her billions of years life to date – and she'll do the same and pull the plug on humanity when the time's right – and there's be no Them n Us discrimination aspect to it - we'll all be gone – rabid royals and New World Order Neo-Con elitist scum included – no matter how remote or deep they locate their 'stocked for a century' apocalypse bunkers.
And now, the rabid Royal Family parasite gang's 'in yer face' photo-shoot hypocrisy links:
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Pestminster Gropers Dropping Like Ninepins
In today’s ‘Government Gropers’ Brexit mess distraction exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The Tory Nasty Party's Prime Munster, Terrible Terry Mayhem, has initiated a sideways promotional cabinet mini-reshuffle following Defencless Secretary Michael 'Flabby' Fallon's ritual seppuku resignation – he becoming the second Pestminster politico (so far) to shit kittens and quit in the wake of recently-revealed accusations of sexual harassment in the House of Conmans - following in the footsteps of Upper House of Frauds cross-dressing peer, Lord Manny Fatberg of Sewers End, who hung up his Vermin in Ermine red and white stoat coat last week and left Parliament in handcuffs, accompanied by Met Plod Squad detectives after being caught 'in flagrante delicto' buggering Baroness Boothroyd's pet Shih Tzu lapdog.
Fallon opined to one gutter press hack from the Groper's Gazette that what was never really acceptable even ten or fifteen years ago – (when women were regarded as underpaid second class citizens and the chauvinist alpha male mantra of the day regarding their collective existence was one of 'keep 'em well fucked an' poorly shod') - is clearly even less acceptable in today's climate of feminist egalitarianism and political correctness - where one is forbidden to say 'Booo!' to a goose - or call a spade 'a spade' (or a shovel) but rather refer to such as a HSE-approved digging utensil.
Of course this psy-op' scam not only takes the common herd public's eye off the Brexit negotiations fubar but also distracts from the Met Plod Squad's joke of a VIP (Very Important Paedophile) investigation who to date have 'sort of' pointed the fickle finger of fate at a couple of dead ex-politicos but with nary a single arrest of a living royal or House of Conmans / Frauds kiddie fiddling molester – or their establishment facilitator / apologist stooge brigade – or the named abusers complicit in the Dirty Dearman / Hampstead Satanist child sex coven.
So Fallon's gone the way of the iconic (and very tasty) Dodo – and can now join his second rate ex-cabinet political pariah onanist pals on the back benches - who were all slapped with a £67,505 nicker pay cut – and now struggle to survive on a mere £74,000 quid pittance MP's salary.
The gospel according to the Biased Broadcasting Corp's political hack, Laura Kuntsberg, claims that Nasty Party Chief Whip, Gavin 'Spider Boy' Williamson - (a toxic personage so reviled around Worstminster that MP's hide around corners and in cupboards to avoid the prick) - has been appointed to fill Flabby Fallon's size 5 Hush Puppies.
Williamson - a North Yorkshire nobody who came into Parliamentary prominence after scaring Labour MP, Little Miss Muffett, into a comatose state of anxiety by dangling a Pound Shop rubber tarantula on her shoulder during a House of Conmans debate and making sure she missed the vote - was appointed chief whip in July, after previously serving as ex-PM Posh Dave Scameron's personal pig sex pimp.
Que? WTF is going down? We've seen better organised riots, as this tosser's got even less idea on matters of defence than the flabby Fallon – (who at least did a stint of national service in the Army's 21st Armoured Segway Regiment) - having never served in the military or arms industry – and doesn't know one end of a BAE Systems kiddie-crippling cluster bomb from the other.
Yet Maybot's promoted the lackey scumbag to sign off on selling all manner of oppressive policing (sic) equipment to the despotic likes of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to suppress and torture their own home ground brand of radical opposition political / sectarian activists – and indiscriminately bomb the hapless Arab Muslim non-combatant civilian population of Yemen back into a state of pre-Stone Age existence?
This Williamson creature is the type of dirty deviant who goes off for long night-time walks on the Yorkshire moors and comes back smelling of wet sheep – hence is ideal grist for the Parliamentary mill – plus being true blue flunky material and one of Terry Mayhem's trusted gopher favourites – plus a self-declared virulent anti Boris Johnson antagonist who led the faction-ridden Nasty Party's 'Let's Get Bonkers Boris' gang – a cabal of back-stabbing scumsters formed to highlight the ex-London Mayor's class act record of high jinx buffoonery and block any attempt by Boris to grab the Tory party leadership on the occasion of the useless Scameron resigning – and ensure the bid by his useless post-menopausal co-runner, Mrs Maybot, was a guaranteed success.
