Friday 8 May 2020

Doggy Poop Disposal Conundrum

Now here's one for the bow-wow pet owning-community of Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) to put their collective dog-walking minds to answering – both responsible - and irresponsible - members of this 'man's best friend' cult.

Okay, dog owners take their pooch out for a walk so Fido can sniff lamp posts n trees – n other dog's asses – and cock a leg – but mainly take a crap outdoors and not on the kitchen floor.
No problems so far.

Along with the evolution of public health policy - and common herd outrage viz treading in the ubiquitous piles of dog shit that used to pollute our pavements and parklands - a trend of 'scoop the poop' was initiated, with speciality canine crap bags on sale and carried by conscientious dog walkers to bag and dispose of - in the correct parkland allocated 'dog shit bin' - Fido's daily digestive download.
So far, so good.

Out jogging each morning through rural woods and across grassed parklands it is quite rare that I inadvertently step in dogshite – perhaps a load of excrement discharged by some hound on the loose and unseen by the owner. As the t-shirt say – shit happens.
To wit – reflecting on the last statement it appears, to all intents and purposes, that the 'scoop the poop' regime is working – and maybe working too well.

Now while I rarely tread in – or see – raw dogshite on my runs, what does offend mine eyes is a plethora of weighty tie-handle poo bags simply discarded – and slung with delinquent aforethought -  into the pathway bushes – and worse still – hung on fences or tree branches.

For fuck's sake, what is in the minds of these morons? If you own a dog you take responsibility for its wellbeing – feeding, exercise and health – and correctly disposing of its bagged shite. If you are too lazy or simply can't be arsed with observing common sense sanitation and community-responsibility, then buy a fucking budgie.

No shit – and zero pun intended – if dog crap is left on the ground then insects and bacteria will make short work of it in a rural setting.
Left inside a purposely discarded plastic bag the crap will never decompose – perhaps eventually dehydrate and become another dumped addition to the 'couldn't care less' felonious attitude litter that despoils our countryside – and the entire planet.

Not that I am condoning, but can understand the mindset of the semi-responsible – they see Fido take a dump, then religiously scoop the poop – and then the slack-arsed side of their nature takes over – a quick look around – no fucker watching – and toss the bag into the bushes.
That is just bone idleness on their part. These are the types of people who are responsible for hit n run vehicle accidents – and cause civil strife.

Now, to the nitty-gritty – the fence and tree poop bag hangers. This shower are in critical need of mental health treatment – and a slap round the fucking head.
WTF is going through their minds – hang a bag of dog shit on a fence or the branch of a tree?

For fuck's sake, do they believe the local borough council have some dedicated poop bag retrieval squad operating around the rural byways and woods of our once-sceptred isle?

Or are they that stupid and totally deluded into thinking some enthusiastic 'Scat Detail' branch of the Tooth Fairy Brigade – instead of doing the rounds and collecting extracted ivory from under a kid's pillow and leaving a silver sixpence in its place – they actually patrol the woods and gather up irresponsibly discarded bags of festering dog shit hanging from trees?

As I stated in a recent blog post, I believe it was Orde Wingate's elder brother, who, after a lifetime of overseas Christian missionary work - attempting to turn bipeds into men - stated on his death bed the superbly-qualified personal opinion that 90% of humanity wasn't worth saving.

Now that acute observation specifically applies to the poop bag tree hangers.

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