Friday 3 November 2023

International Headbanging Tournament Latest

Broken Britain’s ‘current’ New Labour Party political leader, ‘Sir Keir’ Stammerer, this week revisited, for the benefit of salivating news hacks, his ‘all-new, latest and the greatest’ plan to control illegal immigration - which is expected involve a cross-border approach to tackling nasty, foreign crime gangs – by seeking an EUSSR-wide returns agreement with Brussels for asylum grifters who arrive in Food Bank Britain – once Sir Keir’s Labour government is in charge – (should by some unlikely fluke, Labour win the 2024 general election) - agreeing to accept a quota of legal migrants from Europe each year.

Bollocks, we say - apprehend them as they land and dare set foot on Blighty’s sacred shores – then as undocumented, illegal immigrants – the majority of which are not of European origin - stick them in an actual immigration holding facility and ship the fuckers back from whence they came – faster than shit through a proverbial goose – and fuck the EU and Brussels – we are no longer part of that European clusterfuck club..

Yep, righteous national indignation and outrage deservedly slaps our not-fit-for-purpose Tory government, for hosting hordes of male, ‘military age’ illegal infidel migrants, who continue to pursue their hell bent crossings of the Channel in rubber boats, then purposely, holding zero affinity with British customs or our way of life - or a will to integrate, defecate on sacred traditions and culture.

Hmmm, can no fucker or their dog not sniff the air, and predict the dangers to our national security, rule of law and order, and cohesive, social fabric, with allowing these legions of military age, combat-ready, males ashore – along with the possible Islamic Jihadi terrorist implications viz this invasion?

WTF has happened to our once upon a time ‘vaunted’ Border Force? Their sole purpose today appears to be rescuing ‘wetbacks’ from Davy Jones' locker – then, kindly kitting them out with waterproofs, blankets and life jackets – and that’s before they make landfall and start running up ‘asylum seeker’ hotel accommodation and food bills?

So too is this ‘invasion’ of social welfare scroungers welcomed by the Woke joke cult’s snowflakes, and the celeb’ culture ranks. Really, who give a flying fuck viz such unqualified opinions – and the vacuous pontificating - parroting on, in verbal diarrhoea fashion; which simply manifests as a display of verbose intellectualism.

God bless the British taxpayer for funding this soft touch inept government – and escalating our financial and social problems - on the grounds of EUSSR / Brussels human rights compliance.

Oh my, just shake your heads in disbelief at the lack of border patrol / government inaction in allowing ashore – then housing and feeding – the droves of unwashed illegal migrants crossing the Channel in rubber boats – and get ready to shake your head some more – for guess who compiled the European Convention on Human Rights – none other that the WEF Great Reset globalist architects – Satan Klaus Schlob & Co – who are hell bent on polluting – and diluting – diminishing in all aspects of sovereign identity, the national cultures and populations of Europe.

Que? First it’s the BLM agitators, hands-out, with palms up - and demanding reparations for the period of trans-Atlantic African slave trade that might – or might not – have ‘negatively’ affected their ancestors – or some fucker an ancestor might have known, and exchanged Xmas cards with.

Now we have East African black voice calls for King Chazzer, during his trip to Kenya, to apologise for the centuries-past excesses of Britain’s international ‘robber baron’ trading corporations that founded and formed the commerce and grand wealth of the Empire - (one upon which the Sun never set) – with a helping iron hand from the British Army (for wiping out Kenya’s Mau-Mau white baby-chopping terrorists).

WTF next viz this Woke joke political correctness cult – further ridiculous demands for apologies, and compensation handouts, for historic wrongs committed by unknown ancestors – or corporations that no longer exist?

Sorry folks, under the revised rules of common sense and logic, the statute of limitations for breaches of etiquette by colonial whitey panjandrums - (displays of bad manners, land thefts, murder, and small scale genocide) - such as Cecil Rhodes, has long since expired.