Posh Dave Scameron proposed 'Cronus' Williamson's name in his 2016 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours list, with 'Spidey' getting appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for exemplary political and pubic service – specifically his chief whip role of lashing recalcitrant MPs into line with his sjambok - or coercing them for their past sins (shirt-lifting / pederasty / necrophilia / felching) via the tried and tested Three B's method – Bribery, Blackmail and Bludgeons.
Yet another of Terry Maybot's sycophantic 'Yes Ma'am' arse-lickers slithers effortlessly into Williams' vacated post of Chief Enforcer - the smarmy bastard Nonceland-born, botox-deficient, shape-shifting 'Julian the Hooligan' Smith, incumbent Tory MP for Skipping Rope & Ripoffs – who displayed his best shit-eating grin for news media cameramen as he donned Williamson's cast-off Party Flaggelator coat and brandished the official cat of nine tails over the exposed buttocks of erring Tory MP's.
To complement the public record, the Klingon-featured Smith is an IQ-deficient Mensa reject moron and all-round dog wanker who, in a hysterical moment of egocentric angst, attempted to get the Met's Plod Squad to arrest the editor of the Guardian news rag on acts of treason, for - in Smith's unqualified opinion – the mishandling of criminal status intelligence materials leaked by super hero whistle-blower Eddie Snowden – a 'breaches national security protocols' brickbat the Guardian tossed straight back at the hypocrisy-ridden scrote for posting selfies of his toxic mug on his narcissistic website, posing like an utter twat alongside UK military personnel.
Hmmm, one cogitates on the nefarious actions of Williamson and Smith - for there's zero positive future career promotion prospects for either - hanging onto the useless Maybot's skirt tails - as she's well overdue for the not fit for purpose politico's scrapheap – with perhaps Bonkers Boris or the Magnificent Mogg destined to lead and restore confidence in the Tory Party and boost its flagging fortunes with some rare Earth element of credibility – starting with a 'fuck Brussels' no deal / hard case approach to the floundering EUSSR Brexit negotiations.
What a flucking shambles for a political party (sic). If this was a City business corporation headed by Terrible Terry Mayhem and the board of directors composed of duffers and wankers as per her cabinet crew, then the stock price would be minus fuck all and the company in the hands of the bankruptcy receiver.
Thought for the day. Okay, one for our global conspiracy theorists who were quick off the mark to spot the 'hypocrisy rules' aspect to this blog's content. Fallon unwisely sought the counsel of Terry Mayhem viz the media's vacuous 'knee-groping' accusations and she instructed him to have a chat with the party's whips – specifically Williams & Smith – viz the best course of damage control action - who recommended he do the 'right thing' - and resign (and make way for their promotions).
Yet for all intents and purposes regarding the likelihood of slander n libel suits being issued, the sordid Pestminster sex scandalabera tales are – as far as unsubstantiated rumours are concerned - true blue – with Ken 'Boy Groper' Clarke being questioned by the Met's Plods after being caught on CCTV fingering a guinea pig's bum in a Croydon pet shop – and an investigation underway that Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers behaved 'inappropriately' by grooming a 19-year old Serbian waiter in the House of Frauds Stranglers Bar, with the enticement of a free ticket to Hollywood and starring in the Sodomite Brothers latest gay sex snuff movie.
The Damoclean sword of potential Parliamentary suspension hangs over arch-Brexit Remainiac and Tory MP for Old Scrotum, Sir Dinsdale Figg-Newton, following the publication of gutter press red top tabloid reports that he sent a text to Brexit negotiations trouble-maker Gina Miller, requesting she 'come over' to his Chelsea flat one evening for a mutual session of 'water sports' – and give him a golden shower.
A friend of my cousin's Auntie - who can't be named for legal reasons (Chlamydia) - was a mere 13 year old Barnes care home orphan just starting to grow hair she could sit on when gang raped by a coterie of dirty deviant Magic Circle Freemasons comprised of MPs, Lecherous Lords and BBC DJ pervs - and their celebrity Hollywood pals Harvey Fatberger and Kevin Spaceship - at Dolphin Square - who collectively subjected she - and other star-crossed pre-pubescent kiddies of both sexes - to an all-night three hole bonking session while 30-stone Cyril 'The Cellulite Kid' Smith reclined on an industrial strength sofa with a schoolboy handcuffed to each wrist and bummed first one then the other into a screaming mess of hysterical jello – to be put out of their misery by the Liberal Party's child strangler–in-chief and canine assassin, Jeremy Gorpe - while a couple of 2nd degree Masonic Met Plod Squad thugs guarded the front door.
Yet WTF can we expect from the green bench rank and file when the Tory Nasty Party's ex-leader - PM Posh Dave Scameron - has a fetish for copping blow jobs off pigs rather than his coke-snorting missus, Snowy Sam – a dirty deviant perv' pleasure he picked up while at Oxford and a member of the Bullingdon Vandals Club.
