Monday, 16 August 2021

Kam Air Overrun With 'Club Fled' Fliers

Kabul Airport experiences a rush for flights out - to any fucking where - as the Taliban's unwashed Jolly Jihad 'Beardie Brigade' mujahideen seize control of the Afghan crapital and Chaos becomes the order of the day.

As a veritable tsunami of passport-less 'refugee class' passengers scramble to board the aircraft and take advantage of the free body armour n bandages concession, the more canny avoid the free for all 'push n rush' pandemonium, and apply the same principle of culturally-accepted travel seating - widely used across Asia on both buses and trains - on top of the aircraft - parachutes optional.

Taliban Thank Biden for Military Upgrades

Oh woe and behold: the two decades-long 'Nation Building' military occupation of Afghanistan by the Great Satan / Dis-United States has morphed into yet another major fubar, to be entered into the Big American Book of Monumental Fuck-Ups – and just the latest act of US insanity dispensed from the Oval Office's Resolute desk by Bludger Joe Bidet and his dipshit advisors – already quite an extensive litany of snafus recorded in the history texts since the 1898 false flag sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbour – with that self-harm piece of back-stabbing provocation blamed on the hapless Spanish – to justify the seizure of Cuba and herald Dewey's ensuing invasion of Madrid's Republic of the Philippines 'Far East - Pacific Gateway' colony.

And the Havana incidence of international skulduggery marked the first greed-motivated neo-colonial Manifest Destiny misadventure on a long road of foreign meddling and arrogant military aggressions that have resulted in mass civilian casualties and devastated infrastructures - culminating in deadlocks and eventual craven withdrawals - all thanks to the unqualified arrogance - this imperial hubris - that dominates the dingbat Shite House bureaucracy and the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff Generalissimo's delusional 'invincibility' culture. 

Really, these plonkers could collectively fuck up a perfectly good anvil.

Yep, the Sabbatean Zionist Israeli-Mossad / US Deep State Mil-Ind complex conspired – and enacted - false flag attacks on 9/11 provided the fairy tale scripted 'playground bully boy' excuse to invade Greater Arabia, seize n control essential pipeline land routes – and oil / gas natural resources – and the Afghan opium fields – warrant and validate the establishment of geo-strategic military bases across the entire region - while simultaneously delivering the coup de grace to Mid-East political regimes not too subservient to the Great Satan's demands in the New World Order greater scheme - of things yet to come.

And of course Afghanistan was first on the fiendish agenda to be invaded by the US-led witch hunters – to purportedly track down their more at scent than substance Islamic enemy of choice – the 9/11 'mastermind' – Mohammed al Patsy – and his sidekick, Big Al Qaeda - and their arch-villain cohort, Osama Bin Bag Laden.

For a while all went to plan. Gas pipeline route secured. Opium production  / heroin processing and distribution all under CIA aegis. But when it comes down to the bullshit mass media ./ press releases of the day – ignore the fucking lot – specifically Dubya Bush's unqualified arrogant declaration of 2003 – 'We have won the global war on terror'.  

Bollocks. No such thing. Not one single entity of that moronic invading force had a fucking clue viz the socio-political cultural makeup of Afghanistan – which has never been a nation – then, or now - but a series of tribal lands / domains – with their own warlord chieftains and rules for how things are done. Hence the sobriquet: 'The Graveyard of Empires' bestowed upon the long history of would-be foreign invaders – from the time of Alexander of Macedonia.

So, to cut to the chase and get down to the nitty-gritty, by 2003 the Taliban were out of the mainstream picture and underground – with a Western muppet on the throne in Kabul – and for the next 20 years the US / NATO alliance 'trained' (sic) the ragtag, IQ-deficient goat-fucking sodomite dross comprising the ranks of the Afghan military.

Let's fast forward some twenty years, to August 2021 – circa 'current era' – and the Western US / UK et al Coalition of the Willing military forces now pull out of Afghanistan – a 'cut n run' shambles - leaving this Western trained – and expensively well armed – Afghan-born n bred military machine in charge of defending the country – from enemies without - and within.

This was the long-awaited clarion call for the Taliban to finally get their combat sandals on and kick start a force of arms political take-over - then hoof out the Occidental running dog bitch bureaucracy / government stooges and re-install their Sharia state Islamic Utopia.