Applying the very same skewed logic approach, are the LGBT+Q - and pervy trans-gender bender - communities to demand from the Protestant Archbishop of Cunterbury, and the Roman Catholic Pope Francis, in the Vatican, that they, as God Almighty’s right-hand, mortal Christian representatives on Earth, do henceforth petition the ‘Big Guy’ (no, not Joe Biden) to personally apologise (and agree to mega-bucks cash compo’ payments) - for His ‘smiting’ – with brimstone and fire - of the corn-holing, gay lifestyle populations of Sodom and Gomorrah – as evidenced in black n white in the pages of the Old Testament’s Genesis 19?

Really, how far is this Woke joke cult’s reparations ‘payback’ insanity going to reach?

Okay, after an unlucky thirteen years as the top dogs in the House of Conmans, and seizing the lease on Downing St., the Tory nasty party are as much use as tits on a bull, and as far as the voting public of Food Bank Britain are concerned, ‘Time’s Up’ – while the self-delusional New Labour gang, under Sir Keir Stammerer, are going to fall foul of the Ghosts of Elections Past – due the venal lies and sins of Tony Bliar, Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers, and Gordon ‘Beam Me Up Scotty’ Broon.

But for Stammerer, the schisms and rifts are deep inside his own party structure - like death watch beetle ticking away - with Mishy-Mashy Rahman, who sits on Labour's ruling National Executive Committee, tossing his personal ten-pennyworth of criticism at Sir Keir into the ring of public opinion, and demanding an official inquiry into party-orientated Islamophobia – which manifests as quite the reversal of sectarian hatred, considering it was but ‘only yesterday’ - in the annals of a history of political hypocrisy - that Stammerer was slagging off the-then leftie Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, with accusations of racism and tolerating anti-Semitism in the party – which apparently upset their moneybags Zionist donors.

WTF next, might we speculate under Sir Flip-Flop Stammerer – Buddhist-beatings, or Catholic-kickings – a rehash of the Gordon Riots – or old lady pensioners, with a squint and a black cat, man-handled and subjected to a session on a canal-bank ducking stool - to force a confession of witchcraft?

Siemens is a German (and ex-Nazi war machine facilitator) multi-national conglomerate, which, in addition to spinning a ‘King’s Ransom’ figure of annual global revenue - that surpassed 72 billion Euros in 2022 - so too remains a pillar company under the aegis of Satan Klaus Schlob’s World Economic Forum,  whose sole autocratic intent is to use Siemens to flip the world into a format of 24/7 panopticon surveillance Technocracy.

Hmmm, therein lies a problem. The WEF-proposed plan won’t work - for such insidious scams never work, as might be claimed on the New World Order brand packet.

Whenever Technocracy lays its morbid fingers on a free market economy, the rot immediately sets in - alike a Biblical leper washing what remains of his feet in a church’s holy water font – it turns stagnant.

The entire net zero carbon, clean n green economy is in the primary stages of a free-fall collapse, but Siemens & co are under orders to commit corporate self-harm, and continue to throw good money after bad, promoting the green agenda until a financial stranglehold grips them by the short n curlies,, and they have one foot in the bankruptcy court.

Look close, with a scrupulous eye, and ignore the mass media bullshit. This current venally-manipulated conflict with Hamas is all part n parcel of Bobo Nuttyahoo’s Likit Party’s pro-Zionist ‘resettlement’ (aka ‘final solution’) long term agenda – to solve their Hamas / Palestinian problem, via a route of maximum disruption, chaos and death - and turn Gaza into a graveyard.

