Tuesday 11 April 2023

Drag Queen ‘Storytime’ on NEU Curriculum

The gospel according to the banner headline front page of this morning’s Daily Shitraker - promoting, as always, the radical Rainbow Mafia’s personal gender bender extremist propaganda, for dissemination in primary schools to brainwash pre-pubescent children – in cahoots with the Woke Joke cult’s virtue-signalling progressive ‘we’re offended’ tyranny machine – is now targeting education authorities for drag queens to be invited into infant classrooms - to make them more ‘inclusive’ – Que? WTF?

Perhaps hand in hand with a cohort of child-molesting paedo’ scum – to keep the ‘new religion’s ‘diversity’ requirements ‘in equilibrium’.

And that, folks, is the esteemed opinion of Broken Britain’s most prominent teaching union, the NEU (Numpty Educators United) – 'edu-crats' – scheming hand in hand with officialdom’s Woke agenda bureau-craps - and actively endorsing the exposure of young children to hairy-arsed drag queens dressed - and performing -  in a blatantly sexualised manner – all the result of a ballot to challenge the 'hetero-normative' culture and curriculum that, in their immoral, corrupt opinion,  currently dominates education.

Hetero-normative? Yeah, right – the 3 R’s. Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmatic.

Our once-sceptred isle’s established teaching curriculum is now castigated by the Woke Joke progressives brigade as hetero-normative dogma?

WTF are the shit-for-brains bureaucraps staffing Broken Britain’s education ministry at – adding this perverted, corrupt drag queen ‘tall tales’ hour crap to our children’s school curriculum – blatant displays of sexualised adult content being flogged off as ‘entertainment’ – causing utter confusion to the gender perceptions of young kids?

Hmmm, something stinks in Denmark – and it isn’t Hamlet’s socks.

Albeit, this brouhaha gels so well with the currently ‘in fashion’ socio-political enigmatic ‘trans’ nonsense of describing ‘a woman’.

So WTF is a woman? This is a question of categorisation, involving quite simple descriptive vocabulary – all of which is there for posterity – and reference - in the classification index of Linnaean taxonomy.

The human ‘biological’ female, when sexually mature, possesses, internally, a vagina, womb, and ovaries – plus breasts capable of lactating – and can, if they couple with a mature ‘biological’ male of the species (penis / testicles / sperm) become impregnated. Then, after gestating the evolving foetus product of the coupling in their womb for nine months, deliver into the world, via passage along their cervical canal and through the vagina, a human offspring – the biological sex of which is determined at the time of birth by what reproductive organ the child possesses: vulva or penis.

Labour’s trans-gender political fence-sitting, Keir Stammerer, was today overheard whispering to his rodent-featured ginger-mingin deputy, Mangela ‘AirPods’ Rayner - ‘99% of women don’t have a penis – how about you?’ – followed by  ‘I’ll show you mine if I can see yours’.

Obviously this sexual confusion factor must be a common aberration among global politicians, as the all-new Slime Minister of New Zealand, Chris Hipkins - so recently taken up the ‘torch’ from the ruling Fascist Party’s androgynous Jacinda Ardern – suffers the same human biology confusion as ‘Sir’ Keir – for when fronted with the question to define what a woman is, during a recent press conference, replied with a gob-smacked ‘Um’?

Lol’s – perhaps some fucker or their dog should ask Kiwi women – the real, biological variety - how they define their new national political leader, Hipkins. Twat? Wanker? Prick?

To close, a hard-arsed look at mammalian – and specifically ‘human’ sexual / reproductive biology. If they sport a cock, it’s a male. If they sport a vulva, it’s a female.

So pig out on all the sex change hormones you can guzzle, for within the constraints of our current medical skills and technology, and even under the expert ‘seamstress’ hand of a ‘snip n tuck’ gender reassignment surgeon, men cannot become true blue ‘biological’ women – nor can women become men.

And for all those Woke joke progressives and trans-gender-bender pronoun fascists who read this and declare ‘I’m offended’ - biological science spells out the Truth in an incontrovertible fashion, so get over it.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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