In today’s ‘Corrupt Coverups’ ecclesiastical edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from the Archangel Gabriel on the Old Bailey editorial desk for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with hot off the anvil dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Senior judges, a gaggle of shirt-lifting Tory MPs and members of the royal family were among the index of corrupt establishment VIPs (Very Important Paedos) who submitted references of good character to the CPS in an blatant intervention attempted to prevent disgraced Bishop Peter Baldy being prosecuted for systemic sexual abuses, the Old Bailey court heard in evidence as the fudging pederast cleric was finally jailed for his scandalous crimes.
Baldy, the former bishop at the St Sodom’s Church for Latter Day Catamites, was jailed for 32 months after admitting sexually abusing a score – and more – underage males between 1977 and 1992 and must serve half the term before being released on license - with his name entered into the Sex Offenders Register for all Eternity.
Passing sentence Justice Dilbert Wankie told the court he had taken account of the harm Bishop Baldy had caused to his victims and the negative effects such might have had on their anal sphincters and overall colonic health - and specifically scrutinised testimony of his unscrupulous fellow Masonic secret handshake brethren from the Dolphin Square Sprog Stranglers Club who endeavoured to coerce the Crown Prosecution Service into dropping the charges against him and thus pervert the course of justice to get the kiddie fiddling bumboy scumbag off the proverbial hook.
When Baldy was first accused by victims of his perverse attentions back in1992, a cabal of prominent public figures – his Masonic brothers – reputedly including the-then MPs Janner, Brittan and Cyril ‘Fatty’ Smith – pressured both the police and CPS with a ‘not in the public interest’ argument, hence Baldy got off virtually ‘Scott free’ (sic – no pun intended) with a slap on the wrist caution from a Plod Squad Mason pal, the Met’s Chief Inspector Ron McScally, and thus escaped prosecution.
Prosecutor Blobbie Cheetlist QC told the court that CPS files proved they had received a stream of irate phone calls - and letters on Masonic stationary - from members of the Queen’s ‘rabid royals’ family, Whitehall mandarins and dodgy cabinet ministers to drop the charges against the Bishop – or else the shit would hit the fan.
Ms Cheetlist compared Baldy’s conflicting public and private personas at length during the hearing. “He was highly regarded as a godly man but one who had a perverse and predatory sexual attraction for young males. He abused his position of bishop over 15 years to identify, groom and exploit gender-confused sensitive and vulnerable underage choir and altar boys who aspired to be priests - or nuns - and came within his orbit – temporal sins for which he has expressed no remorse.”
“For him, the Christian religion was a cloak behind which he hid in order to satisfy his sexual perversions for botty sex. The abuse included attempts by the then-bishop to whip young men with his fishnet tights and perform baptisms that used the vicarage jacuzzi as a font and required both participants to be naked.”
Conversely, Fellattia von Skanger QC, defending, claimed Baldy’s crimes revealed very much his dark side and were the antithesis of a public eye baby-kissing man of God – but were akin to those of a serial killer – and could be excused due his formative years being blighted by bad parenting and Baldy coming from a broken home – concluding with the ludicrous, mitigating observation that “at least Bishop Baldy isn’t guilty of acts of necro-zoophilia and sticking his cock down a pig’s throat - like our incumbent Tory Prime Minister.”
Following the trial’s scandalous revelations involving interference with the police investigation and prosecution of the bumboy bishop, Clarence House was quick off the mark issuing a media release to salivating gutter press hacks, stating for the public record “HRH Prince Dobby wishes to clarify that being a crypto-Jew, Chazzer has no religious affinity to the Church of England’s child molesting clerics - or kiddie fiddlers or botty bangers of any type whatever their sectarian affiliations or priestly rank – and thus personally made no intervention in the judicial process on behalf of Bishop Peter Baldy back in 1992. However the Prince can’t speak for his father, Prince Stavros of Edinburgh."
Masonic Lodge brother Ian Dunkin Shit attempted to euphemise Bishop Baldy’s groin-groping paedo actions as simply a bit of innocent male bonding cum botty-spanking fun and games – as the train fare dodging Tory Chancellor Georgie Osborne engaged in with his darkie dominatrix, Madam Natalie Rowe – and had the brass necked audacity to reflect that Ken ‘Groper’ Clarke was never collared or prosecuted for reportedly crotch cuddling an underage Ben Fellows.
The former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Careless - now Lord Careless of the Doldrums expressed "abhorrence and deep regret at Peter Baldy's behaviour which occurred during my watch" - and while it remained a "key priority to support many of those who had been bummed by Baldy – hopefully God's divine wrath would descend on the scores of misguided establishment hierarchy souls – randy royal reptiles included - who gave him references of good character back in 1992 – an act which served to forestall his due prosecution and allowed him to continue sexually abusing vulnerable young persons."
Thought for the day. Historic sexual abuse charges and string-pulling Very Important Paedophile pals besides, if Bishop Baldy had been noncing and poncing around Glasgow – (or especially so Scotland’s kiddie fiddling capital of Aberdeen) - and caught butt fucking an underage rent boy in a public place – such as the St Enoch’s Complex BHS toilets on a Saturday afternoon - he’d have walked as the Masonic Speculative Society infested Crown Office hierarchy would have scorned the charges as ‘not in the public interest to prosecute’ – as they did with SLAB’s Technical Head, Dirty Doug Haggarty.
To wit, if that had been the case and the sodomised victims filed paedo charges against Bishop Baldy in Nonceland, then doubtless they would have been arrested, copped for a stitch up trial, with every fucker and their dog on the procurator fiscal’s prosecution witness list perjuring themselves to Hell and back – and the complainants either sectioned as bonkers fantasists or slapped with a prison sentence.
And that is a fact Jack – n if any fucker doubts the veracity of such, just Google Hollie Greig for an establishment conspiratorial scandal of Biblical proportions.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Nasty Party Chutzpah Exceeds Safe Limits
In today’s ‘Enhanced Arrogance’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The creepy Conservative's Nasty Party annual conference in old 'grim up North' Manchester - (yet another social blight and just what we didn't need in the wake of the recent migrant zombie apocalypse getting dumped on us) - has thankfully reached its grand finale, with Cabbage Patch Dave Scameron closing speech - loaded with dishonesty, disinformation, double-dealing duplicity and a pick n mix of generalised platitudes – was applauded on cue by a contingent of 'handclaps for hire' audience rounded up from the Salford Quay's Immigrant Detention Centre and paid cash in hand.
So the disingenuous pledges and other assorted bullshit is over and done with for another twelve months, thank fuck. Yet the occasion provided a stellar opportunity for a bunch of self-opinionated, albeit talentless, Tory back benchers to get themselves heard by the media presstitutes and their faces pasted on a swathe of telly screens – regardless of how vacuous or stupid their socio-political notions were.
First up was the Tory's smarmy twat of a National Ill-Health Service Minister, Jeremy 'Privatisation' Kunt, sporting his customary shit-eating 'Joker' grin, who caused outrage on Monday by suggesting Britain’s lowest paid demographic should work as hard as their peers in the People's Utopia of China to make up for the cuts to their tax credits.
Spouting off at a conference fringe meeting in the G-Mex Convention Centre's unisex toilets to party acolytes and salivating gutter press hacks, the fanatical Sinophile Kunt once again failed to engage brain before opening his gob and had the ridiculous audacity to proclaim for the public record “My wife's Chink and she works harder than a gang of gyppos stealing kids for the Masons - and all these LIb-Dum and Labour voters and nutty leftist UKIP supporters have got to do the same and apply a bit of elbow grease if we want Britain to be as successful as China in 20 or 30 or 40 years’ time."
Que, Britain a global business / trading success? Er, it was, about a century ago (thanks to the gunboat diplomacy of an Empire on which the sun never set due the keystone freebooting culture - plus the rampant profit-spinning money-for-nothing slave trade) – until the Tory Paedo Party got back into power and made a fuck of everything they touched – like Slaggie Twatcher having a snot on with the unions and miners and de-industrialising our once-sceptred isle – thus replacing Britain's prefix of Great with the current 'Broken' and even outsourcing the manufacture of haemorrhoid-friendly bog rolls to India.
As to the Middle Kingdom being a model for economic success, the same repressive totalitarian control freak socio-political system is still in place since the time of the Cultural Revolution (sic) and Mao finally popped his clogs – and the 1.6 billion workers not in all reality being quite the smiley face well-fed denizens that Beijing – or Jeremy Kunt – would have us believe – especially so as they are mandated to clock up their 'Citizen Score' brownie points by being an obedient serf – and their factories are kitted out with suicide nets.
Now it doesn't take the likes of the Tory HQ's Professor Branestawm to latch onto the fact that's gotta be an indicator something's not quite right with workplace / job satisfaction and there's 'trouble brewin' at th' Mill. Mind you, handing your notice in at Wanking's People's Tractor Factory #251 could well constitute a criminal offence and any Bolshie worker having the audacity to dare saying 'fuck this' and quit could end up arrested for insurrection and slapped with a 5 year jail term in one of China's numerous Happy Cat Organ Donor Transplant prisons – sans a kidney, testicle or liver.