Fer fuck's sake, we have a House of Conmans and Upper House of Frauds sexual abuse collective who jointly qualify as suitable cases for treatment. Chemical castration therapy perhaps – or go for the 'real deal' full emasculation job to keep their sticky paws off female staff – and visiting Parliament tours schoolkids?
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
The Tory Nasty Party's Prime Munster, Terrible Terry Mayhem, has initiated a sideways promotional cabinet mini-reshuffle following Defencless Secretary Michael 'Flabby' Fallon's ritual seppuku resignation – he becoming the second Pestminster politico (so far) to shit kittens and quit in the wake of recently-revealed accusations of sexual harassment in the House of Conmans - following in the footsteps of Upper House of Frauds cross-dressing peer, Lord Manny Fatberg of Sewers End, who hung up his Vermin in Ermine red and white stoat coat last week and left Parliament in handcuffs, accompanied by Met Plod Squad detectives after being caught 'in flagrante delicto' buggering Baroness Boothroyd's pet Shih Tzu lapdog.
Fallon opined to one gutter press hack from the Groper's Gazette that what was never really acceptable even ten or fifteen years ago – (when women were regarded as underpaid second class citizens and the chauvinist alpha male mantra of the day regarding their collective existence was one of 'keep 'em well fucked an' poorly shod') - is clearly even less acceptable in today's climate of feminist egalitarianism and political correctness - where one is forbidden to say 'Booo!' to a goose - or call a spade 'a spade' (or a shovel) but rather refer to such as a HSE-approved digging utensil.
Of course this psy-op' scam not only takes the common herd public's eye off the Brexit negotiations fubar but also distracts from the Met Plod Squad's joke of a VIP (Very Important Paedophile) investigation who to date have 'sort of' pointed the fickle finger of fate at a couple of dead ex-politicos but with nary a single arrest of a living royal or House of Conmans / Frauds kiddie fiddling molester – or their establishment facilitator / apologist stooge brigade – or the named abusers complicit in the Dirty Dearman / Hampstead Satanist child sex coven.
So Fallon's gone the way of the iconic (and very tasty) Dodo – and can now join his second rate ex-cabinet political pariah onanist pals on the back benches - who were all slapped with a £67,505 nicker pay cut – and now struggle to survive on a mere £74,000 quid pittance MP's salary.
The gospel according to the Biased Broadcasting Corp's political hack, Laura Kuntsberg, claims that Nasty Party Chief Whip, Gavin 'Spider Boy' Williamson - (a toxic personage so reviled around Worstminster that MP's hide around corners and in cupboards to avoid the prick) - has been appointed to fill Flabby Fallon's size 5 Hush Puppies.
Williamson - a North Yorkshire nobody who came into Parliamentary prominence after scaring Labour MP, Little Miss Muffett, into a comatose state of anxiety by dangling a Pound Shop rubber tarantula on her shoulder during a House of Conmans debate and making sure she missed the vote - was appointed chief whip in July, after previously serving as ex-PM Posh Dave Scameron's personal pig sex pimp.
Que? WTF is going down? We've seen better organised riots, as this tosser's got even less idea on matters of defence than the flabby Fallon – (who at least did a stint of national service in the Army's 21st Armoured Segway Regiment) - having never served in the military or arms industry – and doesn't know one end of a BAE Systems kiddie-crippling cluster bomb from the other.
Yet Maybot's promoted the lackey scumbag to sign off on selling all manner of oppressive policing (sic) equipment to the despotic likes of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to suppress and torture their own home ground brand of radical opposition political / sectarian activists – and indiscriminately bomb the hapless Arab Muslim non-combatant civilian population of Yemen back into a state of pre-Stone Age existence?
This Williamson creature is the type of dirty deviant who goes off for long night-time walks on the Yorkshire moors and comes back smelling of wet sheep – hence is ideal grist for the Parliamentary mill – plus being true blue flunky material and one of Terry Mayhem's trusted gopher favourites – plus a self-declared virulent anti Boris Johnson antagonist who led the faction-ridden Nasty Party's 'Let's Get Bonkers Boris' gang – a cabal of back-stabbing scumsters formed to highlight the ex-London Mayor's class act record of high jinx buffoonery and block any attempt by Boris to grab the Tory party leadership on the occasion of the useless Scameron resigning – and ensure the bid by his useless post-menopausal co-runner, Mrs Maybot, was a guaranteed success.
Posh Dave Scameron proposed 'Cronus' Williamson's name in his 2016 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours list, with 'Spidey' getting appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for exemplary political and pubic service – specifically his chief whip role of lashing recalcitrant MPs into line with his sjambok - or coercing them for their past sins (shirt-lifting / pederasty / necrophilia / felching) via the tried and tested Three B's method – Bribery, Blackmail and Bludgeons.