And voila, a mere fleeting ten days after the Western military forces have withdrawn en mass, the Taliban are back in Kabul and running the show – while the incumbent Western shill government – along with the Afghan (US-trained) military – have done a proverbial runner – with the less self-preservation motivated throwing down their US weapons and relying on Taliban sympathy.

Ha, sympathy – a word located in the dictionary – between 'shit' and 'syphilis' – but one wholly alien to the barbarian nature of the Taliban's Islamic empathy-deficient credo.

To wit, 20 years of hands-on US 'specialist' military training – (which way round the cartridges go into an M16 magazine) - and the Afghan army are still collectively fit for fuck all – apart from a Snagglepuss-style Exit Stage Left escape – heading out, faster than shit through a proverbial goose, for the neighbouring Pakiland and Uzbek borders – and safety -  abandoning in their craven wake a strew of extensive arsenals stacked with pristine US military ordnance - armoured Humvees n Black Hawk choppers n MQ-9 Reaper drones. OMG! - we've seen better organised riots.

Footnote: Dubya Bush's 'We have won the global war on terror' is reminiscent of an earlier 'two decade' US military fubar entanglement - Vietnam - and Nixon's 1975 'Peace With Honour' hypocrisy blather viz the 'Fall of Saigon' as the Great Satan retreated - leaving their South Vietnamese muppets (Kabul style today) to cop the consequences of siding with a cabal of self-appointed egocentric cunts who controlled the monopoly on global bullying.

Stop Press latest: Kabul's Hamid Kamikaze Airport - (where scores are reported to have been killed as a consequence of hanging on the outside of airborne planes - and thousands clamber over each other, lemming style – including a legion of Taliban rag-arse deserters – attempt to leave the country (for a better life in the despised West) - has now re-opened - under Chinese military control.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Dystopia Britain Becomes Dis-United Kingdom

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: 'Covid-1984 Great Reset / New Abnormal Drives Global Scale Cultural Divisions' – another scandalous exposé special edition from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire; to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Nowt more authoritarian – nay, fascist – (and do not hindsight and history remind us that fascism spreads like a raging firestorm in a pine forest) - than the roll-out of vaxxed certificates and passports.

WTF next for this burgeoning civil rights crisis morphing into a totalitarian control freak cum panopticon surveillance society dystopia? Plod Squad Stasi demands for 'Your papers!'

What a fucking state of affairs Food Bank Britain is in – nothing 'Great' about Britain any more – and as for the 'United' Kingdom terminology – 'United' is the last thing to describe it.

All the culmination of a long-planned plot to degrade our culture and citizenship – swiftly morphing into a devolved mess of polarised, socio-political chaos – and far from any semblance of national unity - due panic-driven factors now multiplied to the Nth degree through this fascist Covid-1984 mRNA blood-curdling 'clot-shot' vaccine genetic roulette scare-a-thon scam - juggling with the common herd's inviolate DNA, and serving to stretch the chasm of ill-will between the vaxxed vs the anti-vaxxed sectors of our evolving two-tier apartheid society.

While the post WW2 Empire's Day pledge viz citizenship – along with continued lax immigration policy - has seen Britain flooded with nasty foreign types, collectively unwashed - (apart from the recent - and ongoing - influx's cross-Channel salt water dousings) - and alien to our Anglo-Saxon culture and religion – all ready to impose the sectarian worship of their intolerant pagan deities upon us – (venal acts collectively serving to disenfranchise Albion-born citizens of our once-sacred isle) – as these illegal moochers strut ashore on the beaches of Dover – scrounging hands out for the glittering prizes – and too, receiving such – while homeless Brits – (the genuine article) - are racked by malnutrition n dossing in alleys n shop doorways - Britain's home-grown jingoist politicos are hell bent on massaging their egos - in Welsh 'Sheep Shagger' Wales  - and Nonceland's paedo paradise, north of Hadrian's Wall, where that mental midget, the cringe-worthy Wee Nippy cunt Sturgeon, is currently (but not for much longer) lording it over the incumbent Scottish Nonce Party and pushing the jingoist Independence ticket – and doing an equally grand job of spreading national discord.