For the record, and perhaps Minister Kunt might take careful note, for noth he and his wife. An actual translation of the Beijing Politburo's 'hearts n minds' policy reads 'when you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow'.
Jumping onto the tail end of Kunt's bandwagon with his personal bonkers version of a better 'in our Tory image' Britain, Matthew 'Private Jet' Wankcock, the Nasty Party MP for the West Fuckups safe seat constituency – (home to the Hoorah Henry / Raving Rupert clique of privilege-abusing Masonic hedge fund / bankster belt sodomite / paedo Satanist contingent of Broken Britain's sick society) – applauded Kunt's concept of longer hours and a more dedicated Sino-orientated (no pun intended) work ethic to be drilled into the lazy arsed common herd.
Being so far detached from reality Wankcock then double-damned himself by cheering Chancellor George 'Spankies' Osborne's summer budget announcement that the national minimum wage will be boosted to a slightly increased pittance of £7.20 an hour next April - rising to £9 quid by 2050 – then attempted to justify the fact this won't apply to the under-25 youth worker sector of our sick society as they simply aren't as productive and hence ain't worth the money.
What a dog tosser. This is a dipshit excuse for a politician – a purported representative of the people – who gets his acne-ridden poxed face on the media pages while standing next to a protest poster emblazoned with the header 'Sack Scameron' – and spends his time on the Nasty Party back benches in the House of Conmans tweeting sicko poems claiming that New Labour is full of bumboy queers – not a very nice / politically correct thing to say - even if it is true and was taken as a personal affront by old vermin in ermine, Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers.
As an aside regarding his views on who qualifies for the minimum wage, as a Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, hopefully he declares his conflict of interest 'back pocket' income from lobbying for the likes of the Global Warming Propaganda Foundation and the pro-fracking industry by the time HMRC get done dragging Lord 'Piggy-Gate' Gashcroft across the hot coals for being a money laundering non-dom spiteful twat and exposing PM Posh Dave Scameron's perverted taste for sex with grunting hogs – besides his coke-snorting missus, Snowy Sam – (aka 'schwein im schlüpfer').
Last but not least to put his foot in the crock of shite trough we have one of Nonceland's own inbred royals - Ian Richard Peregrine Liddell-Grainger - (great-great grandson 58 times removed of Falkirk's 11th century King Ethel the Cross-Dresser) - the Nasty Party MP for Bathwater & West Dumberset - known around Tory HQ as Farmer Jock – who used the Tory conference platform to take a spiteful swipe at the United Nations for dispatching the internationally celebrated Costa Rican human rights lawyer, Catalina Devandas Aguilar, to Britain, and as the UN's Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, tasked with investigating claims that the Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit's DWP-administered welfare benefit 'reforms' (read 'savage cuts') constitute ‘grave and systematic violations’ of the rights of the disabled.
Fed up with being ignored by the Tory hierarchy, Liddell-Grainger got on his high horse before the conference media cameras, slamming the UN inquiry as ‘a heap of absurd and offensive nonsense’ - adding "We have a proud record in this country for the way we treat disabled people. Just look at how the Met Plod Squad cared for that crippled little Bolshie twat Jody McIntire after he hit a speed bump and toppled over in his wheelchair at the 2010 student tuition fee hike protest demo'."
"I am not an expert on disability rights in a Third World shithole like Costa Rica, but I suspect Miss Aguilar might be better off focusing her efforts much closer to home - and the busybody UN should keep their fucking noses out of Broken Britain's business as that's the job of the EUSSR mandarins in Brussels. The DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin-Shit, is the one who decides is best for a bunch of ne'er do well, useless eating gimps with limps who put sod all back into our economy – and not some Latina bitch from the UN – even if she does have a super pair of knockers."
Arrogance personified from an e-mail faking dog wanker who pads House of Conmans expenses to the point of embezzlement and employs his entire family as Parliamentary assistants – including the cat, Mogg, in the role of chief mouse catcher, raking in a tax-payer funded salary of £35,00 per annum and all the Whiskers it can scoff.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: No trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees or small furry 'felching-sized' mammals – voles, gerbils, hamsters, cavies or otters – or Syrian refugees - were harmed in posting this insurrectionist epistle.
However, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing system nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
The creepy Conservative's Nasty Party annual conference in old 'grim up North' Manchester - (yet another social blight and just what we didn't need in the wake of the recent migrant zombie apocalypse getting dumped on us) - has thankfully reached its grand finale, with Cabbage Patch Dave Scameron closing speech - loaded with dishonesty, disinformation, double-dealing duplicity and a pick n mix of generalised platitudes – was applauded on cue by a contingent of 'handclaps for hire' audience rounded up from the Salford Quay's Immigrant Detention Centre and paid cash in hand.
So the disingenuous pledges and other assorted bullshit is over and done with for another twelve months, thank fuck. Yet the occasion provided a stellar opportunity for a bunch of self-opinionated, albeit talentless, Tory back benchers to get themselves heard by the media presstitutes and their faces pasted on a swathe of telly screens – regardless of how vacuous or stupid their socio-political notions were.
First up was the Tory's smarmy twat of a National Ill-Health Service Minister, Jeremy 'Privatisation' Kunt, sporting his customary shit-eating 'Joker' grin, who caused outrage on Monday by suggesting Britain’s lowest paid demographic should work as hard as their peers in the People's Utopia of China to make up for the cuts to their tax credits.
Spouting off at a conference fringe meeting in the G-Mex Convention Centre's unisex toilets to party acolytes and salivating gutter press hacks, the fanatical Sinophile Kunt once again failed to engage brain before opening his gob and had the ridiculous audacity to proclaim for the public record “My wife's Chink and she works harder than a gang of gyppos stealing kids for the Masons - and all these LIb-Dum and Labour voters and nutty leftist UKIP supporters have got to do the same and apply a bit of elbow grease if we want Britain to be as successful as China in 20 or 30 or 40 years’ time."
Que, Britain a global business / trading success? Er, it was, about a century ago (thanks to the gunboat diplomacy of an Empire on which the sun never set due the keystone freebooting culture - plus the rampant profit-spinning money-for-nothing slave trade) – until the Tory Paedo Party got back into power and made a fuck of everything they touched – like Slaggie Twatcher having a snot on with the unions and miners and de-industrialising our once-sceptred isle – thus replacing Britain's prefix of Great with the current 'Broken' and even outsourcing the manufacture of haemorrhoid-friendly bog rolls to India.
As to the Middle Kingdom being a model for economic success, the same repressive totalitarian control freak socio-political system is still in place since the time of the Cultural Revolution (sic) and Mao finally popped his clogs – and the 1.6 billion workers not in all reality being quite the smiley face well-fed denizens that Beijing – or Jeremy Kunt – would have us believe – especially so as they are mandated to clock up their 'Citizen Score' brownie points by being an obedient serf – and their factories are kitted out with suicide nets.
Now it doesn't take the likes of the Tory HQ's Professor Branestawm to latch onto the fact that's gotta be an indicator something's not quite right with workplace / job satisfaction and there's 'trouble brewin' at th' Mill. Mind you, handing your notice in at Wanking's People's Tractor Factory #251 could well constitute a criminal offence and any Bolshie worker having the audacity to dare saying 'fuck this' and quit could end up arrested for insurrection and slapped with a 5 year jail term in one of China's numerous Happy Cat Organ Donor Transplant prisons – sans a kidney, testicle or liver.
For the record, and perhaps Minister Kunt might take careful note, for noth he and his wife. An actual translation of the Beijing Politburo's 'hearts n minds' policy reads 'when you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow'.
Jumping onto the tail end of Kunt's bandwagon with his personal bonkers version of a better 'in our Tory image' Britain, Matthew 'Private Jet' Wankcock, the Nasty Party MP for the West Fuckups safe seat constituency – (home to the Hoorah Henry / Raving Rupert clique of privilege-abusing Masonic hedge fund / bankster belt sodomite / paedo Satanist contingent of Broken Britain's sick society) – applauded Kunt's concept of longer hours and a more dedicated Sino-orientated (no pun intended) work ethic to be drilled into the lazy arsed common herd.
Being so far detached from reality Wankcock then double-damned himself by cheering Chancellor George 'Spankies' Osborne's summer budget announcement that the national minimum wage will be boosted to a slightly increased pittance of £7.20 an hour next April - rising to £9 quid by 2050 – then attempted to justify the fact this won't apply to the under-25 youth worker sector of our sick society as they simply aren't as productive and hence ain't worth the money.
What a dog tosser. This is a dipshit excuse for a politician – a purported representative of the people – who gets his acne-ridden poxed face on the media pages while standing next to a protest poster emblazoned with the header 'Sack Scameron' – and spends his time on the Nasty Party back benches in the House of Conmans tweeting sicko poems claiming that New Labour is full of bumboy queers – not a very nice / politically correct thing to say - even if it is true and was taken as a personal affront by old vermin in ermine, Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers.
