Sunday 28 August 2022

Beware the Jiggery-Pokery-Wokery Inquisition

Yesteryear it was the Roman Catholic Church’s Inquisition – a cabal of control freak onanists and like fanatics. As then , so today, still a religious cult infested with psychotic sadists, self-flagellating masochists, child molesting pederasts, raving sodomites – and snatch-lickin’ lesbian nuns of the Order of Sappho - who collectively hounded and persecuted any fucker n their dog for their free-thinking heresies, and force bled every last drop of fun out of life.

Step for’ard a century or three and today this virtue-signalling Woke cult’s social justice warriors are ready to take up the Vatican Inquisition’s lapsed role and stand ready to persecute any and all, for disagreeing with the ‘writ in stone’ Woke cannons – whether it be climate change, transgender bender inclusivity, white privilege shaming, only black lives matter - or any other skewed socio-political correctness complaint issue.

WTF manner of social justice is the wicked Wokery cult purporting itself to be the champion of – an inversion of earlier such movements – feminism and the like – hell bent on a mission to expand human freedoms and dignity – whereas the Wokesters manifest as a hysterical and vicious witch-hunting cult comprised of bullies, targeting normal people for suspected, or real – or unconscious - bias – which basically equates as any fucker who disagrees with the Woke philosophy (sic) – and this fascist agenda to enforce their illiberal, skewed, tunnel-vision world view on the rest of humanity - that’s us.

And WTF are they actually selling - pushing the gender dysphoria agenda while doling out puberty blockers to young kids , and interpreting the term inclusivity by cancelling anyone who doesn't mouth the platitudes of the Woke cult sheeple followers – and just dare state the logical obvious – that men can’t have babies – and someone with a cock is a bloke – and those born with a snatch are females of the species – and any fucker lucky enough (or unlucky) to be born with both is a ‘hermaphrodite’ – and ne’er the twains shall meet – regardless of sex change hormones – or the Tranny Brigade’s special forces labelling trans-exclusionary radical feminists, as Terfs cos they object to some 16 stone guy renamed Loretta who took a course of anti-androgen hormones, shaved its legs - and chest - from playing prop forward in the Ladies Rugby League.

But that’s the topsy-turvy agenda of the Woke cult - the book burning Inquisition of today – these social justice heretic hunters  - shun any format of modus vivendi viz their 'We are Right and You are Wrong' agenda mandate, and instead issuing trigger warnings on every piece of published literature – from the Holy Bible to the current Argos homewares catalogue. Censorious lunacy dressed as righteous indignation

Hark the Woke wanker stooges, now joining hands with their Covidian cultist pro-mRNA vax pals - all virtue-signalling alike a gaggle of latter day Pelagianists – ‘get yer booster shots now and save the world’ – and ‘use my pronoun – or else I’ll have you de-platformed and cancelled’ identity politics – and ‘stop jogging – you’re exhaling too much CO2 and aggravating the climate change crisis’.

Rather head-shaking pissed off with silly cunts – white and diverse other colours besides – blaming whitey for every fucking thing that is wrong in the world – and half the stupid white wankers on the receiving end of this absurd hate smear then agreeing, and bowing their heads in shame and taking the knee for some fucking ‘maybe’ sin their great-great-grandparents might – or might not – have committed generations previously – or knew some twat who did - then flagellating themselves while clad in sackcloth and doused with ashes – all to the cheers of the group think BLM brigade – a better half of whom are not exactly ‘black’ - but more the colour of a well chewed caramel - due generations of  interbreeding with the despised whiteys of this world.

Oh well, WTF can we expect in this age where political correctness insanity rules the social roost – and the humour averse Woke cult Inquisition stands ready, 24/7, to besmear, impale and crucify any and all common sense possessed critical freethinkers who dare disagree.

Little wonder Food Bank Britain’s (formerly Broken Britain) mental health asylums are chocker block full to overflowing – and down to standing room only.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka 'the Truth'.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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