Friday, 20 November 2020

Anti-Vaxx Truthsaying Now a Crime

Food Bank Britain's Tory Nasty Party's IQ-deficient Health Secretary (sic), Matt 'The Twat' Wancock, this week stated for the public record that he did not rule out an 'executive order' bill of totalitarian legislation being implemented via the House of Conmans to enforce mandatory vaccine shots and achieve 'common herd immunity' against the fake Covid-1984 scamdemic virus.

To add to the above 'fascist intent' psychopathic insanity, some Met-based dipshit endowed with the Plod Squad rank of 'Senior Counter-Common Sense Officer' has joined the vaccine evangelist Tosspot Choir and is demanding the introduction of deeply insidious new laws to punish people who spread anti-vaccination / 5G conspiracy theories – aka those canny political dissidents with a couple of brain cells still functioning, who do the research and 'broadcast the Truth' viz Big Bad Pharma's GMO vaccines chocker block with all manner of recombinant RNA crap that's intended to inflict DNA genetic modification and thus initiate the human mutation agenda that's gonna have kids looking like Blinky the Fish - and the creepy Satanic death cult's plot to conjure up a Sixth Great Extinction - with the comatose 'useless eater' common herd demographic as the sitting duck 'mass population cull' target victim of their malevolent agenda.

The Met's Assistant Chief Pig, 'Nazi Neil' Basu - a class act ideologue, desperate to maintain the epistemic illusion of power and control - informed one gutter press hack from the Despots Gazette, that in his unqualified opinion, there should be a law to criminalise critical thinkers who question the 'Satanically-inverted' official Covid-1984 'public welfare' psy-op narrative - online and / or across social media networks - linking the virus outbreak n vaccine roll-out timeline with 5G terrestrial deployment 'and' Elon Muskrat's launch of zillions of 5G satellites to orbit the Earth and beam down nasty millimetre wave mind-bending / oxygen diffusing microwave frequencies on a hapless politically 'liberal-orientated' population - which the ruling PTB fear might convince the unwashed taxpayer demographic to refuse being injected with - or sterilised by - Bent Bill's nasty 'Gates of Hell' PhyloCode tagging vaccine.

Hmmm, pity that We, the People, of our once-sceptred isle of Albion, do not have a US-style Second Amendment charter - the Right to Bear Arms - then the likes of this twat Basu and his authoritarian control freak contemporaries might think twice before loosing the mob-handed - craven - Plod Squad riot thugs on peaceful anti-lockdown protesters with steel Asps and pepper spray - and interrogating pub diners enjoying a Scotch egg and a pint of what constitutes a 'substantial meal' - as if these morons would know - and Bonkers Boris is recruiting another 20,000 of the wankers.

In a letter to 10 Downing Street, Labour's pathetic excuse for a party leader, Kier Stammerer - yet another system-owned and controlled snivelling shit-weasel - claimed there were dedicated anti-vaccination groups online with hundreds of thousands of followers, bent on a sustained campaign of civil disobedience, who were challenging the government's absurd hysteria-generating Covid-1984 'bullshit' narrative- and the deliberate strangulation of normal societal intercourse - with 'real science' and genuine, non-partisan medical opinion focused on the issue – thus exposing the social distancing, lockdown and face muzzle regulations for the fake science scams they truly are - and threatening to toss a brick through Parliament's 'Overton Window'.

Labour's shadow culture secretary Jojo Stevens and shadow ill-health secretary Jonboy Ashworth, a pair of talentless jobsworths out to politicize the vaccine brouhaha for their own self-interest ends, claim this unmitigated spread of the Truth online over Covid-1984 being a 'plandemic' remained uncensored and presents a clear and present danger to the take-up of any potential 'Stamping Out' mass euthanasia vaccine – an act that serves to further undermine trust in a government hell bent on morphing Britain's economy into Third World basket case status.

"This is literally a matter of life and death and anyone who is dissuaded from being vaccinated due the brazen and outrageous exposure of the batshit Covid virus being a hoax simply means one person too many shrugging off their collective mental paralysis and awakening to the government's eugenics programme and the fact they're getting shafted. Thus we need to act now and keep the public subliminally brainwashed and finger-pointing - and blaming one another for spreading the virus - before it's too late and they achieve some conscious level of critical mass awareness and all start thinking for themselves," Stevens added.

Labour's shills and jobsworths team further warned that current legal measures do not go far enough and questioned Bonkers Boris' Tory government to cease and desist simply referring to the anti-vaxxer camp as 'oicks' - and demanded to know why these agitating, insurrectionist scallies were not being arrested and charged with sedition – or shot on sight.

Now here we have a novel definition of illogical thought – spiced up with a touch of overt fascism - which borders on the insane – viz the subject of mandatory / forced vaccinations – with the justification claim being that unvaccinated folks are pariahs and a danger to society, that could infect - (who exactly?) - the vaccinated / immunised sector of society.

Sorry boys, that one doesn't come close to passing the common sense test – but there again, neither does our current government of blundering buffoons or their elitist Juju Men - a gaggle of conflict-of-interest  medical and science SAGE incompetent advisors - peddling fubar computer models and manipulated 'false positives' PCR test results, along with conjured 'Covid cases' death headcounts – all under the thumb of their inter-dimension Sabbatean death cult masters driving the Flu World Order agenda on the back of their conjured Covid-1984 scamdemic - and this ultra-manipulated Great Reset and the New Abnormal culture that is creating havoc - and simmering sub-nuclear resentment - a manifestation of anger and fury that now encompasses the entire estate of global society. 

