In today’s ‘Dumbed Down Education’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Bev Titwank - our 'fly-on-the-wall' mole inside the House of Conmans Public Assets 'Buy One - Get One Free' Discount Sale Department - and reporting live for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The Tory Nasty Party's Education Secretary 'Nicky the Thicky' Moron - an ex-solicitor with zero formal academic training in the fields of schooling or teaching - was met with shouts of 'rubbish' / 'bollocks' and 'horse crap' from protesters and a generalised gaggle of Bolshie non-conformist types - on loan from Hecklers-R-Us - when she informed gob-smacked teachers of her department's recently-published Government Shite Paper plans to re-brand the status of all schools in England into a gulag of numb cunt academies – notorious for their shithouse reputation of turning out educationally sub-normal, thick cunt chavs, scrotes, slappers, scallies and skangers – aka the next generation of welfare benefit scroungers and petty criminals.
Addressing the NASTWAT teachers' conference at Smegmadale-on-Sea, Ms Moron, carelessly enthused with her own sense of importance in the matters of state, gave way to ego and in her unqualified arrogance foolishly opened her big mouth before engaging brain - and thus provided future grounds to be impaled on her own boasts – by declaring for the public record she would never back down on plans to turn every school across the length and breadth of our once green and pleasant land into privately-owned 'for profit' run Asbo Central Academies.
Oh yes, you gottit – more monopoly privatised foreign entities sponging off government (read 'taxpayer') subsidies – same as national bus services and trains - Rattle Track and Notwork Rail. The Tory government selling things off that don’t belong to them - (and to add insult to injury - at rat-arsed fire sale prices).
Schools, British Rail, motorways, our entire utilities system – gas/electric/water – to foreign enterprises – with court services and HM prisons run by the not fit for purpose likes of G4S, Sodexo and Serco - along with the national steel mills peddled to a bunch of sub-continent Desi Dacoits – with such rudimentary local authority public services as emptying the fucking dustbins and street sweeping contracted out to crap crony contractors.
Plus let's not to overlook the current corrupt strategy to flog off our iconic National Ill-Health Service (if the bastards get their way) etcetera, et al – and don't forget they tried (and failed) to sell our beloved woodlands to the Sahara Forest trading Corp.
All bought and paid for with public money and are hence public assets – 'Ours!' Vital public services – none of which was ever intended to make a profit but simply break even - and if run at a loss, then the financial burden fell on the taxpayer - no fucker else.
Thus we have had this problem since Mad Maggie Twatcher's days of wielding political power – waging war on the unions and miners, de-industrialising an industrialised nation – thus replacing Britain's prefix of 'Great' with that of 'Broken' – and the Conservative Nasty Party then selling off publicly-owned commodities to their private 'for profit' self-interest secret handshake Crony Club – today manifested in the form of the TTIP greedster hierarchy who comprise the Multi-National Corporate New World Order – while the common herd demographic are brainwashed with the 'Austerity Doctrine' and get slammed by arbitrary cuts to public services.
The vacuous ginger mingin 'Thick Nick' Moron – easily picked out in a crowd by her pugilist features and unshaved Desperate Dan chin – was unwisely chosen by PM Posh Dave Scameron to replace the Pob (the slack-jawed Michael 'Fly Catcher' Gove) as Education Minister – a factor that will surely kick the smug tosspot squarely in the arse before this fatally-flawed academy deal is done n dusted.
As to her qualifications to assume the mantle of Pob's post, the Moron started her career as a trainee Broomstick Pilot (rejected) with the Bene Gesserit Witch Sisterhood Academy – then tried her incompetent hand at law before morphing into an equally incompetent reincarnation as a Nasty Party politico – and is regarded with a certain 'sideways glance' disdain around Westminster as the type of twat dogs bark at and piss up her leg as she walks down the street. Someone you can take anywhere twice – the second time to apologise for her first time indiscretions and fuck-ups.
Ms Chrissy Blowfish, general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, went totally ballistic and spit the political correctness dummy when Moron announced that parent governors will be dropped from all school regulatory bodies in England - as this change marks the removal of children’s voices, through the mouths of their parents, from the education system – to replace them with the voice of free school bureaucrats - 'professionals with the right skills' (who they then?) - such as asset stripping banksters from the corporate business and finance sectors – hot on the hoof to achieve their greed-motivated bigger profits agenda.
"Really, what the fuck is Ms Moron playing at? She's also announced the scrapping of qualified teacher status (QTS) – our iconic accreditation system for teacher training to be approved by head teachers."
Fellattia van der Gamm, the general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, backed up Ms Blowjob's argument, revealing that it was a snide move to keep new teachers at the academy schools on a training wage, rather than the qualified rate - and all in aid to hire wholly unqualified personnel to fill teaching roles on piss poor minimum pay – specifically the Army's redundant battle fatigued psycho squaddies – retrenched to Broken Britain's classrooms as the paragons of iron discipline.
Conversely, while Ms Van der Gamm and Ms Blowpipe's opinions are qualified and correct, the intellectually-challenged Moron’s conjuring of the education system isn't going to prove a panacea for all ills – but rather pass the buck – shifting the burden of liability from Westminster to a corporate institutional one - with responsibilities for national education levels of achievement onto the shoulders of profit-motivated private enterprise. Ergo, such worries are no longer the government’s problem.
As Ron McScrote, a renown University of London professor, street poet and South Embankment busker, opined to one gutter press hack from the red top Daily Shitraker, "Wot the Moron is proposin' is nowt but fuckin' theft an' we shouldn’t stand for it. So get involved an' sign the petition ter hold a public referendum on the government’s academy policy."
"Further yer can all attend the Hands Off Our Effin' Schools protest next week – an' bring yer own cobbles, bricks an' Molotov cocktails – an' that's gonna be followed by protest campaigns fer 'Hands Off Disability Allowances', an' the 'Unemployment Benefits' – and 'Stuff the Bedroom Tax Up Yer Blue Ribbon Tory Nasty Party Arses."
Nice one, Ron.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous TTIP / Anti-Brexit exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Monday, 28 March 2016
Friday, 18 March 2016
The Incredible Shrinking State of Palestine
In today’s ‘Israel: Hypocrisy Without Borders’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering war crimes and human rights and wrongs abuse from Achmed ibn Himar, manning the occupied West Bank editorial desk for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill from a fortified dugout in Jerusalem's Rachel Corrie Memorial Park – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Western-based pro-ZioNazi political and media sock puppets from the Renta-Stooge Agency are high in oath, uttering their customary anti-Semite / Holohoax denier yawps and howls - and have rallied at full gallop in sycophantic response to Tel Aviv's clarion call demand for condemnation of Brussels' EUSSR community censure of Israeli Prime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo's ultra-right Likit Party racist regime for its shifty scheme to expropriate even more Palestinian lands in the West Bank – a rebuke which states Israel's decision risks threatening the wet dream chances of ever ending the decades-old conflict in the occupied territories and the creation of any future independent Palestinian postage stamp state.
Brussels Parliament spokesman Pierre le Twatt, speaking for the EUSSR's 28 member bloc, caustically referred to Israel as 'Balfour's Folly' and admonished in the strongest diplomatic terms the Knesset's decision to seize a further 579 acres of prime Palestinian real estate around the occupied West Bank's eastern city of Jericho – stating that such is illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace – and simply serves to further highlight the Alice in Kikesterland fantasy of a future Palestinian nation - thus exposing Israel’s true 'fuck you' attitude to pursuing any hope of a two-state solution.
In response the rogue racist state's military and domestic intelligence agency wasted no time implementing a decision by Nuttyahoo's cabinet to intensify the crackdown on Palestinian media sources and block the circulation of news that the EU were opposed to further Israeli expansionism and in support of the international pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign
Agents from Shin Bet, accompanied by the IDF's 21st Thugster Battalion troops raided the Ramallah offices of Palestine Today and the Farouq Alayat news channel - confiscating both station's TV / radio broadcast equipment and arresting journalists, staff 'and' the PT's in-house pet cat Tiddles on trumped up domestic terrorism charges.
The Electronic Intifada reports that all arrested are now being detained at Israel's notorious G4S-run Facility 1391 interrogation and torture centre prison.
To add to this latest calumny, documents leaked to the Electronic Intifada reveal that the taxpayer-funded pro-ZioNazi British Council (same government body that backed apartheid in South Africa) has been quietly working to thwart the ever-expanding grassroots boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement supporting Palestinian rights – a campaign endorsed by an increasing proportion of the moral-minded British public.
These revelations focus on Posh Dave Scameron's Tory Nasty Party government-funded program to ban local government authorities from boycotting companies complicit in Israeli human rights abuses – and Downing Street working hand in hand with Shylock Scatstein and Tory peer Lord Stanley Ratfink, both zillionaire Israeli shysters who profit greatly from illegal businesses in the occupied West Bank – and now exposed as donors to the British Council’s little-known anti-boycott project BIRAX: the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership.
For the public record, the British Council is a quasi-governmental body which disingenuously describes itself as making an important cultural relations contributions to UK 'soft power' - (Que? WTF ? What kind or Orwellian double-speak is 'soft power'? A soft soled slipper on the back of the neck as opposed to the hob-nailed jack boot?) - and derives 20% of its funding from the UK Foreign Office – with the rest from private pro-Israel donors – such as Yadi Handjob - the Afrikaaner-born Ashkenazi Jew of convenience bagman for the Rothshite dynasty's bankster crime syndicate – along with the afore-mentioned Shylock Scatstein.
Scatstein, while lacking any form of spiritual empathy or a soul, is reputed to be the 435th richest person in the Galaxy – and if the 2015 Forbes list is to be believed (sic) then is the biggest shareholder in Shitbag Security Systems, the Tel Aviv-based company which won 80% of the original no tender / no bid contracts for Israel’s Great Apartheid Wall system in the West Bank - and has raked in mega-shekels from building the walls and fences to keep the Gaza Strip perpetually besieged and it's prisoner-victims in a state of despicable 'no escape' privation.
At Tel Aviv's behest BIRAX has been tasked to expedite a practical response to recent calls in Broken Britain by the National Union of Students for an academic boycott of Israel – to complement support for the BDS campaign. While publicly paying non-partisan lip service to the right of the NUS to hold and publicize its BDS support position, in all reality the British Council staff are actively seeking to kiss the Israeli Zionist's ass regarding the pursuit of anti-BDS activities and undermine the democratic decision of the NUS.