As an aside regarding his views on who qualifies for the minimum wage, as a Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, hopefully he declares his conflict of interest 'back pocket' income from lobbying for the likes of the Global Warming Propaganda Foundation and the pro-fracking industry by the time HMRC get done dragging Lord 'Piggy-Gate' Gashcroft across the hot coals for being a money laundering non-dom spiteful twat and exposing PM Posh Dave Scameron's perverted taste for sex with grunting hogs – besides his coke-snorting missus, Snowy Sam – (aka 'schwein im schlüpfer').
Last but not least to put his foot in the crock of shite trough we have one of Nonceland's own inbred royals - Ian Richard Peregrine Liddell-Grainger - (great-great grandson 58 times removed of Falkirk's 11th century King Ethel the Cross-Dresser) - the Nasty Party MP for Bathwater & West Dumberset - known around Tory HQ as Farmer Jock – who used the Tory conference platform to take a spiteful swipe at the United Nations for dispatching the internationally celebrated Costa Rican human rights lawyer, Catalina Devandas Aguilar, to Britain, and as the UN's Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, tasked with investigating claims that the Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit's DWP-administered welfare benefit 'reforms' (read 'savage cuts') constitute ‘grave and systematic violations’ of the rights of the disabled.
Fed up with being ignored by the Tory hierarchy, Liddell-Grainger got on his high horse before the conference media cameras, slamming the UN inquiry as ‘a heap of absurd and offensive nonsense’ - adding "We have a proud record in this country for the way we treat disabled people. Just look at how the Met Plod Squad cared for that crippled little Bolshie twat Jody McIntire after he hit a speed bump and toppled over in his wheelchair at the 2010 student tuition fee hike protest demo'."
"I am not an expert on disability rights in a Third World shithole like Costa Rica, but I suspect Miss Aguilar might be better off focusing her efforts much closer to home - and the busybody UN should keep their fucking noses out of Broken Britain's business as that's the job of the EUSSR mandarins in Brussels. The DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin-Shit, is the one who decides is best for a bunch of ne'er do well, useless eating gimps with limps who put sod all back into our economy – and not some Latina bitch from the UN – even if she does have a super pair of knockers."
Arrogance personified from an e-mail faking dog wanker who pads House of Conmans expenses to the point of embezzlement and employs his entire family as Parliamentary assistants – including the cat, Mogg, in the role of chief mouse catcher, raking in a tax-payer funded salary of £35,00 per annum and all the Whiskers it can scoff.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: No trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees or small furry 'felching-sized' mammals – voles, gerbils, hamsters, cavies or otters – or Syrian refugees - were harmed in posting this insurrectionist epistle.
However, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing system nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
US Pissed: Russia Bombs 'Moderate' Terrorists
In today’s ‘Psychopaths Rule’ special blood n guts edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from front line war correspondent Mohammed al Patsy, manning the underground bunker editorial desk at Anarchy Central’s Damascus-based 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with hot off the anvil dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Going into his customary geriatric booze n meds-induced over-emotional whinge state while freeloading on an extended liquid lunch, courtesy of the Warmongers Gazette's gutter press hacks, the Great Satan's Polack foreign policy expert (sic) Zbigniew Brzezinski, opined with his trademark unqualified arrogance that the United States should retaliate with the wrath of God if Russia does not stop bombing its 'moderate' terrorist assets in Syria.
The 87-year old Brzezinski, ex-national security adviser to former President Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter, told reporters he had advised the White House incumbent cuckoo, President Darky Obama, to get set for a Mexican standoff situation and claim the moral high ground to disarm the Russians - if they fail to listen to reason and kept on attacking the Israeli / CIA-trained ISIS Takfiri / Daesh's homicidal maniacs and the affiliated Jolly Jihad Brigade terrorists wreaking havoc, death and destruction in Syria and Iraq.
Obviously too far into his cups to balance common sense and logic, old Zbig' reasoned that "The Russian naval and air presences in Syria are vulnerable and isolated geographically from their homeland. Hence they could have their wrists twisted in a classical Chinese burn scenario and disarmed by the superior NATO alliance if they persist in provoking our Israel pals and interrupting the schedule for implementing the final stages of the Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion 'Greater Israel' agenda."
Que? WTF? Excuse moi – what was that last bit again? The Russians are geographically isolated from their homeland supply lines and this makes them vulnerable?
And the good ole US of A ain't? Fer fuck's sake, does this bloke know how to read a goldarn map? The fucking Earth isn't flat and Russia's a lot closer – both land and sea (and air) routes to Syria than the Great Satan. What a heap of steaming shite propaganda rhetoric.
Brzezinski, pausing only to visit the crapper and change his incontinence pads, continued his diatribe with the flawed notion that "Russia might be persuaded to act with the US in seeking a wider accommodation to our regional problem that transcends the interests of a single state – so we Balkanise Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon together, then launch a joint attack on the mad mullahs over in Iran - and they pledge to work with us in creating the Greater Israel, so in the bargain cop a guaranteed slice of the 'cheap oil forever' pie."
Doubtless Brzezinski's inebriated concerns focus on an updated US intelligence (sic) assessment leaked through the Twatter social network last night that reveals Russia has successfully targeted and destroyed various ISIS Jaysh al Jahannum (Army of Hell) terrorist bases and strongholds in both Syria and Iraq – up to and including the so-called 'moderate' Fesad fel Arz Armoured Segway Brigade and Jolly Jihad terrorist leader Iblis Achmed bin Dhabiha – along with Al Nusra's Mohammed al Ka-Boom, commander of the Shaheed Semtex Suicide Vest Regiment - all of which were backed and funded under the CIA / Mossad train-and-equip scam.
The senile Brzezinski's cock-eyed assessment, now shared by US commanders on the ground (in Washington) has led American officials to conclude that Russian warplanes with 'Kuzma's Mother' slogans on their cockpit fuselage have intentionally and with malice aforethought, targeted the CIA's 'moderate' terrorists in a string of 24/7 night and day air attacks over the past week to diminish and negate their capacity to overthrow Syrian leader Basher al Assad.
So here we have the once-sovereign state of Syria, gripped by a pro-ZioNazi foreign-backed Muslim terrorist campaign since March 2011, all aimed at toppling the dynastic Assad regime – and in a belated response, with the political backing of the People's Utopia of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russians have joined the affray and started targeting the Western alliance's 'moderate' terrorist forces (the term 'moderate' defining terrorists that don't chop off taxi driver's and aid worker's heads for a bit of a laugh) – in addition to the KSA / Qatari / Mossad backed ISIS Caliphate death cult jihadists.
Now Tel Aviv and Washington are tripping over their own inept feet to conjure up some distraction scam - either in Moscow, the Ukraine or Mid-East – to confound and divert the 100% Russian success rate offensive and facilitate how the US / NATO can provide military aid and ground cover to its proxy Sunni Muslim terrorist forces in the field without risking an ill-fated broader conflict with Russia that's bound to end in tears and an all-out major blood bath for some fucker and their dog – especially if the nihilist Israelis go for the Samson Option and start playing false flag micro-nuke tricks again to kick start a long overdue World War Three.
Again, the gospel according to Brzezinski: "In these rapidly unfolding and challenging circumstances the Great Satan has only one real option if it is to protect its wider coveted geo-political stakes in the region – Iran, Pakiland and the ex-Soviet republics. We need to convey to Moscow a demand that it cease and desist from military actions that directly affect Israeli and US terrorist assets cos right now the Russian Bear’s moves in Syria pose a direct challenge to our post-9/11 Strategy for a New American Century agenda and the Washington administration’s foreign policy of neo-colonial aggression across the Middle East to achieve geo-political and strategic military hegemony. For Christ's sake, the next step Moscow will be backing Hezbollah and Hamas' Gaza Gangsters."
Well, thanks for that bilious little diatribe, Mr Brzezinski. Doubtless it will be full steam ahead with the spin doctor narratives and propaganda-laced rhetoric, to manipulate public opinion to the Nth degree viz the difference between ISIS and moderate terrorist scum – all of which are wholly devoid of any element of credibility or the truth.
Meanwhile, back home in Broken Britain, the Posh Dave Scameron-led Nasty Party regime claim to be supporting 'only' moderate Syrian rebels (read ''infidel-hating Islamic terrorists') fighting the incumbent Assad government / regime – call it what you will – and not the very naughty ISIS Caliphate Jolly Jihadist / Takfiri psychopaths responsible for all the B-rated crisis actor / photo-shopped anal rapes, beheadings and fiery caged immolations of taxi drivers, aid workers, and a host of non-believer Christian heathen types.
While this entire despicable war of imperialist aggression debacle lacks humour in any shape or form, one laughable joke exists regarding where Broken Britain's Tory government and right wing pro-Zionist propaganda arm – the taxpayer-funded BBC – and linked Western media outlets – are getting their information from regarding civilian / refugee human rights abuses and war crimes purportedly committed by Basher al Assad's regime.
The super secret source is none other than The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – run by Osama Suleiman – aka Rami Abdulrahman – a Syrian sunni-side-up Muslim – who concocts a 24/7 stream of up-to-the-minute news on Syria's multiple battle fronts – from watching a portable telly in his back garden shed bunker in Coventry, then posting the fiction script shit online.