Hence why Tory PM, Bonkers Boris de Piffle Ataturk Nonsense, and his Nasty Party cabinet cronies are under orders from their Masters and the Behavioural Manipulation Unit to recruit 20,000-plus extra intellectually challenged Plod Squad morons - to boost the ranks of the all-new sadistic face-stamping Stasi and disperse organised lockdown demonstrations and organised marches, and arrest the protestors - plus enforce mandatory vaccinations.  Just wait for it, when the control freak Stasi are patrolling the highways and byways in brute force pairs and cornering honest 'about-their-business' citizens, with a thrust out hand, demanding 'Papers!'

Now here's one for the gullible public to mull over - those addicted to the government's catchy sound bites and mass media propaganda, who've unfortunately been inundated with 'trust us' lies and programmed, since childhood, to have blind trust in government authorities - and are destined, if left to their own devices - and the Death Cult's agenda - to cannibalise each other into extinction.

The essence of a defence of 'volenti non fit injuria' (to a willing person, no injury is done) is a common law doctrine which states that the claimant understands the danger of the situation and willingly consents to the risk of injury.

As such, the defence will only be successful in clear cases.

Under the statute of the original 1984 act, medical intervention without obtaining valid and 'informed consent' constitutes a criminal act.

Conversely, under the recently-updated martial law status amendments, it is an offence to refuse the vaccine unless one has a 'reasonable excuse'.

 So, WTF qualifies as 'reasonable'? Well, if and when 'push comes to shove', here's one to try.

Do not blatantly refuse the vaccine / inoculation but rather ask the person administering such - (doctor / nurse / prison medic / internment camp guard / Dr Mengele look-alike / whoever) - viz possible 'side effects' – "Does it contain MRC-5?" – (they all do) - and - "Is it possible the vaccine can cause a latrogenic reaction?" – (yes, they all can) – "and possibly anaphylactic shock?" (yes, again, they can).

Then go for broke and ask "How about causing autism or the paralysing Guillain-Barré syndrome?"

If the medics are unable to answer – or reply positively on one or both – or even all counts - then politely 'refuse' the jab and leave the building – if the armed military / Plod Squad thugs allow you.

Thus, if these nano-chip / smart dust / DNA-buster vaccines 'do no harm' to the hapless recipients, then WTF do the likes of Big Pharma and National Ill-Health Service doctors need this liability dispensation protection for?

To wit, if a recipient suffers 'adverse' health effects, post-inoculation, the manufacturers / medical personnel administering such vaccine cannot be held liable – and sued / prosecuted - for causing harm.

So much for the iconic Oath of Hippocrates. Hmmm, Hypocrisy Oath is nearer the mark.

In conclusion, fuck the hoax Covid-1984 plandemic - and Darpa's DNA genetic modification quantum dot hydrogel vaccine crap these Satanist freaks want to inject into every fucker and their dog - toxic 'cognitive suppressor' nano-shite which remains inert - until activated via 5G transmitted millimetre wave frequencies.

What these Fourth Industrial Revolution schemers 'dream' of - this 'by design Satanic reality' they are determined to impose upon all lesser mortals - via immunity passport coercion - will be curtailed and blocked by the coming Singularity - which they, in their supreme and unqualified elitist arrogance, (EUSSR / Global Government) have not observed from a 'quantum' distance - as we, the useless eaters, have - at a non-Luciferic and purist Christian spiritual level, and it shall be their ultimate undoing - at every level of their aristocratic mongrel inbreeding. 

We are the Future, not these self-declared 'Illuminated' elitist arseholes - and the past was designed to be left there - behind (but not forgotten) - in the fucking past. 

I am possessed, from birth, with a Divine and unique intrinsic protection - a fully functional and robust immune system – and a supernatural constitution - and the Covid-1984 myth-spinners can kiss my ass.

"The (UK's) MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed."

Titled simply, “Supplies – 506291-2020” and found at this link on Tenders Electronic Daily, this contract award notice was posted on October 19th, 2020.

Does this sound like an agency expecting the covid-19 vaccine to be safe and effective?

The MHRA is expecting covid-19 vaccines to cause a surge of adverse events / side effects due to the breakneck rush to get a vaccine on the market and dispensing with lengthy animal trials - and thus using the recipient common herd demographic as experimental 'guinea pigs'- sans any mention of 'informed consent' - and in blatant breach of the Nuremberg Code.

The MHRA is fully aware that these adverse events will harm and kill many patients. They specifically warn of, “a direct threat to patient life.”

The MHRA’s legacy systems are unable to handle the expected volume of incoming reports of covid-19 vaccine injuries, meaning the expected volume of such reports will be very large and unprecedented.

The MHRA recognizes the “extreme urgency” of putting a new system in place to identify the adverse reactions of covid-19 vaccines.

The MHRA states that if a new AI system is not urgently installed, it will be unable to identify many of the adverse reactions stemming from the covid-19 vaccine, and that this failure will negatively impact public health - specifically, a legion of common herd sheeple are gonna croak).