Meanwhile, back at Tel Aviv's Hypocrisy Central, Israeli PM Bobo Nuttyahoo has the brazen hubris – chutzpah – to demand the six world powers punish Iran for violations with regard to its missile program – justifying this with the flawed rhetoric argument 'We've got missiles and nuclear bombs – but no other fucker can have any – cos it undermines our regional Zionist military hegemony'.
Thus taking the definition of gross hypocrisy to a new level of being, a gaggle of US Republican senators - (jukebox politicos – shove a few shekels in and they'll play any tune you like) - have responded by introducing legislation - dubbed the Iran Terrorism and Human Rights Sanctions Act of 2016 - to impose a fresh set of sanctions against Iran over what legislators describe as Tehran’s support for terrorism and human rights violations.
Que? WTF? Iranian human rights violations? Here we go again – God Bless America's hypocrisy goes into maximum overdrive. How about the racist rogue state of Israel's war crimes n human rights n wrongs violations? Nary a mention of a Nuremberg Two Tribunal to deal with that little travesty from the AIPAC kikester-controlled Capitol Hill scumsters.
Then we have Egypt's military coup-elected sadist paedo scum dictator – General Abdel Duckfat el Sissy – like the entire US political assemblage yet another Israel Zionist sock muppet stooge – working hand in hand with the rogue ZioNazi state to maintain the siege of the Gaza Strip enclave. Really, the Palestinians are shit outa luck whichever way you turn – and if it wasn't for bad luck then they wouldn't have any.
The gospel from notorious racist Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Shylock Snipcock, in his last Saturday night live sermon, states it is recommended in the Torah to kill off the hapless victim Palestinian population.
Hmmm, only one thing worse than the cabal of rogue Ashkenazi Zionist crypto-Jews of convenience and their racist, apartheid creed - and that's the misguided Christian Zionists that support this howling injustice levelled against the Palestinian population of - er – Palestine (yes, Palestine – not Israel) – since 1948, when the illegal, outlaw state self-declared into existence.
As to the BDS campaign, the Ashkenazi scumsters don't need any help from pro-Palestinian groups - as their ethnic cleansing, human rights abuses and war crimes promote the demonisation and de-legitimization of their illegal, outlaw state of Israel so well.
The problem lies with the Israeli Zionists – a more apt term would be ZioNazis – who have zero intentions of ever committing to this bandied fictional Two State Solution agreement with the bought n paid for stooge Palestinian Authority – or the besieged Gaza Strip's democratically-elected Hamas government. Their idea of a 'solution' centres on a slow cook 'genocidal' Final Solution to their Palestinian problem
Nope the Khazar-Ashkenazi Zionist Israelis – to a man all crypto-Jews of convenience who are devoid of any trace of Semitic genes in their DNA – those with a most questionable grip on reality and adhere to fairy tale myths regarding imaginary divine entities - profess this Torah / Pentateuch-based fantasy to be the truth - that God (YHWH / Jehovah) proclaimed them to be His Chosen People – and the geographical territory between the Nile and Euphrates as their Promised Land.
So, WTF do you believe? What does common sense and logic suggest? BDS or the Bible / Torah?
The clinically-insane Nuttyahoo and his extremist right¬-wing government would have you believe the shit as they continue with their illegal settlement of over 500,000 Israeli citizens in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem, in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention on Human Rights (GCIV) and in contempt of the will of the United Nations for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
An excess of half a million Israelis live in 120-plus illegal settlement colonies built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem – and the United Nations regard the Israeli settlements as illegal due the glaring fact the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbids construction on occupied land.
Hence thanks to the outlaw racist state of Israel's uber-arrogant 'we are right and you are wrong' attitude, Aref Pasha Dajani's prophecy that unbridled Zionist expansionism would turn Palestine into a 'river of blood' has become fulfilled.
Israel: an illegal, racist state – the only country in the known Universe with a wall and fence around it – to keep non-Zionists (and unsuitable Jewish types) out.
Do you live in the West Bank? Has your house been targeted by the Ministry for Expropriation of Palestinian Lands to be bulldozed by the Yamam counter-terrorism police and IDF scum?
Send your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a refugee status voucher to paddle across the Mediterranean in a bathtub to Greece, then hike across Europe and camp out in Calais for months on end until you die of boredom, dysentery, hypothermia or starvation – or any combination of all the above.
Thought for the day. This skit is dedicated to the immortal memory of Palestinian doctor and peace activist, Hashem Azzeh, murdered by the IDF thugs in Hebron October 21st 2015 – and too not forgetting the martyrdom of prisoner Arafat Jaradat – tortured to death by the homicidal maniacs serving as his Israeli gaolers in the G4S-run Magiddo Prison – those clinically-insane kikesters (the Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience) running the apartheid state of Israel – who the UK’s taxpayer-funded BBC (British Coverups Corp) are under strict orders never to criticise – for such is ‘mesira’ – forbidden.
Further, to the rogue state of Israeli's dying shame, let us not forget either the thousands of other hapless Palestinians – men, women and rock-chucking sprogs - who dare protest against the inhuman treatment visited upon them by this latter day barbaric Zionist scourge, only to end up incarcerated in the likes of the kikester regime’s Facility 1391 interrogation (read ‘torture’) and transplant organ harvesting centre.
Hmmm, and we are to believe the duplicitous words of the Israeli Slime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo – himself another Jew of convenience with zero Semite DNA in his Khazar-Ashkenazi genes - when he declares in regard to the ‘Palestinian problem’ – “All options are on the negotiating table”. Yeah right – all options excepting fair play and ‘peace’.
In the 1980’s Oded Yinon, a senior advisor to the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Mischief, articulated the primary draft of the ZioNazi grand strategy to instigate the Balkanization of the entire Middle East via a chain of staged false flag terrorist attack events and contrived wars of aggression - with the participation of the US and European (read NATO) military forces to achieve the Chosen People’s Biblical ‘Promised Land’ – a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to Euphrates – and far beyond – whose end result would ensure Israel’s Mid-East military hegemony and provide geo-political domination and guaranteed oil and gas reserves for the next century.
Regardless of their perpetual cultural obsession with things kosher, usury, anti-Semitism, the Holohoax - and snipping foreskins – all benchmarks of Jewish essentialism - the tactics of these Israel-based paranoid, certifiably-psychotic warmongering Khazar-Ashkenazi Yids of convenience - and their US- based AIPAC / Poxman ADL / B'nai Brith lobbyist groups - plumb the depths of dishonour and indecency, due their litany of character assassination, selective misquotation, the wilful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the statutes of international law – and ‘the truth’.
Hence fuck the Edomite Mafia and the Rothshite crime syndicate and their New World Order capital of Jerusalem. Plus fuck Israel and the Great Satan and the Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion – or the Project for a New American Century – or the Foreign Policy Initiative or whatever they choose to label this game plan devoted to their Brotherhood of the Snake and Cult of the Golden Calf - and that insatiable god of greed and compulsive, consumer-driven materialism: Mammon.
To misquote the French ‘Age of Enlightenment’ philosopher Daniel Diderot: “There exists now a maxim agreed between Christians and Muslims, and too the real Jews of conscience, that there will never be any form of peace for the dispossessed Palestinians or the Holy Land until the final Zionist usurper is strangled with the disembowelled entrails of the last Rothshite bankster crime syndicate’s military-industrial scumbag.”
Allergy warning: This article was written in a politically-incorrect hostile environment infested with Māḡēn Dāwīḏ ZioNazi psychopaths and may contain elements of sickening Israeli schadenfreude, along with anti-Semitic paranoia, Holohoax ‘victims’ propaganda, unqualified arrogance, racist apartheid innuendo, lashings of Yidster hudaibiya, kvelling, hasbara and chutzpah - and quantifiable amounts of utter lunacy – along with nano-particle traces exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and a chemtrail residue of bush telegraph innuendo - plus a total disregard for the statutes of international law, human rights and the niceties of a polite and civilised society.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Western-based pro-ZioNazi political and media sock puppets from the Renta-Stooge Agency are high in oath, uttering their customary anti-Semite / Holohoax denier yawps and howls - and have rallied at full gallop in sycophantic response to Tel Aviv's clarion call demand for condemnation of Brussels' EUSSR community censure of Israeli Prime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo's ultra-right Likit Party racist regime for its shifty scheme to expropriate even more Palestinian lands in the West Bank – a rebuke which states Israel's decision risks threatening the wet dream chances of ever ending the decades-old conflict in the occupied territories and the creation of any future independent Palestinian postage stamp state.
Brussels Parliament spokesman Pierre le Twatt, speaking for the EUSSR's 28 member bloc, caustically referred to Israel as 'Balfour's Folly' and admonished in the strongest diplomatic terms the Knesset's decision to seize a further 579 acres of prime Palestinian real estate around the occupied West Bank's eastern city of Jericho – stating that such is illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace – and simply serves to further highlight the Alice in Kikesterland fantasy of a future Palestinian nation - thus exposing Israel’s true 'fuck you' attitude to pursuing any hope of a two-state solution.
In response the rogue racist state's military and domestic intelligence agency wasted no time implementing a decision by Nuttyahoo's cabinet to intensify the crackdown on Palestinian media sources and block the circulation of news that the EU were opposed to further Israeli expansionism and in support of the international pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign
Agents from Shin Bet, accompanied by the IDF's 21st Thugster Battalion troops raided the Ramallah offices of Palestine Today and the Farouq Alayat news channel - confiscating both station's TV / radio broadcast equipment and arresting journalists, staff 'and' the PT's in-house pet cat Tiddles on trumped up domestic terrorism charges.
The Electronic Intifada reports that all arrested are now being detained at Israel's notorious G4S-run Facility 1391 interrogation and torture centre prison.
To add to this latest calumny, documents leaked to the Electronic Intifada reveal that the taxpayer-funded pro-ZioNazi British Council (same government body that backed apartheid in South Africa) has been quietly working to thwart the ever-expanding grassroots boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement supporting Palestinian rights – a campaign endorsed by an increasing proportion of the moral-minded British public.
These revelations focus on Posh Dave Scameron's Tory Nasty Party government-funded program to ban local government authorities from boycotting companies complicit in Israeli human rights abuses – and Downing Street working hand in hand with Shylock Scatstein and Tory peer Lord Stanley Ratfink, both zillionaire Israeli shysters who profit greatly from illegal businesses in the occupied West Bank – and now exposed as donors to the British Council’s little-known anti-boycott project BIRAX: the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership.