Thoughts for the day. Well, well, silly old Russia, targeting the wrong terrorists. But as Russ' Pres' Vlad Putrid quite clearly stated "If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then in all likelihood it's a Muslim terrorist."
Alas and thrice woe, the only ones benefiting from this debacle are the Western arms corporations and the middle men dealers, plus the pro-ZioNazi Western / Israeli sociopath sadist politicos – along with BodyBags-R-Us and the local grave diggers.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: No trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees or small furry 'felching-sized' mammals – voles, gerbils, hamsters, cavies or otters – or Syrian refugees - were harmed in posting this insurrectionist epistle.
However, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares to expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Going into his customary geriatric booze n meds-induced over-emotional whinge state while freeloading on an extended liquid lunch, courtesy of the Warmongers Gazette's gutter press hacks, the Great Satan's Polack foreign policy expert (sic) Zbigniew Brzezinski, opined with his trademark unqualified arrogance that the United States should retaliate with the wrath of God if Russia does not stop bombing its 'moderate' terrorist assets in Syria.
The 87-year old Brzezinski, ex-national security adviser to former President Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter, told reporters he had advised the White House incumbent cuckoo, President Darky Obama, to get set for a Mexican standoff situation and claim the moral high ground to disarm the Russians - if they fail to listen to reason and kept on attacking the Israeli / CIA-trained ISIS Takfiri / Daesh's homicidal maniacs and the affiliated Jolly Jihad Brigade terrorists wreaking havoc, death and destruction in Syria and Iraq.
Obviously too far into his cups to balance common sense and logic, old Zbig' reasoned that "The Russian naval and air presences in Syria are vulnerable and isolated geographically from their homeland. Hence they could have their wrists twisted in a classical Chinese burn scenario and disarmed by the superior NATO alliance if they persist in provoking our Israel pals and interrupting the schedule for implementing the final stages of the Protocols of the Greedy Bastard Elders of Zion 'Greater Israel' agenda."
Que? WTF? Excuse moi – what was that last bit again? The Russians are geographically isolated from their homeland supply lines and this makes them vulnerable?
And the good ole US of A ain't? Fer fuck's sake, does this bloke know how to read a goldarn map? The fucking Earth isn't flat and Russia's a lot closer – both land and sea (and air) routes to Syria than the Great Satan. What a heap of steaming shite propaganda rhetoric.
Brzezinski, pausing only to visit the crapper and change his incontinence pads, continued his diatribe with the flawed notion that "Russia might be persuaded to act with the US in seeking a wider accommodation to our regional problem that transcends the interests of a single state – so we Balkanise Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon together, then launch a joint attack on the mad mullahs over in Iran - and they pledge to work with us in creating the Greater Israel, so in the bargain cop a guaranteed slice of the 'cheap oil forever' pie."
Doubtless Brzezinski's inebriated concerns focus on an updated US intelligence (sic) assessment leaked through the Twatter social network last night that reveals Russia has successfully targeted and destroyed various ISIS Jaysh al Jahannum (Army of Hell) terrorist bases and strongholds in both Syria and Iraq – up to and including the so-called 'moderate' Fesad fel Arz Armoured Segway Brigade and Jolly Jihad terrorist leader Iblis Achmed bin Dhabiha – along with Al Nusra's Mohammed al Ka-Boom, commander of the Shaheed Semtex Suicide Vest Regiment - all of which were backed and funded under the CIA / Mossad train-and-equip scam.
The senile Brzezinski's cock-eyed assessment, now shared by US commanders on the ground (in Washington) has led American officials to conclude that Russian warplanes with 'Kuzma's Mother' slogans on their cockpit fuselage have intentionally and with malice aforethought, targeted the CIA's 'moderate' terrorists in a string of 24/7 night and day air attacks over the past week to diminish and negate their capacity to overthrow Syrian leader Basher al Assad.
So here we have the once-sovereign state of Syria, gripped by a pro-ZioNazi foreign-backed Muslim terrorist campaign since March 2011, all aimed at toppling the dynastic Assad regime – and in a belated response, with the political backing of the People's Utopia of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russians have joined the affray and started targeting the Western alliance's 'moderate' terrorist forces (the term 'moderate' defining terrorists that don't chop off taxi driver's and aid worker's heads for a bit of a laugh) – in addition to the KSA / Qatari / Mossad backed ISIS Caliphate death cult jihadists.
Now Tel Aviv and Washington are tripping over their own inept feet to conjure up some distraction scam - either in Moscow, the Ukraine or Mid-East – to confound and divert the 100% Russian success rate offensive and facilitate how the US / NATO can provide military aid and ground cover to its proxy Sunni Muslim terrorist forces in the field without risking an ill-fated broader conflict with Russia that's bound to end in tears and an all-out major blood bath for some fucker and their dog – especially if the nihilist Israelis go for the Samson Option and start playing false flag micro-nuke tricks again to kick start a long overdue World War Three.
Again, the gospel according to Brzezinski: "In these rapidly unfolding and challenging circumstances the Great Satan has only one real option if it is to protect its wider coveted geo-political stakes in the region – Iran, Pakiland and the ex-Soviet republics. We need to convey to Moscow a demand that it cease and desist from military actions that directly affect Israeli and US terrorist assets cos right now the Russian Bear’s moves in Syria pose a direct challenge to our post-9/11 Strategy for a New American Century agenda and the Washington administration’s foreign policy of neo-colonial aggression across the Middle East to achieve geo-political and strategic military hegemony. For Christ's sake, the next step Moscow will be backing Hezbollah and Hamas' Gaza Gangsters."
Well, thanks for that bilious little diatribe, Mr Brzezinski. Doubtless it will be full steam ahead with the spin doctor narratives and propaganda-laced rhetoric, to manipulate public opinion to the Nth degree viz the difference between ISIS and moderate terrorist scum – all of which are wholly devoid of any element of credibility or the truth.
Meanwhile, back home in Broken Britain, the Posh Dave Scameron-led Nasty Party regime claim to be supporting 'only' moderate Syrian rebels (read ''infidel-hating Islamic terrorists') fighting the incumbent Assad government / regime – call it what you will – and not the very naughty ISIS Caliphate Jolly Jihadist / Takfiri psychopaths responsible for all the B-rated crisis actor / photo-shopped anal rapes, beheadings and fiery caged immolations of taxi drivers, aid workers, and a host of non-believer Christian heathen types.
While this entire despicable war of imperialist aggression debacle lacks humour in any shape or form, one laughable joke exists regarding where Broken Britain's Tory government and right wing pro-Zionist propaganda arm – the taxpayer-funded BBC – and linked Western media outlets – are getting their information from regarding civilian / refugee human rights abuses and war crimes purportedly committed by Basher al Assad's regime.
The super secret source is none other than The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – run by Osama Suleiman – aka Rami Abdulrahman – a Syrian sunni-side-up Muslim – who concocts a 24/7 stream of up-to-the-minute news on Syria's multiple battle fronts – from watching a portable telly in his back garden shed bunker in Coventry, then posting the fiction script shit online.
Thoughts for the day. Well, well, silly old Russia, targeting the wrong terrorists. But as Russ' Pres' Vlad Putrid quite clearly stated "If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then in all likelihood it's a Muslim terrorist."
Alas and thrice woe, the only ones benefiting from this debacle are the Western arms corporations and the middle men dealers, plus the pro-ZioNazi Western / Israeli sociopath sadist politicos – along with BodyBags-R-Us and the local grave diggers.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: No trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees or small furry 'felching-sized' mammals – voles, gerbils, hamsters, cavies or otters – or Syrian refugees - were harmed in posting this insurrectionist epistle.
However, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares to expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Monday, 5 October 2015
TaxPayers' Alliance: Nasty Party Front
In this morning’s ‘Enhanced Welfare Benefit Cuts’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest from the Nasty Party 'Austerity Rules' conference in the Venice of the North, with up-to-the-nano-second news on the scandalous mass privatisation plans pouring into the editorial desk here at Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill in Antarctica – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The Tory's hog-fucking Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, with his ex-Eton sodomite, coke-snorting pederast packed zillionaire cabinet in tow, deserted Westminster en mass at weekend and headed to manky Manchester for their annual Sociopaths Party conference.
Just our luck, as if we didn't have enough parasitic, privilege-abusing incompetent political deadwood here already with corrupt pro-fracking councillors and a wholly inept (and overpaid) multi-tasking City Mayor cum Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd, who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
Fortunately the brilliant Indian Summer weather of last week came to an abrupt end in the night and the Monday forecast for the entire week looks to be cold and bleak – windy and pissing down, in fact. A fitting portend for their Nasty Party conflab. Bleak.
And 'bleak' too the outlook for Broken Britain's senior citizens – the over-65 retired pensioner demographic – if the gospel according to Alex Wild, the pig-eyed research director of the Taxpayers' Alliance, has any clout or credibility and is to be believed.