Yet another of Terry Maybot's sycophantic 'Yes Ma'am' arse-lickers slithers effortlessly into Williams' vacated post of Chief Enforcer - the smarmy bastard Nonceland-born, botox-deficient, shape-shifting 'Julian the Hooligan' Smith, incumbent Tory MP for Skipping Rope & Ripoffs – who displayed his best shit-eating grin for news media cameramen as he donned Williamson's cast-off Party Flaggelator coat and brandished the official cat of nine tails over the exposed buttocks of erring Tory MP's.
To complement the public record, the Klingon-featured Smith is an IQ-deficient Mensa reject moron and all-round dog wanker who, in a hysterical moment of egocentric angst, attempted to get the Met's Plod Squad to arrest the editor of the Guardian news rag on acts of treason, for - in Smith's unqualified opinion – the mishandling of criminal status intelligence materials leaked by super hero whistle-blower Eddie Snowden – a 'breaches national security protocols' brickbat the Guardian tossed straight back at the hypocrisy-ridden scrote for posting selfies of his toxic mug on his narcissistic website, posing like an utter twat alongside UK military personnel.
Hmmm, one cogitates on the nefarious actions of Williamson and Smith - for there's zero positive future career promotion prospects for either - hanging onto the useless Maybot's skirt tails - as she's well overdue for the not fit for purpose politico's scrapheap – with perhaps Bonkers Boris or the Magnificent Mogg destined to lead and restore confidence in the Tory Party and boost its flagging fortunes with some rare Earth element of credibility – starting with a 'fuck Brussels' no deal / hard case approach to the floundering EUSSR Brexit negotiations.
What a flucking shambles for a political party (sic). If this was a City business corporation headed by Terrible Terry Mayhem and the board of directors composed of duffers and wankers as per her cabinet crew, then the stock price would be minus fuck all and the company in the hands of the bankruptcy receiver.
Thought for the day. Okay, one for our global conspiracy theorists who were quick off the mark to spot the 'hypocrisy rules' aspect to this blog's content. Fallon unwisely sought the counsel of Terry Mayhem viz the media's vacuous 'knee-groping' accusations and she instructed him to have a chat with the party's whips – specifically Williams & Smith – viz the best course of damage control action - who recommended he do the 'right thing' - and resign (and make way for their promotions).
Yet for all intents and purposes regarding the likelihood of slander n libel suits being issued, the sordid Pestminster sex scandalabera tales are – as far as unsubstantiated rumours are concerned - true blue – with Ken 'Boy Groper' Clarke being questioned by the Met's Plods after being caught on CCTV fingering a guinea pig's bum in a Croydon pet shop – and an investigation underway that Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers behaved 'inappropriately' by grooming a 19-year old Serbian waiter in the House of Frauds Stranglers Bar, with the enticement of a free ticket to Hollywood and starring in the Sodomite Brothers latest gay sex snuff movie.
The Damoclean sword of potential Parliamentary suspension hangs over arch-Brexit Remainiac and Tory MP for Old Scrotum, Sir Dinsdale Figg-Newton, following the publication of gutter press red top tabloid reports that he sent a text to Brexit negotiations trouble-maker Gina Miller, requesting she 'come over' to his Chelsea flat one evening for a mutual session of 'water sports' – and give him a golden shower.
A friend of my cousin's Auntie - who can't be named for legal reasons (Chlamydia) - was a mere 13 year old Barnes care home orphan just starting to grow hair she could sit on when gang raped by a coterie of dirty deviant Magic Circle Freemasons comprised of MPs, Lecherous Lords and BBC DJ pervs - and their celebrity Hollywood pals Harvey Fatberger and Kevin Spaceship - at Dolphin Square - who collectively subjected she - and other star-crossed pre-pubescent kiddies of both sexes - to an all-night three hole bonking session while 30-stone Cyril 'The Cellulite Kid' Smith reclined on an industrial strength sofa with a schoolboy handcuffed to each wrist and bummed first one then the other into a screaming mess of hysterical jello – to be put out of their misery by the Liberal Party's child strangler–in-chief and canine assassin, Jeremy Gorpe - while a couple of 2nd degree Masonic Met Plod Squad thugs guarded the front door.
Yet WTF can we expect from the green bench rank and file when the Tory Nasty Party's ex-leader - PM Posh Dave Scameron - has a fetish for copping blow jobs off pigs rather than his coke-snorting missus, Snowy Sam – a dirty deviant perv' pleasure he picked up while at Oxford and a member of the Bullingdon Vandals Club.
Fer fuck's sake, we have a House of Conmans and Upper House of Frauds sexual abuse collective who jointly qualify as suitable cases for treatment. Chemical castration therapy perhaps – or go for the 'real deal' full emasculation job to keep their sticky paws off female staff – and visiting Parliament tours schoolkids?
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).
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