 Ergo, if the hapless Palestinians are not marginalised and divested of their homeland – and suffering persistent oppression enough already - the Israeli usurpers are on a mission to further dispossess the rightful Palestinian owner-residents of the besieged and shrunken Gaza Strip – pretty much in accord with Satan Klaus Schlob’s WEF Great Reset agenda - wherein the Palestinians ‘vill own nutink’ – and be happy (we don’t think) as they are forced out of Gaza and into Egypt – a purported, sustainable plan that aligns with the economic and geopolitical interests of a thermo-nuclear arsenal equipped Zionist Israel, and the US – with their corrupt, running dog stooge, Egyptian Pharaoh, Fatso el-Sissy Boy – copping all manner of foreign back-handers to facilitate the re-settlement of Gaza’s population in the bleak confines of the Sinai Peninsula’s desert wastelands – as a staging area for their eventual ‘diaspora’ into the good ole US of A and Europe.

Anyone want to know WTF comes next - a couple of years down the amnesiac political memory road? The entire Palestinian Muslim population of the West Bank will be uprooted and forced out to the same dodgy, desert / foreign destinations via some similar Hamas style false flag sneak attack expedited by the Shin Beth or Mossad psychos to justify a repeat Gaza style ethnic cleansing session – (currently resembling the bomb-devastated German city of Dresden circa 1944 / 45) – and the eviction of the remainder of the Palestinian population – to join their Gaza Strip brethren in Egypt – or elsewhere.

Then, finally, after all this time, since 1948, Palestine will be Israel, the Promised Land – from the Jordan River to the Western Sea - and maybe the Ashkenazi-Zionist interlopers will then be happy - albeit the record of history to date says no - Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the Sinai shall fall bit by bit to the greedy Zionist cult.

Broken Britain – on a par with their colonial cousins, the good ole US of A, are jointly – among a host of equally venal other Zionist arse-licking Western states - backing Israel and sending all manner of blood n guts weaponry, and assorted military support, to the nasty bully rogue state – while, in 180 degree contrast, Western charity groups are all over the airwaves, internet, and print media with their begging bowls for donations for the Palestinian population of the besieged Gaza enclave – to buy food n blankets n tents for the dispossessed refugees fleeing to the south of the Gaza Strip littoral to avoid IDF bombings (some chance).

What they should be requesting donations for is ready cash and crypto funds to hire the Russian Wagner group mercenaries on a ‘paid by results’ contract – to set up camp in Gaza and hoof the Ashkenazi-Zionist IDF psychos out – along with the US and British special forces teams who are there, on the ground, and embedded with IDF units, to upgrade their ‘fish in a barrel’ real fire training experience.

In accordance with the political agenda of the Insulate Britain activist gang, a hare-brained scheme is being bandied to wrap our entire island nation up in a fleece, then no fucker or their proverbial dog shall require GCH or a mega-bucks heat pump.

Oh my, here we go again – same old shite. Autumn starts to set in, darker evenings; blustery, wet weather for a few days, and voila – wear your face mask n get your latest Covid-1984 variant vaxx booster shots – guaranteed to be loaded with bio-weapon grade nano-crap and spike proteins – toxic enough to kill off an entire 8 to 80 age group with cardio-failure symptoms – then systematically blame it on ‘poor diet and lifestyle choices’.

How’s this for a spot of damning financial data-mongering? 365,164 shoplifting offences were recorded by Food Bank Britain’s Plod Squad in the 2023 year, to June – up 25% on the previous 12 months.

Yep, for those with an eye for math, that’s one thousand per day – (in a non-Leap Year)  – cases – that came to the attention of the Plods – let alone the total if the same number – or more – evaded detection and arrest.

Okay, WTF do those figures reveal – that the national consumer-centric population have turned into a bunch of light-fingered kleptomaniacs?

Or the government ain’t fit for purpose, for allowing the national economy, and value of the £ Sterling, to sink lower than a snake’s bollocks – that the common herd can’t afford the bare necessities of life – (such as the discount subscription cost of their monthly Sky phone / Netflix television package).– so are forced to go out and steal such ‘must have’ items as a litre bottle of Prosecco, a six pack of Old Headbanger lager, and a family-sized Chicken Kiev & Rice Ready Meal, from their local Pestco Greedy Grocer supermarket?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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