Monday 24 April 2023

Woke Zionists Slam Abbot Gaffe

Worstminster House of Conmans MP, Diane ‘Big Gob’ Abbott, has been stripped of the Labour whip – by none other than Whipster-in-Chief, Alan Campbell, amid a Woke snowflake backlash from the Zionist Israeli ‘perennial victim’ lobby, who have labelled as ‘deeply offensive’ Abbot’s suggestion that Jewish people don't suffer racism.

Hmmm, regardless of the gaffe-prone Abbott’s latest faux pas, any cognisant individual should be prompted to inquire: is this the type, and calibre, of racism – of prejudiced discrimination – that the Zionist Jewish population – (of what, in this juncture of history, is still referred to as the State of Israel) – via the medium of their IDF thug squads and illegal settlement occupants - visit, on a daily basis,  upon the hapless heads of the Muslim Palestinian populations of the military-occupied West Bank territory - and the Gaza Strip littoral - this latter besieged inside Israel’s ‘racist’ 30-odd foot high Great Apartheid Wall?

The 69-year-old corpulent Abbott - who has been an MP for what horologists might refer to as ‘a very long time’ – proclaimed that Jewish, Irish and caravan-dwelling Pikey travellers experience 'prejudice' but 'are not subject to racism'.

Amid the Woke joke camp’s fury at her comments,– the Tory Nasty Party’s  pro-Zionist – and Jewish – Minister for Net Zero (Que?), Grant Shitts, accused the bungling Abbott - a close ally of former New Labour leader and notorious Israel-basher, Jeremy Corbyn - of 'spouting hateful anti-Semitism' – and Holohoax denial.

Okay, time to apply some common sense to the debate, for this term ‘racism’ is simply - (no pun intended) – not a ‘black and white’ issue - and gets thrown around as a smear of convenience, but half the fucking time racism is not the core problem – more at discrimination – and cultural prejudice origins – for reasons other than the colour of an individual’s skin – specifically where the Irish and travellers, pikeys, gyppos and redheads are concerned.

Ergo, regarding the Jewish case, whatever prejudice and discrimination does manifest, is not for reasons of religious issue, but political Zionism – and the Israeli government’s human rights abuses and war crimes visited on the hapless heads of the Palestinian population of what was – er – Palestine – before the Zionist terror gangs stole it – with British blessing, back in 1948 – (God bless Arthur Balfour) on the justification that they were Jehovah’s ‘Chosen People’ and it was their ‘Promised Land’ - and more so than this when it comes to justified disdain, the fact that the Jewish Sanhedrin priesthood had Jesus, a principle divine deity of the Christian Church (and Son of God) murdered – by having him nailed to a couple of big pieces of wood.

Abbott, a senior broomstick pilot with the Sunburned Sistas Coven, notorious for having a massive chip - on each shoulder, continued in her muddled diatribe letter to the Observer, stating that racism besides, “... but they are not all their lives subject to racism, for in pre-civil rights America, Jewish people, Paddy’s, pikey travellers and the redhead ginger minger types were not mandated by state law to sit at the back of the bus with Negro blacks”. 

“Even in apartheid South Africa, these groups were allowed to vote. And at the height of slavery, there were no white people manacled on slave ships."

(Really, apart from those whitey seamen captured by Barbary pirates and ended up sold as slaves along the North African coast.)

"Racism takes many forms, and it is completely undeniable that Jewish people have suffered the monstrous effects of cultural and religious prejudice and discrimination - as have the Irish and Pikeys and the gingers - and many others – including the entire marginalised and disenfranchised Muslim Palestinian population of – er – Palestine."

Then, as the condemnations started coming in fast n furious, and Abbott had the party whip snatched, she went into self-preservation ‘lie through yer teeth’ mode, then wholly and unreservedly disowned and disassociate herself from the published Observer letter – claiming the content was a ‘drafting error’ by the newspaper’s printers.

To wit, the porcine Abbott can now go and sit on the Independent benches, next to her great pal, Jeremy Corbyn, who also had the party whip confiscated – for not kowtowing to Zio-fascist policy – which remains New Labour’s pro-Israel party line.

And now for a quick ‘Reality Check’ viz this Israeli snowflake whingeing ‘anti-Semitism’ slur (a term the Israelites have, like much else, monopolised) – which has worn threadbare and been bandied around since the days of Pharaoh Ramses Mk 2 – for ‘Semite’ applies not just to the Jewish / Hebrew / Israelite clan – but to all Semitic language-speaking peoples – of which the ‘Hebrews’ are but a minor population statistic (6 million speakers) – with Arabic speakers (320 million) representing the main Semitic language group.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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