For the public record, the British Council is a quasi-governmental body which disingenuously describes itself as making an important cultural relations contributions to UK 'soft power' - (Que? WTF ? What kind or Orwellian double-speak is 'soft power'? A soft soled slipper on the back of the neck as opposed to the hob-nailed jack boot?) - and derives 20% of its funding from the UK Foreign Office – with the rest from private pro-Israel donors – such as Yadi Handjob - the Afrikaaner-born Ashkenazi Jew of convenience bagman for the Rothshite dynasty's bankster crime syndicate – along with the afore-mentioned Shylock Scatstein.
Scatstein, while lacking any form of spiritual empathy or a soul, is reputed to be the 435th richest person in the Galaxy – and if the 2015 Forbes list is to be believed (sic) then is the biggest shareholder in Shitbag Security Systems, the Tel Aviv-based company which won 80% of the original no tender / no bid contracts for Israel’s Great Apartheid Wall system in the West Bank - and has raked in mega-shekels from building the walls and fences to keep the Gaza Strip perpetually besieged and it's prisoner-victims in a state of despicable 'no escape' privation.
At Tel Aviv's behest BIRAX has been tasked to expedite a practical response to recent calls in Broken Britain by the National Union of Students for an academic boycott of Israel – to complement support for the BDS campaign. While publicly paying non-partisan lip service to the right of the NUS to hold and publicize its BDS support position, in all reality the British Council staff are actively seeking to kiss the Israeli Zionist's ass regarding the pursuit of anti-BDS activities and undermine the democratic decision of the NUS.
Meanwhile, back at Tel Aviv's Hypocrisy Central, Israeli PM Bobo Nuttyahoo has the brazen hubris – chutzpah – to demand the six world powers punish Iran for violations with regard to its missile program – justifying this with the flawed rhetoric argument 'We've got missiles and nuclear bombs – but no other fucker can have any – cos it undermines our regional Zionist military hegemony'.
Thus taking the definition of gross hypocrisy to a new level of being, a gaggle of US Republican senators - (jukebox politicos – shove a few shekels in and they'll play any tune you like) - have responded by introducing legislation - dubbed the Iran Terrorism and Human Rights Sanctions Act of 2016 - to impose a fresh set of sanctions against Iran over what legislators describe as Tehran’s support for terrorism and human rights violations.
Que? WTF? Iranian human rights violations? Here we go again – God Bless America's hypocrisy goes into maximum overdrive. How about the racist rogue state of Israel's war crimes n human rights n wrongs violations? Nary a mention of a Nuremberg Two Tribunal to deal with that little travesty from the AIPAC kikester-controlled Capitol Hill scumsters.
Then we have Egypt's military coup-elected sadist paedo scum dictator – General Abdel Duckfat el Sissy – like the entire US political assemblage yet another Israel Zionist sock muppet stooge – working hand in hand with the rogue ZioNazi state to maintain the siege of the Gaza Strip enclave. Really, the Palestinians are shit outa luck whichever way you turn – and if it wasn't for bad luck then they wouldn't have any.
The gospel from notorious racist Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Shylock Snipcock, in his last Saturday night live sermon, states it is recommended in the Torah to kill off the hapless victim Palestinian population.
Hmmm, only one thing worse than the cabal of rogue Ashkenazi Zionist crypto-Jews of convenience and their racist, apartheid creed - and that's the misguided Christian Zionists that support this howling injustice levelled against the Palestinian population of - er – Palestine (yes, Palestine – not Israel) – since 1948, when the illegal, outlaw state self-declared into existence.
As to the BDS campaign, the Ashkenazi scumsters don't need any help from pro-Palestinian groups - as their ethnic cleansing, human rights abuses and war crimes promote the demonisation and de-legitimization of their illegal, outlaw state of Israel so well.
The problem lies with the Israeli Zionists – a more apt term would be ZioNazis – who have zero intentions of ever committing to this bandied fictional Two State Solution agreement with the bought n paid for stooge Palestinian Authority – or the besieged Gaza Strip's democratically-elected Hamas government. Their idea of a 'solution' centres on a slow cook 'genocidal' Final Solution to their Palestinian problem
Nope the Khazar-Ashkenazi Zionist Israelis – to a man all crypto-Jews of convenience who are devoid of any trace of Semitic genes in their DNA – those with a most questionable grip on reality and adhere to fairy tale myths regarding imaginary divine entities - profess this Torah / Pentateuch-based fantasy to be the truth - that God (YHWH / Jehovah) proclaimed them to be His Chosen People – and the geographical territory between the Nile and Euphrates as their Promised Land.
So, WTF do you believe? What does common sense and logic suggest? BDS or the Bible / Torah?
The clinically-insane Nuttyahoo and his extremist right¬-wing government would have you believe the shit as they continue with their illegal settlement of over 500,000 Israeli citizens in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem, in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention on Human Rights (GCIV) and in contempt of the will of the United Nations for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
An excess of half a million Israelis live in 120-plus illegal settlement colonies built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem – and the United Nations regard the Israeli settlements as illegal due the glaring fact the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbids construction on occupied land.
Hence thanks to the outlaw racist state of Israel's uber-arrogant 'we are right and you are wrong' attitude, Aref Pasha Dajani's prophecy that unbridled Zionist expansionism would turn Palestine into a 'river of blood' has become fulfilled.
Israel: an illegal, racist state – the only country in the known Universe with a wall and fence around it – to keep non-Zionists (and unsuitable Jewish types) out.
Do you live in the West Bank? Has your house been targeted by the Ministry for Expropriation of Palestinian Lands to be bulldozed by the Yamam counter-terrorism police and IDF scum?
Send your comments using the online reply form below and you could win a refugee status voucher to paddle across the Mediterranean in a bathtub to Greece, then hike across Europe and camp out in Calais for months on end until you die of boredom, dysentery, hypothermia or starvation – or any combination of all the above.
Thought for the day. This skit is dedicated to the immortal memory of Palestinian doctor and peace activist, Hashem Azzeh, murdered by the IDF thugs in Hebron October 21st 2015 – and too not forgetting the martyrdom of prisoner Arafat Jaradat – tortured to death by the homicidal maniacs serving as his Israeli gaolers in the G4S-run Magiddo Prison – those clinically-insane kikesters (the Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience) running the apartheid state of Israel – who the UK’s taxpayer-funded BBC (British Coverups Corp) are under strict orders never to criticise – for such is ‘mesira’ – forbidden.
Further, to the rogue state of Israeli's dying shame, let us not forget either the thousands of other hapless Palestinians – men, women and rock-chucking sprogs - who dare protest against the inhuman treatment visited upon them by this latter day barbaric Zionist scourge, only to end up incarcerated in the likes of the kikester regime’s Facility 1391 interrogation (read ‘torture’) and transplant organ harvesting centre.
Hmmm, and we are to believe the duplicitous words of the Israeli Slime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo – himself another Jew of convenience with zero Semite DNA in his Khazar-Ashkenazi genes - when he declares in regard to the ‘Palestinian problem’ – “All options are on the negotiating table”. Yeah right – all options excepting fair play and ‘peace’.
In the 1980’s Oded Yinon, a senior advisor to the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Mischief, articulated the primary draft of the ZioNazi grand strategy to instigate the Balkanization of the entire Middle East via a chain of staged false flag terrorist attack events and contrived wars of aggression - with the participation of the US and European (read NATO) military forces to achieve the Chosen People’s Biblical ‘Promised Land’ – a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to Euphrates – and far beyond – whose end result would ensure Israel’s Mid-East military hegemony and provide geo-political domination and guaranteed oil and gas reserves for the next century.
Regardless of their perpetual cultural obsession with things kosher, usury, anti-Semitism, the Holohoax - and snipping foreskins – all benchmarks of Jewish essentialism - the tactics of these Israel-based paranoid, certifiably-psychotic warmongering Khazar-Ashkenazi Yids of convenience - and their US- based AIPAC / Poxman ADL / B'nai Brith lobbyist groups - plumb the depths of dishonour and indecency, due their litany of character assassination, selective misquotation, the wilful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the statutes of international law – and ‘the truth’.
Hence fuck the Edomite Mafia and the Rothshite crime syndicate and their New World Order capital of Jerusalem. Plus fuck Israel and the Great Satan and the Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion – or the Project for a New American Century – or the Foreign Policy Initiative or whatever they choose to label this game plan devoted to their Brotherhood of the Snake and Cult of the Golden Calf - and that insatiable god of greed and compulsive, consumer-driven materialism: Mammon.
To misquote the French ‘Age of Enlightenment’ philosopher Daniel Diderot: “There exists now a maxim agreed between Christians and Muslims, and too the real Jews of conscience, that there will never be any form of peace for the dispossessed Palestinians or the Holy Land until the final Zionist usurper is strangled with the disembowelled entrails of the last Rothshite bankster crime syndicate’s military-industrial scumbag.”
Allergy warning: This article was written in a politically-incorrect hostile environment infested with Māḡēn Dāwīḏ ZioNazi psychopaths and may contain elements of sickening Israeli schadenfreude, along with anti-Semitic paranoia, Holohoax ‘victims’ propaganda, unqualified arrogance, racist apartheid innuendo, lashings of Yidster hudaibiya, kvelling, hasbara and chutzpah - and quantifiable amounts of utter lunacy – along with nano-particle traces exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and a chemtrail residue of bush telegraph innuendo - plus a total disregard for the statutes of international law, human rights and the niceties of a polite and civilised society.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Untouchable Eton Paedo Scum Walks Free
In today’s ‘Child Porno Scum: Get Outa Jail Free’ pariah stigma edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Poxford Crown Court where Ron Scrote has been reporting on the latest Masonic-Satanist establishment paedo ring cover-up for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
A veritable Biblical scale 'hell hath broken loose' pandemonium has arisen from pro-justice and anti-establishment activist groups across the known Universe - tailgating the slap on the wrist suspended prison sentence of a spoiled brat onanist Eton student - (Berkshire's prestigious mega-fees school for future slime ministers, casino culture banksters and generalised top ranking Masonic scum) - who used the medium of the internet to share appalling kiddie fiddling paedo porn piccies, stored on his dorm computer, of children as young as two subjected to ritualistic sexual abuse - forced to have sex with dogs and violently raped by 'Men in Black Cassocks'.
