Sunday, 27 June 2021

Skewed News Roundup

Bermondsey stabbing: Man killed at illegal rave.

Que? WTF? Once upon a time – and not that fucking long ago – the proviso for an open invite to a party was simply 'bring a bottle'. When did it morph into 'bring a knife'?

A man has been stabbed to death at an illegal rave - close to Millwall FC's south Bermondsey ground - after voicing complaint the performing rapper artist was 'shite'.

The Met Plod Squad found the victim at an unlicensed music event in an industrial unit just before midnight on Saturday.

A 16-year-old male was also found at the scene with head injuries and arrested in connection with the rave.

The teen was taken to a hospital with 'a condition' (pissed drunk n stoned) not believed to be life-threatening.


Classified MoD documents containing details of the Royal Navy's HMS Defenceless type 45 destroyer - along with top secret British military operations and plans - have been found at a bus stop in Kent.

The papers discuss likely Russian reactions to the ship's passage through Ukrainian waters of the Black Sea, off the Crimea coast, last Wednesday – and detailed plans for a possible UK military presence in Afghanistan to guard and oversee the safe harvest of opium crops once the US-led CIA / NATO drug-running operation is terminated and the Taliban assume control again.

The document bundle, in excess of 50 pages, and acquired as a cosy nest by hedgehogs, were discovered behind a bus stop in Kent (I-Spy dead letter box?) on Tuesday morning by a Russian holidaymaker (who wishes to remain anonymous) waiting for his coach ride with Novichok Tours for a scheduled  trip to Salisbury.

Investigating MI5 officers believe the documents – composed of maps, emails and Microslop PowerPoint presentations, are from the office of a senior official at the MoD – specifically Minister of Defence, 'Bumbling Ben' Wallace.


Shitehall Offices Bugged with CCTV Cams

In the wake of the Tory Nasty Party's Ill-Health Secretary, Matt Wancock, being caught on camera, engaging in carnal foreplay with his 'bit on the side' assistant Gina Coladangelo – in the supposed private confines of his ministerial office - the Freemasonic ranks of Whitehall's sodomite-ridden Civil Service are currently shitting kittens that they too might have been snapped in similar lascivious circumstances – while playing the beast with two backs / buggering the resident office catamite / tea boy.

Post-event, with arch-twat Wancock being hoist on his own hypocrisy-tipped petard, the DoH is planning to investigate how CCTV footage from the Minister's private office - of him breaking Covid social distancing rules - by bonking his taxpayer-funded assistant during working hours - was leaked by some low life disgruntled Shitehall whistle-blower to the gutter press Daily Shitraker tabloid – who apparently was of an opinion the CCTV video footage 'deserved a wider, 'public' viewing audience.

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Stop Press Latest: Wancock Resigns

The word on the street (Downing) claims BoJo whispered to his personal ninja problem-solver CIT (Critical Incident Team) "Who will rid me of this troublesome Ill-Health Secretary?" And voila - Wancock sort of 'falls' on own sword and resigns – not quite the Saturday evening spectacular self-immolation act of ritual seppuku we'd all been hoping for – but at least the useless, procrastinating twat has gone.

Though pathetic displays of crocodile tears for the media cameras besides, doubtless the Ill-Health Ministry will be manned by some equally untrustworthy Tory cunt – and the fake Covid-1984 scamdemic propaganda continue to be pumped out by Food Bank Britain's egregious, subservient media - faster than shit through a goose.

But while this class act 'fucking hopeless' onanist Wancock might be gone, all is not done with yet - and personal apologies to the Crime Minister for wrong-doing simply ain't gonna cut it – for the minor office groping scandal gathers a 'conflict of interest' variety of moss as it rolls downhill at a geometric rate – with revelations of institutional graft and corruption surfacing - and the stench of nepotistic 'chumocracy' embroiling Wancock and Gina Coladangelo – and her acne-ridden younger brother, Roberto – (a former Paddy Power bookie's runner) who set up an 'arse of yer pants' outsourcing firm - Partnering Health Ltd -  based out of his back garden shed – and fortuitously, like a bolt from the blue, awarded a £28 million quid government-funded Covid-1984 virus-related contract - to run the non-emergency NHS 111phone lines for the South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

Yep, Matt the Twat Wancock might have copped for a Chinese burn and had his arm twisted by the Whips and back-benchers until he did the right thing and resigned – yet here manifests our collective 'crisis of faith' in elected government - we are of one mind that it's a pity the rest of the Tory Nasty Party cabinet don't do the same – and take the bog standard Crime Minister, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, with them - and the opposition (sic) New / Old Labour war mongers party - and the utterly delusional, useless Lib-Dums - and the global warming (Brrrr!) climate change fixated Greenies - and any other fucker n their dog squatting in the House of Conmans - and the Upper House of Frauds dosspit chamber - and the computer modelling 'cry havoc' Covid alarmist SAGE shits. 

Okay, the common herd public are daft - believing we had elected a representative government of iron will - to oust that EUSSR Remainiac stooge, Treason Mayhem, and get Brexit finally done n dusted with - yet ended up with a bunch of clowns - and a circus without a tent.