Wild, a former bloo-flush addict, went on the public record with an über-arrogant statement that the DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit, should waste no time making unpopular cuts to pensioner benefits – winter fuel allowance payments / free travel passes / the Christmas bonus - and any other costly OAP perks – qualifying his logic with the fact that "the useless eating old bastards probably won't be around at the next election anyway – and even if they were up for voting, the Alzheimer's / dementia stricken twats wouldn't be able to remember which political party had screwed them over."
"The big plus lies with the drastic budget cuts to the NHS as the doddering, coffin-dodgers won't be getting the care and freebie prescriptions medical treatment they need to survive and pop their clogs that bit sooner and stop being a frustrating hindrance by getting in everyone's way – thus freeing up zillions of pounds to be diverted for the Middle East neo-colonial expansionist project."
"And Ra-Ra!" to that, added the sacked and disgraced former defence secretary, closet case fudger Dr Liam Pox, tossing in his two-penneth with the unqualified opinion that Tory austerity cuts must be for keeps – if the UK is to afford the mega-costs of its ill-fated current imperialist agenda pursuit of bombing the Mid-East regimes back into the Stone Age so the Israelis can achieve their desired Naziesque 'Lebensraum' - the West gets to control all the oil – and Scallyburton can rebuild the dumps at outrageous prices.
Pox echoed Wild's TA rhetoric, that "It is time to fix the roof. The political opposition is more fucked up than a soup sandwich and presents zero threat – plus we have just won a general election and need to slap an unsuspecting public with this next batch of austerity measures which we believe are right – even if every other fucker and their dog think they're wrong."
Poxy Foxy - the type of scumster who inspires people to count their fingers if they've been unfortunately coerced into shaking his hand - was forced out of the cabinet office role of Defence Secretary back in 2011 following revelations of sleazy connections to his self-styled adviser, the Scottish nonce-ponce sodomite and arms-dealing pro-ZioNazi agent Adam Qwerty of Influence-Peddlers SA – and venal links to the graft and corruption-ridden Atlantic Dodge lobbyists club.
Speaking to one gutter press hack from the Ripoffs Gazette following his controversial proposal, Alex Wild restated that the Nasty Party could not wait until a year before the next election to make the necessary cuts to the winter fuel allowance, free bus passes, and other OAP benefits - and such benefit slashing should be made as soon as possible after an election for two reasons:
"The first might sound morbid to the common herd, but 90% of these old twats won't be around to vote against Dave Scameron in the next election – and a further practical point is the surviving pensioners will have totally forgotten who it was that put the benefits boot in. Chances are, given a head start on the 2020 election canvassing spin, with the right propaganda merchants at the helm – like Andy 'Porridge' Coulson, then we could blame the cuts on Corbyn and Labour."
Well, reflecting on Wild's peer-approved speech, the TaxPayers' Alliance are akin to the Tory Party - comprised of a cabal of ZioNazi hookers at the beck and call of Israel and their neo-con infested US of A stooge – and the moneybags political donor – the Khazar-Ashkenazi crypto-Jewish Rothshite 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate.
Thus one is left to ponder, did Wild – who comes across as yet another Common Purpose trained (read NLP brainwashed) dildo - open his gob before engaging brain – or has all manner of 'hug a hoodie' / 'we're all in this together' / multi-cultural society propaganda bullshit pretence been tossed to the vagaries of the four winds and the Nasty Party simply don't give a flying fuck anymore? Finally they've cut to the chase and this hypothetical 'slip' from Wild was a blatant indicator of their mission creep policy objective – to totally gut the crisis-stricken welfare benefit system - thus presenting an existential threat to the survival of the common herd?
Austerity measures my ass - and all while the House of Conmans class act fucking hypocrites pocketed a £7,000-odd quid pay raise earlier this year – which provides a stellar example of the contempt Scameron & Co hold the common herd – the er 'taxpayers'. Yep, this is what the Nasty Party government really think of the common herd – worker ants / drones – and the special needs / disabled of our sick society as 'useless eaters'
Doubtless Wild's scorched earth discourse, supported by the worthless Fox's endorsement, has its origins with the Rothshite Square Mile bankster crime syndicate – the Kosher Nostra – and too Mr Bean impersonator, the Tory's train fare dodging / coke snorting Chancellor George 'Spankies' Osborne – along with the DWP Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit.
Considering the stated mission of the 'purported' politically non-aligned Taxpayers Alliance (a Tory front) is to overturn and correct the perception that big government is necessary and irreversible – to promote the benefits (que?) of a low tax economy - to give taxpayers a voice in the corridors of power - and to oppose Brussels EUSSR tax harmonisation (sic) – then with Alex Wild heading the TA's 'research team' and playing the sock puppet at a Tory conference by pushing Nasty Party political strategy – their true vision of Broken Britain's society – (less public services / zero welfare state benefits = mass privatisation sell-off) - obviously the coyote has the keys to the hen house.
Just take a look at the Tavistock Institute-linked 'corporate' structure of the dodgy TaxPayers’ Alliance - with its founder, career right wing lobbyist Matthew 'Comb-Over' Elliot, the LSE-trained chief executive of Business for Britain 'and' founder of Big Brother Watch. Really? Que? WTF? Well, fuck me drunk, the Tory Fifth Column saboteurs are well embedded from day one.
So, wot de fuck is next? Slash our state pensions as senile geriatric OAP's hobbling along on crutches, Zimmer frames and mobility scooters are no problem for the Met's bully boy Plod Squad to deal with if they show up in Westminster to protest.
And that is an established fact – we've had first hand evidence of how they treat radical disabled students protesting tuition fee hikes back in 2010 – up-ended from wheelchairs and dragged by the hair across the road – (ref uber-Bolshie gimp Jody McIntire).
Nice people these plods. Full of compassion for the tax-paying public that fund their salaries and they are mandated to protect.
Thought for the day. As to this Nasty Party / TaxPayers' Alliance agent provocateur Alex Wild, we hope the pig-eyed dog wanker's parents and grand-parents are first in line to suffer his proposed cuts to pensioner benefits - and cross the contemptible, arrogant tosser off their Christmas pressy list before they freeze to death this December due their winter fuel allowance being spent by the Tory scumsters on bombing Syria and arming ISIS terrorists.
Allergy warning: This radical anti-authoritarian epistle was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain slight traces of decaffeinated exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
The Tory's hog-fucking Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, with his ex-Eton sodomite, coke-snorting pederast packed zillionaire cabinet in tow, deserted Westminster en mass at weekend and headed to manky Manchester for their annual Sociopaths Party conference.
Just our luck, as if we didn't have enough parasitic, privilege-abusing incompetent political deadwood here already with corrupt pro-fracking councillors and a wholly inept (and overpaid) multi-tasking City Mayor cum Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd, who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
Fortunately the brilliant Indian Summer weather of last week came to an abrupt end in the night and the Monday forecast for the entire week looks to be cold and bleak – windy and pissing down, in fact. A fitting portend for their Nasty Party conflab. Bleak.
And 'bleak' too the outlook for Broken Britain's senior citizens – the over-65 retired pensioner demographic – if the gospel according to Alex Wild, the pig-eyed research director of the Taxpayers' Alliance, has any clout or credibility and is to be believed.
Wild, a former bloo-flush addict, went on the public record with an über-arrogant statement that the DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit, should waste no time making unpopular cuts to pensioner benefits – winter fuel allowance payments / free travel passes / the Christmas bonus - and any other costly OAP perks – qualifying his logic with the fact that "the useless eating old bastards probably won't be around at the next election anyway – and even if they were up for voting, the Alzheimer's / dementia stricken twats wouldn't be able to remember which political party had screwed them over."
"The big plus lies with the drastic budget cuts to the NHS as the doddering, coffin-dodgers won't be getting the care and freebie prescriptions medical treatment they need to survive and pop their clogs that bit sooner and stop being a frustrating hindrance by getting in everyone's way – thus freeing up zillions of pounds to be diverted for the Middle East neo-colonial expansionist project."
"And Ra-Ra!" to that, added the sacked and disgraced former defence secretary, closet case fudger Dr Liam Pox, tossing in his two-penneth with the unqualified opinion that Tory austerity cuts must be for keeps – if the UK is to afford the mega-costs of its ill-fated current imperialist agenda pursuit of bombing the Mid-East regimes back into the Stone Age so the Israelis can achieve their desired Naziesque 'Lebensraum' - the West gets to control all the oil – and Scallyburton can rebuild the dumps at outrageous prices.
Pox echoed Wild's TA rhetoric, that "It is time to fix the roof. The political opposition is more fucked up than a soup sandwich and presents zero threat – plus we have just won a general election and need to slap an unsuspecting public with this next batch of austerity measures which we believe are right – even if every other fucker and their dog think they're wrong."
Poxy Foxy - the type of scumster who inspires people to count their fingers if they've been unfortunately coerced into shaking his hand - was forced out of the cabinet office role of Defence Secretary back in 2011 following revelations of sleazy connections to his self-styled adviser, the Scottish nonce-ponce sodomite and arms-dealing pro-ZioNazi agent Adam Qwerty of Influence-Peddlers SA – and venal links to the graft and corruption-ridden Atlantic Dodge lobbyists club.