The aspect of the prosecution case which has pissed off activist groups to the Nth degree is that the court, while wiping their feet on lesser mortals – specifically the common herd / legal aid 'poor' – in its infinite wisdom (sic) sanctioned the offending elitist clique Eton student perv to use a false name – a factor that could only occur with the agreement of the CPS, along with court officials, the prosecution, the police, the presiding judge – and Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
For the record, this is much the same crafty dodge that ex-New Labour Slime Minister (and international war criminal) Tony 'Miranda' Bliar pulled back in 1983 when he appeared before Bow Street Magistrates Court following his arrest for 'cottaging' - soliciting for bum sex in a Marylebone public toilet – and allegedly with help from fellow cottagers Pete 'Felcher' Scandalson and Charlie 'Fat Fuck' Falconer (now both rewarded with Vermin in Ermine status noble ranks) applied his evolving Pinocchio legal skills and used his middle names of Charles Lynton to criminally deceive the court to his true identity and thus avoid future socio-political scandal – or so he thought – and wished.
Shameless rich kid, Andrew Picard, son of a purported top dog London lawyer, and 17 years old at the time of his arrest last year, had literally thousands of indecent images of children on his Eton college dormitory computer, and like the brainless dog wanker he obviously is, used his personal internet server connection to access network chat rooms and share his disgusting child abuse picture collection with like minded paedo pervert jack-off artists.
But Picard's paedo-porn internet frays came to a scandalous halt when the intellectually challenged twat started sharing and distributing appalling indecent images of child sexual abuse and bestiality film clip material with undercover police officer, Sgt Jack McPlodd.
Picard was arrested after his IP address was traced to Eton and admitted ten counts of child pornography offences.
However, while lesser mortals – such as celeb status Sunderland soccer players - are ostracised from polite society as paedo pariahs and face 'ten year' prison sentences for sticking their hand down the front of some 15-year old slapper wannabe's denims – the presiding judge at Oxford Crown Court handed pervy Picard a slap on the wrist 'ten month' prison term - suspended for a mere eighteen months.
Sue Fleecem QC, prosecuting, told the court that undercover officer, Sgt Jack McPlodd, had signed into an internet teenage chat room in February 2015, when he was contacted by a user called 'AP16MUK' - standing for Andrew Picard, aged 16, male, from the UK.
The creepy Picard allegedly messaged Sgt McPlodd, asking: ‘Do you want to see pics of little boys and girls getting bummed by a pit bull terrier?’ – then reputedly condemned himself by sharing a video with the undercover police officer in which his own face was clearly visible in a nauseating felching video clip – involving a horde of very reluctant and distressed hamsters.
In evidence, McPlodd told the court "Picard's IP address led our Operation Kiddie Fiddler Paedo Squad to Eton school, near Windsor, where staff were only too happy to identify the arrogant shit as a pupil – an' he was arrested on suspicion of distributing child pornography of the most disgusting nature – all vile Category A material – with my team discovering some 1,185 indecent images an' videos on his computer an' hard-drives – all seized from his school dormitory."
Sally Fellatia-Rimmer, QC, acting for Picard, made great industry of highlighting the fact that her client's professed remorse was not a case of self-preservation crocodile tears but rather genuine contrition – and he was undergoing extensive counselling and constant treatment with the best doctors and psychologists his father's money could buy.
"This is a very able young man who has hopes for the future as a politician or lawyer or banker – and his current course of psychiatric treatment and drugs will hopefully cure him of these perverted paedophile obsessions which involve the carnal exploitation, abuse and torture of helpless children for personal sexual gratification – and focus on more socially-acceptable pursuits – such as achieving the Ozaki Eight."
Now for the nitty-gritty establishment corruption element – for pro-justice activists claim that 'Andrew Picard-Boeckman' – full name (Picard is mother's maiden name) dodged a prison sentence due his privileged position and old school tie secret handshake club crony culture viz the Masonic brethren connections of his father – the stinking rich bankster's lawyer Philip J Boeckman - a partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP – legal beagles to the shithouse likes of Gold-in-Sacks and JP Moron Banksters.
Justice For All activist spokesman, Wilf O'Scallie, opined to one gutter press hack from the Monday Club Gazette that nigh on all references to the name Boeckman, in connection with the scandalous court case, have been suspiciously deleted from the internet – presumably under threat of legal action.
In summing up at the trial, presiding Judge Sir Dinsdale Picard-Boeckman (no relation) said: "Defendant Andrew Picard is a privileged young man and fortunately his family are clearly wealthy enough to send him to school at Eton and hire the best legal minds to keep him out of prison."
"Conversely, quite how you found your way into this unpleasant world, young Mr Picard, this world of depraved internet chat rooms and sticking helpless furry mammals up your back passage – then having a big dog sodomise little boys – and exchanging this material on the internet - is not clear to me."
Nope, but it's clear to us – evil needs no reason – it just is.
Thought for the day. Hmmm, must be useful to have moneyed friends in high places – even if they are all Masonic pederast scumsters. The likes of which seem to infest the playing fields of Eton – and too the Royal Parasite's palaces and Westminster – civil service and Parliament's House of Conmans and House of Frauds – not forgetting the Met Plod Squad's Operation Midland - and whatever other investigations - are making great industry of avoiding the arrest of 'politically sensitive' Very Important Paedophile personages.
Meanwhile the paedo nonce-ponce apologists and enablers and cover-up merchants – from Bell's End to John Fucks Goats – are bestowed with glittering prizes and accolades – career promotions to Poxford Uni chancellorshits - and noble titles such as undeserved dodgy damehoods and a seat at the Privy Council's table of Lucullian delights.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that trans-national kiddie fiddling is a global 'common core' cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public - and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac / parabiosis-addicted ruling elitist paedocide fraternity – plus their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (sneakily re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
A veritable Biblical scale 'hell hath broken loose' pandemonium has arisen from pro-justice and anti-establishment activist groups across the known Universe - tailgating the slap on the wrist suspended prison sentence of a spoiled brat onanist Eton student - (Berkshire's prestigious mega-fees school for future slime ministers, casino culture banksters and generalised top ranking Masonic scum) - who used the medium of the internet to share appalling kiddie fiddling paedo porn piccies, stored on his dorm computer, of children as young as two subjected to ritualistic sexual abuse - forced to have sex with dogs and violently raped by 'Men in Black Cassocks'.
The aspect of the prosecution case which has pissed off activist groups to the Nth degree is that the court, while wiping their feet on lesser mortals – specifically the common herd / legal aid 'poor' – in its infinite wisdom (sic) sanctioned the offending elitist clique Eton student perv to use a false name – a factor that could only occur with the agreement of the CPS, along with court officials, the prosecution, the police, the presiding judge – and Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
For the record, this is much the same crafty dodge that ex-New Labour Slime Minister (and international war criminal) Tony 'Miranda' Bliar pulled back in 1983 when he appeared before Bow Street Magistrates Court following his arrest for 'cottaging' - soliciting for bum sex in a Marylebone public toilet – and allegedly with help from fellow cottagers Pete 'Felcher' Scandalson and Charlie 'Fat Fuck' Falconer (now both rewarded with Vermin in Ermine status noble ranks) applied his evolving Pinocchio legal skills and used his middle names of Charles Lynton to criminally deceive the court to his true identity and thus avoid future socio-political scandal – or so he thought – and wished.
Shameless rich kid, Andrew Picard, son of a purported top dog London lawyer, and 17 years old at the time of his arrest last year, had literally thousands of indecent images of children on his Eton college dormitory computer, and like the brainless dog wanker he obviously is, used his personal internet server connection to access network chat rooms and share his disgusting child abuse picture collection with like minded paedo pervert jack-off artists.
But Picard's paedo-porn internet frays came to a scandalous halt when the intellectually challenged twat started sharing and distributing appalling indecent images of child sexual abuse and bestiality film clip material with undercover police officer, Sgt Jack McPlodd.
Picard was arrested after his IP address was traced to Eton and admitted ten counts of child pornography offences.
However, while lesser mortals – such as celeb status Sunderland soccer players - are ostracised from polite society as paedo pariahs and face 'ten year' prison sentences for sticking their hand down the front of some 15-year old slapper wannabe's denims – the presiding judge at Oxford Crown Court handed pervy Picard a slap on the wrist 'ten month' prison term - suspended for a mere eighteen months.
Sue Fleecem QC, prosecuting, told the court that undercover officer, Sgt Jack McPlodd, had signed into an internet teenage chat room in February 2015, when he was contacted by a user called 'AP16MUK' - standing for Andrew Picard, aged 16, male, from the UK.
The creepy Picard allegedly messaged Sgt McPlodd, asking: ‘Do you want to see pics of little boys and girls getting bummed by a pit bull terrier?’ – then reputedly condemned himself by sharing a video with the undercover police officer in which his own face was clearly visible in a nauseating felching video clip – involving a horde of very reluctant and distressed hamsters.
In evidence, McPlodd told the court "Picard's IP address led our Operation Kiddie Fiddler Paedo Squad to Eton school, near Windsor, where staff were only too happy to identify the arrogant shit as a pupil – an' he was arrested on suspicion of distributing child pornography of the most disgusting nature – all vile Category A material – with my team discovering some 1,185 indecent images an' videos on his computer an' hard-drives – all seized from his school dormitory."
Sally Fellatia-Rimmer, QC, acting for Picard, made great industry of highlighting the fact that her client's professed remorse was not a case of self-preservation crocodile tears but rather genuine contrition – and he was undergoing extensive counselling and constant treatment with the best doctors and psychologists his father's money could buy.
"This is a very able young man who has hopes for the future as a politician or lawyer or banker – and his current course of psychiatric treatment and drugs will hopefully cure him of these perverted paedophile obsessions which involve the carnal exploitation, abuse and torture of helpless children for personal sexual gratification – and focus on more socially-acceptable pursuits – such as achieving the Ozaki Eight."
Now for the nitty-gritty establishment corruption element – for pro-justice activists claim that 'Andrew Picard-Boeckman' – full name (Picard is mother's maiden name) dodged a prison sentence due his privileged position and old school tie secret handshake club crony culture viz the Masonic brethren connections of his father – the stinking rich bankster's lawyer Philip J Boeckman - a partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP – legal beagles to the shithouse likes of Gold-in-Sacks and JP Moron Banksters.
Justice For All activist spokesman, Wilf O'Scallie, opined to one gutter press hack from the Monday Club Gazette that nigh on all references to the name Boeckman, in connection with the scandalous court case, have been suspiciously deleted from the internet – presumably under threat of legal action.
