Grotty Greta ‘Tintin’
Doomberg – a manic-depressive kid morphed into a child global warming seer - portrayed
as some latter day Demi-Goddess ready to inflict judgmental penalty and
retribution upon mankind. Pushing her regressive gospel against our
industrialised society, and forcing us to repent our crimes against Mother Nature
and the core Gaia essence of the Earth.
The 'mini-Me' Mother
Theresa of the Green Cult, to be beatified with sainthood? The coming of an Eco-Messiah,
berating humanity in general and standing in judgement viz our collective sins
committed against the environment - and save us all from extinction?
Alas, no such luck, for in truth she actually manifests as Atë reborn - the Greek Goddess of ‘Getting it Wrong’. Just one more, of the many, misguided - (in fact 'misinformed via flawed science data and opinions) - and mind-controlled Woke Greenie eco-zealot fanatic screaming ‘climate change!’ - and 'Arsonist scum - you've set my house on fire!'
Simply another know-all self-delusional, psychotic, meddling cunt, who fucks up everything she touches - and we have grown tedium-sick of her ‘flygskam’ (flight shame) campaign to get people to walk to, and from, their intended destinations - as opposed to taking a plane or train or bus or car – and her screeching admonishments and denouncements of ‘How dare you not listen to my warnings’.
However, apart from being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, and an obsessive-compulsive disorder – plus selective mutism, she’s just fine – and in the self-interest of the corporate green lobby, must be listened to, and obeyed, when she pontificates on zero carbon and what’s needed to restore balance to the environment and stop climate change - put a smile back on the face of the Earth Goddess, Gaia.
Hmmm, here we are presented with an autistic special needs schoolgirl – not quite a full shilling – a gullible environmental activist, fuelled by her paranoid psychotic delusions and the faulty science pedalled by the zero carbon ‘for profit’ corporate-funded political lobbyists – who has become their World Economic Forum and media-promoted poster girl face for ‘going green’ –yet while devoid of any solution of her own devices to save the planet, she switches to her ‘I’m a victim’ / ‘You ruined my childhood’ nasty, gobshite side; fronting the brazen audacity to push the flawed science zero carbon agenda on an equally gullible world - demanding we all knee before the altar of climate change.
Worse still, and what a fucking embarrassment, this ‘little girl victim’ act sucker-punched the world’s top dog government officials to applaud and embrace – actually ‘pander to’ – the Swedish cunt’s misguided facts n figures blabber on how to restructure and run their economies and industries – (the script Daddy wrote for her to memorise) – just to make themselves appear ‘environment / climate concerned’ in the myopic eyes of their respective electorates.
Great job Greta, now coal mines are anathema – along with fracking operations banned, and so too exploration for fresh, required fields of oil and gas – especially gas – in the North Sea and West of Shetland.
Greta and her coven despise and condemn the technological 'convenience' trappings of Western civilisation – electricity, central heating, air travel – in fact any type of motorised travel – and don’t dare mention ‘fossil fuels’ – such as coal. But these ill-informed Woke eco-wanker warriors are of an utterly ill-informed opinion that oil is a fossil fuel. Wrong – with a large, capital W – for Wrong. Oil, admittedly an environmental pollutant when converted into energy – is abiotic – and continually produced, via chemical processes, deep in the depths of the Earth.
To wit, has compliance with Greta’s condemnation of Broken Britain’s established energy system halted climate change and saved the planet? Has it fuck as like – and how could it when our global climate – and any changes to such - are primarily dependent on the capricious, cyclic moods of that big yellow ball of electro-magnetic incendiary energy in the centre of our solar system – aka ‘The Sun’ – against which the negative effects of humankind’s industrial processes equate as a flea on a dinosaur’s arse, by comparison.
Conversely, Greta’s ‘End is Nigh’ scaremongering diatribes have had one very negative result for the Disunited Kingdom – (now renamed Food Bank Britain). A smack in the face energy crisis that has resulted in all-round galloping inflation, with the cost of fuelling a car or truck – or heating a home – or cooking dinner – or keeping the lights on – along with the refrigerator – and the telly – becoming economically crippling.
Anyone looking forward to the Winter / Yuletide season of 2022? It’s gonna morph into one of ‘keep warm or go hungry’ – one or the fucking other - and perhaps both. Let's see how Greta n her eco-warrior Wokester pals solve that dilemma with their green energy renewables policy.
Alas and preserve us from the Greta Effect cult – and too the end product ramifications viz the delusional excesses of the extinction rebellion cartel – and the rest of the false science gullible eco-lobby.
Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka 'the Truth' - and exposing the fact this entire make believe fake science global warming / climate change brouhaha is a sinister distraction scam to be blamed for the imminent crashing of the world's financial markets and the complete Crapitalist debt-based monetary structure - (a defective n broken system that's been on life support for years) – resulting in a radical ‘Great Reset’ restructuring of the entire global economy with CBDCs - a la 2008 scenario on steroids - wherein the 99.9% disenfranchised poor get even poorer and the 0.01% elevated to a great category level of 'stinking rich' when picking up the post-apocalypse crashed commercial market commodities at cents on the dollar and trashing cash for a digital currency economy.
Welcome to the AI / Robot-Run Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.