Wednesday 28 April 2021

OMG! Self-Driving Cars for UK Roads?

Self-driving cars enabling drivers to take their eyes off the road - and their hands off the wheel - will be permitted on UK motorways later this year.

The DfT's 'Total Idiocy Unit' announced it will allow hands-free driving in vehicles with lane-keeping technology on motorways with slow traffic - at speeds of up to 37mph. 

Que? Motorway travel at 37mph? Might as well be parked up in one of the DfT's few n far between 'refuge areas' – and wait on the AA to come n tow you to your destination.

Really , why the fuck would anyone, driving down a motorway - at a legal 70mph - even want to take 'both hands' off the wheel?

Send a text, more than likely – or post some ridiculous 'hands-free' selfie shite on social-media.

Yep, just when you foolishly concluded that the ultimate in un-safety on UK roads was the 'women drivers' factor - then came along the EUSSR's Turkish truckies taking a nap while hurtling down the M4 in the middle lane at close on the speed of sound - then the advent of disaster just looking for somewhere to happen - 'Smart Motorways' – rears its ugly – (and deadly) –head.

Now, just when you though stupidity had reached a point of singularity, to cap it all, self-driving cars have been given the go-ahead by the Tory Nasty Party government's Ministry for Gross Incompetence.

Mind you - self-drive cars might just prove a safer option viz women drivers n Turkish truckies.

There again, we have super-tosspot Elon Muskrat and his Tesla self-drives. What a dog wanker – on a par with Microslop's Eugenics Bill n his Gates of Hell Foundation GMO mass genocide Covid-1984 vaccine scam.

Elon Muskrat's Tesla - on 'ALKS auto-pilot' (automated lane keeping system) hits police car. Did it hit a lamp post or a tree? No. The next worse thing – hit a pig truck – with the pigs in it.


This entire self drive fiasco – conjoined with Food Bank Britain's 'not-so-smart' motorways - beats Harold Lloyd's 1920's hilarious B n W movie – Safety Last.

WTF will the psycho anoraks n beardie weirdos think up next – an updated version of the 9/11 self-flying passenger planes?

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