In summing up at the trial, presiding Judge Sir Dinsdale Picard-Boeckman (no relation) said: "Defendant Andrew Picard is a privileged young man and fortunately his family are clearly wealthy enough to send him to school at Eton and hire the best legal minds to keep him out of prison."
"Conversely, quite how you found your way into this unpleasant world, young Mr Picard, this world of depraved internet chat rooms and sticking helpless furry mammals up your back passage – then having a big dog sodomise little boys – and exchanging this material on the internet - is not clear to me."
Nope, but it's clear to us – evil needs no reason – it just is.
Thought for the day. Hmmm, must be useful to have moneyed friends in high places – even if they are all Masonic pederast scumsters. The likes of which seem to infest the playing fields of Eton – and too the Royal Parasite's palaces and Westminster – civil service and Parliament's House of Conmans and House of Frauds – not forgetting the Met Plod Squad's Operation Midland - and whatever other investigations - are making great industry of avoiding the arrest of 'politically sensitive' Very Important Paedophile personages.
Meanwhile the paedo nonce-ponce apologists and enablers and cover-up merchants – from Bell's End to John Fucks Goats – are bestowed with glittering prizes and accolades – career promotions to Poxford Uni chancellorshits - and noble titles such as undeserved dodgy damehoods and a seat at the Privy Council's table of Lucullian delights.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that trans-national kiddie fiddling is a global 'common core' cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public - and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac / parabiosis-addicted ruling elitist paedocide fraternity – plus their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (sneakily re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Parliament Rules: Darkies Take De Stairs
Today’s ‘Institutionalised Racist Culture’ edition brings readers the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering gossip from Mrs Winnebago Jaffacake - manning her smart phone hotline link outside London's Equality & Human Rights & Wrongs Commission HQ while reporting live for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
In the wake of a shocking disclosure by a perma-sun-tanned Labour MP during a live interview on the BBC 5 Radio Live Shitraker's Hour programme - that she was subjected to belittling and derogatory racist comments while going about her official duties and government business inside the House of Conmans by a clique of Tory Nasty Party scumbags – the disclosure has raised a hue and cry for remedial action and retributive justice from back bench opposition MPs out to stir up a bit of a political ruckus.
This has now forced the limp-wristed hand of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to launch an inquiry into the incidents – plus London's notorious ambulance-chasing Crater-Ffuck lawyers have jumped on the publicity bandwagon - propositioning the offended MP with a 'no win- no fee' deal to sue the named and shamed Tory perpetrators for every penny they have - or haven't - got.
Ms Twatcha Crackerbarrel, Labour's 'blacker than coal' MP for Greater London's Landfill Hamlets sink or swim constituency, told BBC interviewer Andrew 'Bat-Ears' Marr that she first became a victim of racism in Westminster when being mistaken for one of the cleaning staff by a Conservative member of Parliament – now identified as the Rt Hon Rupert de Moncey-Biggott, the notoriously obnoxious Tory MP, representing the Home Counties 'Bums Rush' constituency.
Ms Crackerbarrel told the BBC 5's Shitraker's Hour she was in a members-only elevator when de Moncey-Biggott leaned over with a sneer and informed her "This lift isn't for Yardie cleaners – you need to be using the stairs."
The 46-year-old Crackerbarrel, daughter of Jamaican immigrants, who became Labour's first Rastafarian MP in 2005 and was re-elected last year - added that this was simply yet another one of the legion of 'nigga hate' incidents of racism and sectarian enmity she had encountered while attending Parliament in her official capacity.
In a letter of complaint addressed to Westminster's Xenophobia Society in 2008 the Rubenesque Ms Crackerbarrel claimed to have been confronted by one Nasty Party Cabinet Minister – Sir Dinsdale Heathscrote-Armslength - who commented "Hey, Dolly Dreadlocks – this is a member's only area" - questioning what she was doing out on the terrace of the Strangler's Bar, quaffing back a pint of Shite Lightning cider and smoking a quiet bifta.
On replying that she was the New Labour MP for London's Landfill Hamlets constituency he replied: "For fuck's sake, the brain dead common herd will vote for any old tripe nowadays."
This recent BBC Radio interview whinge outpouring from Ms Crackerbarrel - Labour's most ardent and dedicated Jeremy Corbyn supporter – are simply the latest in a long list of outspoken comments – which also included her targeting 'Yid-run Hollywood' for the lack of diversity in the nominations for the Oscars – opining that "Wot we am needin' is diversity. Diversity of thought an' diversity of choice - cos dey is some brilliant darkie actors out dere wot ain't never gonna get any awards cos the honky Jew scum rules Tinsel Town an' de Oscar awards an' dey say niggas can't act worth a shit."
"Same as dem Scandinavian scumbags wot runs de Nobel Prizes – givin' out awards and de Peace Prizes ta some honky kike – like dat Henry Kissinger - an' de Indonesian Muslim faggot wot does de latte nigga impersonation – de Obama President guy. An' dese bird shit fish bellies hog all de gongs an' big cheques – an' my hero Mista Brigadier-General Badluck Jonathan, President for all Eternity of the Republic of Wogga-Wogga Land, misses out on de Peace Prize cos dey say he's wanted for human rights abuses an' war crimes an' just another Third World African dictator. So may de Curse of de dreaded Tupilak be on dere secret handshake brethren heads."
Last month Crackerbarrel copped flack from the Labour hierarchy when she opined to press hacks that during Prime Minister's Questions, Posh Dave Scameron's pedantic, patronising manner gave the impression he was wholly contemptible of the common herd voting demographic and would like to shit all over them.
This outburst was followed days later by a claim that black Tory MP Kwasi Warthog had been selected by the Nasty Party bosses to his safe Surrey seat as an Uncle Tom and for window dressing – then further declared for the Hansard record that Mr Warthog disdained the company of fellow 'niggas' - to hang out with his honky Freemason paedo clique pals.
In her defence and perhaps to excuse her menopausal maniac madness, former London Mayor, Red Ken Livingroom, opined to gutter press media hacks that: "For Ms Crackerbarrel to be confronted in such a manner was ridiculous as, apart from being afflicted with verbal diarrhoea and a marked disability of failing to engage brain before opening mouth – a fact attributed to her suffering from the dreaded Bell Curve Deficiency Syndrome - she was elected years ago and gets up and speaks in the chamber – even if she rarely makes any fucking sense."
Have you got a permanent sun tan? Has a Nasty Party MP ever told you to get your black ass outa the elevator and use the stairs? Do the Plod Squad's uniformed moron-thugs pull you over for spot pat-down searches? Do dogs bark at you as you walk past some posh twat's house? Do birds and bats have a tendency to nest in your dreadlocks?
Send your comments using the online reply form below and Crater-Ffuck could win you a small fortune in personal damages compo'.
A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location so the HMRC know where to send the U-Owe-Us tax bill.
Thought for the day. Yep, ya couldn't make this shit up. Isn't it nice to see that racial equality is a done n dusted socio-political issue in our multi-cultural society.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
In the wake of a shocking disclosure by a perma-sun-tanned Labour MP during a live interview on the BBC 5 Radio Live Shitraker's Hour programme - that she was subjected to belittling and derogatory racist comments while going about her official duties and government business inside the House of Conmans by a clique of Tory Nasty Party scumbags – the disclosure has raised a hue and cry for remedial action and retributive justice from back bench opposition MPs out to stir up a bit of a political ruckus.
This has now forced the limp-wristed hand of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to launch an inquiry into the incidents – plus London's notorious ambulance-chasing Crater-Ffuck lawyers have jumped on the publicity bandwagon - propositioning the offended MP with a 'no win- no fee' deal to sue the named and shamed Tory perpetrators for every penny they have - or haven't - got.
Ms Twatcha Crackerbarrel, Labour's 'blacker than coal' MP for Greater London's Landfill Hamlets sink or swim constituency, told BBC interviewer Andrew 'Bat-Ears' Marr that she first became a victim of racism in Westminster when being mistaken for one of the cleaning staff by a Conservative member of Parliament – now identified as the Rt Hon Rupert de Moncey-Biggott, the notoriously obnoxious Tory MP, representing the Home Counties 'Bums Rush' constituency.
Ms Crackerbarrel told the BBC 5's Shitraker's Hour she was in a members-only elevator when de Moncey-Biggott leaned over with a sneer and informed her "This lift isn't for Yardie cleaners – you need to be using the stairs."
The 46-year-old Crackerbarrel, daughter of Jamaican immigrants, who became Labour's first Rastafarian MP in 2005 and was re-elected last year - added that this was simply yet another one of the legion of 'nigga hate' incidents of racism and sectarian enmity she had encountered while attending Parliament in her official capacity.
In a letter of complaint addressed to Westminster's Xenophobia Society in 2008 the Rubenesque Ms Crackerbarrel claimed to have been confronted by one Nasty Party Cabinet Minister – Sir Dinsdale Heathscrote-Armslength - who commented "Hey, Dolly Dreadlocks – this is a member's only area" - questioning what she was doing out on the terrace of the Strangler's Bar, quaffing back a pint of Shite Lightning cider and smoking a quiet bifta.
On replying that she was the New Labour MP for London's Landfill Hamlets constituency he replied: "For fuck's sake, the brain dead common herd will vote for any old tripe nowadays."
This recent BBC Radio interview whinge outpouring from Ms Crackerbarrel - Labour's most ardent and dedicated Jeremy Corbyn supporter – are simply the latest in a long list of outspoken comments – which also included her targeting 'Yid-run Hollywood' for the lack of diversity in the nominations for the Oscars – opining that "Wot we am needin' is diversity. Diversity of thought an' diversity of choice - cos dey is some brilliant darkie actors out dere wot ain't never gonna get any awards cos the honky Jew scum rules Tinsel Town an' de Oscar awards an' dey say niggas can't act worth a shit."
"Same as dem Scandinavian scumbags wot runs de Nobel Prizes – givin' out awards and de Peace Prizes ta some honky kike – like dat Henry Kissinger - an' de Indonesian Muslim faggot wot does de latte nigga impersonation – de Obama President guy. An' dese bird shit fish bellies hog all de gongs an' big cheques – an' my hero Mista Brigadier-General Badluck Jonathan, President for all Eternity of the Republic of Wogga-Wogga Land, misses out on de Peace Prize cos dey say he's wanted for human rights abuses an' war crimes an' just another Third World African dictator. So may de Curse of de dreaded Tupilak be on dere secret handshake brethren heads."
