Tuesday 2 August 2022

CIA Test AI ‘Evil Hunter’ Drone Swarm

The good ole US of A’s incumbent Senility Party President, ‘China Joe’ Biden, made an impromptu ‘in between naps’ press statement yesterday to announce that the NASA / MIT developed AI-powered ‘Evil Hunter’ smart drone system had been field tested – loaded with an ‘extreme prejudice’ search and destroy ‘9/11 Conspirators’ software programme diligently compiled and refined by the MIT-build stand-alone, self-aware ‘Smart Sol’ AI super-computer system.

Unfortunately the Strategic Air Command’s Andrew’s Air Force-based 'Smart Sol' remote controlled drone swarm – armed to the gills with all manner of military 'nasty crap' high tech' hardware – when launched from the USS Shitcan carrier in the Persian Gulf, and under AI control, failed to lock on to the designated Mohammed al Patsy and Ayman al Zawahiri al Qaeda leaders - or the ISIS linked Mid-East mosque and madrassa terrorist training centre targets –  and alternately slam-dunked the star-crossed General Mahmoud Ahmed, ex-boss of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence –who just 'happened' to be in NY on 9/11, engaged in acts of treacherous monkey business.

The AI-directed drone swarm the  assumed to take out the entire US of A-based Neo-Con ‘Israel First’ Zio-fascist ‘yetzer hara’ venal elements of the Deep State cabal that held official government status positions back on the 11 September 2001 – with the Evil Hunter programme using Elon Musk's SpaceX Starlink satellite internet comm’s link to hack into IDF computers, then hijack and launch an armada of their military drones to 'go rogue', and snuff ex-Israeli Likit Party political head honcho, Bobo Nuttyahoo - plus a swathe of faux kikester art students, along with a cadre of Mossad’s Strictly Come Dancing team agents provocateur.

A headcount listing of ex-Shite House vermin ‘exterminated’ by the drone swarm attacks included chief narcissist of 9/11, Dirty Dick Cheney; and his fellow egocentric cronies, Donald Bumsfelt; Condosleaze Vice; Paul Wolfoshitz; Colon Powell; George 'Palindrome' Tenet; Richard 'Cyclops' Perle; and Messers Kristol; Kagan; Boot; Frum, and Feith .. while terminally side-swiping the High Priest of Prime Evil – Michael ‘Abaddon’ Chertoff, and WTC owner Larry Silverslime - and last, but nowhere near least, that good ole ‘Goat Story’ IQ-deficient onanist tosspot, Georgie Boy ‘Dubya’ Bush (aka the Shrub) - rodent offspring of the late, insidious arch-pederast Satanist twat, George H W Bush.


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