Speaking to one gutter press hack from the Ripoffs Gazette following his controversial proposal, Alex Wild restated that the Nasty Party could not wait until a year before the next election to make the necessary cuts to the winter fuel allowance, free bus passes, and other OAP benefits - and such benefit slashing should be made as soon as possible after an election for two reasons:
"The first might sound morbid to the common herd, but 90% of these old twats won't be around to vote against Dave Scameron in the next election – and a further practical point is the surviving pensioners will have totally forgotten who it was that put the benefits boot in. Chances are, given a head start on the 2020 election canvassing spin, with the right propaganda merchants at the helm – like Andy 'Porridge' Coulson, then we could blame the cuts on Corbyn and Labour."
Well, reflecting on Wild's peer-approved speech, the TaxPayers' Alliance are akin to the Tory Party - comprised of a cabal of ZioNazi hookers at the beck and call of Israel and their neo-con infested US of A stooge – and the moneybags political donor – the Khazar-Ashkenazi crypto-Jewish Rothshite 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate.
Thus one is left to ponder, did Wild – who comes across as yet another Common Purpose trained (read NLP brainwashed) dildo - open his gob before engaging brain – or has all manner of 'hug a hoodie' / 'we're all in this together' / multi-cultural society propaganda bullshit pretence been tossed to the vagaries of the four winds and the Nasty Party simply don't give a flying fuck anymore? Finally they've cut to the chase and this hypothetical 'slip' from Wild was a blatant indicator of their mission creep policy objective – to totally gut the crisis-stricken welfare benefit system - thus presenting an existential threat to the survival of the common herd?
Austerity measures my ass - and all while the House of Conmans class act fucking hypocrites pocketed a £7,000-odd quid pay raise earlier this year – which provides a stellar example of the contempt Scameron & Co hold the common herd – the er 'taxpayers'. Yep, this is what the Nasty Party government really think of the common herd – worker ants / drones – and the special needs / disabled of our sick society as 'useless eaters'
Doubtless Wild's scorched earth discourse, supported by the worthless Fox's endorsement, has its origins with the Rothshite Square Mile bankster crime syndicate – the Kosher Nostra – and too Mr Bean impersonator, the Tory's train fare dodging / coke snorting Chancellor George 'Spankies' Osborne – along with the DWP Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin Shit.
Considering the stated mission of the 'purported' politically non-aligned Taxpayers Alliance (a Tory front) is to overturn and correct the perception that big government is necessary and irreversible – to promote the benefits (que?) of a low tax economy - to give taxpayers a voice in the corridors of power - and to oppose Brussels EUSSR tax harmonisation (sic) – then with Alex Wild heading the TA's 'research team' and playing the sock puppet at a Tory conference by pushing Nasty Party political strategy – their true vision of Broken Britain's society – (less public services / zero welfare state benefits = mass privatisation sell-off) - obviously the coyote has the keys to the hen house.
Just take a look at the Tavistock Institute-linked 'corporate' structure of the dodgy TaxPayers’ Alliance - with its founder, career right wing lobbyist Matthew 'Comb-Over' Elliot, the LSE-trained chief executive of Business for Britain 'and' founder of Big Brother Watch. Really? Que? WTF? Well, fuck me drunk, the Tory Fifth Column saboteurs are well embedded from day one.
So, wot de fuck is next? Slash our state pensions as senile geriatric OAP's hobbling along on crutches, Zimmer frames and mobility scooters are no problem for the Met's bully boy Plod Squad to deal with if they show up in Westminster to protest.
And that is an established fact – we've had first hand evidence of how they treat radical disabled students protesting tuition fee hikes back in 2010 – up-ended from wheelchairs and dragged by the hair across the road – (ref uber-Bolshie gimp Jody McIntire).
Nice people these plods. Full of compassion for the tax-paying public that fund their salaries and they are mandated to protect.
Thought for the day. As to this Nasty Party / TaxPayers' Alliance agent provocateur Alex Wild, we hope the pig-eyed dog wanker's parents and grand-parents are first in line to suffer his proposed cuts to pensioner benefits - and cross the contemptible, arrogant tosser off their Christmas pressy list before they freeze to death this December due their winter fuel allowance being spent by the Tory scumsters on bombing Syria and arming ISIS terrorists.
Allergy warning: This radical anti-authoritarian epistle was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain slight traces of decaffeinated exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Princess Pushy Nixes Animal Rights
In today's 'Unqualified Arrogance' special, we bring readers the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from the Anarchy Central 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill's 'Royal Desk' – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical Republic revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Suffering yet another bout of her customary 'blonde moment' syndrome, the shit for brains Princess Michael of Kunt (aka Marie Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz) has once again failed to engage brain before opening gob and sparked fury amongst the Bolshie ranks of the common herd's dog n cat n budgie lovers by claiming there is no such thing as animal rights – due the elementary fact that animals don't pay taxes (just like Pushy and her influence-peddling parasite hubby) - or have bank accounts.
Speaking at the Henley Literary Festival while trying to flog her new pulp fiction novel (sic) – 'The Life & Times of a Royal Scrounger' - the gospel according to Princess Pushy states animals don’t have Magna Carta endowed rights due the fact they don’t pay taxes or have bank accounts – and nor do they vote in elections, either.
While copping a deserved 'incoming' shower of flack from outraged animal rights campaigners, the shit for brains royal embarrassment defended her statement with a repeat of 'You only have rights if you pay your taxes. You earn your rights'.
The muddle-headed bitch's love of glamorous fur coats, skinned from exotic, protected species, has previously provoked the wrath of animal lovers and put her on a collision course with PETA, who sent her a faux fur donkey jacket after she was espied feeding her scratty bantam chicken flock while wearing a real one.
Although one must consider the fact that the obnoxious twat, married to QE2's cousin, Prince Michael of Kunt, is blighted with post-menopausal maniac behaviour – irrational to a tee - and perhaps excuse her turning a vapid shade of puce when she fired back at critics – referring to them as 'low life peasant scum' – for her unsolicited opinion of anything is more at scent than substance.
Not only does this intolerant, xenophobic monomaniac have the common herd peasant class on her top ten hate list, but also foxes and squirrels – and especially Basil Brush who she holds personally responsible for eating her bantam clucks.
Plus the bigoted bitch ain't too keen on darkies either - being well remembered for yet another scandalous display of obnoxious royal behaviour in 2004 when having dinner at New York's 'Snobs' restaurant, referred to a group of black diners as 'low life nigger rappers' and told them to 'fuck off back to the ghetto'.
Princess Pushy of Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget, who graduated from Madam Grotella's Geneva-based School for Spoiled Brats with a degree in Bad Manners - and the social graces of an Alpha Domina female baboon - allegedly labours under a delusion that she's descended from the royal Sumerian Annunaki snake venom bloodline – hence her delusional flights of fancy viz racial superiority and forever claiming the moral high ground when looking down upon the common herd.
Yet there's zero pedigree Lipizanner stallion genes in her inbred mongrel DNA - alike the rest of the Babylonian royal reptile clan, swimming too long at the shallow end of the gene pool.
Pushy's only claim to fame was winning the Olympic bronze medal for the Three Dimensional Hopscotch event in Munich, 1972 - and being a founding member of the Brandenberg Halitosis Club – until she got hitched to the ne'er do well Prince Michael 'Influence for Sale' of Kunt - a pair of scrounging hybrid mongrels together.
Then the stupid twat caused a media scandal storm by publicly cuckolding hubby with Russian furniture oligarch / toyboy cum sugar daddy Oleg Mobsaroubles – until his bullet-ridden body was discovered in his not-so bullet-proof Mercedes outside a Moscow knocking shop back in 2012 – allegedly a victim of President Vlad Putrid's FSB Mafia machine – or perhaps the same MI6 Increment assassination crew who knocked off royal embarrassment Princess Di' on orders from Bucks Palace?
Nope, the pompous six foot tall Hungarian-Kraut-Amazon skanger is simply an all-round bitter and nasty bastard – tainted by narcissistic tendencies and a penchant for screwing Russian oligarchs - and political correctness is definitely not one of her finer attributes.
But that's all a result of the inbreeding – this choleric European royal bonkers clan descended from the ancient Burggrafen von Dohna and Nostitz bloodlines – and Pushy a direct descendant of the Vampire Princess – Eleonore von Schwarzenbergbladder – madder than a rat in a coffee can. Just another obnoxious aristocrap with her arrogant 'divine right' head up her arse – and congenital states of mental illness – along with the big ears, slack jaws, piranha fangs and sexual perversions blighting them from womb to tomb.
A Kensington Palace insider, speaking to media hacks off the record outside Pushy's grace n favour mega-apartment, claimed her certifiable outbursts were due her being 'highly strung'. (ha, she should be – by the feet from a lamp post and pissed on by passing dogs – and urban foxes). Yet it's forever a problem when ego surpasses intellect.
Thought for the day. So animals are devoid of rights viz the fact they haven't earned them – by paying taxes, voting and having bank accounts. Hence according to Pushy's skewed logic, by consequence children too fall under the same 'no rights' category as they pay no taxes, don't vote nor do they personally open bank accounts.