Last month Crackerbarrel copped flack from the Labour hierarchy when she opined to press hacks that during Prime Minister's Questions, Posh Dave Scameron's pedantic, patronising manner gave the impression he was wholly contemptible of the common herd voting demographic and would like to shit all over them.
This outburst was followed days later by a claim that black Tory MP Kwasi Warthog had been selected by the Nasty Party bosses to his safe Surrey seat as an Uncle Tom and for window dressing – then further declared for the Hansard record that Mr Warthog disdained the company of fellow 'niggas' - to hang out with his honky Freemason paedo clique pals.
In her defence and perhaps to excuse her menopausal maniac madness, former London Mayor, Red Ken Livingroom, opined to gutter press media hacks that: "For Ms Crackerbarrel to be confronted in such a manner was ridiculous as, apart from being afflicted with verbal diarrhoea and a marked disability of failing to engage brain before opening mouth – a fact attributed to her suffering from the dreaded Bell Curve Deficiency Syndrome - she was elected years ago and gets up and speaks in the chamber – even if she rarely makes any fucking sense."
Have you got a permanent sun tan? Has a Nasty Party MP ever told you to get your black ass outa the elevator and use the stairs? Do the Plod Squad's uniformed moron-thugs pull you over for spot pat-down searches? Do dogs bark at you as you walk past some posh twat's house? Do birds and bats have a tendency to nest in your dreadlocks?
Send your comments using the online reply form below and Crater-Ffuck could win you a small fortune in personal damages compo'.
A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location so the HMRC know where to send the U-Owe-Us tax bill.
Thought for the day. Yep, ya couldn't make this shit up. Isn't it nice to see that racial equality is a done n dusted socio-political issue in our multi-cultural society.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Scotland's Nonce Enablers Bill Slammed
In today’s ‘Kiddie Fiddler's Delight’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Angus McTadger, manning Edinburgh's Hollierood Parliament hotline for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
If Scotland wasn't already stigmatised with a calumnious notoriety for being run by an elitist cabal of untouchable paedo-sodomite Satanists who rule from the lofty eyries of their Hollierood Parliament and Crown Office and Speculative Society Masonic lodges, with official government policies nefariously crafted to accommodate the perverted tastes of raving nonces and their enablers – and the 24/7 midnight oil burning antics of the establishment's historic child sexual abuse cover-up artists – then this current totalitarian slap in the face for common herd society – the control freak orientated Named Person Act – will most certainly crown the ignominious shame.
Under the Sturgeon's 'dog n pony show' SNP (Scottish Nonce Party) police state 'Guardian' scheme none other than a 'Named Person' will usurp the rights of parents and be responsible for the welfare of every child in Scotland - and to kick start the scam once the system goes ‘live’ in August, young kids are to be questioned regarding their private lives, with the answers stored on a gargantuan Big Brother government 'Naughty Book' database network - and then analysed to pick out hapless kids for further investigation.
Branded by NO2NP civil rights activists as 'creepy' and 'lacking validity' the scheme will empower these so-called named person Guardians to subject every youngster in bonny Scotland to covert Kafkaesque psychological tests and interrogate them about their personal home lives and sexual orientations - and too demand they complete intrusive questionnaires – which will ask, among other things, if the child’s parents make them feel special – or even if their home is cosy.
Hector McScallie, spokesman for the 'Fuck The Named Person' campaign, which is spearheading a legal challenge to the charade, opined to one gutter press hack from the Catamites Gazette that the government's plan was a blatant immoral and Orwellian style anti-family manipulation to override parental rights and serve their sinister secret agendas behind a facade of 'We Care' officialdom crap – and thus categorise children as being at risk so they can be snatched from 'unsuitable' parents by 'for-profit' private corporate sector quango and social service enterprises to generate massive profits – and not overlooking the mega bucks commissions and bonuses raked in by social workers as the kids are placed in foster homes or put up for adoption by Satanist / Freemason pervs.
McScallie further commented that the profiling scam goes even further than a controversial ‘Contact Point’ system in England - prudently scrapped back in 2010 due common sense reasons that such was designed to classify every child as vulnerable and every family as potentially toxic, was not only unsafe but also illegal.
Conversely, under the Sturgeon's SNP Police State control freak agenda, millions of young elementary grade school children will be unconsciously manipulated to divulge information about their home life in lessons which shall include prompt cards, games and propaganda songs – with personal data - names, addresses, routes to school, hobbies and even photographs - fed into a computerised SEEMiS software system available – without parents’ consent or knowledge – to all Scottish government services – including police and NHS - and any number of paedo-perv internet hackers.
Parents have exhibited a furious reaction regarding prompt cards and ‘What I Think’ tests for young children to rate experiences on a scale from zero to ten – intended to grill them about their drinking habits, or if they smoke pot or mainline on Class A drugs or harbour other latent criminal tendencies – or think about sneaking off to Syria and joining the ISIS Jolly Jihad Army.
The named person Guardian Squad (in and of itself, a circus without a tent) are to be tasked with judging each youngster’s mind set against a government checklist that includes good citizen social / community indicators such as a pupil being disruptive in class or refusing to carry out voluntary work – even when the child has stated that a volunteer is a brown-nosing nump – and someone who has totally misunderstood the question put to them.
Hence the burning question of the day is who the fuck's going to regulate these zero oversight named person 'Guardians' and assess the sexual orientations and inclinations and mental states of the state guardian creeps? The 'for profit' privatised SEEMiS Group responsible for this disturbing mess of control freak pottage?
Judging by the past performance of privatised social services officials throughout Broken Britain and their involvement with child sex trafficking and snatching kids for profitable placements - this cradle to the grave character profiling project gives the term 'creepy' an entirely fresh definition.
If it's anything like the Community Service Officer volunteers programme then it will be a clique comprised of low life ne'er do wells – intellectually-stunted society outcasts affected with a touch of the officious sadist / 'I have the Power' paranoid psycho brand.
Most definitely the type of job to act as a magnet for paedo sex deviants – like nonce ponce Boy Scout troop leaders (Thomas Watt Hamilton / Dunblane) or Roman Catholic priests and their proclivity for altar boy bum sex – or the post of mortuary keeper attracting celeb BBC DJ necrophiliacs.
So let's apply a spot of common sense and logic to this latest social control aberration conjured up by the Sturgeon's SNP clique. If kids are less than happy with their home being 'comfy' but don't want to drop Mum n Dad in the shit, then they're going to give the authoritarian establishment the finger and learn to lie.
One glaring sore thumb question is what certified degree of licensed and practiced competence these creepy state guardian 'named persons' will be expected to be a graduate of, to become a better judge of a child's wherewithal than their actual parents – and specifically the mother.
Anyone who has exercised due diligence viz smelling a rat and followed Scotland's past – historical 'and' present – cover ups of child sexual abuse by the establishment's Tartan Tadgers paedo cliques – and specifically those involving the Satanist-Masonic Speculative Society sodomites and kiddie fiddlers (simply Google Hollie Greig) will see through this nonce enablers 'Guardian' Act for what it is.
Just like the aftermath legal actions of Operation Planet – change the law so elitist bumboys could bugger underage rent boys with impunity.
Now for the nitty-gritty 'has any fucker or their dog thought this fatally flawed project through?' assumption. Obviously these Named Person / State Guardians will, by common sense definition alone, be actual parents themselves – and model parents at that.
No history of mental health / depression / self-harm / suicide - or sexual perversions, drug, booze or gambling habits, nor inclination towards violence, nor radical political views.
Too true - and most definitely not of the stamp of paedo predator Dayna Dickson-Boath – the appointed Principal Guidance Teacher at Elgin High School in Moray, Scotland - one of the Sturgeon SNP's first delegated state guardians who has been slapped with a lifetime ban from working with children and struck off the teaching register for sharing sick fantasies regarding the sexual abuse of young kids.
There again, knowing human nature to be the fickle beast it is, any form of parental non-compliance resentment to these intrusions of the privacy of family life by named person Guardians (aka 'total fucking strangers') will doubtless be met with all manner of negative retribution and sanctions against the parents – and the kids snatched and fostered out to the highest bidding death eater paedo clique.
Yep, that's it folks – the SNP's (Scottish Nonce Party) panopticon surveillance and control Police State apparatus set in motion - from womb to tomb. Where the fuck do these people conjure up such schemes and scams? It defies logic to anyone with half a functioning brain.
And this specifically includes 'Big Sister' Sturgeon and her politically correct 'named person quackery' – and ignoring the petitions and justified arguments of the NO2NP campaigners.
Alas, the woman displays a most disconcerting authoritarian streak that lacks any semblance of accountability – and is as naive as a Neanderthal cave dweller cogitating on the relevance of the Sun and Moon and stars to their festering hand to mouth shit-strewn existence - and appears wholly ignorant – or simply couldn't care fucking less - regarding the impending negative consequences of this nominated scumbag project
There again, where is the Sturgeon's 'Jimmy Krankie' logic in her jingoistic Independence for Scotland battle cry - but stay part of the EUSSR Federation super state? Perhaps enshrined in the fact that independence from a wicked Westminster's oversight and rule provides freedom of choice - to be ruled and regulated by Brussels instead - this centralised bureaucracy exercising tyrannical control of every member state?
Although, while this fatally-flawed 'Named Paedo' scam is branded as creepy, WTF can we expect from a devolved oversight government who so recently held a Hollierood Parliament debate on legalising incest?
To wit, one has to ponder WTF is next on the Sturgeon's agenda: legalising necrophilia and bestiality – as pederasty – to all intents and purposes - is as established a cultural pastime among Scotland's high and mighty as the mass murder of moorland grouse.
And for hard fact documented evidence of this aberration, just Google up the now internationally notorious Hollie Greig sexual abuse case of disabled and special needs children by an Aberdeen-based untouchable Satanist VIP paedophile ring – whose child molesting 'sexually inadequate' Masonic elite abusers have been named but never questioned, nor arrested, nor charged, nor prosecuted .
Yet this iniquitous phenomenon is easily explained away when considering the ranks of the 'twenty-two' named abusers and their protectors include law court Sheriffs and the very Plod Squad filth charged with investigating such a crime – and all manner of secret handshake scum that infest Scotland's legal / injustice system – from social services level (enablers) to the police and law courts (abusers) to the Crown Office to the Hollierood Parliament cover-up stooges.