To wit, this is where we stand, self-appointed Corporate demagogues lord it over our 'elected' (sic) politicos and thus rule us – with the former elevating themselves to a delusional God-like status and wielding unbridled 'totalitarian' power – via their bureaucracy stooges - over the semi-literate common herd – a Great Reset state of affairs diametrically opposed to the true nature of life, of human existence – driven via the mass media propaganda machine – specifically television and 'smart' (sic) phones / social networks - resulting in the required state of 'voluntary' semi-comatose Pavlovian conditioning – to induce hopelessness and suck the life force spirit out of their 'victims' – therein an act of menticide – dumbing down the facilities of rational – and critical – thought, to drive the common herd sheeple 'victims' into a state of compliant mass psychosis – with individuality, innovation, and creativity, stifled – and ceasing to thrive - thus paving a pathway to complete socio-economic ruination.

But this is WTF happens when We, the People, (aka the despised 'tax-paying' common herd sheeple) get into the habit of trusting a government and its inherent bureaucracy to tell the truth and put the public welfare first and foremost – then, this misguided evangelical faith besides, take our eyes off the ball and focus on officialdom's purposeful 'distractions'. We get 'deservedly' shafted.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – this is a symptom of our New Abnormal – and there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – (aka 'the Truth') - and exposing the fact this entire fake Wuhan 400 virus epidemic is a sinister distraction scam to be blamed for the Great Reset / imminent crashing of the world's financial markets and the complete Crapitalist debt-based monetary structure - (a defective n broken system that's been on life support for years) – resulting in a radical restructuring of the entire global economy with CBDCs - a la 2008 scenario on steroids - wherein the 99.9% disenfranchised poor get even poorer and the 0.01% elevated to a great category level of 'stinking rich' when picking up the post-apocalypse crashed commercial market commodities at cents on the dollar.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.

An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence – and my Freedom of Speech liberty guaranteed - as enshrined in Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention.

(Unless one has the audacity to subscribe to Assange's WickedLeaks – or support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of the horrid Hampstead – or  Nottingham's - Nasty Paedo Clubs - or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based Ferryhill Kiddie Fuckers cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors – then Sections 5 and 19 of the Public Order Act (1986) are enacted – and fair play Judicial Process, along with Common Fucking Sense, go the way of the Dodo).

Friday, 6 August 2021

Covid Plandemic Morphs Into 'Pingdemic'

First came the fear-mongering Covid-1984 Plandemic – a contagion driven more by the scare-a-thon mass media machines and government PCR false positive test propaganda outpourings than actual stricken bodies lying in the streets.

A state of panic which eventually morphed into a very transparent 'Scamdemic' – then was further manipulated into its current, 'New Abnormal' threadbare state of credibility with this latest NHS Track n Trace 'Pingdemic' – bolstered by the more at scent than substance A to Z virus variants hype – and a brigade of psychotic cult-stooge virtue-signalling celebs n social media 'influencers' on TikTok, Twitch, SpewTube and Insta-scam, driving a genocidal, 'shame on you' / 'get vaxxed' deception campaign – and all to get the entire global useless eater population injected with their 'experimental' nano-particle mRNA spike protein 'fake vaccine - and accommodate the Sabbatean death cult / Deep State's Great Reset / New World Order / 5G pulsed killer frequency orbital deployment agenda's 2025 completion schedule.

 NB: viz the term 'experimental' – there's nothing clinical trial 'experimental' about this mRNA spike protein shite the cult are pumping into the common herd's arms – they know for a fact the calculated toxicity of their poison potion and what it will do when fully activated with pulsed 5G frequency waves.

Seriously, this World Economic Forum neo-Nazi mastermind (sic) Klaus Slobb is a moronic joke gone off the rails, with his Great Reset jargon: 'you vill own nothing - und be happy'. What a klutz - Great Reset, my arse - Great Fuck Up would be a more fitting terminology.

As to the mRNA gene therapy shot being flogged off as some innocent 'vaccine' - which it ain't - just take five from dodging these illusory vindictive Covid Delta / Gamma virus variants and consider who the fuck wants to get jabbed with some spike protein-loaded anti-SARS-CoV-2 injectable shite that's been slapped with a name like 'lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified BNT162b2 RNA vaccine'?