Hmmm, long past time the incestuous royal parasites were dispensed with en mass – for the only parasite that comes to mind which is of any fucking use at all is mistletoe – although the apple tree might well disagree.
Really, who the fuck in their right mind would want to hang the wrinkled Botox-deficient Princess Pushy up-side-down next to Christmas tree?
Allergy warning: This anti-monarchist epistle was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
Suffering yet another bout of her customary 'blonde moment' syndrome, the shit for brains Princess Michael of Kunt (aka Marie Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz) has once again failed to engage brain before opening gob and sparked fury amongst the Bolshie ranks of the common herd's dog n cat n budgie lovers by claiming there is no such thing as animal rights – due the elementary fact that animals don't pay taxes (just like Pushy and her influence-peddling parasite hubby) - or have bank accounts.
Speaking at the Henley Literary Festival while trying to flog her new pulp fiction novel (sic) – 'The Life & Times of a Royal Scrounger' - the gospel according to Princess Pushy states animals don’t have Magna Carta endowed rights due the fact they don’t pay taxes or have bank accounts – and nor do they vote in elections, either.
While copping a deserved 'incoming' shower of flack from outraged animal rights campaigners, the shit for brains royal embarrassment defended her statement with a repeat of 'You only have rights if you pay your taxes. You earn your rights'.
The muddle-headed bitch's love of glamorous fur coats, skinned from exotic, protected species, has previously provoked the wrath of animal lovers and put her on a collision course with PETA, who sent her a faux fur donkey jacket after she was espied feeding her scratty bantam chicken flock while wearing a real one.
Although one must consider the fact that the obnoxious twat, married to QE2's cousin, Prince Michael of Kunt, is blighted with post-menopausal maniac behaviour – irrational to a tee - and perhaps excuse her turning a vapid shade of puce when she fired back at critics – referring to them as 'low life peasant scum' – for her unsolicited opinion of anything is more at scent than substance.
Not only does this intolerant, xenophobic monomaniac have the common herd peasant class on her top ten hate list, but also foxes and squirrels – and especially Basil Brush who she holds personally responsible for eating her bantam clucks.
Plus the bigoted bitch ain't too keen on darkies either - being well remembered for yet another scandalous display of obnoxious royal behaviour in 2004 when having dinner at New York's 'Snobs' restaurant, referred to a group of black diners as 'low life nigger rappers' and told them to 'fuck off back to the ghetto'.
Princess Pushy of Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget, who graduated from Madam Grotella's Geneva-based School for Spoiled Brats with a degree in Bad Manners - and the social graces of an Alpha Domina female baboon - allegedly labours under a delusion that she's descended from the royal Sumerian Annunaki snake venom bloodline – hence her delusional flights of fancy viz racial superiority and forever claiming the moral high ground when looking down upon the common herd.
Yet there's zero pedigree Lipizanner stallion genes in her inbred mongrel DNA - alike the rest of the Babylonian royal reptile clan, swimming too long at the shallow end of the gene pool.
Pushy's only claim to fame was winning the Olympic bronze medal for the Three Dimensional Hopscotch event in Munich, 1972 - and being a founding member of the Brandenberg Halitosis Club – until she got hitched to the ne'er do well Prince Michael 'Influence for Sale' of Kunt - a pair of scrounging hybrid mongrels together.
Then the stupid twat caused a media scandal storm by publicly cuckolding hubby with Russian furniture oligarch / toyboy cum sugar daddy Oleg Mobsaroubles – until his bullet-ridden body was discovered in his not-so bullet-proof Mercedes outside a Moscow knocking shop back in 2012 – allegedly a victim of President Vlad Putrid's FSB Mafia machine – or perhaps the same MI6 Increment assassination crew who knocked off royal embarrassment Princess Di' on orders from Bucks Palace?
Nope, the pompous six foot tall Hungarian-Kraut-Amazon skanger is simply an all-round bitter and nasty bastard – tainted by narcissistic tendencies and a penchant for screwing Russian oligarchs - and political correctness is definitely not one of her finer attributes.
But that's all a result of the inbreeding – this choleric European royal bonkers clan descended from the ancient Burggrafen von Dohna and Nostitz bloodlines – and Pushy a direct descendant of the Vampire Princess – Eleonore von Schwarzenbergbladder – madder than a rat in a coffee can. Just another obnoxious aristocrap with her arrogant 'divine right' head up her arse – and congenital states of mental illness – along with the big ears, slack jaws, piranha fangs and sexual perversions blighting them from womb to tomb.
A Kensington Palace insider, speaking to media hacks off the record outside Pushy's grace n favour mega-apartment, claimed her certifiable outbursts were due her being 'highly strung'. (ha, she should be – by the feet from a lamp post and pissed on by passing dogs – and urban foxes). Yet it's forever a problem when ego surpasses intellect.
Thought for the day. So animals are devoid of rights viz the fact they haven't earned them – by paying taxes, voting and having bank accounts. Hence according to Pushy's skewed logic, by consequence children too fall under the same 'no rights' category as they pay no taxes, don't vote nor do they personally open bank accounts.
Hmmm, long past time the incestuous royal parasites were dispensed with en mass – for the only parasite that comes to mind which is of any fucking use at all is mistletoe – although the apple tree might well disagree.
Really, who the fuck in their right mind would want to hang the wrinkled Botox-deficient Princess Pushy up-side-down next to Christmas tree?
Allergy warning: This anti-monarchist epistle was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Vigilantes to Replace PCSO Squad
In today’s ‘Extrajudicial Measures’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Ron 'Pitbull' McGnasher, reporting live for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill from the Old Bailey's Paedophile Protection Court #3 – with hot off the anvil 'blood n guts' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Sally Sandpaper, a 17-year old mother of three from Canning Town has been sentenced to a 50 hour community service order for killing a man charged with sexually assaulting vulnerable children on the east London estate where she lives.
Ms Sandpaper was found guilty of the manslaughter of 77-year old notorious kiddie fiddler, Michael Beastie, by reason of loss of control.
Beastie, who had a string of previous convictions for molesting innocent children, sodomising stray dogs - and sheep shagging around the Home Counties, was on bail awaiting trial and bled to death on the doorstep of his east London flat after Ms Sandpaper did a 'Freddy Kruger on steroids' hack n slash job on him.
Judge Dinsdale Armitage-Shanks QC opined to the court that it was a truly exceptional case as he reduced Ms Sandpaper's sentence from life in prison to a community service order after taking into consideration her position as a single mother who simply pre-empted the not fit for purpose police and snail paced justice system, and acted out of moral conscience and motherly love to protect her sprogs from the vile perverted clutches of a known paedo predator.
Sandpaper, who was cleared of murder and tried on the lesser manslaughter charge, had armed herself with a set of Argos kitchen knives – the same brand favoured by the ISIS Caliphate's Jihad John Boy for beheading his taxi driver / aid worker victims – and confronted Beastie at his neighbouring flat to warn him off approaching her children – to which, sporting a shit-eating smirk, he'd replied he'd come round at night and shag her cat.
At the time of his violent demise Beastie was on bail after being arrested in Canning Town's Grassy Knoll Park for impersonating a Roman Catholic priest from the local St Sodom's Church for Latter Day Catamites and trying to tempt children with offers of candy to come into the bushes and play with his 'one-eyed trouser snake' - and had 24 previous convictions for sexual offences spanning three decades.
Beastie previously served sentences of between nine months and six years for sex crimes that included indecent assaults on underage children and a catalogue of defenceless farm animals. However, his name was not on the sex offenders register as he committed the previous offences before such was introduced in 1997.
Speaking outside the court to one gutter press hack from the Lynch Mob Gazette, Judge Armitage-Shanks emphasised the case was unique as Sandpaper had lost control rather than taken the law into her own hands and engaged in a knee jerk, albeit reprehensible, act of vigilante conduct.
"While there must never be the slightest excuse for mob rule I am compelled to sympathise with her dilemma – faced with a convicted paedophile on the loose in her neighbourhood and the Met Plod Squad laying off their PCSO staff faster than shit through a goose thanks to Scameron's Nasty Party government's austerity programme slashing their budgets, then vigilante action and slashing Mr Beastie was her snap judgement recourse to protecting her children – and the family cat."
During the trial, Judge Armitage-Shanks advised that a judicial inquiry was under way into the earlier court decision by the presiding justice, Sir Buffy Brown-Hatter, to release Beastie – a fellow lodge Masonic Brother - on bail when he was an obvious re-offender risk to neighbourhood children.
Thought for the day: Bearing in mind we have a Royal Palace, a Civil Service, the national Judiciary (Courts / Plods) the Westminster Parliament, and a House of Lords infested with corruption-ridden Masonic sodomites and kiddie fiddling pederasts – criminals to a man – and a woman if one counts in the likes of the cross-dressing transvestite Home Sec, Terry 'Viagra' May – and that other evil New Labour paedophile facilitator / child porn apologist, the ginger mingin Harriet 'PIE' Harmful - and let's not forget Lord Gashcroft's recent literary revelations that seem to be dodging any form of libel action (cos they're true) that our incumbent Tory / Nasty Party Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, is guilty of pig fucking – or at least getting a gam (a 'gammon' – Ed?) off a pig's head – then it's hardly surprising the common herd demographic are sick to the back teeth with the secret handshake brotherhood protecting their own – Brittan, Savile, Cyril 'Fat Boy' Smith, Janner etcetera, et al - and the Operation Kiddie Fiddler investigations taking forever to arrest a sampling of low life nobody dog wankers and patsy tosspots while the VIPs (Very Important Paedophiles) walk – then it's time for a spot of extra-judicial retribution.