Do you live in 'compliance freak' bonkers Nonceland? Are you happy to have your kids interrogated by some lowlife psycho / social misfit on a power trip? Will your home pass the Named Person 'cosy test'? Do you serve your kids a Sunday roast of haggis and chips – or healthy eating desserts – like deep friend Mars Bars?
Send us your comments using the online reply form below and you too could be appointed a Named Person 'Guardian' – and qualify for a shiny buttons uniform complete with hi-viz jacket and a pair of kiddie kicker boots to get the little bastard's attentions focused.
Stop press: Hollierood's media office have issued a blank denial – with threats of legal action – regarding the current scandalous post trending on the Twitter network – that the Sturgeon met her hubby – the lacklustre Peter McMullett (current CEO of the Scottish Nonce Party) - through the Plenty of Fish dating website.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent Glassie-based money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their 'Hollierood' Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
If Scotland wasn't already stigmatised with a calumnious notoriety for being run by an elitist cabal of untouchable paedo-sodomite Satanists who rule from the lofty eyries of their Hollierood Parliament and Crown Office and Speculative Society Masonic lodges, with official government policies nefariously crafted to accommodate the perverted tastes of raving nonces and their enablers – and the 24/7 midnight oil burning antics of the establishment's historic child sexual abuse cover-up artists – then this current totalitarian slap in the face for common herd society – the control freak orientated Named Person Act – will most certainly crown the ignominious shame.
Under the Sturgeon's 'dog n pony show' SNP (Scottish Nonce Party) police state 'Guardian' scheme none other than a 'Named Person' will usurp the rights of parents and be responsible for the welfare of every child in Scotland - and to kick start the scam once the system goes ‘live’ in August, young kids are to be questioned regarding their private lives, with the answers stored on a gargantuan Big Brother government 'Naughty Book' database network - and then analysed to pick out hapless kids for further investigation.
Branded by NO2NP civil rights activists as 'creepy' and 'lacking validity' the scheme will empower these so-called named person Guardians to subject every youngster in bonny Scotland to covert Kafkaesque psychological tests and interrogate them about their personal home lives and sexual orientations - and too demand they complete intrusive questionnaires – which will ask, among other things, if the child’s parents make them feel special – or even if their home is cosy.
Hector McScallie, spokesman for the 'Fuck The Named Person' campaign, which is spearheading a legal challenge to the charade, opined to one gutter press hack from the Catamites Gazette that the government's plan was a blatant immoral and Orwellian style anti-family manipulation to override parental rights and serve their sinister secret agendas behind a facade of 'We Care' officialdom crap – and thus categorise children as being at risk so they can be snatched from 'unsuitable' parents by 'for-profit' private corporate sector quango and social service enterprises to generate massive profits – and not overlooking the mega bucks commissions and bonuses raked in by social workers as the kids are placed in foster homes or put up for adoption by Satanist / Freemason pervs.
McScallie further commented that the profiling scam goes even further than a controversial ‘Contact Point’ system in England - prudently scrapped back in 2010 due common sense reasons that such was designed to classify every child as vulnerable and every family as potentially toxic, was not only unsafe but also illegal.
Conversely, under the Sturgeon's SNP Police State control freak agenda, millions of young elementary grade school children will be unconsciously manipulated to divulge information about their home life in lessons which shall include prompt cards, games and propaganda songs – with personal data - names, addresses, routes to school, hobbies and even photographs - fed into a computerised SEEMiS software system available – without parents’ consent or knowledge – to all Scottish government services – including police and NHS - and any number of paedo-perv internet hackers.
Parents have exhibited a furious reaction regarding prompt cards and ‘What I Think’ tests for young children to rate experiences on a scale from zero to ten – intended to grill them about their drinking habits, or if they smoke pot or mainline on Class A drugs or harbour other latent criminal tendencies – or think about sneaking off to Syria and joining the ISIS Jolly Jihad Army.
The named person Guardian Squad (in and of itself, a circus without a tent) are to be tasked with judging each youngster’s mind set against a government checklist that includes good citizen social / community indicators such as a pupil being disruptive in class or refusing to carry out voluntary work – even when the child has stated that a volunteer is a brown-nosing nump – and someone who has totally misunderstood the question put to them.
Hence the burning question of the day is who the fuck's going to regulate these zero oversight named person 'Guardians' and assess the sexual orientations and inclinations and mental states of the state guardian creeps? The 'for profit' privatised SEEMiS Group responsible for this disturbing mess of control freak pottage?
Judging by the past performance of privatised social services officials throughout Broken Britain and their involvement with child sex trafficking and snatching kids for profitable placements - this cradle to the grave character profiling project gives the term 'creepy' an entirely fresh definition.
If it's anything like the Community Service Officer volunteers programme then it will be a clique comprised of low life ne'er do wells – intellectually-stunted society outcasts affected with a touch of the officious sadist / 'I have the Power' paranoid psycho brand.
Most definitely the type of job to act as a magnet for paedo sex deviants – like nonce ponce Boy Scout troop leaders (Thomas Watt Hamilton / Dunblane) or Roman Catholic priests and their proclivity for altar boy bum sex – or the post of mortuary keeper attracting celeb BBC DJ necrophiliacs.
So let's apply a spot of common sense and logic to this latest social control aberration conjured up by the Sturgeon's SNP clique. If kids are less than happy with their home being 'comfy' but don't want to drop Mum n Dad in the shit, then they're going to give the authoritarian establishment the finger and learn to lie.
One glaring sore thumb question is what certified degree of licensed and practiced competence these creepy state guardian 'named persons' will be expected to be a graduate of, to become a better judge of a child's wherewithal than their actual parents – and specifically the mother.
Anyone who has exercised due diligence viz smelling a rat and followed Scotland's past – historical 'and' present – cover ups of child sexual abuse by the establishment's Tartan Tadgers paedo cliques – and specifically those involving the Satanist-Masonic Speculative Society sodomites and kiddie fiddlers (simply Google Hollie Greig) will see through this nonce enablers 'Guardian' Act for what it is.
Just like the aftermath legal actions of Operation Planet – change the law so elitist bumboys could bugger underage rent boys with impunity.
Now for the nitty-gritty 'has any fucker or their dog thought this fatally flawed project through?' assumption. Obviously these Named Person / State Guardians will, by common sense definition alone, be actual parents themselves – and model parents at that.
No history of mental health / depression / self-harm / suicide - or sexual perversions, drug, booze or gambling habits, nor inclination towards violence, nor radical political views.
Too true - and most definitely not of the stamp of paedo predator Dayna Dickson-Boath – the appointed Principal Guidance Teacher at Elgin High School in Moray, Scotland - one of the Sturgeon SNP's first delegated state guardians who has been slapped with a lifetime ban from working with children and struck off the teaching register for sharing sick fantasies regarding the sexual abuse of young kids.
There again, knowing human nature to be the fickle beast it is, any form of parental non-compliance resentment to these intrusions of the privacy of family life by named person Guardians (aka 'total fucking strangers') will doubtless be met with all manner of negative retribution and sanctions against the parents – and the kids snatched and fostered out to the highest bidding death eater paedo clique.
Yep, that's it folks – the SNP's (Scottish Nonce Party) panopticon surveillance and control Police State apparatus set in motion - from womb to tomb. Where the fuck do these people conjure up such schemes and scams? It defies logic to anyone with half a functioning brain.
And this specifically includes 'Big Sister' Sturgeon and her politically correct 'named person quackery' – and ignoring the petitions and justified arguments of the NO2NP campaigners.
Alas, the woman displays a most disconcerting authoritarian streak that lacks any semblance of accountability – and is as naive as a Neanderthal cave dweller cogitating on the relevance of the Sun and Moon and stars to their festering hand to mouth shit-strewn existence - and appears wholly ignorant – or simply couldn't care fucking less - regarding the impending negative consequences of this nominated scumbag project
There again, where is the Sturgeon's 'Jimmy Krankie' logic in her jingoistic Independence for Scotland battle cry - but stay part of the EUSSR Federation super state? Perhaps enshrined in the fact that independence from a wicked Westminster's oversight and rule provides freedom of choice - to be ruled and regulated by Brussels instead - this centralised bureaucracy exercising tyrannical control of every member state?
Although, while this fatally-flawed 'Named Paedo' scam is branded as creepy, WTF can we expect from a devolved oversight government who so recently held a Hollierood Parliament debate on legalising incest?
To wit, one has to ponder WTF is next on the Sturgeon's agenda: legalising necrophilia and bestiality – as pederasty – to all intents and purposes - is as established a cultural pastime among Scotland's high and mighty as the mass murder of moorland grouse.
And for hard fact documented evidence of this aberration, just Google up the now internationally notorious Hollie Greig sexual abuse case of disabled and special needs children by an Aberdeen-based untouchable Satanist VIP paedophile ring – whose child molesting 'sexually inadequate' Masonic elite abusers have been named but never questioned, nor arrested, nor charged, nor prosecuted .
Yet this iniquitous phenomenon is easily explained away when considering the ranks of the 'twenty-two' named abusers and their protectors include law court Sheriffs and the very Plod Squad filth charged with investigating such a crime – and all manner of secret handshake scum that infest Scotland's legal / injustice system – from social services level (enablers) to the police and law courts (abusers) to the Crown Office to the Hollierood Parliament cover-up stooges.
Do you live in 'compliance freak' bonkers Nonceland? Are you happy to have your kids interrogated by some lowlife psycho / social misfit on a power trip? Will your home pass the Named Person 'cosy test'? Do you serve your kids a Sunday roast of haggis and chips – or healthy eating desserts – like deep friend Mars Bars?
Send us your comments using the online reply form below and you too could be appointed a Named Person 'Guardian' – and qualify for a shiny buttons uniform complete with hi-viz jacket and a pair of kiddie kicker boots to get the little bastard's attentions focused.
Stop press: Hollierood's media office have issued a blank denial – with threats of legal action – regarding the current scandalous post trending on the Twitter network – that the Sturgeon met her hubby – the lacklustre Peter McMullett (current CEO of the Scottish Nonce Party) - through the Plenty of Fish dating website.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent Glassie-based money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their 'Hollierood' Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
UKIP Branded Terrorist Corps
In today’s ‘Totalitarian Wet Dream Come True’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Jack Trotsky, manning the smart phone hack line tapped into the UK's Thought Police HQ for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Well, that's it for the indestructible Nigel Barrage's UKIP political machine - the only viable threat to the Conservative's Nasty Party government dominance - and the main persistent voice pushing to shitcan our once-sceptred isle's membership of Brussels' graft and corruption-ridden EUSSR 28 'failed state' conglomerate – as a wave of paranoid hysteria manifests into a raging 'terrorist-phobia' frenzy in the wake of a gaggle of petty-minded moronic jobsworths posing as school teachers declaring UKIP to be a radical threat not only to the future of Broken Britain but peace and prosperity throughout the known Universe.