Sarcastic humour besides, when it comes down to the establishment Them and little 'us' – the common herd sheeple (as we are collectively regarded by the elite) then the two rule factor applies – as so perfectly illustrated this past week by the bloviating Tory Nasty Party MP for manky Maldon, none other than the vacuous John Shittingdale, who inadvertently provided a stellar insight into the hypocrisy of this loopy lockdown when he publicly opined that, in his unqualified arrogance, quote: "people like me, who are important, shouldn’t have to follow the same Covid-19 quarantine rules as the rest of the population."

Hmmm, for the public record the inbred Shittingdale - (former Minister for Lap Dancing in Treason May's cabinet) – is the half-brother of arch shit weasel Charles Napier, former treasurer of the now-thankfully defunct (read 'gone underground') - kiddie fiddler-friendly Paedophile Information Exchange – an unwholesome perverted who was convicted of child sexual abuse offences in November 2014.

Friday, 25 June 2021

PM Johnson Okays Whitehall Office Sex

The gospel according to the Worstminster grapevine, Tory Nasty Party PM, Bonkers Boris Nonsense, has made an imprudent decision to stand by Ill-Health Secretary Matt Wancock after a series of scandalous I-Spy pix of him bonking his 'up close and personal' DHSC aide - married mother of three Gina Coladangelo-Tress – are plastered across the Page Three 'Sluts Section' of the Daily Shitraker.

Yep, obviously the hapless British public now unanimously agree with Bonkers BoJo's previously stated opinion (as snitched up to the press by ex-aide, and back-stabbing grasser, Dominoes Cummings) – that Matt the Twat is 'fucking hopeless' – and it's about time the incompetent 'Mutant Strain Matt' was exiled to the back benches – or more fitting still – put on the Liverpool Euthanasia Pathway short list - for termination with extreme prejudice.

There again, what kind of an example does the Crime Minister set – as Bonkers BoJo sports a notorious inability to keep his own cuckolding cock out of other women's pants – and is no stranger to being slapped with the 'adulterer' brand.

Conversely, BoJo's official non-binary spokesperson informed gutter press hacks the Crime Minister has accepted Wancock's apology after he was secretly snapped groping up his bit on the side 'office shag' - and considered the matter 'closed' – (like Wancock's office curtains should have been) – as long as Mrs Coladangelo-Tress' legs remain the same way - 'closed' - during office hours, at least.

The Downing Street official spokes-thing refused to answer further questions on whether Wancock had broken any Covid-1984 laws and pointed to the Ill-Health Secretary's original pubic (sic) announcement (read 'pathetic denial excuse') in which he stated he was trying to provide Ms Coladangelo with a 'deeper understanding' of the mechanics of government - later back-tracking on his earlier lies and admitted breaking social distancing regulations by engaging in a passion-induced spur of the moment 'knee trembler' with Mrs Coladangelo-Tress in his DHSC Shitehall office - albeit they both wore face muzzles during the frenzied carnal 'ass-twerking' encounter.

Now, here's the clincher that Bonkers Boris and his cabinet of corrupt batshit cohorts are missing - and too all other Marxist 'Great Reset' orientated uncivil servant science boffin n anorak types: Paddy Unbalanced, Chris Shitty, John-Boy 'Funny Guy' Van Tam and the cringeworthy Jenny Harries foremost - dictating all manner of lockdown, social distancing, face muzzle wearing, hand washing and stay home rules n regulations - the 'hands, face, space' mantra - while the likes of Imperial College's Professor Lockdown, Neil 'Fuckups' Ferguson and this clot of an Ill-Health Minister, Wancock - believe there's one rule for the common herd sheeple and another 'aexemption' rule for them - as both have been caught, in fragrant delicto, bonking some other bloke's wife - in breach of social distancing mandates - and the societal moral ethics reviling acts of adultery. 

And have either of their cuckolding twats been rightly disciplined for their Covid regulations breach hypocrisy or immoral and adulterous transgressions? Castigated in true Biblical fashion perhaps - and stoned, along with their loose moral slapper playmates. Some fucking chance - flexi-rules for the elitist scumsters and writ in stone rules for the proles.  

Little wonder the common herd are restive and pissed off with this entire Covid-1984 scamdemic pantomime - with the loopy lockdown June 21st Freedom Day postponed for a month - and probably be extended until fuck knows when. 

Just wait: "Autumn n Winter closing in - and this new 'Outa Thin Air' variant is more transmissible than both the Indian Delta variant and the Scotch Mist variant - so best keep the lockdowns in place til Spring 2022."

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Sabbatean Deep State Chess Set: The Pawns


Public: Strict Covid-1984 social distancing for news media piccy

Private: All mouth breathing morons sans face muzzles n couldn't give 
a flying fuck viz social distancing for up close n personal boozy session 
n watch RAF Shitehawk Squadron fighter jets spray Cornwall's pristine 
blue sky with climate-unfriendly toxic smoke trails.
Go get 'em, Greta