Regardless, at the end of the day, with a score-plus of convictions for past child molesting offences dating back to 1970 – an indecent assault against a little boy – a total of 24 convictions spanning 30 years – with the longest sentence for kiddie fiddling being 6 years - this is one problem the Canning Town neighbourhood's paranoid Mums n Dads won't have to fret over any more – until the next paedo' aberration crawls out from under some rock.
Let us not forget that the Holy Bible's Book of Leviticus refers to these low life sexual deviants as 'abominations' – and who wants to go against the word of God?
Thus if the police and justice system fail the public, and in this case, to protect vulnerable children from scumbag paedo filth – as per Scotland's window dressing historic child sexual abuse inquiry - then what alternative do the common herd have but turn to extra-judicial action – and a perfect example of where to start would be to focus on a long-overdue reckoning for the Hollie Greig sexual abuse scandal and the untouchable Aberdeen-based ruling establishment Satanist paedophile ring that subjected her, and other hapless sprogs, to years of serial rape – then murdered her Uncle Roy to prevent his whistle-blowing of the abuse.
(For the record Scotland's stalled 'nonce-ponce' public inquiry into the litany of historical allegations of child abuse in social care institutions is a very bad joke – chaired by androgynous Susan O'Brien QC - and formally began its work on October 1st, although no panel members have been appointed, no hearings have been scheduled – and only a half-arsed website set up – to which the public reaction is one of being let down by delays and the 'shambolic' state of the inquiry suggesting either gross incompetence or purposeful acts of criminality to stall and sabotage any such inquiry.
'Shambolic' is a euphemism for a total fubar – a snafu beyond the pale – as we have seen better organised riots – as per the half a step forward then three steps back bullshit with Kiwi Justice Dame Lowell Patria Goddard's pretence of a CSA Inquiry.
So North of the Border Nonceland besides, the ballot's in and counted and the vote goes to let Sally Sandpaper loose amongst the government institutional / bureaucracy Masonic rent boy shagging sodomites, pederasts - and the BBC's necrophiliac nonce DJs.
She can start at the House of Conmans and Lords with her paedo-slasher blades, and then onto Dolphin Square – and then have a quiet word with the not fit for purpose Plod Squads and local councils in Rotherham, Rochdale, Nottingham and nonce-infested Aberdeen.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
Sally Sandpaper, a 17-year old mother of three from Canning Town has been sentenced to a 50 hour community service order for killing a man charged with sexually assaulting vulnerable children on the east London estate where she lives.
Ms Sandpaper was found guilty of the manslaughter of 77-year old notorious kiddie fiddler, Michael Beastie, by reason of loss of control.
Beastie, who had a string of previous convictions for molesting innocent children, sodomising stray dogs - and sheep shagging around the Home Counties, was on bail awaiting trial and bled to death on the doorstep of his east London flat after Ms Sandpaper did a 'Freddy Kruger on steroids' hack n slash job on him.
Judge Dinsdale Armitage-Shanks QC opined to the court that it was a truly exceptional case as he reduced Ms Sandpaper's sentence from life in prison to a community service order after taking into consideration her position as a single mother who simply pre-empted the not fit for purpose police and snail paced justice system, and acted out of moral conscience and motherly love to protect her sprogs from the vile perverted clutches of a known paedo predator.
Sandpaper, who was cleared of murder and tried on the lesser manslaughter charge, had armed herself with a set of Argos kitchen knives – the same brand favoured by the ISIS Caliphate's Jihad John Boy for beheading his taxi driver / aid worker victims – and confronted Beastie at his neighbouring flat to warn him off approaching her children – to which, sporting a shit-eating smirk, he'd replied he'd come round at night and shag her cat.
At the time of his violent demise Beastie was on bail after being arrested in Canning Town's Grassy Knoll Park for impersonating a Roman Catholic priest from the local St Sodom's Church for Latter Day Catamites and trying to tempt children with offers of candy to come into the bushes and play with his 'one-eyed trouser snake' - and had 24 previous convictions for sexual offences spanning three decades.
Beastie previously served sentences of between nine months and six years for sex crimes that included indecent assaults on underage children and a catalogue of defenceless farm animals. However, his name was not on the sex offenders register as he committed the previous offences before such was introduced in 1997.
Speaking outside the court to one gutter press hack from the Lynch Mob Gazette, Judge Armitage-Shanks emphasised the case was unique as Sandpaper had lost control rather than taken the law into her own hands and engaged in a knee jerk, albeit reprehensible, act of vigilante conduct.
"While there must never be the slightest excuse for mob rule I am compelled to sympathise with her dilemma – faced with a convicted paedophile on the loose in her neighbourhood and the Met Plod Squad laying off their PCSO staff faster than shit through a goose thanks to Scameron's Nasty Party government's austerity programme slashing their budgets, then vigilante action and slashing Mr Beastie was her snap judgement recourse to protecting her children – and the family cat."
During the trial, Judge Armitage-Shanks advised that a judicial inquiry was under way into the earlier court decision by the presiding justice, Sir Buffy Brown-Hatter, to release Beastie – a fellow lodge Masonic Brother - on bail when he was an obvious re-offender risk to neighbourhood children.
Thought for the day: Bearing in mind we have a Royal Palace, a Civil Service, the national Judiciary (Courts / Plods) the Westminster Parliament, and a House of Lords infested with corruption-ridden Masonic sodomites and kiddie fiddling pederasts – criminals to a man – and a woman if one counts in the likes of the cross-dressing transvestite Home Sec, Terry 'Viagra' May – and that other evil New Labour paedophile facilitator / child porn apologist, the ginger mingin Harriet 'PIE' Harmful - and let's not forget Lord Gashcroft's recent literary revelations that seem to be dodging any form of libel action (cos they're true) that our incumbent Tory / Nasty Party Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, is guilty of pig fucking – or at least getting a gam (a 'gammon' – Ed?) off a pig's head – then it's hardly surprising the common herd demographic are sick to the back teeth with the secret handshake brotherhood protecting their own – Brittan, Savile, Cyril 'Fat Boy' Smith, Janner etcetera, et al - and the Operation Kiddie Fiddler investigations taking forever to arrest a sampling of low life nobody dog wankers and patsy tosspots while the VIPs (Very Important Paedophiles) walk – then it's time for a spot of extra-judicial retribution.
Regardless, at the end of the day, with a score-plus of convictions for past child molesting offences dating back to 1970 – an indecent assault against a little boy – a total of 24 convictions spanning 30 years – with the longest sentence for kiddie fiddling being 6 years - this is one problem the Canning Town neighbourhood's paranoid Mums n Dads won't have to fret over any more – until the next paedo' aberration crawls out from under some rock.
Let us not forget that the Holy Bible's Book of Leviticus refers to these low life sexual deviants as 'abominations' – and who wants to go against the word of God?
Thus if the police and justice system fail the public, and in this case, to protect vulnerable children from scumbag paedo filth – as per Scotland's window dressing historic child sexual abuse inquiry - then what alternative do the common herd have but turn to extra-judicial action – and a perfect example of where to start would be to focus on a long-overdue reckoning for the Hollie Greig sexual abuse scandal and the untouchable Aberdeen-based ruling establishment Satanist paedophile ring that subjected her, and other hapless sprogs, to years of serial rape – then murdered her Uncle Roy to prevent his whistle-blowing of the abuse.
(For the record Scotland's stalled 'nonce-ponce' public inquiry into the litany of historical allegations of child abuse in social care institutions is a very bad joke – chaired by androgynous Susan O'Brien QC - and formally began its work on October 1st, although no panel members have been appointed, no hearings have been scheduled – and only a half-arsed website set up – to which the public reaction is one of being let down by delays and the 'shambolic' state of the inquiry suggesting either gross incompetence or purposeful acts of criminality to stall and sabotage any such inquiry.
'Shambolic' is a euphemism for a total fubar – a snafu beyond the pale – as we have seen better organised riots – as per the half a step forward then three steps back bullshit with Kiwi Justice Dame Lowell Patria Goddard's pretence of a CSA Inquiry.
So North of the Border Nonceland besides, the ballot's in and counted and the vote goes to let Sally Sandpaper loose amongst the government institutional / bureaucracy Masonic rent boy shagging sodomites, pederasts - and the BBC's necrophiliac nonce DJs.
She can start at the House of Conmans and Lords with her paedo-slasher blades, and then onto Dolphin Square – and then have a quiet word with the not fit for purpose Plod Squads and local councils in Rotherham, Rochdale, Nottingham and nonce-infested Aberdeen.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one dares expose and name the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling club and their Holyrood / Crown Office apologists and coverup protectors).
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