How so, asks the collective voice of the common herd? Hmmm, how so indeed.
The class of fifteen-year-old Ronnie McScrote - a pupil at Hampshire's Bell End 'Wilderbeest Academy' - had just held a discussion on the whys, wherefores and aspirations and intents of radical political groups – and specifically the current wave of Islamic terrorism that seems to hold the West's social demographic in the thralls of 'shitting kittens' scaredomville.
Thus Ronnie, being of an inquisitive nature, used his class pc to Google further information and lo and behold up pops the UKIP website – a fact clocked by the Albanian teaching assistant, Ms Stupidia Moronsky, who immediately informed Headmistress Marie-Louise Tithead – who in turn lost no time contacting Chief Inspector Frank Kafka, head honcho of Hampshire's feared Thought Police Unit.
The next thing the hapless Ronnie knows is the Thug Squad have him pinned on the deck, Tasered and pepper sprayed for good measure, with wrists and ankles cuffed - and some uniformed halfwit in a flack jacket sticking a HK416C assault rifle in his ear while reading him his non-existent legal rights under Section 19a of the 'You're Guilty Until Proven Innocent' 2015 Terrorism Act.
Speaking to one gutter press hack from the I-Spy Gazette after being summoned to the Thought Police HQ on Orwell Street, Ronnie's window cleaner father, Biffo McScrote revealed "They sez ter me ' Yer fuckin' son's a buddin' anarchist – he's bin on that bastard Nigel Farage's UKIP website an' we know he's on the payroll of the effin' anti-Christ wiv this campaignin' fer Britain ter pull out of the EUSSR an' give Brussels the finger'."
"Then they sez 'Who did he vote fer in the last election?' – and I sez he didn't cos he's too fuckin' young ter vote. Then they starts on me – who did I vote fer? Wot's me job? An I sez 'winder cleaner' – and they sez 'Stalin an' Lenin were winder cleaners – an' that fuckin' Osama bin Liner bloke wot ran Al Qaeda'."
"Then this big ugly twat wiv bad breath, Chief Inspector Frank Kafka, starts on about 'Don't yer know we got a Tory government wot's lookin' after our best interests an' your fuckin' son should be on their website an' not idolisin' that cunt Farage an' his UKIP terrorist scum gang'."
"They sez 'Your Ronnie is growin' inter a real extremist shit an' reckons Britain's run by a mob of public school poofter bureaucrats wot don't know their arse from their elbow an' lettin' too many darkies an' gyppos an' pikeys an' ragheads sneak in an' steal all the good jobs an' gettin' mega-bucks welfare benefit handouts – an Farage's UKIP could do a better job of runnin' things than our Mr Scameron an' his Tory government – an' Ronnie's remark on that score takes the effin' political incorrectness biscuit cos this is the very same path wot Guy Fawkes went down'."
"Then they comes round the house mob-handed an' armed ter the fuckin' teeth an' kicks the door in fer good measure an' searches Ronnie's bedroom ter see if he had a Muslim prayer mat or a map of Syria or a phone number or e-addy fer ISIS HQ – or any bomb makin' equipment. An' when they can't find owt of an incriminatin' nature they gets pissed off an' lobbed a flash-bang grenade inter the dog kennel an' me pit bull Fangs shit himself."
For the record, under the new authoritarian and oppressive counter terror act, staff at schools are asked to identify children who may be influenced by extremist material – and in this instance we have a pupil found guilty of 'curiosity' for Googling up UKIP's website to review their campaign policies
And coming up next is a shifty move engineered by the Tory's testosterone-fuelled transvestite Home Secretary, Terry 'Testicles' May, to push the Snoopers’ Charter Investigatory Powers Bill through Parliament faster than shit through a goose - while MPs are distracted by the UK’s looming EUSSR membership referendum – and looking over their respective shoulders to see if Operation Midland's paedo squad are hot on their heels to collar them on historic kiddie fiddling charges.
Really, what irrational, shit for brains cretin - what deranged moron – or coven thereof - thought this panopticon surveillance state system up – a Pre-Crime Squad reincarnation of the Cheka or Ogpu or Gestapo or Stasi? The same Tavistock Institute / Chatham House scumbag think tank that innovated the likes of trench warfare?
At it's absurd best such represents bureaucracy gone mad. A national paranoid, xenophobic neurosis infecting 90% of the peasant demographic – all caused by government scaremongering and mass media black propaganda mesmerism that has seen the decay and consumption of logic and common sense and turned once-canny Brit's into a nation of snitches – grassing up their neighbours to the Thought Police.
To wit, restrictions on free speech and thought are no longer a tyrannical aberration that manifests in Third World banana republics – welcome to Nasty Party PM Posh Dave Scameron's politically fucked-up 2016 Broken Britain – a total fucking shambles in the making.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
Disclaimer: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so UKIP supporters – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Well, that's it for the indestructible Nigel Barrage's UKIP political machine - the only viable threat to the Conservative's Nasty Party government dominance - and the main persistent voice pushing to shitcan our once-sceptred isle's membership of Brussels' graft and corruption-ridden EUSSR 28 'failed state' conglomerate – as a wave of paranoid hysteria manifests into a raging 'terrorist-phobia' frenzy in the wake of a gaggle of petty-minded moronic jobsworths posing as school teachers declaring UKIP to be a radical threat not only to the future of Broken Britain but peace and prosperity throughout the known Universe.
How so, asks the collective voice of the common herd? Hmmm, how so indeed.
The class of fifteen-year-old Ronnie McScrote - a pupil at Hampshire's Bell End 'Wilderbeest Academy' - had just held a discussion on the whys, wherefores and aspirations and intents of radical political groups – and specifically the current wave of Islamic terrorism that seems to hold the West's social demographic in the thralls of 'shitting kittens' scaredomville.
Thus Ronnie, being of an inquisitive nature, used his class pc to Google further information and lo and behold up pops the UKIP website – a fact clocked by the Albanian teaching assistant, Ms Stupidia Moronsky, who immediately informed Headmistress Marie-Louise Tithead – who in turn lost no time contacting Chief Inspector Frank Kafka, head honcho of Hampshire's feared Thought Police Unit.
The next thing the hapless Ronnie knows is the Thug Squad have him pinned on the deck, Tasered and pepper sprayed for good measure, with wrists and ankles cuffed - and some uniformed halfwit in a flack jacket sticking a HK416C assault rifle in his ear while reading him his non-existent legal rights under Section 19a of the 'You're Guilty Until Proven Innocent' 2015 Terrorism Act.
Speaking to one gutter press hack from the I-Spy Gazette after being summoned to the Thought Police HQ on Orwell Street, Ronnie's window cleaner father, Biffo McScrote revealed "They sez ter me ' Yer fuckin' son's a buddin' anarchist – he's bin on that bastard Nigel Farage's UKIP website an' we know he's on the payroll of the effin' anti-Christ wiv this campaignin' fer Britain ter pull out of the EUSSR an' give Brussels the finger'."
"Then they sez 'Who did he vote fer in the last election?' – and I sez he didn't cos he's too fuckin' young ter vote. Then they starts on me – who did I vote fer? Wot's me job? An I sez 'winder cleaner' – and they sez 'Stalin an' Lenin were winder cleaners – an' that fuckin' Osama bin Liner bloke wot ran Al Qaeda'."
"Then this big ugly twat wiv bad breath, Chief Inspector Frank Kafka, starts on about 'Don't yer know we got a Tory government wot's lookin' after our best interests an' your fuckin' son should be on their website an' not idolisin' that cunt Farage an' his UKIP terrorist scum gang'."
"They sez 'Your Ronnie is growin' inter a real extremist shit an' reckons Britain's run by a mob of public school poofter bureaucrats wot don't know their arse from their elbow an' lettin' too many darkies an' gyppos an' pikeys an' ragheads sneak in an' steal all the good jobs an' gettin' mega-bucks welfare benefit handouts – an Farage's UKIP could do a better job of runnin' things than our Mr Scameron an' his Tory government – an' Ronnie's remark on that score takes the effin' political incorrectness biscuit cos this is the very same path wot Guy Fawkes went down'."
"Then they comes round the house mob-handed an' armed ter the fuckin' teeth an' kicks the door in fer good measure an' searches Ronnie's bedroom ter see if he had a Muslim prayer mat or a map of Syria or a phone number or e-addy fer ISIS HQ – or any bomb makin' equipment. An' when they can't find owt of an incriminatin' nature they gets pissed off an' lobbed a flash-bang grenade inter the dog kennel an' me pit bull Fangs shit himself."
For the record, under the new authoritarian and oppressive counter terror act, staff at schools are asked to identify children who may be influenced by extremist material – and in this instance we have a pupil found guilty of 'curiosity' for Googling up UKIP's website to review their campaign policies
And coming up next is a shifty move engineered by the Tory's testosterone-fuelled transvestite Home Secretary, Terry 'Testicles' May, to push the Snoopers’ Charter Investigatory Powers Bill through Parliament faster than shit through a goose - while MPs are distracted by the UK’s looming EUSSR membership referendum – and looking over their respective shoulders to see if Operation Midland's paedo squad are hot on their heels to collar them on historic kiddie fiddling charges.
Really, what irrational, shit for brains cretin - what deranged moron – or coven thereof - thought this panopticon surveillance state system up – a Pre-Crime Squad reincarnation of the Cheka or Ogpu or Gestapo or Stasi? The same Tavistock Institute / Chatham House scumbag think tank that innovated the likes of trench warfare?
At it's absurd best such represents bureaucracy gone mad. A national paranoid, xenophobic neurosis infecting 90% of the peasant demographic – all caused by government scaremongering and mass media black propaganda mesmerism that has seen the decay and consumption of logic and common sense and turned once-canny Brit's into a nation of snitches – grassing up their neighbours to the Thought Police.
To wit, restrictions on free speech and thought are no longer a tyrannical aberration that manifests in Third World banana republics – welcome to Nasty Party PM Posh Dave Scameron's politically fucked-up 2016 Broken Britain – a total fucking shambles in the making.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
Disclaimer: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so UKIP supporters – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
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