Monday 6 July 2020

UK Slaps Sanctions on Human Rights Abusers

The gospel according to the Tory Nasty Party's Foreign Secretary, 'Dodgy Dominic' Scaab, the government of Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) is set to impose sanctions on 49 'named n shamed' villains responsible for the most notorious human rights and wrongs abuses of recent years.

Individuals implicated in the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009 and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 will have their UK assets frozen and banned from visiting Britain's food banks.

Action will also be taken against two 'un-named' Myanmar generals over the ethnic cleansing violence directed against the minority Rohingya people – with specific notice of the aforesaid sanctions directed at high ranking NorKor ten star military commander, General Pak Lunch.

Speaking in the House of Conmans this morning, FS Scaab stated for the public record he was ready to apply the statutes of the 2018 Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act in taking action against the 'thugs of despots and henchmen of dictators' - as well as stopping those trying to launder their 'blood-stained ill-gotten gains' – with a 'vital industries' exemption for the likes of De Beers diamond conglomerate, BAE Systems and other 'merchants of death' armament dealers.

Hmmm, interesting – so Crime Minister Bonkers Boris Nonsense and his phony crony Tory gang are hot to trot on targeting human rights abusers and any other fucker and their dog on their shit list – but there was nary a mention of going after the graft and corruption-ridden rogue Zionist state of Israel's war criminals and IDF human rights abusers – starting at the top with the ruling Likit Party Slime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo and his  psycho Sabbatean-Frankist death cult cronies.

So too is the conspicuous absence of any reference to the Middle Kingdom's Beijing-based human rights violators and their Hong Kong deployed secret police agents provocateur agitators - purposely omitted from the Tory's selective shit list.

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